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Ask The Herbalist
The Full Body Cleanse can help remove heavy metals from the body via the use of activated charcoal. No other product removes heavy metals like activated charcoal (carbon). Now if your focus is mainly on removing heavy metals, we suggest you use liquid bentonite clay (every other day while on the cleanse) and also drink plenty of vegetable juice that has plenty of cilantro in it. Cilantro is an excellent heavy metal remover, especially for mercury (due to mercury amalgam in the mouth). You don't have to cleanse for 3-6 months straight to remove heavy metals. You simply cleanse, add liquid bentonite clay, cilantro juice, perform castor oil packs for liver cleanses, get colonics performed and do enemas (coffee enemas), drink oxygenated water (1 ounce every 30 minutes), fast (once you're off the cleanse); perform hot water soaks in 2-3 boxes of sea salt, etc.