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Vitamin E is a plant-derived, fat-soluble compound that exists in many vegan sources, such as nuts, seeds, leafy greens, fruits, and more.


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What does vitamin E do and are there vegan sources of this fat-soluble vitamin? Yes and yes. Vitamin E comes in several forms, but alpha-tocopherol is the only one used by the human body. The primary role of vitamin E is to act as an antioxidant, fighting free radicals that can damage cells. It also works to optimize immune function and prevent clots from forming in heart arteries.

What Is Vitamin E? 

Antioxidant vitamins, such as vitamin E, became known to the public in the 1980s, when scientists started to understand that free radical damage was a part of the early stages of atherosclerosis. Free radical damage may also contribute to cancer, vision loss, and many other chronic health conditions. Vitamin E works to protect cells from these damaging free radicals, while simultaneously reducing the body’s production of free radicals in certain situations. There is conflicting evidence, however, on whether or not high doses of vitamin E can actually prevent chronic diseases.

Recommended Amounts

According to research, the recommended daily intake (RDI) for vitamin E for males and females  ages 14 years and older is 15 milligrams (mg) per day. If monitoring vitamin E intake in international units (iu), consume 22 iu per day, and that goes for pregnant women as well. Lactating women need a little more at 19 mg, or 28 iu per day. The following recommendations for vitamin E intake are for people under the age of 14: 

  • 0-6 months: 4 mg per day
  • 7-12 months: 5 mg per day
  • 1-3 years: 6 mg per day
  • 4-8 years: 7 mg per day
  • 9-13 years: 11 mg per day

Vegan Sources Of Vitamin E

Vitamin E exists in a lot of plant-based foods, including oils, nuts and seeds (including nut and seed butters), fruits, and vegetables. The following foods are considered the top 10 vegan sources of vitamin E. We will list their serving sizes with the amount of vitamin E in mg for your knowledge.

  • Almonds: 7.4 mg of vitamin E per 1/4 cup
  • Sunflower seeds: 6.9 mg of vitamin E per 1/4 cup
  • Spinach: 4.6 mg of vitamin E per one cup of cooked spinach
  • Hazelnuts: 4.3 mg of vitamin E per 1/4 cup
  • Swiss chard: 4 mg of vitamin E per one cup of cooked chard
  • Turnip greens: 3.7 mg of vitamin E per one cup of cooked greens
  • Mustard greens: 3.3 mg of vitamin E per one cup of cooked greens
  • Kiwi: 2.5 mg of vitamin E per 1 medium fruit
  • Broccoli: 2.2 mg of vitamin E per one cup of cooked broccoli
  • Mango: 2 mg of vitamin E per one medium fruit

Signs of Vitamin E Deficiency 

Vitamin E is found in many vegan and non-vegan foods, in addition to various supplements. That makes the vitamin E deficiency rate in the United States very low, even rare. That said, people with digestive disorders, or those who cannot properly absorb fat, can develop a vitamin E deficiency. If you cannot absorb fat, you may have cystic fibrosis, pancreatitis, celiac disease, or other similar disease. The common signs of a vitamin E deficiency include:

  • Peripheral neuropathy (damage to the peripheral nerves, usually in the hands or feet, which can cause weakness or pain)
  • Decreased immune function
  • Retinopathy (damage to the retina, which can impair vision)
  • Ataxia (loss of control of body movements)


Vitamin E is an integral nutrient for preventing oxidative damage and maintaining overall health. Because there are many food sources and supplements, you should not have a problem eating the RDI of vitamin E per day, no matter what diet you follow. Fresh is always best, so include a variety of nuts, seeds, leafy greens, and other fruits and vegetables in your diet to meet your vitamin E needs.


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Quick And Easy Carrot Salad Mon, 08 Apr 2024 21:00:34 +0000

This quick and simple carrot salad is a great lunch option if you're in a time crunch!


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Carrots are full of benefits. They may promote healthy vision, balance your blood sugar, help with weight management, lower your risk of cancer, regulate blood pressure, reduce heart disease, improve immunity, and boost brain health. This quick and simple carrot salad is a great lunch option if you’re in a time crunch!


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3 Tricks To Help Exercise Your Brain Tue, 14 Nov 2023 09:11:00 +0000

Take a break from the weights and the treadmill to exercise your brain. These tricks may help boost memory and overall cognitive function.


