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Is it even possible to pop out of bed feeling motivated? It may seem like a fantasy, but these habits can help you make it a reality.


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Before you even know about practical habits that promote motivation every morning, you have to understand willpower and motivation itself. Motivation is what fuels your actions, e.g. the reason for pursuing a goal. Willpower is essentially a mental muscle that can help you resist easy short-term gratification. By resisting a simple pleasure like grabbing takeout instead of cooking at home, you stay committed to your goals. Consider the following in regards to motivation and willpower:

  • Motivation can change: It is completely natural for motivation to ebb and flow. You may feel incredibly enthusiastic one day and low energy the next. Being able to recognize this change can help you manage expectations and maintain strategies to keep motivation alive. 
  • Willpower is finite: Like any muscle, willpower can experience fatigue over the course of a day. When you set up habits to encourage motivation, make sure that you don’t solely rely on willpower, or else you will burn out. 
  • Internal and external motivation: Internal motivation comes from personal values or passions, while external motivation can come from rewards, outside pressure, or recognition. By harnessing the power of internal motivation, you can help sustain your energy in the long-term. 

Set Clear And Achievable Goals For The Coming Day

A common reason for an unproductive day can be because you don’t have a plan in place. Without the right system to organize the tasks you need to accomplish, you may feel overwhelmed or unable to right the ship. The best thing to do is make a to-do list the night before or first thing when you wake up. By setting clear and achievable goals for the day, you can remain organized and motivated. If you already have a to-do list that is quite long, consider scaling down to one to three of your most important tasks. If you still feel overwhelmed, figure out what the first step is and create momentum to carry you through to your next task. 

Prepare The Night Before

If you want to be successful in the morning, prepare the night before. When you prepare for the coming day, you can help decrease decision fatigue, reduce stress, and begin your morning on a positive note. Preparing at night means you have less to do in the morning. If you can prepare any part of your daily tasks the night before, make that a habit. Consider the following ideas:

  • Prepare your meals: Have a quick breakfast, such as overnight oats or chia pudding, ready to go. Have your leftovers or meal prep in a container, even if you work from home. 
  • Plan your outfit: Choose your clothes and accessories the night before to eliminate the morning stress of figuring out what to wear. 
  • Organize your space: Tidy up your workspace and living area a little bit because a clean environment can help you remain calm and keep you focused.
  • Set up your tea or coffee: If you enjoy tea or coffee in the morning, prepare it the night before. This small habit means that you will have less to do in the morning. 

Create A Morning Routine

A routine that works for one person may be different for another person. Setting up a morning routine can be a powerful way to start your day and stick to your goals. If you can jump right into productivity, then you may not need a routine. If you need an extra boost to organize and boost productivity, consider including following ideas in your routine:

  • Exercise: Whether you walk around the block or do some squats and push-ups, physical activity in the morning can release endorphins, which boost motivation and mood. 
  • Wake up early: Waking up early usually means that you have to go to bed earlier if you want to get enough sleep. Having extra time for self-care in the morning can change the way you approach your day, though. 
  • Journal: Journaling is an easy practice to help you release your thoughts and feelings. You can express gratitude, set intentions, or just vomit words to let out some steam. 
  • Mindfulness: If you want to clear your mind and set positive intentions for the day, spend a few minutes practicing meditation or mindfulness. Five to 10 minutes is perfectly sufficient!
  • Eat a healthy breakfast: Finish your morning routine with a nutritious breakfast that contains protein, healthy fats, and fiber. Such a breakfast will help kickstart your metabolism, give you energy, and keep you full until lunch. 

Establish A Consistent Sleep Schedule

A solid foundation for morning motivation begins the night before. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, i.e. waking up and going to bed at the same time, helps regulate your body’s circadian rhythm. Sleeping for seven to eight hours a night can help you feel refreshed and ready to tackle the day. To maintain a consistent sleep schedule: 

  • Limit screen time before bed: Blue light from screens can disrupt the body’s production of melatonin. Avoid screens at least one to two hours before bedtime. 
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine: Start practicing calming activities, such as reading, meditation, or stretching, to help wind down before bed. 
  • Set a bedtime: Ideally, you go to sleep and wake up at the same time nearly every day. Make sure that your bedtime allows for seven to nine hours of sleep and stick to that schedule, even on the weekends, in order to help reinforce your body’s sleep/wake cycle.


