Q: What are the various foods that I should eat for my melanin and also to reduce mucus in my body? : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

Ask The Herbalist

For melanin consciousness, eat all natural foods (fruits and vegetables), especially all green-colored plants that you like to eat. get plenty of nutritional copper (mineral) as well. Make sure you are sleep between the hours of 12 a.m. - 4 a.m when you pineal gland is secreting most of your melatonin which is very anti-aging in nature. Simply eat ALKALINE (raw fruits and vegetables) and this alone will combat mucus and prevent mucus buildup. Mucus comes from cooking food and eating unnatural things, like meat and dairy products and other refined things (i.e. refined bread, pastries). Pease read "Get Off Your Get Off Your Acid: Alkaline Foods You Think Are Acidic".

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