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All pregnant moms and moms to be should be doing these stretches on the regular! They work to improve hip, back, and hamstring pain.


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For pregnant women, stretching offers a host of benefits. Different moves can help maintain mobility, relieve stiffness, and even prepare you for labor. There are a lot of aches and pain that you can experience while pregnant, and stretching can offer relief. This pain can occur while sleeping, walking, sitting, or just existing. Before we get into the stretches that pregnant women should do, there are a few things to note. 

Relaxin is a hormone in the body and levels increase during pregnancy. This hormone works to relax the cervix and ligaments during delivery. It also lubricates the joints and ligaments of the pelvic, allowing you to overstretch in various activities like yoga. Stretching too much in this way can be dangerous and may cause injury. To avoid injury, do not overstretch or go deeper into poses than you could before pregnancy. If you are worried about stretching or engaging in yoga while pregnant, talk to your doctor to ensure that it is safe for you. If you want to stretch and engage in yoga, the following stretches are great during pregnancy.

Cat Cow

The round ligament runs along the top of each side of the uterus. As the baby grows, so do you, so your center of gravity starts to shift forward. That causes the pelvis to rotate forward, which can increase hip and groin tightness, and cat cow pose can help alleviate this tension. Begin on all fours in a tabletop position, stacking your shoulders over your wrists and hips over your knees. Take a deep breath in and round your back. Hold for three seconds in this “cat” position. Exhale and arch your back slowly, holding for three seconds in “cow” position. Repeat three to five times, taking your time throughout. 

Pigeon Pose

This stretch works to lengthen the outside of the hip and may even relieve sciatic pain, which is very common during pregnancy. This stretch also aims to lengthen the front of the hip. Begin on all fours and bring your right knee in front of you between your arms. Move the right foot to be in line with your left knee. Extend your left leg behind you and rest the top of your left foot on the floor. Shift your bodyweight over the hips and center yourself. You should feel a stretch along your right buttocks and the front of the left hip. Don’t force your body into anything it can’t tolerate. Hold for five deep breaths and then switch sides. 

Butterfly Stretch

This stretch targets the inner thighs and groin and aims to open up your hips. It also works to improve circulation to the lower abdomen, which works to ease bowel movements and fluid retention in the legs. Begin by sitting on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Place a pillow under your buttocks if you require extra support. Bend your knees, bring your feet together, and allow your knees to fall out to the sides. Make sure to keep the soles of your feet touching. You should feel a stretch along your inner thighs, and you can increase the stretch by gently pushing your knees closer to the ground. Hold this position for 30 seconds. 

Upper Back And Hamstring Stretch

Carrying a baby is a lot of work! This combination stretch works to take the weight off the pelvis and reduce that downward pressure you feel during pregnancy. Begin by standing up straight with your feet hip-distance apart about three feet from a table or chair. Hinge at the hips and place your hands on the table. Sink your buttocks backward and aim to keep your legs straight. If you can, make your torso parallel to the ground. You will feel a stretch that runs along your hamstrings and also your upper back and arms. Hold this stretch for five deep breaths and then return to the starting position. Complete a total of three times for best results. 

Child’s Pose

This is a very simple and relaxing yoga pose that helps to elongate the spine and relieve pressure on the surrounding nerves. Begin on all fours in a tabletop position with your knees slightly wider than hip-width apart. Sink back to rest your buttocks on your heels and reach your hands out until you are in a folded position. You should feel a stretch in the lower back, hips, and upper back. Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds. If you are in the later stages of pregnancy and feel that your belly is in the way, place a couple pillows under your stomach for support.


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7 Movements To Help Relieve A Tight Lower Back Tue, 14 May 2024 09:02:00 +0000

A tight lower back can limit your ability to move or even be stationary with ease. If you have tension in the low back, try these stretches.


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After the common cold and flu, low back pain is the top reason that people in the United States visit their healthcare provider. Pain in the lumbar spine, or lower back, is commonly accompanied by tight lower back muscles. If the low back is stiff, you may experience difficulty standing upright, sitting down, or changing positions. Low back stiffness can be caused by everything from injury and arthritis to nerve damage and sprain. It is up to you to stay on top of your pain to help maintain mobility and flexibility. 

Symptoms Of A Tight Low Back

A tight lower back can worsen over time, so you have to take action and take steps to ease tension when you feel it. The last thing you want is to let it reach a point where it is so tight that when you shake a bedsheet to make your bed, you collapse in pain. Tightness in the low back is usually accompanied by spasms, general pain, and occasional cramping. The pain usually feels like a dull ache and you may feel restricted when you twist or move. It’s also possible to feel tightness in the pelvis, hips, and legs. 

