Q: I just purchased the Lifestyle Manual, and I really love it. However, I have two questions that were not elaborated on. : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

Ask The Herbalist

Glad you enjoyed the e-book! However, sounds like you did not receive a copy of the updated version which lists this information. ALKALINE WATER MACHINE: Aardvark Juicers www.Aardvarkjuicers.com Compare Ionizers www.compareionizers.com Earth Trade www.earthtradewater.com Fern's Nutrition www.fernsnutrition.com Healing Water Machines www.healingwatermachines.com Healthnut Alternatives www.healthnutalternatives.com Heartland Herb Shop www.heartlanDherbshop.com High Tech Health www.hightechhealth.com Ion Life www.ionizers.org Kangen www.iluvwater.com Life Ionizers www.lifeionizers.com Natural Solutions www.naturalsolutions1.com Tyent USA www.tyentusa.com Review of Best 3 Alkaline Water Machines www.ionizersreviewed.com OZONE MACHINES: Applied Ozone Systems www.appliedozone.com Enaly www.enaly.com Water Oz www.wateroz.com p.s - Water Oz makes the best ozone machines!

Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual (eBook)

Zinc Formula
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