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Everyone longs for three day weekends and vacations to relax, but what else does time off do? Here’s what you can gain while away from work.


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When you’re at work, how often do you hear, “Is it Friday yet?” Do you long for the moment you get to clock out, return home, and relax for the weekend? Taking time away from work, be it a three-day weekend or two-week vacation, can help you reset and relax. Most people gain so much more than relaxation while away from work, even if time away isn’t that long. 

We understand that we don’t need to convince you to step away from the desk and take a vacation. You probably want to escape the hustle and bustle of work and leave your stress behind you as you embark on a vacation to the tropics. If you are like most people in America, you plug away and trudge through life without taking the opportunity to recharge away from anything work-related. 

One study found that many people don’t utilize vacation time for numerous reasons. They may fear pending layoffs, worry they’ll lose progress and be overwhelmed when they return, or feel guilty about leaving the office. Believe it or not, a 2018 survey found that the majority of bosses agree that vacation improves the productivity and focus of employees. It may even help them avoid burnouts at work! Continue reading to learn about some power benefits of taking time off work. 

You Get To Have A Mental Reset

If you work for 1,000 days in a row, you will likely experience anxiety, stress, or some form of panic. Even if you take just one day off, you can help reset yourself mentally and return to work with a clearer head. Mental health experts note that pushing yourself through too many work hours or days of work causes the brain to push back. Your river of ideas may run dry and tasks that were once easy prove extra difficult. The brain and body require rest, and taking time off may reduce cognitive fatigue, while simultaneously enhancing problem-solving ability and reducing work-related stress.

Your Soul Will Thank You

What does this mean, exactly? Taking time off work can benefit the mind and body, but it can also impact you on a deeper, more spiritual level. The soul is the body’s spiritual essence, i.e. who you really are at your core. When you take a vacation, you can tune out the external noise and direct your attention to yourself. Let go of your ego and reacquaint yourself with the essence of who you really are.

Your “happy place” may seem like a lounge chair on a beach with a cold drink in your hand, but it usually means that you can finally let go of daily pressures to reconnect with yourself and regain a sense of pride. It may sound like some hokey pokey nonsense, but getting back to basics can help you hone your intuition and values. This gives you more freedom to explore, learn, and do things that bring you joy!

You May Rekindle Relationships

When you work a lot and become overwhelmed by life, it is easy to push off dates, girls’ nights, hangs with the boys, or friendly gatherings. If that describes you, then you need a break. There is nothing wrong with focusing on your career, but too much focus can make you lose sight of the important relationships in your life. Allow yourself to take off the occasional Friday or go on that trip to Puerto Rico with your partner or friends. You will be glad that you did because time off boosts your mental health and can help you deepen the connection of your relationships. 

You’ll Experience Pure Joy

Taking trips, especially to certain parts of the world, can help give you perspective and clarity about a lot of things in life. A common feeling that accompanies clarity and inner peace is pure joy. It can sometimes take a few days to really settle into your vacation and realize that you are in a completely different space. Once you ease into relaxation mode, you can actually begin enjoying yourself. You can laugh, listen more intently, sleep better, and speak with an intensity that only exists when you are truly immersed in an experience. That is joy, people. 

You’ll Feel More Productive When You Return

There is no shame in hitting the reset button every now and again. That may come in the form of cleansing the body to reset your health, or taking a vacation. You know what a three-day holiday weekend can do for your productivity, now imagine what a whole week (or more) off could do. Some companies outside of the United States found that giving employees more time off to pursue creative endeavors or simply explore more led to better performance at work. Some researchers believe that relaxing and sleeping more on vacation helps people think more clearly and improves focus and productivity upon returning to work. That benefits both the employee and the employer!


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How To Reduce Low Back Pain If You Sit A Lot https://www.dherbs.com/articles/how-to-reduce-low-back-pain-if-you-sit-a-lot/ Mon, 12 Feb 2024 09:10:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=169049

Do you find that your lower back pain flares up regularly? Here’s how to reduce pain if you spend most of your day sitting.


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Several surveys revealed that the average American spends about 7.7 hours of their day sitting. With cubicle and work-from-home jobs in full-swing, sitting is just a part of modern day work. Some people try to counteract hours in the chair by purchasing a standing desk. Others try to sit on exercise balls or kneeling chairs to better correct posture. Nevertheless, all of that sitting can create tension in the hip flexors and lower back. 

After a long day of sitting, most people continue to sit on the couch or in the dining room, either watching TV or hunching over their phone. Even self-care hobbies like journaling or meditation involve sitting! Although long periods of sitting may be inevitable, you can engage in a few simple techniques to mitigate the negative effects of sitting. In this article, we will go over a few strategies that may help reduce pain and improve posture. 

