Tagged: Vegetables

New Year’s Detox Smoothie FBC Approved

New Year’s Detox Smoothie

Whether you need to recover from a night out or want to start your year off on a healthy note, this green detox smoothie does the trick!

Roasted Root Vegetable Soup

Roasted Root Vegetable Soup

Warm, comforting, and very filling, this roasted root vegetable soup includes root veggies like squash, carrots, and potatoes, and onion.

Avocado Spinach And Lime Soup FBC Approved

Avocado Spinach And Lime Soup

A fresh, raw blended soup that is the perfect, light, detoxing meal with a zesty zing from the lime after a stint of heavy holiday eating.

Kale Apple Carrot Salad FBC Approved

Kale Apple Carrot Salad

A super simple kale salad that is filled with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. IT’s a tasty way to help your family enjoy raw veggies!

Raw Spiced Carrot Salad FBC Approved

Raw Spiced Carrot Salad

This isn’t your average carrot and raisin salad. Get that unhealthy recipe out of your head and start making this raw vegan spiced creation.


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