How To Improve Strength And Flexibility

Many simple stretches and movements can help improve both flexibility and strength. The goal is to lengthen and extend the spine to your comfort level. The last thing you want to do is worsen the pain or injury while trying to make it better. Stretching the hamstrings, doing core exercises, and engaging in hip mobility work can all benefit your spine. Consider the following stretches and movements to help relieve tension and improve flexibility in the low back. 

Knees To Chest

This stretch works to loosen muscles in the low back and increase flexibility, all while stabilizing the pelvis. To begin, lie flat on your back with both legs extended. Draw your right knee to your chest and interlace your fingers around your shin. Hold this position for five to 10 seconds, keeping your pelvis flat and square. Release your right leg and then repeat with the left leg. Release your left leg and then draw both knees to your chest and hold the position for 30 seconds. 

Pelvic Tilts

This exercise aims to strengthen the abdominals and lower back muscles, while simultaneously increasing pelvic flexibility. Lie flat on your back and bend your knees, planting your feet flat on the ground. You should be able to touch your heels with your fingertips. Engage your core so that the base of your spine presses into the floor and hold for five seconds. Relax and lift your butt off the ground slightly before returning to the ground. Continue alternating between these two positions for three sets of 10 reps. Make sure to take a minute to rest between each set. 

Child’s Pose

Besides corpse pose, child’s pose is one of the most relaxing yoga postures that can take pressure off the low back. It also works to lengthen, stretch, and align the spine. Begin on all fours in a tabletop position, stacking your shoulders over your wrists and hips over your knees. Widen your knees and bring your big toes together as you sit back onto your heels. Aim to bring your forehead to the mat and extend all the way through your fingertips. If necessary, place a bolster or pillow under your chest. Allow the body to relax and let go of any tension. Remain in this position for one minute. 

Reclining Single-Leg Stretch

A tight low back can cause tightness in the hamstrings, but stretching them can help realign the spine and reduce pain. Lie flat on your back with both legs extended. Lift up your right leg to extend it toward the ceiling, keeping a slight bend in the leg. You can bend your left leg and press your foot into the floor for support if necessary. Interlace your fingers behind your right hamstring or use a towel around the top of your right foot. Pull your leg toward you and stop once you feel a good stretch. Hold this position for 30 seconds before repeating on the left side. Complete two to three times per side. 

Hip Circles

This exercise aims to increase flexibility, release tension, and loosen the lower back and hip muscles. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your hips. Start by swaying your hips from side to side. Start to rotate your hips in one direction and make big circles, completing at least 10 circles in one direction. Repeat in the opposite direction and then rest. You can complete another set or two if you wish. 

Legs Up The Wall

This yoga pose aims to relax the pelvis and low back. It also provides a great stretch for your hamstrings and aims to improve blood flow from the lower extremities back to the heart. Begin in a seated position with the right side of your body against a wall. Lie down on your back and swing your legs up the wall, placing your heels against the wall. Aim to scoot your butt as close to the wall as possible. Relax your arms in any comfortable position and focus on relaxing the low back to release tension. Remain in this position for two minutes. 

Cat Cow

Not only does this pose improve spinal flexibility, but it also stretches your hips and lower abdomen. Pay attention to your muscles during this movement, especially if you feel stiff or sore. Start in a tabletop position, with your hands on the ground beneath your shoulders and your knees beneath your hips. Start by rounding your back, dropping your head down and engaging your buttocks to tuck your tailbone toward your head. Hold this for a second before arching your back, extending your head back.


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4 Exercises That May Ease Constipation Thu, 02 May 2024 09:02:00 +0000

No, you don’t have to attend a special class to get things moving; rather, a simple, regular exercise program may ease constipation.


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It shouldn’t come as a surprise that you have to move if you want to get things moving. A recent research review found that exercise can improve symptoms of constipation. Separate research linked regular exercise to significant relief from symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, including constipation. If you are struggling to get things moving, movement may be one of the best and easiest solutions.

As a quick note, a single exercise session isn’t the answer to your digestive problems. It may also not trigger an immediate run to the restroom. Researchers note that the digestive benefits of exercise are the greatest in the long term. How does that work, exactly? Well, regular exercise reduces the amount of time it takes for food to move through the digestive tract. The reduction in time means that the body has less opportunity to absorb water content from stool as it passes through the gastrointestinal tract. Simply put, hydrated stool passes much more easily than hard, dry stool. 