The Health Risks Of Sitting For Long Periods

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Contrarily, those who sit less report fewer instances of these chronic health conditions. They also experience better mood and sleep quality, in addition to an overall enhancement of daily functioning. 

In 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) indicated that lower back pain impacted 619 million people worldwide. Health experts estimate that this number will reach 843 million by 2050. Lower back pain usually begins with stiffness, particularly in the hips and along the spine. It is the leading cause of disability globally and affects people across all ages and genders. 

Pain is complex, and there are limited solutions to the way people process it. Since standing all day is not an option for everyone and can also lead to pain, we hope the following strategies help ease stiffness and reduce lower back pain from sitting.

Strengthen Your Core

Not only does a stronger core contribute to better balance, but it also helps support your torso while seated. Increasing core strength supports the spine and reduces strain on joints and intervertebral discs. One study monitored 30 participants with lower back pain who engaged in a five-week core strengthening program. At the end of the study, everyone reported a significant reduction in pain and muscle fatigue after performing seated tasks. 

Optimize Your Desk Setup

Ideally, your chair should support your back and you should be able to rest your feet flat on the floor. Your knees should be in line or slightly lower than your hips. Reduce strain on the neck by having your screen be at eye level and an arm’s length away. Consider investing in lumbar supporters, footrests, or monitor stands if you spend a lot of time at your desk. A standing desk can also be beneficial so that you can change positions throughout the day. 

Stay Active

You don’t have to jog in place while checking emails; rather, counteract your sitting by moving your body. Health experts suggest 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every week. You can supplement this time with resistance training and mobility workouts to counteract all the sitting you do. It can be highly beneficial to flow through a series of yoga poses, engage in water aerobics, or take part in Zumba classes. A little movement goes a long way, with a short walk on your lunch break providing great benefits.

Take Movement Breaks

According to research, two hours of continuous sitting can trigger immediate lower back pain or general discomfort. Your ability to solve problems may be impacted by this sitting! Get out of your chair every 30 minutes to help prevent some of these issues. Engage in some squats, a full-body stretch, or even pace while on a phone call. Consider a few hip stretches or some foam rolling to reduce pain in your hip flexors. 

Be Mindful Of Your Sitting Habits

While you are seated at work, take note of your posture. Are your shoulders slouched? Are your legs crossed? Are you leaning to one side to compensate for pain on the other? These observations may indicate that you need to improve your work set up to reduce pain. You may even require an ergonomic assessment or visit to your health care provider to prevent back pain, especially sciatica. Early intervention is essential, so tackle the issue before it becomes a serious problem.


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How To Get Over Jet Lag https://www.dherbs.com/articles/how-to-get-over-jet-lag/ Fri, 02 Feb 2024 09:13:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=168909

Experiencing jet lag? Get back on track after your long-haul journey by quickly adapting to your time zone with a few simple practices.


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Escaping your day-to-day life by traveling to one of the Wonders of the World or a tropical paradise is truly a gift. Jet lag just happens to be something that often accompanies a long-haul journey of this caliber. It can be quite annoying when the body crosses time zones and bypasses normal sleep patterns. Although some global travelers have their own hacks, this article aims to highlight a few helpful tips to help get over jet lag.

What Is Jet Lag?

Yes, jet lag is a real thing, but you usually don’t feel it if the time change is small (a couple hours for example). Jet lag is essentially the disruption of the body’s circadian rhythm, which occurs when you travel across three or more time zones. The symptoms often include impaired cognition, general malaise, sleeping troubles, daytime drowsiness, and gastrointestinal issues. Depending on how far you travel, jet lag can last a couple days to a couple weeks.

Researchers suggest that it takes people about one day to adjust for each one to 1.5 hours of time change. That one-hour-per-day rule isn’t concrete, though, and eastward travel tends to create more jet lag than traveling west does, but everyone experiences it differently. Trip itinerary and biological factors can also affect the severity of jet lag. The key to getting over jet lag is getting your body’s circadian rhythm back on track with the sunrise and sunset of your destination. You may find the following tips helpful. 

Adapt To Your Time Zone

Some will agree that this is easier said than done, but do your best to forget your old time zone once you land in your new one. If you continue to eat and sleep according to your old time zone, then you’ll experience great trouble. Eat meals and go to bed according to your destination’s time. If you land in the morning, don’t go to sleep right away, despite your desire to do so. 

Realign Your Circadian Rhythm

Jet lag disrupts your body’s internal clock, which you have to synchronize with the 24-hour day at your destination. This happens whether you travel east or west, although more people have a harder time traveling east. Because there are so many variables, such as flight arrival time, length of the trip, number of time zones crossed, etc., there is no single remedy to realign your circadian rhythm. Proper timing is essential to adjust your circadian rhythm, though, with proper daylight and dark exposure to quickly get over jet lag. Even with a well-oiled plan, you may still need a few days to over a week to adjust your circadian rhythm. Do your best not to overindulge with caffeine and sleep at night at your destination. 

