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As a young person, you can easily polish off three plates of food? As you get older, less food seems to satisfy your hunger.


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If you are an older adult, you are well aware that your appetite isn’t what it used to be. Perhaps you’ve traded a plate of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and toast for a small bowl of oatmeal. Tackling the grandiose meals of your youth seems like an impossible feat in your older age. Why exactly is this and what happened to your body?

Older adults usually cut back on portions and reach for foods that are easier to digest. Eating smaller portions isn’t necessarily a bad thing if the meals provide ample nutrition. A problem can arise if loss of appetite stems from an underlying health issue. If you don’t address this issue, you may experience weight loss, which can increase the risk of osteoporosis, anemia, trouble balancing, or other illnesses. 

Dietitians state that, while proper nutrition is vital for everyone, it is especially important for older adults. Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet can help older adults retain energy and reduce their risk of developing chronic diseases. If you or someone you know has recently lost an interest in food more so than before, the following reasons may provide more explanation. 

Dental Issues

You can have problems with your teeth and gums from childhood into old age. The problem is that dental issues become more common as you get older. If you have problems with your teeth and gums, eating is less enjoyable, so you may eat less. Tooth loss, poor-fitting dentures, and other problems make it harder to chew. Untreated cavities or gum disease may cause pain while chewing.

Colds Or Infections

The immune system naturally declines with age, which makes older adults more susceptible to colds and infections. If you are sick, you may only have an appetite for some toast or a few bites of soup. Other food options that have more sustenance may not appeal to you. If the illness or infection causes dehydration, you are less likely to eat food, according to health experts.

Age-Related Physical Changes

As covered so far, your appetite can shrink as you get older. One cause that health experts attribute this to is your sense of taste and smell diminish with age, making food less appealing. If you are less active than you used to be, you may not require as much energy to fuel the body as you did as a young person, according to a 2020 review. The less fuel you need, the less likely you are to eat large amounts of food.

Changing Social Circumstances

What exactly do social circumstances have to do with your appetite, you ask? Well, your living situation may change and fewer people may live in your household. That means that you don’t cook for large groups of family any longer because you may live alone and eat by yourself. The unfortunate reality is that older people are twice as likely to have poor appetite when living alone. As your social circumstances change and increase loneliness, you may lose your appetite even more. One of the most common symptoms of depression is loss of appetite, so make sure to care for your mental health if this factors into your appetite. 

Cognitive Decline

Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are common age-related cognitive disorders. In addition to loss of memory and forgetfulness, cognitive decline increases the risk for depression which often leads to weight loss due to lack of interest in food. Studies note that eating regular meals also proves to be challenging for people with Alzheimer’s disease. This may stem from overstimulation or too many food choices. They may also have trouble focusing on the food if there are other distractions present. Lastly, a person with Alzheimer’s may forget to eat or stop eating if the condition is more severe. 

Medications And Chronic Diseases

Chronic health issues can accompany old age if you do not take care of the body. As an older person, the risk of chronic pain, heart failure, kidney failure, liver disease, cancer, and more increases. All of those can decrease your appetite, and some conditions (such as arthritis) may affect your ability to hold utensils, which makes it harder to eat. Medications that doctors prescribe for some of these conditions also affect appetite. Additionally, medications can alter your taste preferences, cause dry mouth, or make you less hungry, according to health experts.


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5 Causes Of Receding Gums Fri, 20 Oct 2023 09:18:00 +0000

Maintaining oral hygiene can help gums from receding, or prevent them for getting worse. Here are some common causes of receding gums.


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Are your teeth looking a little longer these days? If so, you may need to change some lifestyle habits because your gums may be receding. Receding gums can increase your risk for sensitivity, cavities, and tooth loss. Although gum recession is a gradual problem, you don’t want to let it get out of hand. 

What Are Receding Gums?

Gum recession is a form of gum disease that occurs when the gum tissue pulls away from the teeth. If left untreated, the gums can recede so much so that the roots of the teeth become exposed. That can cause irritation when brushing, eating, or drinking liquids at varying temperatures. 

Gum recession is most common in people over the age of 65, but it can affect people of all ages. You are more likely to develop receding gums if you had braces or other orthodontic treatment, periodontal disease, or use chewing tobacco. Interestingly, brushing your teeth excessively or having a lip or tongue piercing also increases your risk of receding gums. About 88% of people over the age of 65 have gum recession on one or more teeth, and you can learn about more causes below. 