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Here’s How Long It May Take To Form New Dietary Habits Thu, 08 Feb 2024 09:07:00 +0000

It’s very difficult to make changes to your diet and stick to it. Fortunately, you can learn to form dietary habits that stick for good!


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You probably know that a healthy diet and regular exercise help you feel better and healthier. These choices can lead to fewer health issues and a longer life. If you set a New Year’s resolution to improve your diet and find that your motivation is waning, you may need more help. 

Change is difficult, but an inability to change often comes from not knowing what lasting changes help you in the long run. Another thing to remember is that results are not instantaneous and that maintaining habits can take quite a while. For something to become a habit, especially something you find difficult, you have to know how long it takes to form. This article aims to give you a better idea of how long it takes to form healthier dietary habits

Allow Your New Dietary Effort Time To Become A Habit 

According to health professionals, it usually takes 21 days to create a new habit. Other research on behavioral change shows an average of 66 days for a behavior to become habitual. That said, it can take between two to eight months for a habit to form. The time it takes, however, truly depends on the individual and the changes they want to make. You also have to factor in whether or not the changes are new to you or if they are building on existing behaviors.

Drinking more water each day usually becomes a habit more quickly than adhering to a regular exercise routine. How long did it take to form your current pattern of eating habits? You have to rewire old pathways in the brain, but this is done more efficiently if you break a big change down into smaller steps.

Separate Your Eating Habit Changes Into Smaller Steps

It is very difficult to make an all-or-nothing dietary change last. Instead, nutritionists recommend tackling one change at a time. Once you have success with one change, you’ll get a boost of confidence to tackle the next change you want to make. Realistically, changing your diet all at once is not effective for long-term change. You will most likely give up if you take that approach. 

One way to make smaller changes is to adopt an addition mindset, as opposed to a restriction mindset. Figure out how you can best add to your current diet to begin a healthier journey, instead of cutting out entire food groups. Start by aiming to consume five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. You don’t have to worry about other aspects of your diet yet. It’s easier to add more nutritious foods to your diet instead of focusing on what you can no longer eat. 

Once you have a more balanced diet with nutritious foods, you’ll find that it is easier to avoid sweets and other less nutrient-dense foods. There is no restriction to those foods, and you can now notice how your body feels after eating those unhealthy foods. 

Helpful Tips That May Aid Lasting Change

Now that you understand how to better manage your expectations and break up changes into smaller steps, the following tips may aid lasting dietary changes:

  • Identify your why: Connecting your goals to deeper motivations makes it easier to stick with your goals. If eating healthier can help prevent diabetes or get you off medication, let that be your motivation. Perhaps you have grandchildren and want to live longer to be able to enjoy more time with them. Find your “why” and you may form habits more quickly. 
  • Find community: Typically, you can form habits more easily when you have people supporting you in your corner. Additionally, you may benefit from forming an accountability group, so that you all hold each other accountable to the same dietary changes. You may also find that a wellness coach or nutritionist can help you as well. 
  • Make change a part of your identity: It can help to link your new dietary changes to your identity to promote intuitive change. Let’s say that you want to improve your and your family’s health. This can become easier when you identify as someone who prioritizes health to be a great role model for your children. 

The main thing to remember is that eating healthier takes time, but it can help you live longer and feel better. It may take longer than a few weeks to form these habits, but anything worth achieving usually doesn’t come easy. Break things into smaller, more manageable steps and you’ll find that forming dietary habits is much easier.


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5 Tips To Get Better At Your Work-Life Balance Sat, 03 Feb 2024 09:13:00 +0000

With the ability to connect with anyone at any time, it can be difficult to set boundaries and establish a healthy work-life balance.