Drink Water

During long-haul flights, most people don’t drink enough water. In fact, people tend to avoid drinking a lot of liquids to ensure fewer bathroom breaks. Proper hydration may help you manage fatigue and other jet lag symptoms. Opt for water instead of soda, sugary juices, or coffee during in-flight service. Carry a reusable water bottle with you and fill it up at your departure airport so that it is full for the flight. You may also ask the flight attendants to fill your water bottle if you run out during the flight. They may or may not say yes, though.

Manage Sleep Time

It can be tempting to sleep whenever you feel tired in your destination. If your flight arrives during the morning or daytime, try to avoid the urge to nap or sleep for a long time. That can make sleep much more difficult once nighttime arrives at your destination. A few things that can help you rest include eye masks, earplugs, comfortable blankets and pillows, portable white noise machine, and noise-canceling headphones. Do your best to get some sleep during your flight if you are in the air during your destination’s nighttime. 

Experiment With Melatonin

The body makes melatonin on its own to trigger sleepiness, but it comes as a supplement as well. Melatonin may be a valuable supplement to consider to help your body get sleepy once you arrive at your destination, depending on the time of arrival. If your body isn’t ready for bed at night, you may benefit from taking some. Just be careful to not consume too much melatonin if you want to avoid the unwanted side effects. Don’t take more than five milligrams at a time. 

Don’t Over-Schedule Your First 

Because you will most likely experience some degree of jet lag upon your arrival, don’t overbook yourself at your vacation destination the first couple days. If returning home, try to leave a day or so of rest before you resume work. Budget enough time for sleep and keep tabs on how you feel to avoid getting sick.


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Signs That Your Cold Is Getting Better https://www.dherbs.com/articles/signs-that-your-cold-is-getting-better/ Tue, 24 Oct 2023 09:14:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=164807

Did you come down with a cold? Although colds tend to last a week, there are signs that indicate that your cold is getting better.


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Generally speaking, the common cold tends to resolve itself a week after you first experience symptoms. It is possible for cough, congestion, or runny nose to linger, but this is completely normal. If you have more energy and symptoms are less intense, your cold may be improving. According to experts, a cold is a minor viral infection that includes the following symptoms:

  • Cough
  • Sneezing
  • Sore throat
  • Fatigue
  • Congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Aches

These symptoms tend to last about three to five days, depending on the person’s immune system and severity of infection. In the final days of your cold, most symptoms should have faded and your energy should be somewhat back to normal. A lingering cough or mild congestion is perfectly normal, but these symptoms don’t indicate that you are contagious. Below, we’ll indicate cold symptoms that may indicate that your cold is nearing an end. 

What Symptoms Indicate That A Cold Is Almost Over?

Colds tend to last about a week or so and most people find that symptoms ease within seven to 10 days from the onset of the cold. After about a week or so, you should notice that your energy levels increase. You may also find that it is easier to complete daily tasks and work throughout the day without experiencing fatigue. Just because you have more energy and feel better, your runny nose or congestion may last for an additional week. In fact, health experts note that you can experience nasal discharge for up to 14 days. That is the immune system’s response to fighting the cold. 

The Common Stages Of A Cold

Health experts break colds down into stages. Some people experience certain mild symptoms, while others experience more severe symptoms. This ultimately comes down to the person’s immune system and the virus they contracted. Most experts agree that it is common to feel the worst in stage 2, as opposed to stages 1 or 3. More about the stages of a cold below:

  • Stage 1: Lasting one to two days, stage 1 symptoms tend to be mild. Most people report a sore throat, but fatigue, slight congestion, and mild runny nose are also common.
  • Stage 2: Symptoms will normally increase by this stage (days three to five of your cold). You will typically feel the sickest during these days and can experience congestion, runny nose, sneezing, coughing, body aches, cough, and fatigue. 
  • Stage 3: By this stage (about a week after symptoms started), your symptoms are usually much more bearable. Remaining symptoms tend to include light congestion, cough, or runny nose. 

Can You Do Anything To Ease Symptoms?

One of the best things that you can do when you have a cold is to rest, but there are other home remedies that may ease symptoms. Certain things may or may not work for you, but the following general recommendations may help relieve cold symptoms:

The symptoms of a cold will start to fade around day seven, and you should start to feel much better. Continue to care for yourself even as symptoms fade because you don’t want to plague your body with anything else. Should symptoms persist or even worsen after a week, you may choose to consult a doctor to discuss your situation.