You Have Plaque Or Tartar Buildup

If you don’t brush and floss regularly, your gums can recede. Dentists explain that poor dental hygiene can cause plaque (a film from bacteria and food) and tartar (hardened plaque that causes tooth decay) to build up along the gum lining. Not only can plaque and tartar inflame the gums, but they can also make them more susceptible to recession. If you want to prevent plaque buildup, brush your teeth twice daily for at least two minutes at a time. Floss once a day and consider using an antibacterial mouthwash to encourage optimal oral health.

You Grind Your Teeth

Repeatedly grinding your teeth can put stress on your gums, which can cause inflammation and swelling. Over time, that inflammation can cause gums to recede. Bruxism, the technical term for teeth grinding, can happen to anyone, but it typically results from unmanaged anxiety. Most teeth grinders don’t realize that they do it because they usually grind while asleep. That’s why you may wake up with tooth sensitivity or tight jaw muscles. If you have tooth grinding symptoms, consider talking with your dentist about it. You may need to wear a mouthguard at night or practice relaxation techniques to manage stress. 

You Smoke Or Use Tobacco

Smoking causes discoloration of your teeth, but it also affects your gums, especially if you dip (use chewing tobacco). Tobacco reduces immune function, making it more difficult for your gums to fight off infection. That can lead to gum inflammation and gum recession, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Obviously, the best way to protect your mouth from this is to stop smoking or using chewing tobacco. There are many methods that can help you stop smoking, but if you do use tobacco, please continue to brush and floss regularly. Don’t forget to get regular cleanings from the dentist as well. 

Your Tongue Or Lip Piercing Is To Blame

This sounds strange, but an oral piercing can actually increase the risk of gum recession over time. The piercing can cause irritation or inflammation that causes the gums to recede. Oral piercings may also cause an injury that damages the teeth or gum tissue. Damaged gum tissue can lead to inflammation and recession. If you have an oral piercing, you have to be extra attentive with your oral care. In addition to brushing and flossing, follow oral piercing cleaning instructions to reduce the risk of infection or gum recession.

You Brush Too Hard

Brushing regularly is a must for optimal oral health, but being overzealous with your brushing can do more harm than good. Aggressive brushing can irritate gum tissue, which causes inflammation that can lead to gum recession over time. If you have sensitive gums, consider getting a soft- or medium-bristle toothbrush to be more gentle on your gums. Always brush your teeth twice per day, but remember to be gentle on your teeth. Use gentle, circular motions with and consider holding your toothbrush differently to reduce intensity. Try to hold the brush with only your thumb, index, and middle fingers. Not only does this give you less leverage, but it may also remind you to go easier on your gums.


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What The Color Of Your Gums Says About Your Health Tue, 27 Jun 2023 09:25:00 +0000

Healthy gums are pink or brownish pink, depending your natural skin tone. See what your gums reveal about your overall health.


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Dental experts agree that your gums should be a beautiful pink. This shade of pink might vary slightly depending on your natural skin tone, but if you notice a different hue, there might be something else going on in your mouth. As it turns out, the tone or tint of your gums can inform you of other health issues, especially if the change in color accompanies other symptoms. In this article, we cover a list of gum colors and what they could mean for your oral health. 

What Color Are Healthy Gums?

Healthy gums are typically pink in color and firm to the touch. Your skin tone may determine the shade of pink. For example, white or light-skinned people tend to have lighter pink gums, while darker-skinned people can have darker pink or pinkish-brown gums. Your gums should be resilient and they shouldn’t move when you touch them or bleed when you brush or floss. Healthy gums are not inflamed or swollen in their natural state, nor are they tender to the touch. Your breath tends to feel fresh with no unpleasant tastes in your mouth. Continue reading to learn more about what your gums can tell you about your health. 

Red Gums

Dentists say that red, swollen gums commonly indicate gingivitis, which is the earliest stage of gum disease. Plaque that builds up on the teeth causes gingivitis, and the tenderness of the gums can cause them to bleed when you floss. If you notice red, swollen gums, take action as soon as possible. Gingivitis can worsen over time and lead to gum pain, tenderness, and eventually gum damage or tooth loss. 

Black Gums

Unless you decide to consume a handful of dirt, your gums should not be black. If you notice very dark red, dark purple, or black gums, you most likely have a case of periodontitis. This is a common gum infection that damages the gums and destroys the jawbone, but it is fairly preventable. In addition to the darker-colored gums, you may also notice new spaces between your teeth and a change to your bite. This occurs because teeth start to loosen. Two less common reasons for black gums are smoking or unmanaged diabetes. Tetracycline, an antibiotic, can also temporarily cause gums to take on a back hue. 