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Leaving your work at the office is easier said than done. Your employer or coworkers can contact you for work information at any second of the day via email, text, or phone call. This is especially true if you work from home, which is more common than ever. In fact, a survey from 2023 found that 35% of people who held jobs that could be done remotely worked from home all the time in 2023, versus 7% before the COVID-19 pandemic. 

When Did People Start Talking About Work-Life Balance?

Within the last 10 years, there have been significant changes to work culture, and that is especially true within the last two to three years. The idea of a work-life balance is a novel concept, though. Psychologists have been conducting research on this topic for decades in order to figure out what makes people happy. Through their research, experts hope to better understand which environments enhance overall mental health

Ideally, you don’t want to live an unproductive life, but you also don’t want to burn out at work. How do you then find fulfillment at home and at your job? In the present day, work overload is more widespread, and to be honest, worse than ever before. This is because you are faced with 24/7 connectivity, which is why establishing boundaries and expectations is paramount. Both employees and employers have not taken a step back in this regard. People have changed the way they work and live life, so the key is to figure out how to adapt to this change and balance your work and personal life. Work is everywhere, but the following tips may help balance work with home life. 

Make Time For Yourself During The Work Day

Incorporating some time for yourself on a daily basis, even for 10-15 minutes, can make all the difference. This is a little easier to do if you work from home, but it’s also possible if you hold a regular office job. During that free time, you can take a walk around the block on your lunch break, meditate for 10 minutes, or do any activity that makes you happy. Most employers won’t mind if you take a short break, so long as you get your work done. 

Use Technology In Smarter Ways

Sure, willpower plays a role in checking your many devices, but you also have to make your technology work for you. The brain gets a little boost of excitement with every notification, though, even if it is a text from a friend, an invite from your boss, or a marketing email. You need spaces where you don’t, and physically cannot, check your phone, tablet, or laptop. Enforce this norm by not having phones during your meals, during family time, or during meetings. Limit your social media activity to scheduled times during the day, even if that means putting a time limit on the amount of time you get to view certain apps. Technology is not bad, but your habits are. 

Try To Find A Job That Aligns With Your Values

Although you need to draw a line in the sand between your nine-to-five and your personal life, establishing your work-life balance is also about aligning your work with your personal values. One study from 2022 found that better job quality, including security, salary, and satisfaction, led to better physical and mental health. Another study found that doing a job that aligned with personal values was associated with increased well-being the following day. When you engage in a job that aligns with personal values, you enhance your career satisfaction. That alignment also leads to a better sense of purpose, motivation, and overall fulfillment. 

Establish Boundaries

Everything in life requires boundaries, from relationships with friends and family to your work and home life. Enforcing boundaries that your employer and employees respect is a hurdle not everyone jumps over. If you work remotely and no longer have a commute, you have to find a routine to fill that time. For example, take your dog for a walk before you start work, or close your computer at a certain time when you have to feed cats or get children from school or after school activities. Schedule a workout once you clock out to separate the close of your work day and the rest of your evening. 

Don’t Mistake A Flexible Work Schedule For Full-Time Availability

Working for a company that allows flexible hours does not mean that you have to make yourself available 24/7. If you leave the office at 3 p.m. for an appointment, maybe your employer lets you make up the hours you missed from home. That doesn’t mean that you have to work all night or do more work than what is required of you. Establish what your colleagues and boss expect from you! Don’t reply to an email at midnight, either. Developing the expectation that you are always available can make it hard to separate your work life from personal life. Plus, it gives people the wrong idea about your availability.


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Why Do Most New Year’s Resolutions Fail? Wed, 20 Dec 2023 18:00:11 +0000

The failure rate for New Year's resolutions is an estimated 80% with most people losing their resolve and motivation just weeks later in mid-February!


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According to U.S. News and World Report, the failure rate for New Year’s resolutions is an estimated 80% with most people losing their resolve and motivation just weeks later in mid-February!


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Summertime Sadness? Here’s How To Cope Sun, 20 Aug 2023 09:21:00 +0000

Most people assume seasonal depression is reserved for the winter, but summertime sadness is a real thing. Here are some coping strategies.


