Reviews: Maintenance Package

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213 results
  • Maintenance Package

    I love this product. It's very easy to maintain with the small dosage. *
  • Maintenance Package

    Dherbs maintenance package helped me to loose 6 lbs while I was between my full body cleanse. I'm never bloated and I have so much energy. I truly recommend Dherbs to anyone wanting to lose weight and/or has digestive issues. *
  • Maintenance Package

    I'm loving the Maintenance Package, the tea was great I am glad that I made the decision to order this product - will order again. My grand daughter was having bowel movement issues so I made her glass of the tea and it really helped her. Thanks Dherbs. I've seen a change in my weight due to taking this product. *
  • Maintenance Package

    The maintenance package was great. Helped me with in between cleanses. Highly recommended. I've obtained great results and it has helped me to keep my weight off. Easy directions to follow. Helps with weight loss and sugar cravings. I have more energy than I've had in the past. Better breathing and just helps the body in so many ways. *
  • Maintenance Package

    The maintenance package met my expectations I think it's a great plan to follow the full body cleanse it helps to keep it helps to keep the bowels regular while continuing to rid the body of impurities, it also helps and continues to keep you energized and feeling Great!!! I will do it again after my next cleanse. *
  • Maintenance Package

    I couldn't loss weight before I started this program. Now I need to buy new clothes! Thank you Dherbs *
  • Maintenance Package

    The maintenance program has helped me to maintain my 8 pound weight loss & so far, I've lost additional pounds. The program is easy to follow, I have more energy & I love the tea. Thank you. *
  • Maintenance Package

    This product was great! I lost enough weight to fit into my old jeans. *
  • Maintenance Package

    After using the full body cleanse, I really enjoyed the maintenance product too. It helped me to maintain my weight loss. I recommend this product for keeping your body in a good maintenance status. *
213 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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