Q: I would like to know how long you need to take a parasites verbal? : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

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To remove major parasites I recommend the 3-week parasite and worm kit and regimen. Not the single formula called parasite formula.

How long is working? It will depend on the person!

I brought the product for my father, he is 64 yrs old, had been using one whole bottle now and he said did not feel is working at all. I am not sure if I should continued using the product again. He is complained of have a worm in his stomach for very long time and the only things that make him little better by eating yogurt. The yogurt is feeding the worm that's why he feels a little better after eating yogurt. Yogurt is no good. It needs to all raw fods, mostly fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of vegetable juice, pomegranate juice, and eat a lot of pumpkin seeds.

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