Purple Gums

If gingivitis progresses to periodontitis, the more advanced form of gum disease, gums may take on a purplish appearance. Some dental experts suggest that gums with a subtle purple hue may not always indicate gum disease. The gums must be firm and healthy, not bleeding, for the purplish hue to be acceptable. If you notice purple gums that are puffy and painful, or that pus comes from between the teeth, see your dentist to address the problem. Eating or chewing may also become uncomfortable in this situation.

White Gums

If you notice that your gums have taken on a ghostly white appearance, the problem isn’t usually cause for major concern. Gums can turn white temporarily from excess use of teeth whitening products, according to experts. The chemical bleaching ingredients in these products can also cause gum and tooth sensitivity. Less often, white spots or patches on the gums can indicate leukoplakia, a condition that results from heavy smoking or tobacco use. In some cases, white patches on the gums may indicate oral cancer, but the patch typically feels sore or irritated in this situation. 

Pale Gums

Gums that appear paler than normal may be a symptom of anemia, which occurs when the blood doesn’t make enough red blood cells. Anemia often stems from too-low iron or vitamin B12 levels, and it can cause weakness, pale skin, pale gums, dizziness, fatigue, and headaches. If you experience other symptoms of anemia, consider speaking with your healthcare professional to address the issue.


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Floss Like A Boss To Experience These Benefits Mon, 26 Sep 2022 16:07:00 +0000

Don’t toss your floss! Flossing helps to remove bacteria, plaque, and food from your teeth, but you may also experience these benefits.


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We all know that we should floss, but seldom do we see that vision through. Most people even lie about how much they floss to their dentists when they ask, “How often do you floss?” There is no point in lying because the dentist looks inside the mouth, only to see mild plaque build-up that may not be there if you floss regularly. 

As much as dentists harp on flossing, are there really benefits to this oral care activity? The American Dental Association (ADA) says that interdental cleaners like floss play an integral role in removing bacteria, plaque, and other debris from areas that a toothbrush cannot reach. That’s why most dentists encourage people to floss daily, in addition to brushing. Flossing helps you dig out a lingering piece of popcorn, steak, celery, or carrot chunk. The relief is amazing and you may not get that food piece unstuck with a toothbrush. Aside from getting food out of your teeth and helping your gums feel great, flossing can also lead to the following benefits. 

May Prevent Gum Disease

Plaque doesn’t just stain your teeth or make them look unsightly. Plaque build-up in the mouth can increase the risk of gum disease, which refers to inflammation and infection of the gums. Failure to remove this plaque can cause it to eat away at gum tissue, the primary indicator of periodontal disease. Periodontitis is the advanced form of periodontal disease, and that can result in root canals or extreme tooth decay. An effective way to combat these gum diseases is by flossing on a regular basis because it can help remove bacteria from the base of the teeth

May Benefit Your Heart Health

How can flossing your teeth help your heart? Well, a large body of research supports the link between oral health and heart health. As wild as this theory seems, it is actually quite valid. A 2010 review found a strong link between gum disease and heart disease. That doesn’t necessarily mean that gum disease causes heart disease; rather, researchers believe that people who take better care of their teeth most likely take care of their overall health. A 2020 study followed over 160,000 people who kept a strict oral hygiene routine for over 10 years. The results indicated that these participants experienced a decreased risk of heart problems like heart failure and irregular heartbeat. 

Reduce The Risk Of Cavities

Tooth decay can result in cavities, which cause tiny openings or holes in the hard surface of the teeth, also known as enamel. The more plaque on your enamel, the higher risk you are for developing cavities. When you floss at least once per day, you can get rid of hidden food particles and plaque build-up, both of which increase the risk of tooth decay. The toothbrush can’t always reach every part of your teeth, especially between them, which is why the ADA encourages daily flossing.

Helps With Bad Breath

Forget that breath mint and bust out the floss before your big date! A 2013 research review found that you may be able to kick halitosis to the curb by flossing on a regular basis. Even if you brush regularly, bacteria can build up between your teeth. In addition to an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease, you can experience serious odors if you don’t get rid of bacterial build-up between the teeth. An interdental brush and the occasional use of a tongue scraper can also help keep bad breath at bay. 

