Tagged: Sauce

Pasta with Cashew Sauce & Avocado FBC Approved

Pasta with Cashew Sauce & Avocado

Raw pasta is so satisfying. You think you won’t be full after eating it, but you always are! Probably because of all the fiber and water in veggies, plus the delicious sauce on the noodles. Try this recipe!

Cheesy Curry Sauce FBC Approved

Cheesy Curry Sauce

This is a healthy, nutrient-packed sauce that looks and tastes a lot like a creamy, cheesy sauce. It’s got a few secret spices for flavor!

Springrolls with Spicy Ginger Dipping Sauce FBC Approved

Springrolls with Spicy Ginger Dipping Sauce

There are few appetizers I love more than the springroll. Here’s a raw veggieful version that uses collard leaves as a flavourful wrapper with a bit of a crunch. Add in some marinated enoki mushrooms or sea veggie noodles for an added dimension of texture and taste.


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