At this time, researchers do not fully understand how exercise activates gut motility. The belief is that there are mechanical and chemical routes at play. Mechanical mechanisms include physical pressure on and twisting of the intestines. Changes in blood flow are also mechanical mechanisms. Chemical ones include the increase in digestive enzymes or hormone release. Read on to learn which exercises are the best to ease constipation

Core Exercises

Think of your core like a housing unit for the body’s organs, including the gastrointestinal system. The Harvard Medical School suggests that the strength and function of core muscles play an integral role in motility. Their contractions increase the pressure throughout the abdominal cavity, which helps to push things through. The strong the muscles are, the more contractions there are to promote digestion. Bending and twisting the torso also puts more pressure on the intestines. Additionally, planks and plank variations can increase intra abdominal pressure from the muscle contractions, which can stimulate the intestines. 


Are “runner’s poops” a real thing? Gastroenterologists suggest that running can stimulate bowel movements during or immediately after hard runs. The mechanism at play, as per study findings, is a lack of blood supply to the large intestine, or ischemia. Exercise can improve blood flow to the intestines in the long term, but running can route blood away from the digestive system and to working muscles. while engaged in the workout. Running is also a high-impact exercise, which jostles the intestines, potentially stimulating contractions. Finally, the secretion of specialized hormones and digestive enzymes in the digestive tract may further enhance the movement of stool through the intestines


Yoga is a form of exercise that affects blood flow to the intestines because it involves a lot of bracing, bending, folding, and twisting. All of that core mobility taps into the parasympathetic nervous system and encourages the “rest and digest” state. By lowering your stress levels, or your fight-or-flight response, you calm the body and focus on relaxation, which helps to better prime the body for digestion. According to several studies, certain yoga postures may help relieve constipation in people with irritable bowel syndrome. 

Light Cardio

You shouldn’t have to push to eliminate, or push the body too much to promote bowel movements. Light cardio, such as walking, biking, or aqua aerobics, can help promote regularity. The main goal is to elevate the heart rate enough to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract without causing a dramatic shift in blood flow away from the digestive system. Health experts recommend 150 minutes of light aerobic activity per week, but those minutes don’t have to be structured exercise. Gardening, active commuting, household chores, and more are all beneficial for your digestive health.


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These Resistance Band Exercises Can Strengthen Your Shoulders Thu, 25 Apr 2024 09:20:00 +0000

Stronger arms and shoulders can help you with everyday activities. Build muscles with these simple resistance band exercises.


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It may seem like stronger arms and shoulders are just for display, but they are not. Strengthening these muscles can help you move luggage while traveling, push doors open or pull them shut, or even pick up children or grandchildren. Perhaps you want to protect against bone loss or have an easier time swinging a pickleball racket. Whatever your goals are, strengthening your arms and shoulders can help you out.

For many years, dumbbells have been the go-to weight options for strengthening arms, shoulders, chest, back, and more. People still use dumbbells every day; just go to the gym and you’ll see them in action. Switching to a resistance or elastic band provides a more unique challenge for your muscles. Plus, you can use them whether you have a gym membership or not. 

Using a resistance band can help increase range of motion and resistance throughout the exercises you do. Dumbbells provide constant resistance, meaning the tension doesn’t change at any point during the exercise. Resistance bands offer variable resistance, so the level of difficulty varies depending on where you are in the given exercise. The more you stretch, the more tension your muscles have to overcome. If you are ready to test the waters of resistance and strengthen your arms and shoulders, engage in the following exercises. Just make sure that you do a quick five-minute warm-up before you start the exercises.

Banded Push-Up

Begin in a kneeling position on the floor, gripping both ends of the resistance band. Bring it over your head and behind your back, ensuring it is secure against your upper back. Place your hands flat on the floor in front of you so that they are directly beneath your shoulders. You can engage in kneeling push-ups, or extend your feet back to do regular push-ups. Once you step your feet back and enter a high plank position, you can begin your push-ups. Make sure to keep your elbows close to your body and core tight as you lower down. Engage your chest, shoulders, and triceps to press back up. Complete three sets of 10-12 reps. 

Overhead Tricep Extension

Start in a standing position and open the resistance band into a large loop. Step both feet on the bottom half, so that the band is under the arches of your feet. Grip the upper part of the band, keeping your hands together near your chest and palms facing forward. From here, press the band straight overhead. Slowly lower your hands behind your head until your forearms are parallel to the ground. Engage your triceps to straighten your arms, keeping your elbows close to the side of your head throughout. Complete three sets of 10-12 reps. 

