Sodium 101: Are You Smart About Sodium?<\/h5>
Sodium is a huge problem in the American diet and most people consume way more than the recommended daily amount. Are you aware of how much sodium you eat every day? Do you know the various forms of sodium and how it can negatively affect your health when consumed in excess? Test your sodium smarts in this quiz.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
True Or False: Fact Checking COVID-19 Myths<\/h5>
With each passing week, scientists and researchers learn more about the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Additionally, rumors and myths circulate the web and people get confused about what is truth and fiction. Do you know the difference between coronavirus facts and myths? Test your knowledge in this quiz.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Quarantine Hygiene Quiz<\/h5>
The coronavirus pandemic has completely transformed the way we live. It can be difficult to keep track of this ever-evolving situation, especially recommendations for proper cleaning methods. Are you aware of proper hygienic practices to keep you and your home virus-free? Test your knowledge with this quiz.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
How Much Do You Know About Your Skin?<\/h5>
The quest to beautiful, healthy-looking skin is never over. People always want to look younger and blemish-free, but there are certain things that can get in the way of that. Do you know how to avoid them and maintain healthy skin? Let's see if you have skin in the game by taking this quiz.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Myths And Facts About Protein<\/h5>
What do you know about protein? People tend to focus on protein more than any other nutrient because Western diets are protein heavy. Here is a chance to see how much you really know about protein and the role it plays in your diet. Test your knowledge here!<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Immune Health Quiz<\/h5>
Immune health is trending! There are so many posts about how to prevent this and why you should disinfect that, but so many people are unaware of what the immune system does. How well do you know your immune system? Test your knowledge here!<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
How Well Do You Know Your Herbal Remedies?<\/h5>
We live in a time when more and more people are turning to herbal remedies to help improve their health and overcome certain conditions. How familiar are you with herbal remedies? Test your knowledge and get some rewards points!<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Take A Break With This Bone Health Quiz<\/h5>
How much do you know about your bones? What nutrients do they need and how can you keep them as healthy as possible? Test your knowledge here.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Do You Know What Is Vegan?<\/h5>
Could you hack it as a vegan? That all depends on whether\u00a0you know which foods are vegan and which are not.\u00a0Maintaining a vegan diet can be tricky if you cannot navigate the vegan waters, so test your vegan knowledge and see if you can identify the vegan foods in this quiz.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Breast Health Quiz<\/h5>
Class is in session and we are here to test whether or not you are up to speed on breast health. Put on your thinking cap\u00a0and test your knowledge for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Weird Health Facts<\/h5>
The world of science and medicine is fascinating, and often times stranger than most people think. Test your knowledge and see which of these odd health facts are true or false.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Find The Nutrient In Your Foods<\/h5>
You may know that bananas contain potassium and that leafy greens are rich in vitamin K, but do you know which food contains the most of one specific nutrient? Test your knowledge here.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
What Is The Best Way To Store Produce?<\/h5>
Ever wonder why certain fruits and vegetables that you buy go bad only a couple days after purchasing them? Perhaps you are storing them incorrectly. Some foods need to be stored separately, in a cool dark place, in the fridge, or on the counter. How\u00a0well do you store your fruits and vegetables?\u00a0Find out if you know all the secrets!<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Food Safety Quiz<\/h5>
We are moving into summer, which is a popular time for potlucks, BBQs, cookouts, and celebrations that are centered around food.\u00a0How do\u00a0you prepare food?\u00a0In order to prevent food poisoning, it's important to\u00a0properly sanitize your cooking station\u00a0and\u00a0store your food correctly. Do you know how to keep your food safe? Let's find out!<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Test Your Sugar Smarts<\/h5>
With so many different names for this addictive food, sugar is one of the most frequently consumed foods in the American diet.\u00a0Food manufacturers\u00a0can sneak\u00a0sugar in by disguising it under confusing names. Be on the lookout as you test your sugar smarts!<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Exercise & Fitness Quiz: Test Your IQ<\/h5>
Do you consider yourself a fitness enthusiast?\u00a0If yes, how well are you informed about the dos and don'ts of exercise? You should be aware of certain aspects of fitness and exercise to keep your body as healthy as possible. Let's see how well you know your stuff!<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
How Well Do You Know The Digestive System?<\/h5>
Do you ever stop to think about\u00a0all of the different components of the digestive system?\u00a0There are a lot of working parts that work to absorb nutrients and eliminate waste. Let's see how much you know about the human digestive system.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Can I Eat This While Cleansing?<\/h5>
The common thought is that you can't eat anything that tastes good while you are cleansing. Let's see if you can figure out what the things you can eat while cleansing, and the things you can't!<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
What Is The Difference Between Hunger & Appetite?<\/h5>
