Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 49) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

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It wasn't the Jackrabbit formula, Sir! It was your state of health, medication, diet, etc. Herbs are programmed to work so if you get no results, CHECK your health, diet, and lifestyle. You need to detox and find an alternative to that harmful and toxic drugs and medications! You sound like you have a serious circulation problem and diabetes greatly impairs circulation. It's deeper than Jackrabbit formula not working. Something in your body is not working, like your circulation. Time to address the real problem, Beloved!

Personally I wouldn't relax my hair at all, but for a woman, 3 times a year wouldn't be so bad. Please read "Hair Problems".

After she detoxes, have her take: 1. Cardiovascular formula. 2. Electric Greens Combo 3. Colon & Digestive Tract, 4. Substance Cleanse Kit.

Colon & Digestive Tract
Electric Greens Combo
Substance Cleanse

The discharge along with the menstrual cycle is CLEANSING. That's all! Any discharge is the body's way of eliminating what should not be in the body. Read some of our health articles, i.e. "Myth Of Menstruation" and "Vaginal Odors and Discharges". There are located under "Articles" on our site! She has nothing to worry about! She only needs insight and understanding.

Bunny Rabbit is a sexual stimulant, an aphrodisiac and will help with vaginal wetness and arousal. Formula 69 extract is a sexual stimulant as well, but not as strong as Bunny Rabbit. But it works well with Bunny Rabbit. Yoni Cleanser, repairs the uterus. It is more a formula for the uterus.

Yoni Cleanser
Bunny Rabbit

Modify your diet (meat and dairy) first and foremost! Herbally, order Circulation Aid formula and Cardiovascular formula.

Circulation Aid

Yes, it is still safe for those who has had a hysterectomy to use both cleanses. The procedure shouldn't have affected anything other than your uterus. The Full Body Cleanse can help assist with the healing from the procedure.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen! After the cleanse, take Sugar Formula formula every morning or before you eat anything sweet! Congrats on the new birth!

Sugar Formula
10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen

For your digestive matter, try our Electric Greens Combo Formula followed by a daily maintenance of Colon & Digestive Tract Formula.

Colon & Digestive Tract
Electric Greens Combo

Please call 866-434-3727 and schedule your consultation and make payment. During the consultation please give the zodiac signs of you and the other person, birthdates, and if you know the time of birth for each person, I would like that too! Thank you for the interest in

You can order by website (online @ or call 866-434-3727.

Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen

First perform the Full Body Cleanse and after you perform this 3-week cleanse, take 3 capsules of Menstrual Cycle Formula, and Female Hormonal and drink 1 cup of Female Health Tea every day.

Full Body Cleanse
Female Hormonal
Menstrual Cycle Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Female Health Tea

Yes! Perform the Full Body Cleanse followed by the 10 Day Colon Cleanser.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Colon Cleanse

Please read "Detox Troubleshooting" as well as the article "Is This Normal?" located in our articles section. First perform the Full Body Cleanse followed by The Female Cleanse and after this perform a daily regimen consisting of Menstrual Cycle Formula, Female Hormonal, Female Health Tea, Hair Skin Nails formula, Detox Tea, and Bowel Motion, and Weight Release Tea. You can heal! It will take time as you're dealing with a lot, but you can and will heal!

Full Body Cleanse
Bowel Motion
Female Hormonal
Hair Skin Nails
Menstrual Cycle Formula
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Weight Release Tea
Female Health Tea

We recommend doing the Full Body Cleanse to get your health into a better state and rejuvenate your bodies energy levels in general. We also suggest trying our Energy Formula and Brain Booster supplements.

Full Body Cleanse
Brain Booster
Energy Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Because these inquiries are ALREADY covered/answered on our site, please go to FAQ ("Frequently Asked Questions") found under MORE SERVICES and read what we wrote on "FAQ about Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen" and then go to our articles section and read "Is Gential Herpes Really Curable?" which will give you your answers.

Yes, it can leech vital minerals from your body. Spring water is better! But you should be fine finishing the 2 gallons. Please read "Alkaline Water Vs. Distilled Water: What’s The Difference?".

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

It depends on what you eat more so than this formula. Just watch what you eat. The formula is just a maintenance formula.

Full Body Cleanse
Weight Release Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Try our Alkaline Formula, Electric Greens Combo, Thyroid Aid formula, Iodine Phosphate

Electric Greens Combo
Thyroid Aid
Alkaline Formula

The liquid cleanse is great to for your respiratory system because it includes a formula that specifically helps cleanse the lungs. The Respiratory Cleanse and Regimen is more specific to help conditioning the respiratory system. It doesn't come in liquid form, but there's always the liquid Respiratory Aid.

Respiratory Cleanse and Regimen

Vitamin C
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