Tags: Chemotherapy

The Dangers of Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is prescribed by Western doctors to treat most cancers, but even the doctors are careful not to describe it as a cure. In fact, Chemotherapy breaks down the immune system. It pollutes your blood and taxes your liver. It can’t tell the difference between cancer cells and healthy cells. The result is that your […]

The Fraud of Remission

Remission is not a cure. It is a legal and medical definition for the state in which a cancer is responding to treatment and appears to be under control. A partial remission means that the cancer has shrunk, but not disappeared. A complete remission is when all symptoms or signs of the disease disappear. If […]

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10 Day Flora Balance Cleanse (F or M)
10 Day Flora Balance Cleanse (F or M)

10 Day Flora Balance Cleanse (F or M)

The Dherbs.com 10-Day Flora Balance Cleanse is an all-natural 10-day herbal gut cleanse intended to provide floral balance in individuals concerned with their overall gastrointestinal health.*
Fluid Formula
Fluid Formula

Fluid Formula

An herbal supplement intended to help your body in expelling excess fluid waste.*
Male Hormonal Formula
Male Hormonal Formula

Male Hormonal Formula

An herbal supplement intended to support balanced testosterone levels and help to cleanse and support the male reproductive system.*
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