Tagged: Customer Journals



OK babies…. here we go STAT time: Height: 5’6 Weight: 229.6 Neck: 15 Arms: Right/14    Left/13.5 Breast: 43 Waist: 43 Thighs: Right/32   Left/31 Hips: 49.5 :-/ here we go SISTAHS…. Good morning babies… Day 1 well really...



Hi everyone, I’m GiGi, AKA Sistah Big-Bones, meaning a Sister Inspiring Sisters To Achieve Health. Big Bones because that’s the excuse I always told myself when the weight wouldn’t come off as quickly as I wanted it...

Official Day 1

Official Day 1

My first day went very well. Eating healthy is very pricy! Whole Foods is my place of choice because its organic heaven. Organic cashews are the best snack you can buy at this place. I am not...

T-minus ONE 1 day!

T-minus ONE 1 day!

Good morning, good morning, GOOD MORNING!  Over the weekend I cleaned my fridge, went to Berkeley Bowl for bulk and dried produce. Once home, I washed everything in a baking soda & water solution and began to...

Taking The First Step

Taking The First Step

Today I took the first step to a better me! After hearing about Dherbs on Steve Harvey ALL YEAR and after failed efforts with Weight Watchers and Herbalife I decided whats another $120.00! So with that, I...

Day 2

Day 2

Woke up this morning so excited about the new start. I have started preparing my self for the ten day challenge by eating raw fruits and veggies. My pantry is going to get a shock of its...


Day 1

Today I decided to change my life for the good. I researched and researched and read all of the good reviews and the bad before I decided. I ordered the 10 day cleanse first because I wasn’t...

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