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Now, more than ever, there is a huge obsession with strength training. It is a great way to increase muscle strength, but that doesn’t mean you should obsess over strength and strength alone. Cardiovascular training and stretching are two other integral pillars of exercise, but one that is not typically discussed is mental training. You see, the brain is just like any other muscle, and training it will help it perform optimally.

You’ve heard of aerobics, but what about “neurobics?” Essentially aerobics for your neurons, neurobics is a method of brain training to increase brain capacity and improve memory. One author, Jim Kiwk, explains that if you don’t use your brain, you’ll lose it. Kiwk also states that there are easy ways to challenge your brain, and they don’t take too much time. Accelerate your learning capacity and enhance your brain with the following exercises. 

Use Your Opposite Hand

Although some people are ambidextrous, most people tend to stick with their dominant hand for everyday tasks. Try to use your non-dominant hand to do simple tasks, such as brushing your teeth or eating, to activate a different part of the brain. You don’t have to think when you use your dominant hand because most things are muscle memory. If you switch things up to use your non-dominant hand, you have to use more brain power. Additionally, using your non-dominant hand forces you to be present. You direct your full focus on the activity or task at hand, so you know you are not distracted by anything else. 

Turn Off Your GPS

There is no doubt that technology makes many things convenient, so much so that you don’t have to think about some things. Therein lies the problem! You want to flex your mental muscles from time to time, so Kiwk encourages you to refrain from looking up your destination on your device. Rely on your memory to get you where you need to go, provided you have a few extra minutes to recall mental directions and the destination is familiar. People lack confidence because they lack mental competence. You are capable of so much and probably know your way around better than you realize you do. Make the effort and use your brain, even if that means that your route ends up being a little longer. 

Make Passive Activities Active

You have the ability to make any activity more mindful, even something as simple as watching TV. How often do you sit down to watch a show or movie and end up scrolling through social media or playing Candy Crush 10 minutes into your show/movie? You don’t have to mindlessly watch the movie just because you put your phone down, though. Envision yourself as a certain character from what you are watching. What would you do if you were in their situation and what can you learn from the character’s arc or journey? You can also practice this skill with other forms of entertainment. It may actually help you improve empathy and your ability to switch positions or characters in a narrative. 

The takeaway from all this is that exercising your brain is much easier than you think it is. All you have to do is make small changes in everyday activities to make a positive impact on your cognition and memory. Practice some neurobics and you’ll feel stronger every time you do them!


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Diabetes Blinds You! Sat, 11 Nov 2023 00:00:03 +0000

Too much sugar can worsen your vision.


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Too much sugar can worsen your vision. It impacts your vision by resulting in high blood sugar levels which damage the tiny blood vessels of the retina at the back of the eye. If this damage remains untreated, it can lead to vision loss and blindness. You should be checked for diabetic retinopathy immediately if you’re diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Treating diabetic vision loss can repair damage to the eye and even prevent blindness in most people if caught early. Treatment includes laser therapy, surgery, and injections.

0:00 Intro
0:41 Sugar can damage your eyes.
1:55 Diabetic people are at increased risk of cataracts.
3:38 If diabetes cuts off your vision, it’s actually because blood is filling the inside of your eye.
5:28 There’s no treatment for diabetic vision loss.
7:00 Outro


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The Powerful Benefits Of Phytonutrients Mon, 30 Oct 2023 09:10:00 +0000

Found in plants, phytonutrients protect the plant from damaging environments, but they also offer these benefits for the human body.


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Phytonutrients are only obtained from plants, which develop them to protect themselves from damaging environments. Ultraviolet radiation, predator pests, toxins, and pollution are just a few of the the things that plague plants on a daily basis. Plants produce phytonutrients to fight the free radicals that result from the exposure to the threats we previously mentioned. Without producing phytonutrients, free radicals damage plant proteins, cell membranes, and DNA, leading to the death of the plant. 

Phytonutrients are like shields for plants, but they also provide color, flavor, and smell. So what do phytonutrients do for the body? Well, they protect the body in a similar way that they do plants. Similar to plants, the human body is regularly exposed to UV light, toxins, bacteria, and pathogens, so it requires protection from free radical damage. By “eating the rainbow,” or eating colorful fruits and vegetables, you supply the body with the protective shield it needs.

