Tagged: Peanuts

Study: What Causes Allergies?

Study: What Causes Allergies?

A recent study published last week in PLOS Computational Biological found that the reason we’re allergic to some things such as peanuts and pollen is that they contain compounds that are also found in viruses.

What Is Meat?

What Is Meat?

Following is a standard that will allow you to know what meat is or what constitutes meat. You would think that people would know that if its animal flesh, it’s meat, but many people honestly don’t know this.

Peanuts and Peanut Butter

Peanuts and Peanut Butter

Peanut butter, as we know it today, was invented by Dr. Ambrose Straub of St. Louis, Missouri. He made it for elderly patients who could not chew so well but still needed hi-protein food that didn’t involve...

Protein Propaganda PART 2: Q & A

Protein Propaganda PART 2: Q & A

You mentioned humans as “herbivores” instead of “frugivores.” Which are we? Humans can greatly benefit from being frugivores, or fruit-eaters. A frugivore is an herbivore or omnivore that prefers fruit over other foods. A frugivore diet consists...


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