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6 Exercises That Help Dowager’s Hump https://www.dherbs.com/articles/6-exercises-that-help-dowagers-hump/ Wed, 16 Aug 2023 09:11:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=162230

Dowager’s hump is a very common among older adults and it’s possible to improve the condition with some corrective exercises.


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That hump at the base of the neck, which you commonly see in older adults, can result from osteoporosis or poor posture. Dowager’s hump, neck hump, text hump, or hunchback are common names for that excessive curve in the upper spine. Anyone can develop the condition, which is medically known as kyphosis, and it tends to result from forward-leaning posture, something that is all-too common in our technological society.

What Is Dowager’s Hump?

Dowager’s hump, or kyphosis, is a condition that is characterized by a spine that curves excessively forward. Although the spine has natural curves that help maintain posture, kyphosis makes standing up a challenge. In addition to the hump that results from this condition, you may also experience:

  • Tight hamstrings
  • Rounded shoulders
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Pain or stiffness in shoulder blades or upper back

Can You Reverse Dowager’s Hump?

Depending on your age and the severity, you can often improve or completely reverse a dowager’s hump. You can do this by strengthening your upper back and neck muscles, but various postures and stretches can also be beneficial. Early intervention and treatment is essential to combat the excessive curvature of the spine. Consider the following exercises to help reverse the hump. 

Shoulder Squeezes

This is a great exercise to do multiple times a day because it works to strengthen and straighten the upper back. Sit or stand up straight and try to relax your jaw and drop your shoulders. Direct your gaze out in front of you and remind yourself not to round your upper back. Draw your shoulder blades back, attempting to squeeze them together and hold this position for three to five seconds. Return to the starting position and then continue to repeat until you complete 10 repetitions. 

Chin Tucks

This exercise works to activate and strengthen the muscles along the front of the neck. Place two fingers at the bottom of your chin and gently tuck your chin in, retracting your head back. Use your fingers to guide your head back and keep your chin tucked throughout the exercise. Hold the retracted position for five seconds and then relax. Aim to complete three sets of 10 repetitions. 

Wall Angels

Wall angels work to create both strength and mobility in the upper back muscles, which can encourage better posture over time. Stand up straight with your back against a wall and arms by your side, ensuring that the back of your head touches the wall as well. Bring your arms out and up over your head until you look like a ref signaling a good field goal. Bring them back down by your sides and then continue until you complete 10 repetitions. It should feel like you are making snow angels against the wall. 

Bird Dog

Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop position, stacking your shoulders over your wrists and hips over your knees. Contract your core as you raise your left arm up and reach it forward, aligning it with your back. Find your balance and then extend and raise your right leg behind you, aligning it with your back. Keep your weight centered and hold this position for about three seconds before returning to the starting position. Repeat on the other side and then continue alternating until you have completed 10 sequences (each side 10 times).

Mid Fly Back Exercise

This exercise works to strengthen and stretch the muscles in the upper back, making it easier to keep the neck properly aligned. Stand or sit up straight in a chair and plant your feet flat on the floor. Hold an exercise band in both hands and hold your arms out in front of you. Make sure there’s a little bit of slack in the band, and then pull your arms out to the sides, squeezing your shoulder blades. Slowly return to the starting position and then continue until you complete a total of 12-15 reps. 

Cat Cow

Working to improve mobility in the upper back, Cat Cow helps to maintain neutral posture and improve spinal flexibility. Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop position, stacking your shoulders over your wrists and hips over your knees. On a big inhale, drop your stomach and arch your back as you look up. Exhale and round your back, dropping your head down. Alternate between these two positions in a controlled manner for about 30 seconds. Do one round in the morning and once at night.


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How To Fall Asleep In 10, 60, Or 120 Seconds https://www.dherbs.com/articles/how-to-fall-asleep-in-10-60-or-120-seconds/ Sat, 22 Jul 2023 09:35:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=162104

Falling asleep in 10, 60, or even 120 seconds seems too good to be true, but these relaxation techniques may help you drift off faster.


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If you lay awake at night struggling to fall asleep, trust us when we tell you that you are not alone. In fact, one in three people in the United States experience sleep deprivation. While the recommended number of hours for sleep depends on your age, most adults should sleep seven to eight hours per night. A lack of sleep can lead to a series of psychological and physiological effects, such as: 

  • Decreased concentration, performance, and memory
  • Increased risk of anxiety and depression
  • Constant fatigue, irritability, or restlessness
  • Increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity

The act of trying too hard to fall asleep can induce anxiety, as the inability to fall asleep makes your mind race. If you cannot calm the mind, it will be very difficult for you to fall asleep, because a sleepless mind results in no sleep. You may try to establish better sleep hygiene, bedroom environment, and improve what you do during the day. If all of those changes don’t help you fall asleep, the following anecdotal methods may help you turn the lights off. 

