Q: I wanted to know if you have any products for ADHD for kids? : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

Ask The Herbalist

There are numerous factors that contribute to ADD and ADHD, however one of the main one’s is diet. We recommend giving your child the Children’s Full Body Liquid Cleanse to eliminate the waste and toxins from their system. In doing the cleanse their detoxing all of their major organs, putting their overall health into a better place making it more receptive to treatment. The cleanse requires a raw food vegan based diet, to help give your child’s body the break it needs from certain foods that play a big role in the condition. After your child finishes the cleanse we recommend giving them the Magical Alchemical Elixir, Brain Booster and the Sixth Chakra formula's to specifically help aid with the conditions of ADHD. Please take time to following articles: Should I Give My or ADHD Child Drugs?, Attention-Deficit Disorder.

Brain Booster

Zinc Formula
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