Sufficient phytonutrient intake is necessary for proper immune function and normal cellular activity. Phytonutrients work to fight harmful free radicals, making cells less susceptible to damage. Research shows that phytonutrients are the basis for more than 40% of medications today, including those that help treat heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and certain cancers. Continue reading to learn more about why you should eat more phytonutrients. 

Improved Skin And Vision

Blueberries, strawberries, and red wine, for example, contain anthocyanins, which are a group of phytochemicals that may help improve vision and protect eye health. Studies show that eating darker-pigmented foods can help improve visual acuity. Enhancing vision and night vision with these types of foods has been well-documented. In addition to benefiting vision, many plants contain carotenoids, which contribute to a more youthful glow to the skin. Kale and collard greens contain lutein and zeaxanthin, two compounds that help naturally treat glaucoma. Lutein and lycopene may also protect against sun damage. 

Decreased LDL Cholesterol 

Phytonutrients like sulfides and thiols work to decrease LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. If LDL cholesterol builds up in the arteries, you increase your risk of heart disease. Those protective compounds are typically in aromatic herbs and vegetables like onions, leeks, garlic, and olives. Other studies indicate that cruciferous vegetables may help maintain normal cholesterol levels. These vegetables are high in lignans, carotenoids, flavonoids, and a few other nutrients that may benefit overall heart health.

Reduced Inflammation 

According to several studies, flavan-3-ols and proanthocyanidins can help decrease disease-causing inflammation. These compounds are found in grape juice extracts, cranberries, raw cacao, and red wine. Resveratrol, for example, plays a role in cancer prevention and fighting diabetes, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. Studies show that resveratrol helps to reduce inflammatory responses in the body. Broccoli, for example, contains sulforaphane and is associated with reduced breast cancer risk. Other phytonutrients exhibit antiviral and antibacterial properties that help fight infections and viruses in the body. 

Lower Blood Pressure And Increased Vessel Dilation

The New England Journal of Medicine published a study about how a diet rich in phytonutrients from fruits and vegetables may help substantially lower blood pressure. While a higher intake of phytonutrients can aid blood pressure reduction, one also has to reduce saturated fat intake and reduce consumption of dairy products for that to happen. Authors behind the study concluded that such a diet offers an approach to help reduce the risk of hypertension. Phytonutrients like lycopene, which is in tomatoes, can help protect against heart disease. Flavonoids in raw cacao can also help prevent heart damage caused by environmental toxins and aging.


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The Health Benefits And Risks Of A Water Fast Mon, 31 Jul 2023 09:35:00 +0000

Benefits of a water fast include lower blood pressure, improved insulin sensitivity, autophagy, and more, but it also comes with some risks.


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To fast is to abstain from all or some kinds of food or drink. Fasting has been practiced in many religions for thousands of years. Water fasting is a type of fast that restricts all foods and beverages except water. In recent years, it has become a popular way to lose weight quickly, but this practice offers several other health benefits. That said, there are some risks involved, so a water fast may not be suitable for everyone. 

Several studies found that water fasting may reduce the risk of chronic diseases and stimulate autophagy, a process that helps the body break down and recycle old cell parts. Human studies on water fasting are quite limited, so more research is necessary to determine the full benefits. When the body perceives environmental stress, such as restricting food, it adjusts activity of genes relevant to defending the body from stress. That changes that occur truly depend on how long you fast. 

What Is A Water Fast?

A water fast is a type of fast during which you cannot consume anything besides water. Typically, a water fast lasts 24-72 hours and you should not follow a water fast that lasts longer than 72 hours without medical supervision. The main reason that people engage in a water fast is to improve their health. Popular diets like the lemon detox cleanse are modeled after a water fast, but you get to consume a mixture of lemon juice, water, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper during that detox.

