Bladder Stones - Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products Buy the best herbal supplements, natural remedies, and herbal remedies from Dherbs. We're the #1 alternative medicine store online. ✓ Visit and shop now! Thu, 29 Feb 2024 12:53:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Calculi: Kidney, Bladder, and Gall Stones Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:53 +0000

A vegan diet is greatly advocated for healing purposes as well as overall qualitative lifestyle purposes. Just as diet plays a role in sickness and disease, likewise it plays a role in healing and recovering from disease.


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Calculi refer to stones that are the result of poor diet and lifestyle and that develop in the kidneys, bladder, and gallbladder.

Causes and Risk Factors

A major causative factor in the development of calculi (stones) is elevated cholesterol levels, which form the basis of that which holds stones (calculi) together.

Cholesterol crystallizes and combines with bile in the gallbladder and form gallstones, which block the passage and causes a host of symptoms such as upper right abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting which usually results after eating fried or fatty foods which are very acidic and thus mucus-forming.

Animal fat from meat and dairy products crystallize with mineral salts and various acids (e.g. oxalic, uric) in the kidneys and bladder and form kidney stones and bladder stones, which obstruct the ducts to these organs and cause severe pain and inflammation.


Common symptoms among stone sufferers are:

Kidney stones

  • Pain with urination
  • Severe pain on the sides of the body and back
  • Pain that spreads to the lower abs or groin
  • Pink, red or brown urine
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Cloudy or bad-smelling urine
  • Constant urge to urinate
  • Frequent urination
  • Fever and chills

Bladder stones

  • Blood in the urine
  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Penile discomfort
  • Frequent urination
  • Trouble urinating
  • Cloudy or dark-colored urine

Gall stones

  • Pain in the right shoulder
  • Pain in between your shoulder blades
  • Sudden or intense pain in the upper right part of the abdomen
  • Sudden or intense pain in the center of the abdomen or below the sternum

Natural Healing

There are plenty of herbs that can be used to help eradicate stones in the body. Antilithic (anti-stone) herbs help prevent stone or gravel from developing and include:

By far, the greatest herb one could take for purposes of dissolving and eliminating any stone condition is Chanca Piedra, a potent South American herb (which literally means “to break stone”). A tea of this herb should be drank 2-3 times daily in addition to taking capsules of one Dherbs.Com Kidneys-Bladder and Adrenal formula Kidneys, Bladder and Adrenals.

Dietary Intervention

To improve calculus situations, there must be a change and improvement in diet.

Just as a person cannot develop high cholesterol without eating meat and dairy, a person cannot develop stones (kidney, bladder or gall) without eating meat and dairy products.

A vegan diet is greatly advocated for healing purposes as well as overall qualitative lifestyle purposes. Just as diet plays a role in sickness and disease, likewise it plays a role in healing and recovering from disease.

Make sure to drink plenty of water as water is a natural solvent and helps to dissolve hardened stones.

Dherbs Solutions

Dherbs.Com formulas that can assist in dissolving and eliminating calculus include:

Thank you for reading!

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Urinary Tract Infections Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:40 +0000

Urinary tract infections can result from a host of things, including sexually transmitted diseases.


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According to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases and Information Clearinghouse, diseases of the urinary tract are the second most common infection in the body. Urinary tract infections (UTI) account for about 8.3 million doctor visits per year.

The urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, but the key elements in this system are the kidneys, a pair of purplish-brown filtering organs, shaped like kidney beans, located below the ribs toward the middle of the back.

The kidneys’ purpose is to remove excess liquid and wastes from the blood, which are expelled in urine. This helps keep a stable balance of salts and other substances in the blood, and produce a hormone that aids in the formation of red blood cells.

Narrow tubes called ureters carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder, a sack-like organ in the lower abdomen. Urine is stored in the bladder and emptied through the urethra.

Causes and Risk Factors

Urinary tract infections can result from a host of things, including sexually transmitted diseases. Microorganisms can cause UTI in both males and females.

Normally, urine is sterile and free of bacteria, viruses and fungi but does contain fluids, salts, and waste products. An infection occurs in the urinary system when tiny organisms, usually bacteria from the digestive tract, cling to the opening of the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body) and begin to multiply.

Medical authorities claim that most urinary tract infections arise from one type of bacteria, Esherichia coli (E. coli), which normally lives in the colon.

