Tagged: Amino Acids

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps the body eliminate harmful toxic waste (due to its malic acid content), helps remedy sore throat and laryngitis, strengthens the heart, help prevent muscle soreness and aching joints, improves digestion, helps dissolves calculi (kidney, bladder, and gall stones), helps dissolve mucus accumulation in the body, aids the body in fasting due to its nutritional value and content (potassium, copper, iron, fluorine, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, etc.); helps keep arteries soften, and a plethora of other beneficial actions that greatly benefit the body.

What Is Meat?

What Is Meat?

Following is a standard that will allow you to know what meat is or what constitutes meat. You would think that people would know that if its animal flesh, it’s meat, but many people honestly don’t know this.

Peanuts and Peanut Butter

Peanuts and Peanut Butter

Peanut butter, as we know it today, was invented by Dr. Ambrose Straub of St. Louis, Missouri. He made it for elderly patients who could not chew so well but still needed hi-protein food that didn’t involve...

To Bee or Not To Bee

To Bee or Not To Bee

Honey is used as an alternative sweetener by many people due to its natural sweetness. It is also rich in essential nutrients like amino acids, minerals. Royal jelly contains potent antibiotic and antiviral properties.

Beware of Protein Health Bars

Beware of Protein Health Bars

A majority of protein bars that have been popping up over the past ten years and making their way into local gyms and health food stores and even commercial super markets are crap. A few exceptions do exist. Beware of protein bars, especially those made from whey, a dairy product. Listed are a few natural sources of protein.

Therapeutic Herbal Glossary

Therapeutic Herbal Glossary

Abortifacient: An herb used to induce or cause abortion or spontaneous abortion. Absorbent: An herb used to produce absorption of exudes or diseased tissues. Adaptogen: An herb that help normalize body chemistry and increase resistance to stress....

Animal Protein and Kidneys

Animal Protein and Kidneys

Animal flesh (protein) breaks down into uric acid, which eats away at the kidney tissues. There are 20 million Americans at risk of decreased kidney function, primarily due to a diet rich in animal protein. Kidney stones...

Protein Propaganda PART 2: Q & A

Protein Propaganda PART 2: Q & A

You mentioned humans as “herbivores” instead of “frugivores.” Which are we? Humans can greatly benefit from being frugivores, or fruit-eaters. A frugivore is an herbivore or omnivore that prefers fruit over other foods. A frugivore diet consists...


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