Tagged: Beta-Carotene

Sweet Potato Carrot Juice FBC Approved

Sweet Potato Carrot Juice

You can’t cook sweet potatoes while cleansing, but you can juice them to absorb their amazing health benefits. Sip to your health!

Baked Sweet Potato Fries

Baked Sweet Potato Fries

Whether you are looking for a tasty appetizer or an irresistible side, these savory sweet potato fries are delicious and easy to prepare.

Crispy Sweet Potato Cakes

Crispy Sweet Potato Cakes

Whether you are looking to up your hashbrown game or trying to prepare a healthy appetizer/side, these sweet potato cakes are the answer.

Black Bean and Butternut Squash Burritos

Black Bean and Butternut Squash Burritos

These burritos have a little kick, but the spice is balanced by the sweetness of the butternut squash. The filling is so good on its own that you don’t even need the tortillas!

Super Flu-Busting Soup FBC Approved

Super Flu-Busting Soup

This soup is a great immune booster. It explodes with vitamin C, beta-carotene from the carrots, and the chili helps to clear the sinuses.


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