Get Rid Of Plaque

As we’ve mentioned throughout this article, the removal of plaque can help keep your teeth and gums healthy. It can be difficult to see plaque at first because it is a stick, colorless film that collects around and between the teeth and along the gum lining. The combination of starchy and sugary foods and drinks is a recipe for plaque formation. Bacteria release acids that break down carbohydrates and failure to brush and floss means that plaque can accumulate more easily. If too much plaque builds up, it can harden and turn into tartar, which collects along the gum line. That increases the risk of gum disease!


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DIY Cinnamon Mouthwash For Bad Breath Wed, 12 May 2021 09:26:00 +0000

Learn to make your own natural mouthwash with a few simple ingredients. Cinnamon kills oral bacteria and helps to get rid of bad breath.


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Bad breath plagues the masses, being one of the most common oral health problems. Some people are unaware of the foul odor that emits from their mouth. When people point it out, it’s very easy to lower self-esteem and confidence. The last thing you want is for someone to cringe when you open your mouth to speak to them, so if your breath is less than fresh, you need the cinnamon mouthwash in this article.

While bad breath typically results from an overgrowth of bacteria in the mouth, it can also occur because of poor digestive health. In fact, a common sign of poor digestive health is bad breath. A dietary change can help restore gut health, but this may not always get rid of bad breath. Sometimes, you need to combat the bacteria in the mouth, and that’s where mouthwashes come into play.

Are Mouthwashes Beneficial?

Believe it or not, people have been using mouthwash for thousands of years. According to historical records, people in China used saltwater rinses to combat gum disease over 4,000 years ago. The higher class citizens in Ancient Greece used salt and vinegar rinses to keep teeth clean. The mouth contains tons of bacteria, which is a good thing. Like your gut, however, there are good and bad bacteria present in the mouth. 

Modern day antibacterial mouthwash kills both the good and bad bacteria, which can lead to hazardous bacteria takeover. Additionally, alcohol-based mouthwash can dry out tissues in the mouth, which can irritate mouth ulcers if you have them. If you use alcohol-based mouthwash and drink soda, coffee, tea, or red wine, you may find that your teeth stain more easily.

You need to maintain a regular flossing and brushing routine, in addition to using mouthwash, to keep teeth and gums fresh. Don’t think that mouthwash can take the place of flossing and brushing, which are two essential components of oral care. 


Historically, people chewed on cinnamon sticks to help maintain optimal oral health. There’s an essential oil in cinnamon that helps to kill bad breath. It does this by killing harmful bacteria in the mouth. Additionally, cinnamon has a potent aroma that works to cover up bad breath almost instantaneously. Cinnamon also contains antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties that help control tartar and prevent plaque formation.


The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which exhibits anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties. Turmeric is a popular superfood, especially for those who want to reduce inflammation in the body. Newer studies found that it may even reduce the risk of periodontal disease and certain oral cancers. Turmeric has also been recognized as an effective, natural teeth whitener. The results may not be instantaneous, but continued use may yield whiter, healthier teeth. 

DIY Cinnamon Mouthwash


  • 1 cup filtered water
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder


  • Place a small saucepan over low eat and pour in the water. 
  • Add the cinnamon and turmeric and mix well. Cover the saucepan with a lid and let this mixture simmer for 10-15 minutes. 
  • Remove from heat and allow the mixture to cool completely. Pour the mixture into a jar and use as regular mouthwash. 
  • After you brush your teeth at night, swish the mouthwash in your mouth and spit it out. 


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Floss Your Socks Off For National Flossing Day Fri, 29 Nov 2019 09:12:23 +0000

It’s no coincidence that National Flossing Day comes right after the biggest feast of the year. Floss away to experience these benefits.


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The biggest meal of the year has come and gone and there’s no better way to follow this day than to floss your little heart out. That’s right, people, we are telling you this because November 29th is National Flossing Day. We know it isn’t as exciting as National Prank Your Friend Day, or National Leave Work Early Day, but the reality is that flossing on a regular basis has some pretty amazing benefits.

Let’s be honest for a quick second: nobody really wants to floss. Flossing is an oral hygiene routine that is typically done reluctantly. Statistically, the average person lies about how much they floss when they go in for a dental checkup, despite the fact that the American Dental Association recommends flossing once a day for optimal oral health. Dental floss gets into the nooks and crannies that the bristles of your toothbrush cannot reach.