The 10-Second Method

Unless you have a magic wand, falling asleep in 10 seconds or less is nearly impossible. Practice makes perfect, so you may be able to achieve this goal soon enough. The 10-second method, or military method, was recently brought back into mainstream attention. During World War II, Lloyd Bud Winter developed a relaxation technique that helped U.S. Navy preflight school airmen fall asleep in 120 seconds. 

According to historical accounts, it took pilots six weeks of practice, but there was a supposed 96% success rate, even after drinking coffee and being around firing guns. This sounds too good to be true, and lack of scientific research makes people think exactly that. The full method takes 120 seconds to complete, but the last 10 seconds help you doze off. To do the method:

  • Relax all the muscles in your face, even inside the mouth. 
  • Drop your shoulders to release tension and allow your arms to rest by your sides. 
  • Exhale fully to relax your chest, and then relax your legs, thighs, and calves.
  • Clear your mind for 10 seconds by picturing a relaxing scene. 
  • If that doesn’t work, try saying, “don’t think,” repeatedly for 10 seconds. Within those 10 seconds, you should fall asleep.

The 60-Second Method

According to one article, slow breathing, relaxation methods, and better sleep hygiene may be more useful for insomnia than pharmacological methods. The following two methods may help you quiet the mind to help you go to sleep within a minute. If you are just starting this, it may take a couple minutes to work. 

4-7-8 Breathing

Developed by Dr. Andrew Weil, the 4-7-8 breathing method is based on pranayama exercises. The more you practice this method, the more effective it becomes. If you have a respiratory condition, consider speaking with a doctor before experimenting with this method, as it may aggravate symptoms. The method is executed as follows:

  • Let your lips part slightly, just far open enough so that you can make a “whoosh” sound as you exhale out of your mouth. 
  • Close your lips and inhale quietly through your nose for four seconds. 
  • Hold your breath for seven seconds, and then exhale (with the “whoosh”) for a full eight seconds. 
  • Your next inhale begins a new cycle. Repeat this cycle four times, but allow your body to sleep if you feel the onset of relaxation. 

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Also known as PMR or deep muscle relaxation, progressive muscle relaxation may help you drift off to sleep. Essentially, this practice involves tensing your muscles and then fully relaxing them. Alternating between tensing and relaxing may help promote tranquility and even relieve insomnia. Ideally, practice this method as you exhale during the 4-7-8 method. 

  • Raise your eyebrows as high as you can for five seconds to tighten your forehead muscles. Relax those muscles and feel the tension drop. 
  • Wait 10 seconds before smiling widely to tense your cheeks. Hold for five seconds and relax. 
  • Pause 10 seconds and then tilt your head back gently to look up at the ceiling. Hold this position for five seconds and then relax as your neck sinks into the pillow. 
  • Pause another 10 seconds, and then continue moving down the rest of your body, tightening everything from your triceps and chest to your thighs and feet. 
  • Allow yourself to fall asleep, even if you don’t finish tensing and relaxing your feet. 

The 120-Second Method

If the previous methods don’t do the trick, consider this simple one. Just tell yourself to stay awake, because trying to fall asleep, especially if you have insomnia, can increase anxiety. A study from 2021 found the paradoxical intention (PI) may reduce performance anxiety. By doing so, you can increase the perception of feeling well-rested after sleep. PI is a technique that requires you to intentionally stay awake in bed. That can help you overcome the fear and conscious effort of falling asleep. This method can be more effective than traditional breathing practices for some, but research is quite limited.


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5 Potential Health Benefits Of Cupping Therapy https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-potential-health-benefits-of-cupping-therapy/ Mon, 17 Jul 2023 09:05:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=162057

Although large scale studies are lacking, there are potential health benefits you can reap from the ancient healing technique of cupping.


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When you think of cupping, you probably imagine dark circles that resemble large bruises all over the skin. Even though it may look like the person lost a fight to an octopus, the bruises that result from cupping therapy can indicate healing. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) states that the ancient therapy of cupping was used to treat a variety of ailments, including digestive issues and general pain. 

There are two types of cupping: wet cupping and dry cupping. Both forms of this alternative therapy involve the creation of a vacuum within the cups either through heat or a suction device. With wet cupping, the practitioner lightly pierces the skin so that blood is drawn into the cup. Dry cupping doesn’t draw out any fluids. The suction pulls the skin up into the cups, breaking capillaries or blood vessels under the skin. That is why you see bruise-like circles after a cupping session. The body responds to the treatment as an injury, so it sends increased blood flow to accelerate the healing process.

