Tagged: Pregnancy



The best natural substance a female could use to prevent or heal from eclampsia is carbon, activated charcoal. Nothing removes poison or toxins including heavy metal toxins from the body like carbon.

The Ill-Effects of Alcohol

The Ill-Effects of Alcohol

Drinking wine causes many pathologies. Pollutes blood, toxifies liver. Corrodes kidneys and bladder. Causes chemical dependency and neurological disorders. Causes yeast infections. Destroys pancreas gland and is implicated in pancreatic cancer.

The Blunt Facts on Marijuana

The Blunt Facts on Marijuana

Before the modern day infatuation of smoking marijuana or hemp, the plant was widely grown and used for industrial purposes. It is reported that there were over 300 industrial uses for cannabis or hemp.



Categories of diabetes were conveniently and strategically created by the National Diabetes Data Group of the National Institute of Health. When you see or have the word institute, you should see the connection to the word institution.

Stretch Marks

Stretch Marks

Excess weight and toxic waste cause stretch marks. Sugar is the greatest culprit. Tight clothing hampers circulation. Synthetic hormones and steroids play a role in stretch marks. The greatest remedy is not about weight loss but waste release.


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