Steeple Press

Start in a standing position just as you did in the previous exercise. Grip the upper half of the band in each hand, facing your palms up. Flip your palms down to roll the band around your hands. The more times you roll your hands around the band, the greater the resistance will be. Bring your hands together in a prayer position in the center of your chest. Keep your palms together as you press your arms overhead until they are fully extended. Pause for a second before returning them to the starting position. Complete three sets of 10-12 reps. 

Bow And Arrow

Begin in a standing position, holding the resistance band in front of your chest at shoulder height. Extend your arms out in front of you and keep your palms facing the floor, holding one end of the resistance band in each hand. Keep your right arm extended as you pull your left elbow straight back, squeezing your trap and lat. Hold and then release back to the starting position. Complete 10-12 reps and then switch sides. Complete a total of three sets, 10-12 reps per side.

Standing Bear Hugs

Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grab both ends of the resistance band and bring it over your head and behind your back. Secure the band against your upper back just under your shoulder blades. Extend your arms out to the sides and then press your arms forward and around an imaginary tree. Keep your palms facing down and elbows slightly bent throughout the exercise. Return to the starting position. Complete three sets of 10-12 reps.


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New Research Confirms The Best Exercises For Low Back Pain Wed, 17 Apr 2024 09:07:00 +0000

A recent review study found that the best exercises for low back pain are Pilates, tai chi, yoga, and sling exercises, compared to other…


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Even if you are not 85 years old, your 28-year-old back may say otherwise. The reality is that the vast majority of people are sedentary, regardless of age, which contributes to back problems. An even bigger reality is that back pain is a leading cause of work limitations, with chronic back problems affecting nearly 8% of American adults. Health care costs due to back pain exceed $12 billion per year!

When people think of back pain, the first image that comes to mind is an older adult hunched over. Perhaps they move slowly and have to sit down very carefully to avoid worsening the pain. Although the risk of lower back pain increases with age, it doesn’t sentence a person to a life without exercise. In fact, there are many types of physical activity that are beneficial for people with lower back pain, even if modifications are necessary. 

The 4 Best Exercises For Low Back Pain

A recent study found that certain workouts can alleviate lower back pain. The review study, which was published in Front Public Health, found tai chi, yoga, Pilates, and sling exercises to be the most beneficial at reducing low back pain. The review looked at 75 randomized controlled trials with more than 5,250 participants. That provided study review authors with a significant amount of data to consider. 

Study authors noted yoga and tai chi to be the most effective for pain management. You and core stabilization exercises yielded better improvement in physical functions compared to standard rehabilitation methods. The theme across the four different modes of exercise is mobility and flexibility. There is no need to focus on intense muscle gains and lifting heavy weights. On the contrary, those types of workouts can increase the pain or worsen the injury, especially if form is incorrect. Tai chi, believe it or not, can improve muscle strength, balance, and endurance without putting too much pressure on the lower back. 

Sling exercises, or bungee workouts, were of particular interest to study authors. The reason for that is because they are underrated for incorporating more movement into an older person’s lifestyle. They are usually more fun than cardio- or weight-based workouts, too! Sling exercises also activate the core muscle groups, which help improve balance and the ability to control the neuromuscular system. That ultimately enhances the stability of the lumbar spine (low back), while simultaneously improving its function. 


This study was very large, considering that it is quite niche. That said, researchers believe more large-scale studies on this matter will help people make better, more educated decisions about exercising with lower back pain. Knowing which exercises are the best if you have back pain is quite useful, especially if you don’t want to worsen the pain or injury. 

The exercises you choose to do will depend on the severity of the pain and overall mobility of the spine. How did your pain start and are there other concerns you have about exercising with that pain? Depending on the severity of the pain, you may require physical rehabilitation in conjunction with the exercises mentioned in this article. It’s not always about choosing one or the other, but rather incorporating different modalities to recovery as quickly as possible. 

Back pain, much like many things in life, is unique. The best exercise plan will depend on various factors, so it may be wise to consult your physician or physical therapist before adopting a specific routine. Lastly, your muscles and joints change with age, but there are ways to support strength in the long term. These exercises are a great stepping stone to help you get to pain-free movement.


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The Best Sports For Older Adults Mon, 01 Apr 2024 09:18:00 +0000

There is no reason that you shouldn’t thrive and be fearless as you age. These sports can help older adults stay fit and active.


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According to a study from 2019 that examined close to 15,000 people, burning calories reduces the risk of death. The results indicated that burning an extra calorie per kilogram of bodyweight per day reduced the risk of death by 24%. If you weigh 200 pounds, you can reduce your risk of death by nearly a quarter if you simply burn 90 more calories per day. All you have to do is walk just over half a mile to do that!