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Gloomy winter weather is typically the first thing that comes to mind in a conversation about seasonal depression. It’s no secret that many people suffer from seasonal depression, or seasonal affective disorder (SAD), in the winter months. A less common type of seasonal depression arrives on beautiful, sunny summer days, and it is just as serious. 

How is it possible that warm days and sunshine cause someone to head down a depressive spiral? Before passing judgment, always remember that every person is different. It’s estimated that up to 30% of people with seasonal depression will experience summer depression, according to psychiatrists. People with summer-patter depression, also known as reverse SAD, tend to experience symptoms of depression about four or five months out of the year when the weather is warmer. 

As with any form of depression, early treatment is the best approach. The exact timing of treatment will depend on the person’s history with the mental illness. There are no studies of treatments that are specific to summertime depression, but the following strategies may help relieve symptoms and boost mood

Dark Therapy

Just as light therapy can benefit those with winter SAD, dark therapy may help those with summer SAD. Some people report that they feel better when wearing dark glasses. Wearing blue-blocking goggles at night may help reduce the stimulating effects of blue light. Additionally, wearing blue-blocking goggles has been able to benefit people with manic or hypomanic symptoms in bipolar people. If you feel irritable or agitated as a result of summertime depression, consider wearing blue-blocking goggles. You can also turn off all screens at night to help limit your blue light exposure. 

Create A Routine And Stick To It

Psychiatrists explain that following a consistent routine can help inspire motivation and fulfillment. Start with the basics: wake up on time, brush your teeth, shower, maintain regular mealtimes, and schedule bedtime. If you feel comfortable with all of that, consider adding exercise, self-care practices, and creative outlets to your routine. A great way to stick to a routine is to write your routine down in a planner. You can also use a scheduling or productivity app. You can even go so far as to write memos on sticky notes!

Avoid Depression Traps

What is a depression trap, exactly? The ways in which people cope with depression are not always the most conducive to their mental health. Engaging in these traps will only worsen depression symptoms. Some of these unhealthy behaviors include:

  • Blaming yourself constantly
  • Watching too much pornography
  • Eating when you’re bored, not hungry
  • Gambling online, often
  • Playing video games for hours and hours
  • Spending a lot of time browsing your phone or laptop
  • Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol

Shift Your Circadian Rhythm

One theory about winter SAD is that circadian rhythms change, go awry even, during the winter. Circadian rhythm is the body’s internal program that regulates the timing of all biological functions. The circadian rhythm is orchestrated by daily cycles of light and dark. Depending on winter or summer SAD, light or dark may help reset the person’s internal clock. Some people with summer SAD feel that their circadian rhythms run late, so they walk outdoors each day during summer at sunrise and look in the direction of the sun for 10 minutes. This is a simple practice that may lift spirits throughout the summer. There are no studies to back this up, so you may have to experiment for yourself to see if it benefits your circadian rhythm. 

Cold Temperature Treatment

If you are familiar with the Ice Man, also known as Wim Hof, then you understand the importance of the ice bath. Many people have embraced cold therapy for accelerated recovery, more energy, and reduced inflammation. Plunging into a cold bath shocks the body and has a therapeutic effect. In fact, many cold plunge enthusiasts agree that regular ice baths help to boost mood. Others report that cryotherapy has a similar effect, although that is much colder than an ice bath. Fill a tub with cold water and some ice next time you feel down and take a three minute plunge, taking care to breathe deeply throughout. You may love the results!


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7 Tips To Be A More Positive Person Tue, 25 Jul 2023 09:17:00 +0000

Are you a glass-half-full or glass-half-empty person? Developing a more positive outlook on life can make you a happier person.


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It’s not always easy to be optimistic about everything in life. Depressing news stories, world events, global warming, low self-esteem, or self-doubt can lead to a pessimistic or negative way of thinking. If you tend to look at the glass half-empty, it can be difficult to just change your outlook on life from one day to the next.

