Tagged: Children’s Health

Why Parents Should Keep Children Meat and Dairy Free

Why Parents Should Keep Children Meat and Dairy Free

Dr. Spock, arguably one of the most famous pediatric thinkers out there, published an article in 1997 in which he advocated that children be raised on a vegetarian diet. Since then, numerous studies have supported this idea that a vegetarian diet is the best way to support lifelong health.

1 in 5 American Kids Has Abnormal Levels of Cholesterol

1 in 5 American Kids Has Abnormal Levels of Cholesterol

Among the kids and adolescents, 7.4% had high total cholesterol. The researchers also found that youth with obesity were most likely to have problems related to their cholesterol levels. While the numbers may seem unexpected, the NCHS...

Study: What Causes Allergies?

Study: What Causes Allergies?

A recent study published last week in PLOS Computational Biological found that the reason we’re allergic to some things such as peanuts and pollen is that they contain compounds that are also found in viruses.

Why Are Kids Going Through Puberty Sooner?

Why Are Kids Going Through Puberty Sooner?

A new article by Stephan Guyenet posits a new theory as to why kids are going through puberty sooner (and why my cousin – 9, not pictured – is already filled with adolescent angst). He says that...

Attention-Deficit Disorder

Attention-Deficit Disorder

Students who are alive, energetic, and imaginative are dubbed problem students. If you get their attention, they will be still, quiet, and fully alert for learning purposes. You don’t have to drug them down or dull their senses with drugs.

Beware The New Childhood Vaccine Agenda

Beware The New Childhood Vaccine Agenda

The criminal pharmaceutical drug industry was just recently given a gift by the federal court system (federal “Vaccine Court”) that ruled that childhood vaccines do not cause autism in babies and small children. Pharmaceutical companies and the...


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