Tagged: Digestion

Anti-Bloat Smoothie FBC Approved

Anti-Bloat Smoothie

Some foods are the sneaky causes of bloating. If you don’t want to feel bloated anymore, you need to start drinking this smoothie.

Raw Vegan Papaya Breakfast Boats FBC Approved

Raw Vegan Papaya Breakfast Boats

Don’t want to drink a smoothie for breakfast while cleansing? You don’t have to! Enjoy tropical and vibrant flavors with these papaya boats.

Post Thanksgiving Detox Juice FBC Approved

Post Thanksgiving Detox Juice

If you ate quite a bit, to put it modestly, on Thanksgiving, you need this juice in your life for breakfast the morning after.

Chia Seed Energy Shot FBC Approved

Chia Seed Energy Shot

Avoid the afternoon espresso or soda and provide yourself with a natural, sustained stream of energy with this chia seed shot.


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