There are two essential components to thriving with age: maintain lower-body functional strength and lower-body functional power. “Functional” means moving in different patterns and under different stressors. Stepping up and down things in different directions or lifting weights in various positions and directions are great examples of functional training. Engaging in regular physical activity that helps build strength in the legs, then, is ideal if you want better quality of life as you age

You can do functional movements in the gym, at home, or on a court or field playing sports. In the older population, there are great cognitive and social benefits that accompany the physical benefits of sport. Avoiding isolation as you age can help slow mental and physical decline. It can be intimidating to learn a new sport, especially if you don’t classify yourself as an athlete. Fortunately, the following sports typically have very welcoming communities, so you can experiment with one or more of them to see which you like. 


Whether you want to take salsa lessons or learn to line dance, dancing is an exciting exercise that offers all the benefits of walking, and then some. Not only do you get to learn moves and have fun, but you also get to burn some calories. Dancing requires you to move laterally, taking crossover steps, in addition to moving forward and backward. That makes dance an agility-type activity, which helps perfect balance to protect you from falls. Dancing also forces you to remember the steps and patterns, which keeps you sharp between the ears

Tai Chi

If you have ever passed a park in somewhat warmer weather, you have probably seen a group of older people practicing Tai Chi. This form of gentle exercise involves specific, controlled movements, which you shouldn’t sleep on. Tai Chi is a low-impact exercise, making it very accessible for all levels of activity. A lot of the movements help to improve mobility and over 500 studies have found that Tai Chi can improve balance. Plus, studies also indicate that it benefits people with mental health challenges, such as depression.


You knew that this sport was going to be on the list, right? Although pickleball is not a new sport, it surged to popularity within the last five years. The Sports & Fitness Industry Association’s annual report found pickleball to be the easiest racket sport to learn. That same report found that it has grown 158.6% within the last three years. Not only is pickleball fun and a great form of cardiovascular exercise, but it also improves agility, mobility, wrist dexterity, and upper body strength

Croquet And Bocce

You may not qualify lawn games as sports, but these backyard social activities offer some sneaky health benefits. Tossing a ball, bending over to pick up the ball, or swinging a mallet require shoulder and hip mobility, core strength, and stability. Bending over to pick up the balls can prove problematic for some older people, which is why practicing proper form is essential. Do not round the back; rather, hinge at the hips and bend your knees. Regularly bending down to pick up the balls is a very functional movement that you can incorporate into everyday life.


Is it a cliche to suggest golf to an older crowd? When you consider the benefits of golf that extend beyond walking, then it isn’t. Golf is 100% outdoors, and moving outside has been associated with both mental and physical health benefits. An actual golf course requires you to walk over various contours of surface, terrain, and you may have to step over things or walk up and down hills. Swinging the club can also improve trunk mobility and upper body strength.


As previously mentioned, any exercise that you can do outdoors comes with an added mental health boost. Research indicates that the external stimulus of being outside forces the brain to adapt and overcome; plus, there are environmental challenges to deal with. Swimming is not necessarily an outdoor sport, but it can be if you live in a warm enough place to swim in a lake or ocean. Swimming is also beneficial because the body is weightless in the water, which means that you don’t put unnecessary stress on the joints.


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Older Adults Can Use These Dumbbell Exercises To Build Strength Fri, 29 Mar 2024 09:14:00 +0000

Don’t struggle in the gym and wonder which exercises are safe for building strength. If you are older, use these simple dumbbell moves.


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Cardiovascular movements are great for keeping the heart healthy and maintaining endurance. As you age, maintaining muscle strength and balance is crucial for preventing injuries, especially from falls. It can be difficult, confusing even, to figure out a great strength training routine. That is because it takes practice to perfect form and avoid injuries. We’ve taken the guesswork out of the equation and are providing five great dumbbell exercises for older adults that will help build strength safely.

The Benefits Of Weightlifting For Older Adults

Adding resistance training to your exercise regimen can improve your strength, energy, and mobility. A 2018 study found that strength and resistance training can help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Additional research from 2019 linked weight lifting to a reduced risk of certain forms of cancer, but more research is necessary on this matter. 

When you regularly engage in strength training, you work to strengthen your bones, muscles, and balance. That means that you reduce your risk of falling and even if you take a little tumble, your chances of breaking something are much less than someone who doesn’t lift weights. When it comes to selecting dumbbells, you should ideally choose a weight that you can comfortably lift 12 to 15 times. Your last couple of reps should be challenging, but not to the point where you give up. 