National Flossing Day was established in 2019 to remind people of the importance of flossing, because taking care of your teeth and gums is part of life. Not to mention, a great oral hygiene routine decreases your risk of gum disease or gingivitis, and lessens the chance of you needing expensive veneers in the future. For more reasons why you should be flossing, read about the benefits below.

Flossing Reduces Bad Breath

If you have chronic bad breath, also known as halitosis, chewing gum or popping mints all day will not remedy the problem. The smell is always there, and it may be attributed to tartar build-up, which has an unpleasant aroma. Brushing your teeth helps to reduce tartar build-up on the teeth, but flossing removes it from between the teeth and gums. Start flossing at least once a day to help freshen your breath.

Flossing Can Help Prevent Gum Disease

When plaque builds up on or between your teeth, people can develop cavities, but too much plaque can increase the risk of periodontal disease or gum disease. Periodontal disease is an infectious process that can alter the entire structure of the mouth. All you need to do is floss regularly to get rid of the bacteria between your teeth.

Flossing Prevents Gingivitis

Gingivitis is one of the most common oral health conditions, resulting in inflamed gums that are extremely sensitive. In some cases, people with gingivitis experience bleeding gums. One of the easiest ways to decrease your risk of gingivitis is by flossing, which works to remove bacteria around the gum line.

Flossing Helps Control Diabetes

This one is a shocking benefit, but diabetes and flossing are in fact connected. Failure to floss regularly can lead to a faster accumulation of bacteria in the mouth. As it turns out, research has shown that oral bacteria can affect glucose levels in the blood, creating a problem for people with diabetes. In order to help stabilize blood glucose levels, floss at least once a day to remove oral bacteria from between your teeth.


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How An Unhealthy Mouth Can Lead To Weight Gain Sun, 21 Apr 2019 10:25:18 +0000

Have you gained weight recently or tried to lose weight but your efforts failed? Your oral health could be causing your weight problems.


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Obesity rates in the United States have increased exponentially over the past 20 years. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that about 67% of American adults are overweight or obese, and 34% of those obese adults have severe obesity. Additionally, childhood obesity has tripled since 1980.

While some people might blame weight gain on the foods they eat, the real culprit may be your oral health. This is an oversimplification because a complex, reciprocal relationship exists between your oral health and overall health. While it may seem incorrect, your oral health can influence unhealthy behaviors that can lead to weight gain.

Are You Avoiding Healthy Foods?

If you have sore gums or sensitive teeth, you will sensibly avoid foods that cause irritation. The unfortunate reality is that many healthy foods, like crisp fruits and vegetables, are difficult to eat with sore teeth, or they can harm the gums. Vegetable fibers can also get caught between your teeth and cause irritation. Because of this, softer foods that are easier to eat become go-to foods. Many of these foods are processed, low in nutrients, and high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. While there are soft foods that are healthy, people often opt for foods that unhealthy soft foods that lead to weight gain, or make it difficult to lose weight.

Inflammation Can Cause Weight Gain

Remember that complex relationship between oral and overall health? Inflammation plays a large role in the relationship between obesity, diabetes, and oral health. Inflammation is a natural, bodily response to foreign invaders, but chronic inflammation can occur if a chronic infection, such as gum disease, exists in the body. The inflammatory proteins interfere with hormones like leptin, which helps to regulate energy use and weight loss. As you start to gain weight, the fat cells trigger the release of inflammatory proteins, and this makes it difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

Is Exercise Difficult?

An unhealthy mouth can make it difficult to exercise. The reason for this is because a chronic infection like gum disease is similar to dealing with a cold or flu, ultimately reducing the amount of energy that is necessary for exercise. Diabetes may also be depleting your energy levels, and diabetes also increases your risk of gum disease, which in turn worsens diabetes.

A Healthy Mouth Leads To A Healthy Body

Maintaining a body, which is free of disease and at a healthy weight, requires you to keep your mouth clean and healthy. Gum or tooth infections can spread throughout the body and negatively influence your blood, breath, and the foods you consume. When you treat an oral health problem the right way, you have a better shot at experiencing a healthier body. Try to find a holistic dentist for the most benefits.


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The Best And Worst Foods For Your Teeth Mon, 25 Jun 2018 11:45:55 +0000

Brushing and flossing don't always keep your teeth healthy. Take these foods into account when it comes to the health of your teeth.


