Tagged: Vegetarian

What Is Meat?

What Is Meat?

Following is a standard that will allow you to know what meat is or what constitutes meat. You would think that people would know that if its animal flesh, it’s meat, but many people honestly don’t know this.

To Bee or Not To Bee

To Bee or Not To Bee

Honey is used as an alternative sweetener by many people due to its natural sweetness. It is also rich in essential nutrients like amino acids, minerals. Royal jelly contains potent antibiotic and antiviral properties.

Dherbs.com Vegan Diet

Dherbs.com Vegan Diet

Congratulations on your wise decision to become a vegan after performing the Full Body Detox or perhaps just deciding to change your diet to a more salubrious one. By becoming a vegan, you have taken steps to...


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