Dumbbell Deadlift

This is a great exercise that can help strengthen your hamstrings, lower back, core, glutes, and lats. It also teaches you how to properly bend down to pick things up, which can help you avoid injuries. To begin, stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand in front of your thighs. Brace your core as you push your hips back and soften your knees to lower the dumbbells toward the center of your shins. Make sure that you hinge at the hips and don’t round your back. To return to the starting position, push your feet into the floor, engage your glutes and hamstrings, and imagine pushing the floor away from you. Complete a total of three sets of10 reps.

Goblet Squat

The squat is a staple of everyday life. Whether you have to get up from a chair or sit down on the toilet, you need quad and glute strength. This exercise targets your major lower body muscles and helps to improve overall stability. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointed slightly outward. Hold a dumbbell by one end at chest height, holding your elbows close to your body. Keep your back straight and core tight as you squat down, sinking into a squat to the point where your things are parallel to the ground. Engage your glutes and drive through your heels to stand back up. Complete three sets of 10 reps. 

Dumbbell Row

Driving a car or typing on a computer can ruin your posture. Even scrolling on your phone can destroy your neck and shoulders! That can cause lower and upper back pain over time. Strengthening these muscles in your back can help you improve posture and spinal alignment. To begin, stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand in front of your thighs. Push your hips back and hinge at the hips to lean forward at a 45-degree angle. Bend your knees slightly and extend your arms toward the ground. Engage your lats and draw your elbows back and up so that they are close to your sides. Pause and then return the weights down with control. Complete three sets of 10 reps. 

Dumbbell Scaption

It is very common to lose shoulder strength and mobility as you age. To counter that, it is beneficial to engage in the dumbbell scaption, which doesn’t aggravate sensitive joints. Stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart and arms at your sides with a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your core strong and lift the dumbbells out in front of you at a 45-degree angle. Raise the weights until they are slightly above shoulder height and then lower the weights back down with control, completing three sets of 10 reps. 

Dumbbell Bench Press

Similar to the squat, the bench press is a compound exercise that works multiple muscle groups and joints simultaneously. The dumbbell bench press works to strengthen the chest, shoulders, and triceps, and using dumbbells helps work both sides separately, while stabilizing chest and shoulders. To begin, lie flat on your back on a bench or similar flat surface, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Make sure that you hold the weights above your chest, maintaining straight arms. Plant your feet firmly on the floor and engage your lower abdomen. Imagine pulling your shoulders toward your feet and then bend your elbows to lower the weights until they are in line with your chest. Make sure that your forearms are vertical at all times. Engage your pectoral and shoulder muscles to press the weights back up to the starting position. Complete three sets of 10 reps.


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Try These Exercises To Offset Sitting All Day Tue, 12 Mar 2024 09:12:00 +0000

If you spend the majority of your day sitting, you should engage in these exercises to counteract the damaging effects.


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Is sitting the new smoking? Some say that this is true, especially since research indicates a link between long periods of sitting and higher rates of blood pressure, heart disease, and cancer. The sad reality is that about 80% of jobs are sedentary, meaning that most positions involve sitting for the majority of the day. This is especially true in the current work from home lifestyle that many people have adopted since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Even though all of that sounds like terrible news, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. The Mayo Clinic reports that an hour of moderately intense physical activity per day can help offset the effects of sitting. In 2019, a study monitored 3,500 Black individuals who sat for lengthy periods in front of the TV. The majority of those participants were much more likely to die of heart disease than those who sat all day at work. The takeaway here is that you may be able to counteract that time in the desk chair, but not if you plop in front of the TV for the rest of your time outside work hours. 

Even if you don’t have a full hour to spare every day, we encourage you to move for at least 15 minutes. Some movement is better than no movement! Consider the following exercises to help fight against that sedentary life


Let’s begin with a classic bodyweight exercise that helps strengthen the core. The goal of a plank is to achieve proper posture that goes against the force of gravity. Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop position, stacking your shoulders over your hands and hips over your knees. Step your feet back, tighten your core, engage your pectorals, and squeeze your glutes. Work to maintain a straight line from your shoulders to your feet, avoiding the urge to sag. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds and then rest for one minute. Repeat two more times. 

T Push-Ups

This push-up variation is progression from the previous plank position and aims to target the pectoral and core muscles. From a plank position, spread the feet so that they are roughly six inches apart. Do a standard push-up and once you return back up to the starting position, rotate to your right and raise your right hand towards the ceiling. Rotate back to return to the starting position, complete another push-up, and then repeat on the other side. Continue alternating until you complete eight to 10 reps per side. 

