This Detox Water Helps Get Rid Of Belly Fat

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Some people call it the pooch, while others refer to it as the muffin top. Even if you call it the spare tire or beer belly, the fact remains that it’s hard to get rid of belly fat. Nobody wants it there, but belly fat is stubborn fat. It’s like a teenager that wants to rebel against authority. The authority is you in this situation. Unfortunately, there is no magic potion that zaps belly fat away, but a series of exercises, healthy eating choices, and drinks like this detox water can help.

How can a simple detox water encourage the elimination of belly fat? It’s all about the ingredients, folks. All of them are low in calories, but they are rich in fiber, which accelerates the digestive process. The lemon and ginger assist with toxin elimination. Toxins and waste can accumulate in the digestive tract, which can lead to belly fat development. That’s why this water aims to flush them out! Additionally, the ingredients also help to speed up metabolism.

This Detox Water Helps Get Rid Of Belly Fat
  • Prep Time:5m
  • Total Time:5m


  • 1 tbsp. 100% fresh aloe vera juice
  • 1 cucumber, thinly sliced
  • 1 tbsp. ginger root, peeled and grated
  • 1 lemon, sliced into thin rounds
  • 1 bunch cilantro, thick stems removed
  • filtered water


  1. Add all of the ingredients to a large pitcher and fill it up with filtered water.
  2. Place the pitcher in the fridge overnight so that the water can infuse with flavors.
  3. The drink is ready to consume the following day.


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