Reviews: Full Body Cleanse

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  • Full Body Cleanse

    The Full Body Detox is the real deal. The product worked as advertised. My experience was educational and spiritual. The pill intensive regimen took some getting used to, but worth it. My energy level went up, my body weight and waistline decreased. Spiritually, I felt more in touch and centered as I enjoyed a feeling of calmness and confidence. I felt great, an overall rewarding experience. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I completed the Full Body Detox about 8 days ago and it has done wonders for me and my overall health. I did not think that I would be able to complete it because I am not big on taking pills (herbs) but the benefits far outweighed my dislike. I have more energy, I have lost weight, and I have changed my eating habits. I am not a total vegan, but I no longer consume meat and dairy products. I would recommend this product to any and everybody who has the mindset and discipline to change their lifestyle; it is well worth the effort! *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I used to feel tired and weak all the time and I knew I needed to do something about it. After taking the Full Body Detox I found myself sleeping through the night and not waking up to answer the phone or from hearing noises like I use to. Also I feel better physically and I can focus better on things. I'm happy I tried the product. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    Now, my husband and I are spreading the good news of the "FBD" and the Dherbs web site to family members and friends. It is totally amazing and wonderful to have access to a cure "if you believe" in and of any and every health condition you may have. And if you have any dough’s, call the bloody herbalist! I personally like him because he does not hold back! Continue to keep it real Dherbs! From Sharon Gift and family! FBD everyone! *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I am almost done with the Full Body Detox. I had a little trouble in the beginning with the diet but I adjusted quickly. I have more energy, am not sluggish throughout the day and wide alert, and again not overly tired. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    WOW!!! The Full Body Detox is an amazing product that I recommend for anyone. The Full Body Detox helped lower my cholesterol and I lost 20lbs. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I started the Full Body Detox on March 15 and am on the last few days of it; Upon weighing myself I weighed in at 198lbs as of this writing I'm down to 181bs, but that's not the best part. I'm a single mom who recently had disc fusion surgery and for the last several months I've suffered with severe insomnia and had been taking prescription medicine to get to sleep. That's no longer the case! I'm more energized than I've been in years, my skin is brighter, so much so that people in the supermarket… have asked me what I'm doing as I have a glow about me. When I mentioned about the Full Body Detox several people in line asked me about the company and for the website address. I'm here to say if there's anyone out there that maybe hesitant, don't be, this product is fantastic and I've learned how to eat better and the will and desire is there to continue with my new lifestyle. THANK YOU DHERBS! My life is better because of you. I'm now going to do the Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen and really get myself in the best shape for myself and my son. I forgot to mention how this Full Body Detox gave me a more clearer mental attitude towards life; I will be doing the cleanse at least a few more times this year and for years to come. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    The Full Body Detox really makes one realize the true power of living as a human being. I felt rejuvenated after performing the Full Body Detox and could feel the cleansing being activated in my body. I am very blessed to know about, and I have strongly benefited from using the Full Body Detox as a general tune up and also as a precursor to major healing. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    A friend of mine recommended this cleanse and I am glad she did. I found taking the herbs along with eating veggies and fruit only easier than if I had been only eating the veggies and fruit. I had given up red meat twenty years ago but continued to eat chicken at least once a week. Since the cleanse which was two months ago, I have had it only once which was two days ago. I really do not miss it. I lost weight but cannot tell you the amount. Though, I can say my clothes are looser. I definitely feel better, see things clearer and experience being healthier. I recommend this cleanse to anyone who wants to change their eating habits, lifestyle and get healthy. Losing the weight is the great benefit of the cleanse. Thank you for a wonderful product and making a difference in people’s lives including mine! *
5025 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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