Reviews: Activated Charcoal

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131 results
  • Activated Charcoal

    I have been using the Activated Charcoal as a dietary supplement and I am very pleased! This is awesome! *
  • Activated Charcoal

    I have tried another brand and this one is the best. It dissolves readily and creates less residual mess. It absorbs and is effective faster. I do not like to be without it in my home! *
  • Activated Charcoal

    I had the activated charcoal in my cabinet, I used it only when I did the cleanses. I had the best nice sleep ever and I woke up refreshed and my stomach was flat. *
  • Activated Charcoal

    I use the charcoal as a daily part of my regimen! It literally has no taste which is awesome, being that when the water turns black you can be hesitant if it's your first time. Has no grit to it and you don't need much so the pack last a long time (for me about 25-30 days) Sometimes I intake more if I feel like I really need to release toxins. Also since my diet has changes (I eat very clean) I had a small bite of cake and it instantly gave me a headache..I drank some charcoal water and it got rid of the headache within 30 minutes. You won't regret it! *
  • Activated Charcoal

    The activated charcoal is an amazing product! Not only it does what is it is meant to do, but I find that it is also helpful to bing me better sleep ranges at night. Where I use to wake up through out the night, this product helps me to sleep so much better I also incorporate this in my morning regiment to increase active bowel movement. This has also been an issue in my life which made it difficult to have a normal bowel movement, after drinking the activated charcoal has made me become more regular. *
  • Activated Charcoal

    The activated charcoal has been part of my daily health regimen. It cleanses all the impurities out of your system that may have accumulated during the day. *
  • Activated Charcoal

    I absolutely love this activated charcoal. I was hesitant about drinking it because of its color but it’s tasteless and doesn’t leave a nasty taste in your mouth. This charcoal helps regulate my body and it also helps to keep you regular which helps with weight loss. *
  • Activated Charcoal

    I really like the Activated charcoal. It really helped my digestive health. I feel lighter. It has no taste or smell easy take it with water every evening. *
  • Activated Charcoal

    Great products keeps my teeth stain free...also use it as a cleanser before bedtime. *
131 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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