How To Do A Water Fast

Although there are no scientific guidelines on how to start water fasting, it is relatively straightforward. People with gout, types 1 & 2 diabetes, or eating disorders, in addition to older adults, pregnant people, and children should not do a water fast. If you have never done a water fast before, you should spend three to four days preparing your body beforehand. Eat smaller portions for your meals or consider eating intermittently in the days leading up to your fast. Most people generally drink two to three liters of water per day during a water fast. It is possible to feel weak or dizzy during this time, so try to do it when you have days off and can rest. Read on to learn more about the benefits

May Help Reduce Blood Pressure

According to medically supervised water fasts, people with high blood pressure were able to lower blood pressure levels. In one study consisting of 48 obese or overweight people, water fasting for an average of 17 days under medical supervision reduced systolic blood pressure. Another review found that water fasting significantly reduced blood pressure levels and body weight in people with high blood pressure. Although more research is necessary to evaluate whether or not short-term water fasts reduce blood pressure, initial research is promising. 

May Reduce The Risk Of Chronic Diseases

Some evidence indicates that water fasting may reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, certain cancers, and diabetes. Research suggests that water fasting may protect that heart from damaging free radicals. Additionally, a 2013 study followed 30 healthy adults who did a water fast for 24 hours. After the fast, they experienced significant reductions in blood triglycerides, a risk factor for heart disease. Several animal and human studies found that water fasting may suppress genes that aid the growth of cancer cells. 

May Promote Autophagy

Autophagy is an integral mechanism for maintaining optimal health. During this process, the body recycles cellular components, like amino acids, to make new proteins and mitochondria, which ultimately makes new energy for the body’s cells. Several animal studies suggest that autophagy may protect against Alzheimer’s disease, certain cancers, and heart disease. Other animal studies consistently found that water fasting promotes autophagy, and that autophagy may extend longevity. All that said, few human studies on water fasting and autophagy exist, so more research is necessary.

May Improve Insulin And Leptin Sensitivity

Both insulin and leptin are hormones that affect metabolism. Leptin helps the body feel full, while insulin helps the body store nutrients from the bloodstream. According to research, water fasting may make the body more sensitive to leptin and insulin. Greater sensitivity ultimately makes these hormones more effective. Being more sensitive to insulin makes the body more efficient at reducing blood sugar levels. Higher leptin sensitivity may help the body process hunger signals more efficiently, which may reduce the risk of obesity. 

The Risks Of Water Fasting

Although water fasting may have certain benefits, it does come with some health risks. One of the risks is that you may lose the wrong type of weight. A water fast restricts calories, so you can lose a lot of weight quickly. Unfortunately, most of the weight you lose in the beginning comes from water, carbs, and even a small portion of muscle mass. You may also become dehydrated during a water fast, which sounds too strange to be true. The reason for that is because about 20-30% of your daily water intake comes from the foods you eat. If you drink the same amount of water and are not eating food, you may not have enough water in the body. Dizziness, nausea, headaches, constipation, and low blood pressure are common symptoms of dehydration. 

As mentioned earlier in this article, water fasting is not for everyone. People with gout, eating disorders, and types 1 & 2 diabetes should not do a water fast without first seeking medical advice. A water fast may aggravate these conditions and worsen symptoms.


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The Top 5 Health Benefits Of Zinc Mon, 15 May 2023 09:42:00 +0000

You’re familiar with the big vitamin players in your diet: vitamins A, B12, C, and D. Do you know about the health benefits of zinc, though?


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Unless you’re trying to get rid of cold or flu symptoms, zinc is probably not the first nutrient on your mind. Zinc is more than a mineral that can help you recover from the common cold or other illnesses. It is an essential mineral that you should consume in small amounts every day. The reason for that is because the body cannot produce or store it, so consuming zinc daily can contribute to overall health and wellness. Read on to learn about the top five health benefits of zinc

The body needs zinc for various processes in the body. Behind iron, zinc is the second-most abundant mineral in the body. Zinc is involved with immune function, DNA synthesis, gene expression, growth and development, protein synthesis, wound healing, and enzymatic reactions. Zinc exists in a wide variety of plant and animal foods, but it is also available in supplement form. Because of its role in immune function, zinc is often included in lozenges, cold medication, and other cold treatments. Should you want to start supplementing with zinc, consider speaking with your healthcare provider to determine the right dosage.

It Contributes To Healthy Immune Function

Zinc works to control inflammation and prevent elevated inflammatory responses, including the release of cytokines. It aids the body during an immune response, but it also helps it return to homeostasis, the state of equilibrium between interdependent elements. According to research, zinc may help with the development of immune cells and interfere with the molecular process that causes mucus and bacteria to accumulate in nasal passages. A 2020 review of clinical trials found that when healthy adults with cold symptoms took zinc supplements, the duration of symptoms was significantly reduced by about 2.25 days. 