If you know people who are overflowing with positivity, you may be able to learn a thing or two from them. Being around that type of energy is very contagious and it’ll most likely rub off on you. If you don’t have those types of people in your life, the following tips may help you maintain a more positive mindset. 

Find Your Reason

In order to become a more positive person, you have to find your reason. When you know why you want to be more positive, you can have more clarity on what you want out of life. What you need to do to cross that bridge into positivity can help you set meaningful goals. Once you find your sense of purpose or understand what you want to do in life, you actually boost self-confidence. That allows you to pursue things in a more focused manner and it adds more dimension to your life. If you’re struggling to find your reason, consider making a vision board and go from there!

Surround Yourself With Positive People

As we were saying earlier, the people you surround yourself with have a great influence on your mindset and behavior. If you want to be more positive, consider taking inventory of the people you have in your life. Are they constantly judging and spewing negativity? If they are, you may need to refresh your friend group and invite more positive people into your social circle. Positivity is infectious, and you may need to make the assertive move to set boundaries with the negative people in your life in order to protect yourself. 

Practice Daily Gratitude

If you want to be more positive, a great habit to develop is practicing daily gratitude. Take time every morning or evening to write down three to five things you’re grateful for. Many people find that doing it first thing in the morning helps set a more positive tone of rate day. You can also practice journaling for five minutes or so to write down why you’re grateful and how you want to be more positive. Just make sure to maintain consistency and always remind yourself to resolve conflicts before the day comes to a close.

Be Present Where Your Feet Are

What does this mean? When the going gets tough or you feel that you’re stretched too thin, being positive can seem impossible. In order to maintain a positive attitude in times like those, try your best to remind yourself to be present where you are. Instead of trying to juggle 12 different things without intention, focus on one thing at a time. That can help you assert control in your life and be more intentional with your time and energy. When you give 100% of yourself to the thing, task, or person who requires it, you will feel more accomplished and better about yourself. 

Develop A Positive Morning Routine

One of the best ways to be more positive is to set yourself up for success each day. That can mean different things for different people. Some people may benefit from hitting the gym, while others may benefit from journaling, meditating, or sitting down for a healthy breakfast with your partner. Developing a ritual every morning can help you be more deliberate with your time, which ultimately boosts productivity and helps encourage positivity.  

Prioritize Self-Care

If you want to maintain your mental and emotional health, you need to prioritize self-care. By caring for yourself, you can help manage stress and handle things in a more calm manner. According to several studies, engaging in regular self-care practices can help reduce feelings of anxiety and stress, and increase motivation and productivity. Schedule a little time each week to engage in self-care if you want to be a more positive person.

Take Accountability

The final tip for anyone who wants to be more positive is to take ownership over your own life. You, and only you, are responsible for your own happiness. Don’t wait for someone or something to magically make things better. Take accountability and put in the work. You are worth it!


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5 Signs That You’re Heading Toward A Burnout Wed, 10 May 2023 09:36:00 +0000

Day-to-day living is not as easy for some as it is for others. Learn how to identify when you’re heading toward an emotional burnout.


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The word “burnout” is a very familiar word in today’s day and age. You can experience a burnout from life events, but work often seems to be the culprit. That stress from work can bleed into your emotional life and cause you to shut down. How do you know when it’s coming and are there signs to look out for? 

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), burnouts were at an all-time high across numerous professions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The mix of personal, professional, and health-related stress spurred feelings that were hard to handle. Since then, burnout has become a broad symptom of overworking in hard times. The end result is that being constantly overwhelmed is much more than passing stress. A burnout marks the accumulation of exertion, hopelessness, and tension that can be hard to identify. 

What Is A Burnout? 

Mental health experts agree that a burnout is the result of chronic stress, which typically stems from the workplace. If a person feels overwhelmed, under-appreciated, and powerless to make more effective changes at their job, a burnout can likely occur. A burnout goes far beyond your ability to perform job duties, though. Your work may suffer, but a burnout may also lead to a series of medical conditions. For example, people who experience a burnout are more likely to develop depression, insomnia, and anxiety. Plus, chronic stress can jeopardize your physical health, especially in relation to heart function. 

