Tagged: Customer Journals

Day 1

Day 1

Taking 5 pills every 2 hours is a lot for me, but I guess I got to do what I got to do to cleanse my body. I kept myself full all day with water/fruit/nuts, the hardest...

Day 2

Day 2

Day 2 wasn’t so bad even though I think I over indulge in eating nuts all day trying to keep myself full. I know I have to do better besides eating nuts to keep full, I also...



Today was a beautiful experience; I knocked a bunch of errands out including the grocery store, hit the gym, hung with my god mom for her birthday, saw my aunt and then finally landed at Regal Cinemas...

The Beginning

The Beginning

Have you ever looked in the mirror and asked yourself how in the hell did you allow yourself to get this big?? Well that’s what I’m dealing with at the moment. Basically all my life until the...

An Avocado Done Saved My Life!

An Avocado Done Saved My Life!

Getting the morning started. Cantaloupe, strawberries, Daily Reading.@dherbs4life #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightlosschallenge #FFL #F4L #IChooseLife #DherbsWarrior #Dherbs @dherbs4life #FitBoy #FitLife #FightForLife #fitness #FitnessChallenge What a day, what a day! One of the things I beat myself up about...



You’re moving at no one else’s pace so keep it steady, focus on your own race, keep the momentum and you’ll see your progress. Remember this, every time you put a fork into your mouth that’s a...

Day 15

Day 15

Well it is day 15 and No, No, No I did not succumb to my displaced feelings…I did not have pizza. I guess God knows exactly what you need when you need it because when I got...


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