May Reduce The Risk Of Certain Age-Related Illnesses

Pneumonia, infection, and age-related macular degeneration are all examples of age-related illnesses. Researchers believe that zinc may reduce your chances of developing these types of illnesses. Older studies confirmed that older adults who supplemented with zinc improved influenza vaccination response. They also experienced a boost in mental performance and a reduced risk of pneumonia. A study from 2007 determined that taking 45 milligrams (mg) of elemental zinc per day may decrease the risk of infection in older adults by 66%. Additionally, other research confirmed that taking 80 mg of zinc per day, alongside vitamin E, vitamin C, and beta-carotene, decreased vision loss. 

It Helps Maintain Heart Health

The body needs zinc to maintain healthy cells within the cardiovascular system. Zinc also works to lower inflammation and reduce the risk of oxidative stress. The endothelium, the thin layer of cells that lines blood vessels, is slightly reliant on adequate intake of zinc. Zinc also assists the heart by supporting optimal circulation. Researchers note that zinc may aid with high blood pressure and cholesterol levels from damages or clogged arteries. One meta-analysis determined that adults with heart failure had lower levels of zinc than people with healthier hearts. 

May Help Treat Acne

According to several studies, people with acne tend to have lower levels of zinc than those with clearer skin. Acne, a common skin disorder, affects about 9.4% of the global population. It is most common in teens, but it can affect adults as well. It is driven by the obstruction of oil-producing glands, inflammation, and bacteria. Various studies suggest that both oral and topical zinc treatments can effectively treat acne by inhibiting the growth of P. acnes bacteria. Zinc also works to suppress oil gland activity and reduce inflammation on the skin.

It Helps With Muscle Growth And Repair

Zinc is involved in normal cell growth and division, which means that it assists muscle growth and repair. How does it do this? Well, it makes it possible for the body to heal itself and maintain strength in the body’s muscular and skeletal systems. Zinc also works to promote the growth of muscle mass by increasing the amount of testosterone the body is able to produce post-exercise. This is especially true after a session of weight training or high-intensity interval training. Regarding testosterone, zinc aids with the body’s release of that hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), both of which are necessary for muscle mass and metabolism.


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5 Headache Locations And What They Mean Fri, 21 Apr 2023 09:10:00 +0000

A splitting pain in your forehead, pounding in your temples or stabbing behind the eyes. Find out what different headache locations mean.


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Some people experience pulsing sensations around their temples. Others are more familiar with a sharp or splitting pain in their forehead. There is the unfortunate stabbing sensation that hits you behind your eyes. All of these locations and pains mean different things, but have you ever wondered why they occur at those locations? 

Whether you wake up in pain or it happens over the course of your day, a headache is never enjoyable. You want it gone as quickly as possible, even if that means icing your neck, massaging your temples, or meditating with an essential oil diffuser. The location of the headache pain can give you some insight to the cause and the best way to treat it. Below, we detail five headache locations and the best way to help remedy them. 

A quick note: While most headaches are not dangerous, some may require medical attention, as they can be a sign of a more serious health issue. If you experience headache pain along with fever, confusion, fainting, loss of consciousness, weakness, imbalances, loss of vision, or speech impairments, seek medical care. 

Back Of Your Head And Neck

A headache that hangs around the back of your head may indicate a cervicogenic headache. A secondary headache for short, the pain of a cervicogenic headache doesn’t originate in the head; rather, it radiates up from the neck. These headaches tend to stem from neck problems or injuries, according to health experts. The pain usually starts from the base of your skull and radiates up one side of your head. The reason for this is because of the functional connectivity of pain sensitive structures in the head and neck regions. 

In order to fix this headache pain, health experts recommend physical therapy, especially if a past injury is the cause. Rehabbing your neck muscles, where the pain is rooted, can help reduce the risk of future cervicogenic headaches. Additionally, massaging the neck can help relieve muscle tension and may be beneficial for people with occipital neuralgia. 

Front Of Your Head And Face

Throbbing head and facial pain, such as pressure around the eyes, cheeks, and forehead, often indicates a sinus headache. You can also experience nasal congestion and fatigue along with this type of headache. If you bend forward, the pain tends to increase. Because migraines manifest similar symptoms, it can be difficult to differentiate the two headaches. Roughly 90% of people who complain about sinus headaches are later diagnosed with migraines. Nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light are not linked to sinus headaches, but they are common with migraines. 

