Q: Do you have or recommend an herbal cellulite cream that can be used as a body wraps to lose inches? There are so many : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

Ask The Herbalist

Cellulite doesn't come from a crème so it can't be healed with a crème. Cellulite is the result of diet and lifestyle so you have to make the necessary changes to your diet and lifestyle. Period! You're dealing with the Law of Cause and Effect here. The cause of cellulite is poor eating and lifestyle habits and the effect of poor dieting and lifestyle is disease, i.e. cellulite. I suggest you keep on detoxing! These wraps only work minimally, but it's cutting corners because even after having them performed you are still toxic inside - a walking time bomb! Please read some of our Cellulite articles.

Zinc Formula
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