Full Body Cleanse Approved

Chocolate Banana Pie with Coconut Whipped Cream FBC Approved

Chocolate Banana Pie with Coconut Whipped Cream

.This pie is pretty much all raw but i can’t lie – the coconut milk i used was not.Make your own if u like.This pie is too delicious and hits the spot where whipped cream is missing. It’s actually better because it has hints of coconut.

Migraine Reliever Juice FBC Approved

Migraine Reliever Juice

This juice is great for people who suffer from the agony and stress of migraine attacks! Sip this juice to help relax your mind.

Raw Brownies & Strawberries FBC Approved

Raw Brownies & Strawberries

Raw brownies have the same ingredients as good quality (and let’s face it – expensive) energy bars like Clif Bars or Larabars.

Raw Almond Milk FBC Approved

Raw Almond Milk

Almond milk is easy to make from scratch. This homemade almond milk recipe is a completely raw food recipe, a real raw treat!

Electrolyte Energy Drink FBC Approved

Electrolyte Energy Drink

For the times you do a heavier workout, make your own sports drink. It’s easy, quick, naturally refreshing and free of chemicals.

Raw Vegetable Cream Cheese Recipe FBC Approved

Raw Vegetable Cream Cheese Recipe

You’re coming home for dinner. What are you going to eat?? Have a batch of this raw vegetable cream cheese recipe on hand and your tastebuds will thank you. Smooth and salty, it tastes divine paired with cucumber rounds.

Raw Vegan “Chicken Salad” FBC Approved

Raw Vegan “Chicken Salad”

Feeling like you want a little extra protein to flavor your raw meals? Whip up this raw rendition of chicken salad to fill up on raw foods.

Cheesy Curry Sauce FBC Approved

Cheesy Curry Sauce

This is a healthy, nutrient-packed sauce that looks and tastes a lot like a creamy, cheesy sauce. It’s got a few secret spices for flavor!

Avocado Dressing FBC Approved

Avocado Dressing

This dressing is simple, delicious, and super nourishing. It’s so good that you’ll just want to take a spoon and eat it without salad!

Raw Vegan Nutella FBC Approved

Raw Vegan Nutella

A healthier take on the store bought nutella that is able to be eaten by Raw food enthusiasts as well as chocolate lovers.

Baby Collard Tacos FBC Approved

Baby Collard Tacos

Here is another raw taco recipe to add to your raw food recipe arsenal. You are going to wonder where this has been your whole cleanse!

Raw Ketchup FBC Approved

Raw Ketchup

This is a healthy recipe for a condiment that you know and love. It is a great condiment to pair with raw fries or dehydrated burgers.

Raw Dehydrated Yam Burger FBC Approved

Raw Dehydrated Yam Burger

Looking to satisfy your burger craving while you are cleansing? This raw, dehydrated burger is just the recipe that will do the trick.

Zucchini Cashew Ranch Dip FBC Approved

Zucchini Cashew Ranch Dip

If you don’t want to eat vegetable sticks by themselves, use this dip to entice your taste buds while you are on a raw foods diet.


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