Today, you can receive cupping from a variety of practitioners, including acupuncturists, physical therapists, chiropractors, and massage therapists. And although it is an ancient healing modality, modern medicine continues to search for ways to understand its efficacy as a complementary treatment. Anecdotal reports and limited studies, however, support the following health benefits of cupping therapy

May Ease Headaches

Some research suggests that people who deal with chronic headaches or migraines may benefit from cupping therapy. A small study from 2019 observed 132 participants with migraines. The results found that those who received cupping therapy experienced significant reductions in pain intensity, compared to the controlled group who did not receive cupping. Another uncontrolled study observed 70 people with chronic tension or migraine headaches. The participants who received cupping therapy experienced a 66% reduction in headache severity. Plus, the total number of headaches they had per month decreased by 12.6 days. 

May Improve Mood 

People who receive regular cupping sessions report a variety of mental health benefits. Naturopathic doctors who practice cupping suggest that the therapy can help relieve stress, promote relaxation, and induce a sense of calm. All of those benefits may help improve sleep and improve overall mood. Although scientific research is limited, some evidence indicates that people with chronic fatigue syndrome who received cupping experienced a reduction in fatigue. A 2020 study confirmed that participants experienced better sleep and overall mood, both of which were more pronounced after 10 cupping sessions.

May Reduce Pain And Sore Muscles

A lot of athletes receive cupping to either help reduce sore muscles, accelerate recovery, or to reduce injury. You don’t have to be an athlete to receive cupping therapy, though. Some research indicates that cupping can help with muscle recovery. In fact, a small study from 2021 found that cupping was a great way to treat muscle fatigue 24 hours after participants worked out biceps and triceps. A larger review found that cupping therapy showed positive results on back pain, but research is still limited in this area. 

May Improve Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

One study monitored 56 participants with carpal tunnel syndrome. Half of the group received routine physical therapy (which included electrical nerve stimulation and ultrasound) and the other half received that same routine treatment plus cupping in the wrist area. The group that received cupping experienced significant improvement in symptom severity. Additionally, another study observed 52 patients with carpal tunnel syndrome and associated shoulder and neck pain. Half the group received wet cupping to the trapezius region and the other group only received heating pad treatment. Researchers noted that the cupping group reported less pain a week after their cupping session.

May Help Reduce Arthritis Pain

This is based on one primary study that compared the effects of cupping with the over-the-counter pain reliever, acetaminophen, in 20 participants with one osteoarthritis. One group received dry cupping for 11 sessions over a two-week period. The rest of the participants received 650 milligrams of acetaminophen three times a day for the same two-week period. The researchers noted that the cupping group had better results in terms of pain, swelling, tenderness, and morning stiffness, compared to the medication group.


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5 Effective Yoga Poses For Varicose Veins https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-effective-yoga-poses-for-varicose-veins/ Mon, 10 Jul 2023 09:19:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=161923

Manage the discomfort of protruding varicose veins with the power of yoga. These poses aren’t a cure, but may reduce swelling.


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Yoga is an effective form of exercise that promotes flexibility and relaxation. Various studies confirm that certain yoga poses can reduce bloating, improve posture, and relieve back pain. Yoga can improve your flexibility and range of motion, and it may even aid with the management of varicose veins. Although yoga is not a cure, the various poses may relieve soreness and swelling in the legs that result from varicose veins. 

What Are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins that are generally benign. For many people, varicose veins have no symptoms and they are merely a cosmetic concern. In some cases, they can cause aching pain and discomfort, which can indicate an underlying circulatory issue. Basically varicose veins result because of a failure in the one-way valves inside the veins. Instead of pumping blood in one direction toward the heart, the failed valves cause blood to leak backwards. That creates a pooling of blood and causes veins to bulge. 

Although the exact cause is unknown, varicose veins primarily result due to hereditary factors. If they run in your family, you have a higher chance of developing them. Another risk factor is if you work in a profession that requires you to stand all day, especially if you don’t move much. And while yoga cannot cure the problem, the relaxation that these poses provide may prevent the condition from worsening. You may even enhance limb movement! Read on to learn how to do the yoga poses

Standing Forward Bend

This pose works to enhance blood flow throughout the entire body. It works to stretch the hamstrings and calves, which are likely spots of varicose veins. To do the stretch, stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart. On an exhale, hinge at the hips to bend forward and reach your hands toward the ground. If you can touch the ground, then great, but you can always rest your hands on your shins if you cannot touch the floor. You can also grab your elbows and simply hang in the stretch. Hold this position for about 10 seconds and then release. 