If you’re wondering whether or not you’re approaching a burnout, continue reading to learn about some common signs, feelings, and symptoms. 

Feelings Of Dread Or Lack Of Motivation

A burnout often coincides with feelings of anxiety or a sense of dread related to your work, especially after a few days off. The crazy thing about a burnout is that your motivation and enthusiasm levels can be noticeably low even after a weekend or vacation. Procrastination is another key sign to look out for, especially if you’re unwilling to address certain tasks at work. Now, it is very possible to dislike your job and avoid a burnout because not everyone has the luxury of doing work they enjoy. If you find that the days are harder to get through, the quality of your work continues to decline, and the thought of working is a legitimate fear, a burnout is likely happening.

Inconsistent Appetite

Your relationship with food can indicate a lot about the goings on in your life, especially if something is awry. In times of stress, it is very common for people to eat unhealthy foods and gain weight. On the other hand, it’s also possible to lose your appetite and avoid food until you shove your face with whatever is in sight. During periods of a burnout, you may crave comfort foods that are fattening and have an increasing or decreasing appetite. If you notice that your appetite is like a rollercoaster, you may be in the midst of a burnout. 


Feeling overwhelmed psychologically can often show itself in the form of physical fatigue and exhaustion. When you are physically exhausted, it can make it harder to discover the root of your burnout. If you’re experiencing a burnout, basic tasks like cooking a meal or taking a shower can feel like a burden. Additionally, a day of work can feel impossible to get through. So if you’re more tired than usual and cannot seem to increase your energy, a burnout is the most likely suspect. 

Cynicism and Irritability

During a burnout, it is very easy to become more cynical or irritable than usual, especially if decreased productivity and focus accompany the mood changes. The reason for this is because your mood is often the first thing to go downhill during the early stages of a burnout, according to psychologists. If you are usually in a good mood but find yourself more frustrated than usual, you could be approaching a burnout. Don’t let that derail you because if it does, your personal and professional relationships can suffer. 

Difficulty Sleeping

In today’s day and age, sleep troubles are very common. That’s why many health experts continue to stress the importance of sleep and bedtime routines that encourage healthier sleep patterns. Poor sleep hygiene can lead to a burnout, but a burnout can also affect the quality of your sleep. That can cause you to be on a hamster wheel of restlessness and insomnia. Sleep experts say that a burnout can make falling asleep and staying asleep more difficult. Sleep difficulties are often accompanied by tension, stomach problems, and headaches.


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4 Creative Exercises To Inspire Intentional Living Sun, 02 Apr 2023 09:11:00 +0000

How do you live with intention all the time? Don’t let your brain go into overdrive; rather, inspire intentional living with these exercises.


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Intentional living may sound like a complicated, lofty idea that you hear at a self-help seminar. It’s not confusing, nor is it difficult; rather, it is a way of life that can help you grow as a person and reflect on life in a positive way. What does it mean to be intentional about the way you live, though? Is intentional living available to everyone? It is, and we will do our best to help you do so with the four creative exercises in this article. 

Living with intention means that you build your life around your core beliefs and values. Your day-to-day may look different, but you are not acting on impulse or operating in a state of exhaustion. Intentional living is more about taking control of your day. For example, living with intention could involve taking a long walk with your partner because movement and quality time take priority. Make sure that your favorite activities make it into your schedule and prioritize self-care. We hope you can live with more intention by experimenting with the following creative exercises

Define Your Beliefs: Write A Manifesto

Who are you and what do you stand for? What do you believe in? You can answer these questions by creating a personal manifesto. Intentional living doesn’t mean you have to have your life figured out, but you do need to consider your direction in life. If you don’t know where you want to go in life, one way to clarify that is to create a manifesto. A manifesto can be a collection of ideas expressing what you believe in and daily reminders of how you want to live your life. Write down your values, your code of conduct, quotes and affirmations, and a declaration of who you are. 