Bodyweight Squat

The squat is a great exercise to get your blood flowing. It activates your glutes and quads, and helps you retain mobility and range of motion. Begin by standing up straight with your feet hip-distance apart. Engage your core as you sit back, as if to sit down into a chair. Once your thighs are parallel to the ground (ensuring not to extend your knees over your toes), engage your glutes and drive through your heels to return to the starting position. Go for three sets of 10-12 reps, resting for one minute between each set. 

Glute Bridges

Similar to the bodyweight squat, this exercise aims to work the glutes, while simultaneously achieving optimal hip extension. The hip flexors can tighten when sitting, so this is a great exercise to counteract that. Lie flat on your back and bend your knees, planting your feet flat on the ground about six inches from your butt. Engage your glutes and drive through your heels to lift your hips off the ground. At the apex of the exercise, you should be in a straight line from the knees through the hips and down to your shoulders. Make sure not to arch your lower back, and then return to the starting position in a controlled motion. Complete three sets of eight to 10 reps. 

Bird Dogs

This is an excellent core workout that also activates your arms and legs. The main challenge of this exercise is to prevent the hips from rotating or sagging while extending your arm and leg. Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop position, stacking your shoulders over your hands and hips over your knees. Reach your right hand out in front of you so that it is in line with your back. Simultaneously, extend your left leg out behind you to keep it in line with your body. Make sure to keep from swaying or tilting to one side. Square your hips and remain centered by engaging your core. Return to the starting position and then immediately switch sides. Continue alternating until you complete 10-12 reps per side. Rest and repeat two more times. 

Mountain Climbers

If you want to get your heart rate up and create more movement in your hips, this is a great exercise. When your muscles work quickly, there is a higher demand for blood flow and oxygen, which increases cardiovascular response. Begin in a standard high plank position, keeping your core engaged. Bring one knee towards your chest so that it is directly in the center of your core. Don’t bring it too high because that will likely cause you to round your back. Quickly extend the leg back and then alternate with the other knee. Continue alternating side to side for about 20-30 reps per side. Aim to keep your hips steady and prevent them from sinking.


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Escape Hip Pain With This 10-Minute Workout Wed, 17 Jan 2024 09:19:00 +0000

Take your body through a few motions to help improve hip mobility, range of motion, and to get rid of lower back and hip pain.


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There are two types of people in this world: people with tight hips and liars. Most people have hip pain and don’t even know it, or worse, they don’t admit it. Due to the sedentary lifestyles that many people lead, hip pain is very common. All that sitting at your desk doesn’t do your hips or lower back any favors. 

Sitting isn’t the only reason for your tight hips. One cause is lack of internal and external range of motion, which prevents the hip joint from moving properly. Another cause is lack of strength in the quadriceps, hamstrings, or both. If you want better hip mobility and improved range of motion, you have to engage in various planes of movement. The following exercises are low-impact and aim to take your hips through a variety of movements. Doing so can help improve hip mobility, while simultaneously strengthening and lengthening the surrounding muscles. 

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Sit on the edge of a couch with your legs bent and feet planted flat on the floor. Make sure you have enough room to lean back before you lean your torso back to have your back flat on the couch. While leaning back, bring your right knee up toward your chest, but keep your left foot on the floor. Extend your right foot toward the sky and reach behind your thigh to pull your leg toward you. Hold for two to three seconds, bend your knee, and then straighten it again for two to three seconds. Continue to do this 10 times before you switch sides. 

Three-Way Hip Stretch

Begin on your mat or carpet in a half-kneeling position by stepping your left foot forward and bending your left knee at a 90-degree angle. Your right knee should be on the ground and toes tucked behind you. Place a cushion under your right knee if necessary. Lean forward as much as you can so that your knee is directly over your toes. Lean back and repeat a total of 10 times. Next, move your left foot to the left so it makes a 45-degree angle to your body. Repeat the same leaning back and forth movement 10 times before stepping your left foot out to the side to make a 90-degree angle to your body. Repeat the same leaning back and forth movement 10 times and then switch to the right leg. 

90/90 Hip Switch

Sit down on the ground with your left knee bent in front of you at a 90-degree angle and the other knee bent behind you at a 90-degree angle. Your left foot should be touching your right thigh just above the knee. Lift both knees up at the same time and turn to face your right leg behind you. Keep the heels planted on the ground and fully drop your knees to now make your right leg the front leg. Continue alternating back and forth a total of 10-20 times. You can place your hands on the ground behind you for support. 

