Tags: Ovaries


Hysterectomy is medically defined as surgical removal of the uterus, performed to remove fibroid tumors of the uterus or to treat chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, severe recurrent endometrial hyperplasia, uterine hemorrhage, and precancerous and cancerous conditions of the uterus. Types of hysterectomy include total hysterectomy, in which the uterus and cervix are removed and radical […]

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Fluid Formula
Fluid Formula

Fluid Formula

An herbal supplement intended to help your body in expelling excess fluid waste.*
Male Hormonal Formula
Male Hormonal Formula

Male Hormonal Formula

An herbal supplement intended to support balanced testosterone levels and help to cleanse and support the male reproductive system.*
10 Day Flora Balance Cleanse (F or M)
10 Day Flora Balance Cleanse (F or M)

10 Day Flora Balance Cleanse (F or M)

The Dherbs.com 10-Day Flora Balance Cleanse is an all-natural 10-day herbal gut cleanse intended to provide floral balance in individuals concerned with their overall gastrointestinal health.*
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