Sinus headaches usually occur in conjunction with the common cold, upper respiratory tract infections, or seasonal allergies. For this reason, treating those underlying symptoms can help resolve this type of headache pain

Around Your Whole Head

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of a tight band squeezing your entire head. This is the typical description of a tension headache, which is commonly triggered by poor sleep and stress. Tension headaches are characterized by pressure and tightness around the entire head, and they often go hand in hand with tension in the neck, shoulders, and jaw. 

The most common way to treat tension headaches is by taking over-the-counter painkillers like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin. However, if you don’t want to immediately resort to these medications, you can try some tension-relieving exercises. Getting quality sleep and learning to manage stress can also help you avoid them moving forward. 

Side Of Your Head

Many headaches can cause pain to occur on one side of the head, but this type of pain is most commonly associated with migraines. Migraines can cripple you, producing severe throbbing or pulsing unilateral head pain that can last for hours, days even. When you experience a migraine, you may also develop sensitivity to light and sound. Vomiting and nausea tend to accompany the head pain as well. 

To fix this type of pain, you should consult your doctor, especially if you experience migraines on a regular basis. Your doctor may be able to detail a proper treatment plan, which may involve medication and avoiding certain triggers.

In Your Temples

Migraine and tension headaches can cause pain in your temples. That said, pain in the temples can often be attributed to a rare condition known as temporal arteritis. Health experts explain that temporal arteritis occurs when blood vessels near the temples constrict and become inflamed. This health issue is more common in people over the age of 50. In addition to the throbbing sensation in your temples, it’s possible to experience fever, fatigue, jaw pain, vision problems, muscle aches in the upper arms, loss of appetite, and tenderness at the scalp or temples. 

If you have temporal arteritis, you have to treat it immediately. Doctors often prescribe steroids to counter the pain as quickly as possible. If you don’t treat temporal arteritis, it can worsen and lead to blindness and other complications.


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The Top 5 Health Benefits Of Spinach Sun, 09 Apr 2023 09:18:00 +0000

Kale and spirulina are notorious superfoods, but spinach is no slouch, reducing blood pressure, benefiting eye health, and much more.


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How many times did you hear, “Eat your spinach,” or, “Eat your greens,” growing up as a child? Moms always encouraged children to eat their greens, but it was usually met with refusal or disgust. Nowadays, there is a great appreciation for greens and all that they do for the body. Interesting how the perspective shifts as you get older and start caring about your health, right?

Of all the leafy greens, spinach is potentially the most versatile. You can add it to smoothies, salads, steam it, sauté it, add it to a stir fry, or blend it into baked goods. The possibilities are endless, just like the long list of nutrients. Spinach offers an impressive amount of vitamin K, with one cup providing more than 100% of the recommended daily value. It also offers vitamins A & C, folate, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and antioxidants like myricetin, quercetin, kaempferol, and isorhamnetin. These flavonoid compounds may reduce the risk of inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases, and may even protect you against cancer. Read on to learn about the top five benefits of spinach

Spinach Supports Brain Health

Spinach exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, making it a key contender for encouraging optimal brain health, especially in regards to aging. A 2015 study monitored the eating patterns and cognitive abilities of more than 900 adults aged 59 to 98 for five years. Researchers noticed a significant decrease in the rate of cognitive decline in those who consumed larger amounts of leafy greens. Data from the study also indicated that people who consumed two servings of leafy green vegetables daily had the same cognitive abilities as someone roughly seven and a half years younger than their actual age.

Spinach May Benefit Eye Health

Spinach contains a large amount of lutein, an antioxidant that may reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The National Eye Institute says that AMD is an eye disease that can blur the sharp, central vision that you need for reading and driving. Statistics indicate that it is the leading cause of loss of vision for people over the age of 55. Because there is no cure, prevention is key. One study looked at the eyes of 11 participants who ate 75 grams of frozen spinach containing 10 milligrams of lutein daily for two months. Increasing blood lutein levels help increase measures of macular pigment optical density. Macular pigment is like having internal sunglasses to protect the eyes. 

