Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 166) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

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We condone a more all-natural, holistic approach to weight loss. Please check out our Full Body Cleanse to see how you can lose weight and restore your body to optimal health.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Tamanu Oil is a great all-natural product and safe to use.

Check out the Uterus Cleanse And Regimen to help with the reduction of fibroids and tumors in the female reproductive system. The Uterus Cleanse And Regimen is ALL-NATURAL, safe and effective at aiding with the process of shrinking, dissolving and preventing future growth of fibroid tumors.

Uterus Cleanse

We highly recommend you perform the Full Body Cleanse followed by the 10 Day Colon Cleanser. 

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Colon Cleanse

Check out the Cardiovascular Formula and the Circulation Aid.

Circulation Aid

Please read our article "Hair Problems" on our site under articles. You can also try our Hair, Skin, & Nails Formula and the Hair & Scalp Oil to stimulate hair growth without potential side effects of Rogaine.

Hair Skin Nails
Hair & Scalp Oil

Begin by using an all-natural toothpaste (Neem, Peelu, Ayurveda, Tom's of Maine). These toothpastes don't have any harmful ingredients, such as SLS, that can impair your body and cause disease. We also suggest ingesting Activated Charcoal with water to aid your detoxification.  

Activated Charcoal

You can take the Menstrual Cycle Formula and the Fibroid Formula together, as they complement one another. These formulas may help reduce your symptoms. For multiple sclerosis, first perform the Full Body Cleanse. This cleanse will help reset your system and perform optimally. After you complete the cleanse, do a regimen of 3 capsules each of Brain Booster, Circulation Aid, and Central Nervous System Formula.

Full Body Cleanse
Brain Booster
Central Nervous System
Circulation Aid
Uterus Formula
Menstrual Cycle Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Sounds like an acute or heightened form of tinnitus. Try getting your ears coned a couple of times. Ear candling is very helpful in ear disorders. 

For digestive problems after a meal, we recommend the Electric Greens Combo.

Electric Greens Combo

Before the Liver Cleanse, we reccomend your aunt to perform the Full Body Cleanse (while strictly following the diet). This cleanse should greatly help her issues with cholesterol and hypertension. Once the cleanse is complete, she can maintain her newfound health with these formulas - Intestinal Cleanser, Cardiovascular Formula, Circulation Aid and the Cholesterol Formula.

Full Body Cleanse
Cholesterol Formula
Circulation Aid
Intestinal Cleanser
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

You can do the 10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen.

10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen

You can take the Nerve formula regularly. Our products are all herbal based, natural and completely safe to take for as long as needed. If you wanted to go the extra step, consider doing the Nerve Cleanse. 

Nerve Formula

Yes, the Joint Aid can be very beneficial in restoring joint flexibility and mobility. Also, MSM Sulfur can help cushion your knee joints to help prevent the grinding.

Joint Aid
MSM Sulfur

The Full Body Cleanse can help knock out your Hepatitis (A, B, or C) in 20 days. Upon completion, we also recommend that  you take 3 capsules of the Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen and Vitamin C.

Full Body Cleanse
Liver, Spleen & Gallbladder
Vitamin C
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

For your health problems, try either Jackrabbit formula or our Testosterone Booster. These two formulas should help with your symptoms. We also recomend the Full Body Cleanse people who are dealing with diabetes. 

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Testosterone Booster

We would suggest the Anti-V Formula to help cleanse your system of impurities, bacteria, viruses, and infections that can harm your body.

Anti-V Formula

Metaphysically, cancer denotes a feeling being eaten up (on the inside) by some emotion or emotions, always negative emotions. Mouth cancer - the person refused to speak out their hurt, anger, pain, etc. Breast cancer - the female failed to get things off of her chest or neglected caring for herself (nurturing herself, her wounds and pains, etc.). Colon cancer - the person couldn't stomach things but failed to release what was emotionally eating away at them. Metaphysically speaking, poor circulation means your "life flow" is stagnant due to the burdens of life "weighing you down." Most people with poor circulation have weight issues. In addition they may be "poor" and their cash flow does not "circulate" the way they'd would like and so worries about bills and other financial responsibility makes them eat away their worries whereby they gain weight and hamper their bodily circulation. And yes, chemicals in hair products (dyes, conditioners, relaxers) are playing a role in certain cancers of the head (i.e. brain cancer).

What you want to look for in a water purification system is the type of filter it contains. The best filter material is CARBON, COPPER, and QUARTZ (crystal). All three are good at the filtering process. The filter should either be an osmosis unit or an ionization unit.

For best results, you should wait until after the dental procedure to start the cleanse. Please read "How To Detox Chemicals After You Go To The Dentist".


Zinc Formula
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