Describe Your Perfect Day

Think long and hard about your perfect day. Envision your entire day, from the time you wake up until your head hits the pillow at night. What does that day entail? This exercise serves two purposes: to help clarify priorities, values, and dreams, and to find your next step in life. You may dream about having a healthy, active lifestyle, but what does that look like? Are you hiking every day or spending afternoons at the gym? Knowing exactly how you want to be active or healthy can help you understand your motivation. In order to find your next step in life, you have to compare your current everyday life to your perfect day. Do you notice the differences? Now, what small adjustments can you make to have your everyday resemble your perfect day? Not every day will be perfect, but you have to strive for the best!

Write A Letter To Your Future Self

Outline how you want your life to look and feel after a certain period of time, for example, three months or one year. There are many services that you can use to schedule an email to yourself at a certain time. Think about what you want your life to look like by the specified point in time. This exercise can inspire you to reevaluate your current situation, adjust your life, and consider other things that can help you achieve your goals. When you receive your future self email, you’ll be able to reevaluate your life once again and course correct if necessary. 

Fill Your Jar

Everyone, whether they like to admit it or not, has a limited amount of time and energy. Life is about tradeoffs, and spending time doing one thing means that you aren’t doing something else. You use the “fill your jar” exercise to create a visual representation of this. You can fill the jar with big rocks, pebbles, and sand. The big rocks represent the most important things in life, while the pebbles are slightly less important, and so on and so forth. What are the big rocks and pebbles in your life? You have limited space in your jar, so make a conscious effort to focus on what matters most to live your life with more intention.


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What Is A Vision Board And Does It Work? Wed, 15 Feb 2023 09:13:00 +0000

What does a vision board do for your life? Learn how to make a vision board and how it can help you achieve your goals.


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When you want to achieve a certain goal, be it health- or career-related, it helps to have a daily reminder of that goal. Many influential thinkers and leaders agree that you can turn your dreams into reality. This is the concept of manifestation, but hard work and determination are necessary as well. 

We just want to clarify that dreams don’t magically come true overnight. Manifesting your success requires you to set an intention, take active steps to make it come to fruition, and believe that it will come true. Your goals don’t have to be complex either! Maybe your goal is to relax more, be more patient, reduce stress, travel once a year, or find a job you love. Whatever your goal is, a vision board is a great tool to help you on your journey. 

What Is A Vision Board?

A vision board may seem silly to some people, but it’s much more than an arts and crafts project. Vision boards are useful tools that help you focus and pinpoint the goals you want to achieve. Putting your hopes or desires on a board helps to inspire you every day because you see what you want to achieve. In that sense, a vision board can help you prioritize your values. 

In order to create a vision board, you have to collect images or objects that speak to your future and what you want to achieve. You can arrange these things on a poster board to serve as a tangible reminder of where you’re heading. Even the act of creating a vision board helps you better understand what you want and how to manifest things into your life. 

Does A Vision Board Really Work?

Many successful people agree that putting your goals on paper in the way of a vision board can help you achieve them. Several psychological studies found that mental practices, such as visualization, can help motivate, improve performance, and increase confidence. One study in athletes found that visualization was almost as effective as physical practice. Plus, creating a vision board helps you see what your goals will look like once you achieve them!

In order for a vision board to work, you have to make it work for you. By that, we mean that you need to place it somewhere in your home that allows you to see the board every day. You want the board to inspire you, so consider placing it in the bathroom, office, or bedroom. Whether you’re brushing your teeth, writing an email, or getting dressed, seeing your goals can help put you in a healthy, goal-driven mindset. Here are a few options that can enhance the power of your vision board:

  • Look at your board when you wake up in the morning and before you go to sleep at night. 
  • Leave space on your board to add new goals, intentions, or more inspiration.
  • If you feel down or defeated, spend time looking over your board to get back on track and boost motivation.
  • Talk to your board, despite how silly it may seem. When you practice saying your goals out loud, you can help bring them to fruition.