The Figure Four

Sit on the edge of a couch with your legs bent and feet planted flat on the floor. Make sure you have enough room to lean back onto the couch. Cross your left ankle over your right knee and then lift your right foot off the floor, drawing your knee to your chest. Reach behind your hamstring to pull it closer until you feel a stretch in the outer left hip and glute. Keep your lower back on the couch as you do this and hold the position for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other leg. 

Half-Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch

Begin in a half-kneeling position by stepping your left foot forward and bending your knee at a 90-degree angle. Keep your right knee bent and on the ground with your toes tucked behind you. Raise your right arm overhead, take a deep breath in, and bend your torso to the left. You should feel a stretch along the front of your hip and in your oblique. Hold for 30 seconds and then repeat on the other side. 

Frog Pose To Child’s Pose

To enter frog pose, begin in a tabletop position on your hands and knees, stacking your shoulders over your wrists and hips over your knees. Slowly move your knees out away from each other. When you feel that stretch in the inner thighs, stop in this potion to allow your muscles time to relax. Don’t move your knees outward if you feel pain. Turn your feet out to the sides so that the inner edges of your feet, ankles, and knees are touching the ground. Stretch your arms forward, keeping your palms on the ground. Learn forward to lift your feet off the ground and close together. Rest the tops of your feet on the ground to enter child’s pose. Alternate between these two poses slowly 10 times. 


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The Best Plyometric Exercises For Older Adults Tue, 19 Dec 2023 09:33:00 +0000

If you’re looking for an effective form of cardio as an older adult, plyometric exercises raise your heart rate and maximize your workouts.


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High-intensity interval training (HIIT) and plyometric exercises are typically high-impact, fast-paced movements. Burpees, broad jumps, and other similar exercises fall into this category, but they aren’t accessible for everyone. So what do you do if you want to enjoy this type of workout but lack the ability to do these moves? Fortunately, there are many plyometric exercises made for people of all ages and fitness levels. 

Plyometrics are physical movements that involve the rapid stretching and contracting of muscles. They are feasible for all levels of fitness and abilities, and especially beneficial for seniors. Engaging in regular cardiovascular workouts can protect the heart and brain, ultimately reducing your risk of age-related conditions.

Benefits Of Plyometrics For Seniors

By improving and increasing strength and performance, you can move more easily and comfortably as you age. Not only does this help you live an independent lifestyle, but it also increases muscle mass, which can reduce your risk of sarcopenia, or age-related loss of muscle mass. Plyometrics also enhance joint health and promote better mobility, which can help you carry out everyday movements. A 2020 study found that plyometric exercises were more effective for strengthening muscles and improving functional fitness than regular resistance training, especially for older adults. Learn about the best plyometric exercises for older adults below. 


Step-ups work to increase leg strength and stability, and they are particularly beneficial for elderly people who have a higher risk of bone-related issues. Practicing this exercise can make simple things, like walking up and down stairs, a lot easier to do. Stand up straight in front of a bench or box with your arms by your sides. Step your right foot up onto the bench/box so that your knee is bent at a 90-degree angle. You can start with a lower step if you want. Engage your right glute, drive through your heel, and press your left toes off the floor. Don’t bring your left foot on the bench until it is even with your right foot. Return your left foot to the floor and complete all your reps before switching sides. Complete three sets of 10 reps per leg. 

Lateral Bound

Engaging in dynamic side-to-side movements can help improve stability by building up those muscles. Seniors should incorporate lateral bounds into their fitness routine to help avoid slips, falls, and accidents. Begin with all of your weight on your left leg, knee slightly bent. Your right foot can touch or hover above the ground. Press through your left heel to push off your left leg and jump to your right, landing softly on your right foot. Make sure to keep your hips back and core stabilized when you land. Immediately reverse the movement and continue alternating. Complete three sets of 10 reps per leg. 

Squat Jump

Squat jumps help you build lower-body strength, which can help you stand up from a sitting position with ease. This exercise also makes going up and down the stairs a lot easier. Stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart and toes pointed out slightly. Sit back into a squat, keeping your back straight and core and glutes engaged. From the bottom of your squat, explode off the ground, driving through your heels to jump forward. Make sure to land safely with your knees bent. Complete three sets of 10 jumps. 

Box Jump

This takes the previous exercise up a notch! These strengthen your leg muscles and help enhance coordination. Don’t worry, you can start with a small step-up platform before jumping onto a box or bench if that intimidates you. Stand facing a step up platform, box, or bench and keep your feet hip-distance apart. Bend your knees to sit back into a quarter squat and bring both arms behind you. In a fluid, explosive movement, swing your arms forward as you jump up onto the box or bench. Make sure to land softly with your knees bent. Straighten your legs and then step down from the box. Complete three sets of eight to 10 jumps.


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