451 Search results for dairy



Cellulite is little bags under the skin holding fluid waste of the fatty reserve areas, the buttocks and thighs.

Alkaline Water

Alkaline Water

Starches break down into carbonic acid, making its way into joints. Lactic acid from the brake down of the dairy products consumed.

The Truth About Healing

The Truth About Healing

No one can heal you but God and yourself. Your and my body was constructed and designed to naturally and automatically heal from any disease or injury no matter how insidious the disease or injury may be.

Disease Control

Disease Control

Diseases are only incurable under the Western allopathic approach to medicine. Never settle for having a disease under control. Always seek to heal from and cure the disease. Diseases are used to control the minds of people.

Epilepsy (Seizures)

Epilepsy (Seizures)

Epilepsy can be healed. Best remedies for epilepsy. Dietary recommendations and products that aid in the prevention and healing of seizures. Herbs great for healing epilepsy increase and enhance oxygen flow throughout the body.

High Cholesterol

High Cholesterol

The first step in addressing high cholesterol in order to reverse it is to modify your diet and totally eradicate all animal and animal by-products.

Beware of Protein Health Bars

Beware of Protein Health Bars

A majority of protein bars that have been popping up over the past ten years and making their way into local gyms and health food stores and even commercial super markets are crap. A few exceptions do exist. Beware of protein bars, especially those made from whey, a dairy product. Listed are a few natural sources of protein.



You can use cornstarch or arrowroot powder to sprinkle on the skin to help soothe the irritated skin; or, you can use cool aloe vera gel on the skin. Calendula cream orgel may also provide relief of the itching.



Inflammation of the bursa caused by mucus. Like all other degenerative diseases, bursitis can be healed naturally. Individual herbs good for assisting in the healing. Dietary recommendations that help prevent and treat bursitis.



Boils are degenerative in nature, which means they are reversible via diet and lifestyle change. If diet and lifestyle can change boils, then it stands to reason that diet and lifestyle, improper or insalubrious diet and lifestyle, played a role in their development.

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