Tags: Disease

Disease Control

Diseases are only incurable under the Western allopathic approach to medicine. Never settle for having a disease under control. Always seek to heal from and cure the disease. Diseases are used to control the minds of people.

The Fraud of Remission

Remission is not a cure. It is a legal and medical definition for the state in which a cancer is responding to treatment and appears to be under control. A partial remission means that the cancer has shrunk, but not disappeared. A complete remission is when all symptoms or signs of the disease disappear. If […]

Why Disease Is Our Friend and Ally

Many people mistakenly believe that illness is an entirely negative thing. However, on a higher level of awareness and understanding, disease is our friend simply because every disease conveys an important message. Without disease, we’d never know anything is wrong with us (especially on a deeper and inner level i.e., emotional, spiritual, ethereal, etc.). In […]

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Sales & Specials

Anti-T Formula
Anti-T Formula

Anti-T Formula

An herbal supplement intended to help limit the negative effect of environmental risk factors that can contribute to health challenges.*
Energy Formula
Energy Formula

Energy Formula

An all-natural herbal supplement with plant-based energizing properties, which are intended to help improve energy, stamina, and focus.*


An herbal supplement rich in nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants that’s intended to help strengthen your immune system.*
Sex Organs Cleanser
Sex Organs Cleanser

Sex Organs Cleanser

An herbal supplement intended to help support optimal health of the sex organs and glands while cleansing the reproductive system.*
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