Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 121) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

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Yes, if the birth control is unnatural (a drug). Please read "Adverse Side Effects of The Pill".

If they did slip you a HIV cocktail, here's what I suggest: perform the Full Body Cleanse and drink Detox Tea while detoxing. You should be fine after this. Focus on positive thoughts only. No negative thinking!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Surgery, because your gallbladder is defective? Doctors are insane! You simply rejuvenate the organ and the organ functions to par again. And you rejuvenate the organ or the entire body with food that nourish, provide energy, and cause growth, repair, and maintenance for sustaining life. We call this "herbaceutical" and that's what we sell. Beloved, surgery is to get money from insurance at the expense of your temple (of god). It is unnecessary. Beloved, I humbly suggest you perform our Full Body Cleanse and follow the kit up with a daily maintenance of our Liver, Spleen & Gallbladder (3 capsules daily) and Liver Extract (1-2 dropperfuls in water daily) and you will notice a difference. You should also start drinking dandelion root tea as soon as possible. After you get your results we only ask that you fill out our affidavit of healing so that we may prove to government that people are healing themselves with God's plants. The government is planning to crack down on natural healing because too many people are waking up and the drug industry is losing a lot of money. The people must now speak and reclaim their sovereignty.

Full Body Cleanse
Liver, Spleen & Gallbladder
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

I would tell you to keep using natural products (Shea butter, Oxy-Oil, Fibriod Buster, MSM Sulfur, etc.) and let the healing take place at its own course. The more you focus on what you don't like (his head injury) the more it will magnify (not heal). His body is programmed to heal and it will but you must remain open to let the body heal at its own pace. Just continue to eat, think, and live right. He'll heal! Just give it time! Let nature do her thing!

MSM Sulfur
Oxy-Oil (8 oz)
Oxy-Oil (4 oz)

No ... Nothing without Senna (that's strong). We have Intestinal Cleanser but that's a fiber formula. I have heard of Holy Basil. For stress, try our Nerve Formula ! I think you'll like it.

Intestinal Cleanser
Nerve Formula

Is there hope? With God all things are possible. Who created the herbs? GOD! So with herbs all things are possible. Drugs will continue to kill your kidneys. Your diet messed your kidneys up and then the drugs dealt the final blow. Beloved, I would recommend you perform our Full Body Cleanse and Pancreas Cleanse And Regimen and then notice the results. Drugs are dangerous! God did not make them. Man did! You can heal, Beloved, if you do the right thing. Read our article on "Dialysis"

Full Body Cleanse
Pancreas Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Spring water! If you can find alkaline water, buy it. Read our article on "Alkaline Water".

Detoxify the body (see Full Body Cleanse) and help build the joints (try MSM Sulfur and Joint Aid formula). Also give the wrists a rest. That's easy! Causes are repetitive motion!

Full Body Cleanse
Joint Aid
MSM Sulfur
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Please read our "Toe Nail Fungal Infection" article on our website!

This is very easy! Simply cleanse and purify the body: raw foods (fruits and vegetables), vegetable juice, distilled water, enemas, etc. All economical things!

I would perform the Full Body Cleanse immediately! This regimen and cleanse is ideal for you.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

It always helps to first detoxify the body to address everything wrong in the body.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

I highly suggest she performs the Full Body Cleanse. It will greatly help her condition!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

This formula is only a maintenance formula! One must perform the Full Body Cleanse first for the Smoke-Less Formula to be effective as an maintenance formula.

Full Body Cleanse
Smoke-Less Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Please do not take anything extra with the Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen! It has all you need for the 3-week duration.

Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen

Stretch marks can possibly be removed with improved diet and exercise. Your body would benefit from performing a Full Body Cleanse and applying our Stretch Mark Oil. 

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Stretch Mark Oil

As within, so without! I would suggest she cleanses/detoxify her temple. She should perform the Full Body Cleanse (see article "Sea Salt Soak" on the site) and use tea tree, niaouli, and eucalyptus oil in the water. Remember, as within, so without, the external reflects the inner, i'll be doing an article soon on lice!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Keep getting educated! We have an article on "Endometriosis" on our site under articles that will be helpful. I recommend the following Dherbs products: Full Body Cleanse, The Female Cleanse. After these kits, for maintenance: Menstrual Cycle Formula, Female Health Tea, Female Hormonal the most important thing is diet and lifestyle. Keep doing what you're doing. Look into yoga, acupressure, etc.

Full Body Cleanse
Male Hormonal Formula
Menstrual Cycle Formula
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Female Health Tea

You should read my "GENITAL HERPES" articles because the same principles apply to your case of warts. Your life is not over with. Its just beginning. Your focus and perception is all wrong. You are not looking at the problem as an opportunity to learn and grow. In every problem lies the seed of its own solution. Problem means opportunity. Warts are telling you that you have not been living in harmony with higher law and have been abusing your body via diet and lifestyle. That's all. Hang out on and read our powerful articles and watch your depression become impression. You will always feel good while detoxing, but the goal is to feel good after detoxing, beloved, and you can do this by changing your diet, lifestyle, thoughts, and attitude. Only you can do this. You have a choice. You can be well or you can be sick. It's your choice! Choose what you desire, beloved. Don't give up! With God all things are possible! Believe and you shall achieve! Guaranteed! I recommend for you Brain Booster, Nerve Formula, Female Health Tea, and Happy Inhaler.

Brain Booster
Nerve Formula
Happy Inhaler
Female Health Tea

If you are going to take drugs then don't take the herbs as you're just wasting money. Herbs will cancel drugs out because herbs clean the body of toxins and drugs are toxins. Taking herbs and drugs simultaneously defeat the purpose in all truth, Beloved. Please read "Can I Take Medication With My Herbs?", "Herbs vs. Pharmaceutical Drugs".

Vitamin C
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