How To Make A Vision Board

Although there are no rules for creating a vision board, you may find the following information helpful. Just remember that you are crafting something that helps inspire you to make your goals or dreams a reality. Some vision boards focus on a singular idea, while others take a look at the bigger picture. Use the following tips to help you start a vision board:

  • Get a board for your base, using a whiteboard, a poster board, cork, or even wire. 
  • Collect images or objects that resonate with your goal. Make sure that you can easily place them on your board. Magazine clippings, photos, quotes, and more work great. 
  • Be clear about your intention, asking yourself what you want to invite or manifest into your life. 
  • Hone in on your images and objects once you figure out what your goal is. 
  • Arranging is the fun part so get creative by arranging and rearranging the objects you gathered. Move things around until you find your board aesthetically pleasing. 
  • Find a place for it, hopefully where you see it every day to inspire creativity and determination.


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5 Tips To Help You Crush Your New Year’s Resolutions Thu, 29 Dec 2022 09:42:00 +0000

Got health and wellness on your mind for 2023? You can stay the course and absolutely crush your New Year’s resolutions with these tips.


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The two most common New Year’s resolutions are to stay fit and healthy, and to lose weight. These are excellent concepts, but they are immeasurable and ambiguous goals. In order to “lose weight” or “be healthier,” you need to have a plan in place, or at least have a clear objective (or objectives) to hit in the coming weeks or months. For example, maybe you want to run a 5k race in February or do 20 push-ups in a row within a month. 

When you arrive at your deadline, you either did the work or you didn’t. Having a defined goal is a great place to start, but your success will depend on your determination and willingness to embrace change. You can have a plan, but you need to have multiple plans when you encounter roadblocks, because you cannot avoid them. Having plans to fall back on when you encounter these roadblocks can help you cross the finish line. Most importantly, achieving your goals leads to a conclusive outcome! 

What can you do to ensure that you are part of the 8% of people that achieve their New Year’s resolutions? The following five tips aim to help you crush your health and wellness goals. Just remember to do the work and you will be rewarded with the results. 

Determine Your “Why”

Why do you want to lose weight? Why do you want to eat healthy? Determining your “why” is the first step to finding success in most areas in life. It can make all the difference when it comes to setting your goals and following through on them. When you keep your “why” at the forefront of everything you do, you will be able to make better decisions. Your “why” keeps you passionate, motivated, and focused, while helping you align with your values. Write down your “why” for each goal you set and place it somewhere you will see daily. Come back to it so that you know why you are losing weight, avoiding alcohol, or not eating meat. 

Focus On One Thing At A Time

When you set too many goals at once, you will likely abandon them as the result of a burnout. Instead, set a few goals in the beginning and check them off your list as you go. Once you reach the initial goals you set, you can add new ones to your list. A great exercise to complete before the New Year is to write down the things you want to accomplish, big or small. Prioritize and select a few from that list to start. As the year goes on, check off goals as they are completed and then prioritize new goals. 

Schedule It And Commit To Yourself

Nobody likes a flaky person because plans always fall through. Don’t commit to things that you aren’t going to show up for, even if you want to say yes to everything and everyone. Commitment to yourself should be the same as your commitment to a good friend. Every Sunday night, plan out your week and schedule the things you need to do to ensure you stick to the goals you set. If that means penciling in your yoga class, grocery shopping, meal prepping, or personal training, so be it!

Let Failures Become Your Teachers

Life is the best rollercoaster there is! It comes with many ups, downs, and turn-em-arounds, and there are lessons around every corner. When you stay the course as things get challenging, you only become stronger. Accept that there will be some bumps in the road on the way to achieving your New Year’s resolutions. When you fail, don’t abandon ship. Instead, ask yourself what happened and learn from your experience to do better the next time.

Reward Yourself

When you accomplish any goal, no matter how big or small, your belief in your abilities grows. Make sure to celebrate your victories, but in a way that doesn’t revolve around food. When you celebrate with food, you endorse bad behavior. Consider seeing a movie, taking a bubble bath, or scheduling a massage to reward your progress. When you reward yourself, you not only increase your motivation, but you also remind your brain that you’re thriving!


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