Legs Up The Wall

Legs up the wall is highly beneficial for fatigued legs because it enhances blood circulation and aims to flush out toxins from the lower extremities. This pose is very simple and helps relieve pressure in the calves, which is great for people with varicose veins. Sit up straight with your right shoulder touching the wall. In a fluid motion, roll onto your back and swing your legs up the walls, planting your arms on the ground to the sides for support. Scoot your butt as close to the wall as possible. Breathe deeply in this pose for as long as you want, ideally 30 seconds minimum. 

Mountain Pose

Mountain pose is one of the most basic yoga poses, but that doesn’t mean that you can breeze through it. This pose helps you achieve proper alignment and works to strengthen the knees, thighs, and ankles. Stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart and tighten your core and thigh muscles. Strengthen the inner arches of the ankles and feel the energy pass from your feet all the way up to your head. Breathe deeply and direct your gaze forward. Hold this pose for five deep breaths and then release. 

Fish Pose

Some say that Fish pose is one of the best poses for people with varicose veins. The reason for that is because it works on various systems at the same time, stretching your feet and legs to relieve stress and cramps. By relaxing the legs, you regulate blood flow throughout the body. Lie flat on your back and extend your legs out. Create a gentle curve in your back to rest the crown of your head on the mat. Support yourself with your elbows and forearms on the ground right beside you. If this is uncomfortable, place a long pillow or bolster along your spine and relax on this pose that way. Hold for 10 seconds and then release. 

Wind Relieving Pose

This pose aims to move stagnant lymph and venous blood. It may also relieve cramps or fatigue in the legs by loosening the muscles and joints in the hips and knees. Lie flat on your back and draw your knees to your chest. Lift your head off the ground and grab the outsides of your shins with your hands, aiming to bring your forehead to your knees. Hold this pose for five deep breaths and then release.


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These Side Effects Result From Drinking Too Much Caffeine https://www.dherbs.com/articles/these-side-effects-result-from-drinking-too-much-caffeine/ Sun, 25 Jun 2023 09:38:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=161755

Health experts say that caffeine is generally safe in low amounts, but consuming high levels may cause these unwanted side effects.


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Coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks are the most commonly consumed caffeinated beverages. Caffeine is a substance that can help boost your mental and physical performance, in addition to your mood and metabolism. Studies suggest that caffeine is safe for people to consume in low-to-moderate amounts, but seldom do people do that. In fact, most people consume caffeine in excess, which causes some unwanted and dangerous side effects. 

According to research, your genes may influence your caffeine tolerance. Some people seem to consume much more caffeine than others without experiencing negative side effects. On the other end of the spectrum, individuals who are not used to caffeine can experience negative side effects after a moderate dose. If you feel that caffeine is a problem in your life and your health isn’t thriving, you may need to lower the amount you consume. Keep an eye out for these side effects that result from drinking too much caffeine. 

Digestive Issues

It is very common for people to drink a morning cup of coffee to encourage a bowel movement. Coffee has laxative properties because it causes the body to release gastrin, a hormone that accelerates activity in the colon. It’s not surprising, then, that high amounts of caffeine can lead to loose stools or diarrhea. Some studies suggest that caffeinated beverages, especially coffee, may also worsen acid reflux in certain people. If you suffer from digestive issues, consider cutting back on the amount of coffee you drink, or switch to tea to see if that helps your situation. 


It’s important to note that caffeine does not cause classic addiction the way that cocaine and amphetamines do. That said, caffeine does trigger certain brain chemicals similarly to those drugs. The reality is that chronic caffeine consumption can potentially lead to a psychological or physical dependency. One study surveyed 213 caffeine users, who completed questionnaires after 16 hours without caffeine. Daily users experienced an increase in headaches, fatigue, and other withdrawal symptoms, in addition to strong caffeine cravings. Although caffeine does not cause true addiction, regular caffeine consumption can make you dependent on its effects

Muscle Breakdown

Rhabdomyolysis is a serious condition that’s characterized by damaged muscle fibers entering the bloodstream. That can ultimately lead to kidney failure and other serious health complications. Trauma, drug abuse, muscle strain, infection, and bites from poisonous insects or snakes can cause rhabdomyolysis. Although it’s relatively rare, a few reports of rhabdomyolysis have been related to excessive caffeine intake. One woman developed nausea, vomiting, and dark urine after drinking 32 ounces of coffee containing 565 milligrams of caffeine. She recovered after receiving fluids and medication. To reduce the risk of rhabdomyolysis, aim to keep your caffeine intake to less than 400 milligrams per day. 


Most people consume caffeinated beverages to stay awake, but too much caffeine can make it difficult to get restorative sleep. Studies have found that consuming large amounts of caffeine increases the amount of time it takes to fall asleep. Additionally, consuming a lot of caffeine can reduce total sleeping time, especially in the elderly. You may not realize how much caffeine is interfering with your sleep, especially if you are not aware or honest with how much you consume. An energy drink, for example, can contain up to 350 milligrams of caffeine.

