141 Search results for starch



Drink plenty of water and good herbal teas that benefit the female hormonal system. Change your thoughts from negative to positive.

Alkaline Water

Alkaline Water

Starches break down into carbonic acid, making its way into joints. Lactic acid from the brake down of the dairy products consumed.

Disease Control

Disease Control

Diseases are only incurable under the Western allopathic approach to medicine. Never settle for having a disease under control. Always seek to heal from and cure the disease. Diseases are used to control the minds of people.

Gluten Intolerance: Celiac’s Disease

Gluten Intolerance: Celiac’s Disease

Medical literature tells us that gluten is used as an adhesive agent. Adhesive means sticking. Intolerance to gluten means one has eaten too much of it. Body rebels, manifesting as an allergy, to save the person’s life. Allergies are warnings.



You can use cornstarch or arrowroot powder to sprinkle on the skin to help soothe the irritated skin; or, you can use cool aloe vera gel on the skin. Calendula cream orgel may also provide relief of the itching.



Inflammation of the bursa caused by mucus. Like all other degenerative diseases, bursitis can be healed naturally. Individual herbs good for assisting in the healing. Dietary recommendations that help prevent and treat bursitis.

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