Food keeps you going, which is why you need to keep replenishing your body with sustenance. How do you know if you are actually hungry, or if something else is influencing you to crave food? See if you know the answers by taking this quiz..<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Are You A Culinary Pro Or Average Joe?<\/h5>
Some people\u00a0consider themselves to be culinary professionals, while others find it hard to boil water.\u00a0How familiar are you with culinary terms? Do you know foods? Put your skills to the test in this quiz.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Do You Know Your Portions?<\/h5>
Using your hand as a guide for portion control is probably the handiest (pun intended), most effective way to count the calories you\u2019re consuming. Most of us know that counting, and limiting, calories is essential to lose weight, but do we know how to use our hand to make things easier? Test your knowledge here!<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Can You Name That Nutrient?<\/h5>
There are 6 types of nutrients that the body cannot synthesize on its own, and\u00a0they have to be\u00a0obtained\u00a0via our diet. Each nutrient has its own function, and all are necessary for the body to work properly. Do you know which ones they are, and what they do? Test your knowledge here!<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Do You Know Your Vitamins?<\/h5>
There are up to 13 vitamins known to man; all of them present in\u00a0varying\u00a0amounts in the natural foods we consume. They are all essential to us in one way or another, but do you know what their roles are in your body, and where you can find them? Find out here!<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Can You Identify The Omega-3 All Star?<\/h5>
Where do you get omega-3s and what are they good for? Despite what most people think, there are lots of vegan omega-3 sources! Can you identify the best omega-3 sources and what they do? Test your knowledge!<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Is It Acidic Or Alkaline?<\/h5>
When it comes to certain fruits and vegetables, a lot of people believe that they are acidic and not alkaline. Do you know the difference between acidic and\u00a0alkaline produce items? Test your knowledge here.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Can You Name That Vegan Food?<\/h5>
Are you eating foods that you think are vegan but actually aren't? Healthy foods are not always as healthy as you may think. Test your knowledge to see if you can identify vegan foods.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Exercise Your Brain With This Quiz<\/h5>
Worried about your memory? Keep your brain active with this short quiz to see how sharp you still are.\u00a0Complete the quiz and you'll get some rewards points!<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
The Caffeine Quiz<\/h5>
People love caffeine, but do they know that it is hidden in certain foods? Are they aware of the myths and facts that surround this ingredient, which many rely on to make it through the day? Test your knowledge to see how much you know about caffeine.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
What Is In Season This Fall?<\/h5>
Fall is here, which means that there are a lot of new fruits and vegetables to eat! Do you know which produce items are about to hit the grocery store shelves? Test your knowledge to see if you know what is coming.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Are You Heart Smart?<\/h5>
Having a healthy heart isn't just something happens automatically. There are things that can benefit your heart and there are things that can harm it. Test yourself to see how heart smart you are and get some rewards points!<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Are You Ready To Lose Weight?<\/h5>
Congratulations for making the decision to point your life in a healthier direction. Losing weight can be tough, so it is best to plan out your weight loss journey.\u00a0Take this quiz to\u00a0see what you know about losing weight.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
How Much Water Do You Really Need To Drink?<\/h5>
Do you know how much water you need drink every day to stay properly hydrated? The answer may surprise you! As we head into summer, it's important to keep your body replenished with fluids, so test that knowledge to see if you are hydrating like you should be.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
What Is Your Ecological Footprint?<\/h5>
We are living in a world where being environmentally conscious is important for our future. How eco-friendly are you? See how big or small your ecological footprint is by taking this quiz. The results may surprise you.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
How Well Do You Know Your Body?<\/h5>
How much do you know about the human body? There are many nooks and crannies in your body, so test your knowledge, get some reward points, and see if you can master the quiz.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
What Do You Know About Folic Acid?<\/h5>
January 8-14 is National Folic Acid Awareness Week.\u00a0What is folic acid and what are its benefits? Complete these 5 questions\u00a0to get some easy rewards points!<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
How Well Do You Know Raw Foods?<\/h5>
How well do you know your raw foods? What can you eat on a raw food diet? Test your knowledge in this short quiz to get some rewards points!<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Should I Cleanse?<\/h5>
Deciding whether or not you should cleanse? Answer the following 4 simple questions to find out.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Your Microwave and You<\/h5>
Are you a microwave user? What is that kitchen appliance doing to your health?\u00a0Find out now by taking this little quiz.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Let's C If You Know Your Vitamin C<\/h5>
Vitamin C is present in many fruits and vegetables, but do you know which produce items can give you the most vitamin C? Let's C if you know\u00a0where to get the most vitamin C. Test your knowledge now!<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>
Quiz: How Well Do You Sleep?<\/h5>
How well do you sleep? Find out if you have a normal sleep pattern, and get tips to improve your sleep, by taking this short quiz.<\/div><\/div><\/a><\/div>\r\n\t\t