However, in many cases, bacteria first travel to the urethra and when bacteria multiply, an infection occur, such as urethritis, an infection limited to the urethra. Now, when bacteria moves to the bladder and multiplies, cystitis (a bladder infection) occurs and when the infection is not treated promptly, bacteria may travel further up to the ureters to multiple and infect the kidneys, resulting is pyelonephritis, basically known as a kidney infection.


Common symptoms of UTI are:

  • Increased frequency of urination
  • Pain or discomfort while urinating
  • Blood in urine
  • Fever
  • Pain or discomfort in the lower mid-section of the back (where the kidneys are located)
  • Discharge
  • Urine is dark or cloudy

Healing Urinary Tract Infections Naturally

A nearly raw foods and vegan diet is always best when healing, or even for just maintaining optimal health and well being. Natural foods should always be organic too.

Eliminate entirely (if you can) all meats and dairy products, eggs, refined grains, refined starches, sugar, salt, alcoholic beverages, effervescent beverages (e.g. soda pop), junk food (including fast food), etc. These things are all Tamasic (acid-inducing) foods. They lower the body’s natural alkalinity and promote sickness and disease. Tamasic foods are impure, rotten, or dead, and generally produce feelings of heaviness and lethargy.

When healing from urinary tract infections or any urinary system problem, drink alkaline water (which will counteract the over-acidification of the urinary tract and system. If you can’t find alkaline water, purchase an alkaline water machine system for your home’s kitchen or simply drink spring and/or distilled water.

There are plenty of herbs that can be used to heal urinary tract infections in particular and the overall urinary system in general. Herbs that have an affinity for the urinary tract in general and the kidneys in general are called “diuretic” and “nephritic” herbs. Diuretic and nephritic herbs (such as those listed above) are urinary antiseptics.

These herbs include:

  • Uva Ursi
  • Cornsilk
  • Queen of the Meadow (Gravel Root)
  • Chanca Piedra
  • Pelitory of the Wall
  • Five Fingers
  • Cleavers
  • Juniper Berries
  • Buchu
  • Tribulis (Gokshura)
  • Couchgrass
  • Pipsissewa
  • Parsely Leaf
  • Celery Seed
  • Horsetail
  • Nettle and
  • Devil’s Claw

No matter what the urinary system disease may be-cystitis, nephritis, urethritis, kidney stones, bladder stones, cancer of the bladder and/or kidneys, renal failure, uremia, urinary incontinence, ureteritis-these herbs can be very helpful in the healing process.

Urinary tract infections are 100% reversible and you don’t have to take toxic man-made antibiotics (drugs) that may suppress the urinary tract infection and instead cause you to have to deal with yeast infection as antibiotics undoubtedly cause yeast infection in the body. The yeast infection will only take attention (energy) away from the underlying problem-the urinary tract infection.

Dietary Intervention

Cranberry and vegetable juice can be helpful in managing UTI.


The beneficial properties of Cranberry in helping prevent and heal from urinary tract infections are well documented.

Cranberry can be taken as a freeze-dried powder (in capsule form), in tea form, and of course, in liquid form as cranberry juice (unsweetened variety).

Cranberry juice should be organic, undiluted, and unsweetened. It should be diluted with water (50/50) due to its excess bitterness. Drinking 4 ounces (diluted with water by half) daily can help keep UTI at bay.

Cranberry contains four beneficial natural acids:

  • Benzoic Acid
  • Citric Acid
  • Malic Acid, and
  • Quinic Acid

These four natural acids are very important because they help to bring about the acidification of the urine.

Vegetable juice

Drinking vegetable juice that contains celery and parsley among other veggies is very helpful. Celery and parsley are two of the best plant-based diuretics available.

Up to four to eight ounces glass of vegetable juice daily or at least 3-4 times per week is very beneficial to the health of the body. Vegetable juice is cleansing to the entire body and is rich in organic nutrition (nutrients) and helps to maintain the body’s natural 7.3 alkaline pH level, which keeps the body in a state of homeostasis.

If you’re suffering from any urinary tract infection, you’d be wise to abstain from the consumption of the following: meat, dairy products, beer and other alcoholic beverages, coffee, acidic and effervescent beverages (e.g. soda pop), vinegar (notwithstanding apple cider vinegar), chocolate, and other commercial grade beverages (e.g. orange juice, unless fresh squeezed).

Regardless of the specific nature of your urinary tract system infection, you can heal entirely from it.


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