Q: I have 3 questions: 1st what is good for ulcers? 2nd my mom is 70yrs old and I want her to start taking supplements. : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

Ask The Herbalist

1. Ulcers: give Ulcus Buster a try! Have her drink aloe vera juice (a cup) per day. Read our "Ulcers" article on our site under ARTICLES. 2. For HBP: have her perform the Full Body Cleanse. Read our HBP article too! For Diabtes, have her perform the Pancreas Cleanse And Regimen . Also, read the "Diabetes" article. 3. Read the "CANCER: Causes and Remedies" article! Have the friend Detox Tea and drink Rainforest Tonic Tea simulataneously.

Full Body Cleanse
Pancreas Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Vitamin C
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