Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 119) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

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A host of problems - backed up colon (constipation), inflamed organs, certain activity, feeling like your back is against the wall, a feeling of bending over backwards to help everybody, etc. Please read some of our articles on the subject.

There's always help, beloved! Of course we can help you. You just need to cleanse and build your reproductive system. I would suggest a thorough cleansing with the Full Body Cleanse followed by The Female Cleanse followed by the Uterus Cleanse. Drink Female Health Tea while performing all these kits. Focus on your desire: to have a baby within the womb! Affirm everyday that you are fertile and can carry a healthy baby to term inside the womb. Think positive! Feel what you desire!

Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Female Health Tea
Uterus Cleanse

Raw desserts are not fattening unless you think they are then you will attract what you fear. However, I wouldn't get too caught up on eating a lot of raw desserts (treats) because we should not have treats everyday but on special occasions.

No! But we suggest herbs be used within a one year period.

Have you read the "Detox Troubleshooting" on our home page and looked up "gas" ("flatulence")? Clearly you are experiencing "healing crisis". Did you read this part in your detox booklet? You might want to read the article "Healing Crisis" because you're experiencing healing crisis due to healing. All of this good information is on our site, which you can find under "Frequently Asked Questions", "Detox Troubleshooting", and "Articles" section. Hang in there! Get the understanding you need. If you need additional help, please re-email us but I think the information we already provided will suffice for you.

Please read "When Will I See Results After Taking The Herbs?". It's not the herbs, it's your body! You colon is greatly impaired and so it takes time to bust up all that crude matter (hard feces) in your colon. Natural healing requires patience. Just keep taking your herbs and keep eating healthy (no meat, dairy, refined grains, refined starches). Hopefully you changed your diet in addition to taking the herbs. That helps!

Please read "How To Take Herbs". You can find liquid products under "Extracts" page on our site right now. More liquid products are coming soon! Thank you for your interest!

I suggest you try Prenatal Laxative, Healthy Pregnancy formula (first 3 months only), and Pre-Natal Formula. Electric Greens Combo is a good product too for pregnancy.

Electric Greens Combo

Cramp bark by itself should not be used during pregnancy. My formulas are compounded with other herbs for particular reasons which lessen their major effects. Plus, the formulas are mixed with specific intent. They are programmed. Other good pre-natal formulas include MSM Sulfur, Vitamin C formula, and Iodine phosphate.

MSM Sulfur
Vitamin C

Of course! Look into our Full Body Cleanse! Also, as a daily maintenance formula when the detox is finished, take the Kidneys, Bladder & Adrenals formula and Kidneys extract.

Full Body Cleanse
Kidneys, Bladder & Adrenals
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Of course you can! The formula is Allergy formula! Please check some of our Allergy articles.

Clearly your body is telling you to stop drinking liquor by manifesting symptoms. I suggest you perform the Full Body Cleanse first and take the Blood & Lymphatic Formula as a daily maintenance regimen.

Full Body Cleanse
Blood & Lymphatic
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Full Body Cleanse is what you need. You need to work on your blood. Please read some of our free health articles to enlighten yourself.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Look into our Orexis formula. You can find it in our on-line store. I also think once you detoxify your body this will also help your appetite to return. You may be afraid of detoxing for fear of losing weight and if this is the case, and then just concentrate on the Orexis formula. Please read "I’m Thin! Will I Lose Excess Weight During the Detox?".

We suggest that you start reading as many of our free articles as possible to enlighten yourself. Make sure you read our Eye Problems article. This article offers good information. Follow the advice in this article to help improve your eyes. Get rid of your fear as it is harmful and cannot help you one bit. Know that everything is okay and will turn out fine. You must believe this if you desire healing. You can heal, keep eating right and keep taking the herbs. With positive thinking and proper diet you will heal yourself. 

You want to eradicate unhealthy acidity. There's a good acid and a bad acid or a healthy acid and unhealthy acid. Unhealthy acid comes from eating dead foods, i.e. meat, dairy products, etc. Please read "Alkaline vs. Acidity. Why Your Body’s pH Balance Matters.", "Understanding Acidic vs. Acid-Forming".

Correct! And also that you live natural. A cold can also denote that you need to rest! Doing too much can weaken the immune system.

For pregnancy I suggest Pre-natal formula, Electric Greens Combo, Iodine phosphate and Healthy pregnancy (a great formula to help prevent miscarriage).

Electric Greens Combo

Check out the information we provide for boils treatment in our article entitled "Boils". It's located in the articles section.

Yes, it will have the same effect but the Full Body Cleanse will last longer than 3-weeks, more like 5 weeks. Please read "How To Take Herbs".

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Zinc Formula
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