Spinach May Regulate Blood Pressure Levels

The nitrates in spinach may improve endothelial function and cause an acute reduction in blood pressure levels. By lowering your blood pressure, you can promote better heart health. Other studies confirm that the nitrates in spinach may also relieve arterial stiffness, a marker that increases blood pressure. Additionally, spinach contains proteins that may be useful in the prevention of hypertension, and spinach’s magnesium content may contribute to blood pressure regulation. Magnesium works to widen the blood vessels to promote optimal blood flow.

Spinach May Reduce Cancer Risk

As per several studies, the vitamin A in spinach is linked to a reduced risk of breast cancer. Researchers noted that eating spinach more than twice a week reduced the risk of breast cancer in a modest way. Being a cruciferous vegetable, spinach provides integral carotenoids that may aid cancer treatment. Cruciferous vegetables release indoles upon preparation, which inactivates carcinogens and fights inflammation

Spinach Promote Fetal Development

Folate is necessary for fetal development. According to health experts, folate reduces the risk of defects in the unborn child’s nervous system. Folate can also help prevent major birth defects in the baby’s brain and spine. This is because folate helps form the neural tube, which forms the early brain and spine of the baby. The iron in spinach may also help prevent preterm deliveries and low birth-weight babies. Unfortunately, information is unclear on this matter and more studies are needed regarding this.


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4 Creative Exercises To Inspire Intentional Living Sun, 02 Apr 2023 09:11:00 +0000

How do you live with intention all the time? Don’t let your brain go into overdrive; rather, inspire intentional living with these exercises.


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Intentional living may sound like a complicated, lofty idea that you hear at a self-help seminar. It’s not confusing, nor is it difficult; rather, it is a way of life that can help you grow as a person and reflect on life in a positive way. What does it mean to be intentional about the way you live, though? Is intentional living available to everyone? It is, and we will do our best to help you do so with the four creative exercises in this article. 

Living with intention means that you build your life around your core beliefs and values. Your day-to-day may look different, but you are not acting on impulse or operating in a state of exhaustion. Intentional living is more about taking control of your day. For example, living with intention could involve taking a long walk with your partner because movement and quality time take priority. Make sure that your favorite activities make it into your schedule and prioritize self-care. We hope you can live with more intention by experimenting with the following creative exercises

Define Your Beliefs: Write A Manifesto

Who are you and what do you stand for? What do you believe in? You can answer these questions by creating a personal manifesto. Intentional living doesn’t mean you have to have your life figured out, but you do need to consider your direction in life. If you don’t know where you want to go in life, one way to clarify that is to create a manifesto. A manifesto can be a collection of ideas expressing what you believe in and daily reminders of how you want to live your life. Write down your values, your code of conduct, quotes and affirmations, and a declaration of who you are. 

Describe Your Perfect Day

Think long and hard about your perfect day. Envision your entire day, from the time you wake up until your head hits the pillow at night. What does that day entail? This exercise serves two purposes: to help clarify priorities, values, and dreams, and to find your next step in life. You may dream about having a healthy, active lifestyle, but what does that look like? Are you hiking every day or spending afternoons at the gym? Knowing exactly how you want to be active or healthy can help you understand your motivation. In order to find your next step in life, you have to compare your current everyday life to your perfect day. Do you notice the differences? Now, what small adjustments can you make to have your everyday resemble your perfect day? Not every day will be perfect, but you have to strive for the best!

Write A Letter To Your Future Self

Outline how you want your life to look and feel after a certain period of time, for example, three months or one year. There are many services that you can use to schedule an email to yourself at a certain time. Think about what you want your life to look like by the specified point in time. This exercise can inspire you to reevaluate your current situation, adjust your life, and consider other things that can help you achieve your goals. When you receive your future self email, you’ll be able to reevaluate your life once again and course correct if necessary. 

Fill Your Jar

Everyone, whether they like to admit it or not, has a limited amount of time and energy. Life is about tradeoffs, and spending time doing one thing means that you aren’t doing something else. You use the “fill your jar” exercise to create a visual representation of this. You can fill the jar with big rocks, pebbles, and sand. The big rocks represent the most important things in life, while the pebbles are slightly less important, and so on and so forth. What are the big rocks and pebbles in your life? You have limited space in your jar, so make a conscious effort to focus on what matters most to live your life with more intention.


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