Depending on the time at which you drink that beverage, you may still have caffeine in your system when trying to fall asleep. Caffeine remains in your system for about five hours, but it can remain in there for up to nine hours. One study investigated how caffeine indigestion affects sleep. Researchers gave 12 healthy adults 400 milligrams of caffeine either six hours before bedtime, three hours before bedtime, or immediately before bedtime. The time it took to fall asleep and the amount of time they spent awake at night increased for all three groups.


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3 Ways To Overcome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome https://www.dherbs.com/articles/3-ways-to-overcome-chronic-fatigue-syndrome/ Tue, 13 Jun 2023 09:11:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=161683

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a long-term illness that can impact various systems in the body. These tips may help you overcome the condition.


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Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a serious condition that can impact various systems in the body. As a long-term illness, CFS can put a strain on daily activities and can occasionally confine people to their beds. It can also affect relationships with friends and family, especially if it goes undiagnosed or untreated. 

According to an Institute of Medicine report, roughly 836,000 Americans suffer from CFS, which health experts deem a debilitating illness. It manifests with a lack of energy and motivation, and women are two to four times more likely than men to develop the condition. 

What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis is characterized by extreme fatigue that lasts for more than six months. This type of fatigue is not usually the explanation of an underlying condition; rather, it is the condition, which is the problem. One of the disease’s primary challenges is the fact that it is very difficult to diagnose with lab tests. Some health experts believe that it is closely related to adrenal fatigue or system-wide inflammation. 

CFS can worsen after engaging in certain activities that require physical or mental energy. Symptoms can range from mild to severe and can appear or disappear without warning. To properly diagnose the condition, doctors have to rule out potential underlying diseases or conditions. If untreated, CFS can decrease memory, concentration, and overall stamina. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help naturally overcome the condition. In fact, various studies indicate that acupuncture, magnesium, meditation, and other natural treatments show promise as treatment options. We will detail these options below. 

Increase Your Vitamin B Intake

One study in the Journal of Royal Society of Medicine noted a direct link between lower vitamin B levels and CFS. The study focused on thiamine, vitamin B6, and riboflavin, and researchers believe that B6 (pyridoxine) is very important. Vitamin B6 is in both plant- and animal-based foods, including bananas, sweet potatoes, hazelnuts, cooked spinach, garlic, grass-fed/grass-finished beef, tuna, and salmon. It works to encourage a healthy immune system and may prevent or even relieve fatigue. B6 also supports T-cell functioning, allowing your immune system to fight infections more efficiently.

Methylation is the term given to the bodily process where methyl compounds are used in critical functions in the body. These functions include immune function, energy production, nerve function, detoxification, inflammation, mood, and DNA. Methylation requires vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folate, so that the body can function at a cellular level. If you are vitamin B12 deficient, the methylation process is impaired and can cause numerous problems that contribute to CFS. Roughly 40% of Americans have B12 deficiency, and many symptoms mirror those of CFS. For these reasons, increasing your intake of B vitamins may help treat CFS symptoms, improving mood, supporting metabolic function, and more. 

Try to Rest And Relax

Your drive to do things when you have CFS can be very low because the condition debilitates mental and physical function. Ironically enough, suffering from persistent exhaustion can take quite a toll on the body and psyche, but it primarily causes stress. In order to rest and relax, you have to do more than just sleep and lounge on the couch. First off, fight stress and anxiety with exercise, even if it is difficult to do so with CFS. Research shows that high-intensity workouts help improve mental clarity, fight depression, and reduce stress in people with CFS. Another study recommended that people with CFS perform aerobic activities for five to 15 minutes daily to help diminish stress. It is also wise to unplug from technology, reducing time in front of computers, tablets, phones, and laptops, especially 90 minutes before bed. A recent study found that people with CFS tend to have poor sleep. Winding down without screens one hour prior to bedtime showed improvements in sleep quality. 

Eliminate Food Sensitivities

According to a recent study, there is a link between CFS and fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Researchers were surprised to learn that 85% of patients, who had been referred for unexplained digestive problems, qualified for CFS. The common thread in this study was poor digestion and food sensitivities. One of today’s most common food sensitivities is gluten intolerance, with lactose intolerance residing near the top of the food sensitivity list. Because common allergies and food sensitivities may contribute to CFS development, health experts recommend taking an IgG (immunoglobulin G) test to determine food sensitivities. Once you rid those foods from your diet for at least three weeks, you’ll be able to notice if symptoms improve. As a note, m, make sure to add a Candida albicans test to your IgG test. One study found that participants with CFS who followed an anti-Candida diet experienced an improvement in symptoms.


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