Q: I have had recurrent ankle trauma (refrigerated grate fell on it, then a computer and then ankle twist). I have : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

Ask The Herbalist

Are you capricorn, aquarius, or pisces? These signs usually have ailments suchas what you describe. Capricorn governs the legs (and knees), aquarius governs the ankles and pisces the feet. You are attracting these injuries via thought. A message is being conveyed, perhaps about the direction of your life. It would take a full consultation to get to the root of the problem. Give the body parts nutrition in the form of MSM Sulfur, Joint Aid and Headache And Pain Formula. We give 15% discounts for written testimonies. We really have no way to track referrals, so we rely upon testimonials to reward people for all they do for Dherbs.com.

Joint Aid
MSM Sulfur

Zinc Formula
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