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There is more to keeping your teeth healthy than just brushing and flossing every day. When it comes to taking care of those pearly whites, watching what you eat is essential. Tooth decay and gum diseases can take a long time to develop, and as such, they can go unnoticed before we realize that there is a problem. This is why knowing which foods benefit and harm our teeth can help us prevent a lot of pain, and expensive visits to the dentist.

The Best


It is for various reasons that apples are on this list. The action of eating an apple produces enough saliva in your mouth to rinse away bacteria and food particles. Its fibrous texture can also stimulate the gums, while the fiber it contains can help remove traces of stains and plaque on your teeth.


Along with other crunchy veggies, such as carrots, celery can protect your teeth in two ways. The extra chewing that celery demands produces plenty of saliva, which neutralizes the bacteria that cause cavities. Additionally, its texture makes it naturally abrasive, meaning it gently scrubs and cleans other food particles off your teeth.

Leafy Greens

The reason why leafy greens, like kale and spinach, can promote healthier teeth is because they are high in calcium, which builds your teeth’s enamel. They are also rich in folate, which can be particularly beneficial for pregnant women, given that it can treat periodontal disease.


These berries contain malic acid, which helps to soften and dissolve stains on your teeth. They are also brimming with vitamin C, an antioxidant that is necessary for the production of collagen, a key protein that maintains strength of your gums.

The Worst

Chewy Candy

The stickier the candy, the worse it tends to be for your teeth. Candies like taffy or caramels stick to (and between) teeth for a long time, allowing bacteria in the mouth to leisurely feast on the remaining sugar. As a result, bacteria burns sugar to create acid, which dissolves the protective layer of tooth enamel, and causes cavities.


As tasty as they may be for many people, pickles contain vinegar, which is highly acidic. This can demineralize your teeth, causing erosion and long-term damage.

Dried Fruits

Although they are still better than processed fruit snacks, and are used by many as a complement to their diet, dried fruits are still very sticky and high in sugar. They are like chewy candy, adhering to the teeth, and promoting dental erosion. If you eat dried fruit, strive to only purchase unsulfured varieties that don’t contain added sugars or other preservatives.


Along with starchy foods, the refined carbs found in saltines and other types of crackers convert to sugar in the mouth very quickly, providing food for cavity-forming bacteria. Crackers also become mushy when chewed, turning into a paste-like substance that builds up in your molars.

Citrus Fruits and Juices (in excess)

Citrus fruits are beneficial in many ways. They are rich in vitamins and nutrients that are essential for the body. However, consuming sugary fruit juices (particularly grapefruit and lemonade) in excess can erode tooth enamel over time due to the high sugar and acid content.


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5 Natural Remedies To Help Get Rid Of Cavities Thu, 01 Feb 2018 12:00:23 +0000

Wouldn't it be great if you could get rid of cavities without going to the dentist? Try some of these remedies and you may have success!


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Cavities can occur in anyone, whether you are a little kid or an adult. A cavity is a form of tooth decay. Bacteria in the mouth can form acids that eat away at a tooth or multiple teeth, which can lead to cavities, infection, and even tooth loss.  A tooth has three layers: enamel (the hard outer layer), dentin (the middle layer), and the pulp (the center of the tooth). If more layers are affected by tooth decay, the damage is usually worse. Cavities are extremely common, but it is best to treat them in the early stages before a larger infection or problem occurs.

What Causes Cavities?

Cavities are caused by a combination of bacteria and food. Plaque is a clear substance that is always forming on your teeth and gums. The plaque on your teeth has bacteria, which feed on the sugars from the food you eat. The bacteria produce acids that attack your teeth for about 20 minutes after you eat, and this can cause tooth decay or cavities, especially if your oral hygiene isn’t good.

Natural Remedies

Get Your Minerals

Because cavities can be caused by a lack of nutrients or minerals, it is beneficial to eat foods that are rich in vitamins D & K, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus. These foods can include leafy greens, bananas, sprouted beans, nuts, or seeds. Healthy fats like avocado and coconut oil can also be conducive to the health of your teeth.

Rinse With Lemon Water

You can mix the juice from a whole lemon with a glass of warm water. Rinse this solution around in your mouth after brushing your teeth, so it acts like a natural mouthwash. Do this twice daily and the anti-inflammatory properties in lemons may help soothe the cavity.

Oil Pulling

Oil pulling, which is a popular Ayurvedic remedy, can help reduce the bacteria that cause cavities. You can use sesame oil or organic, non-hydrogenated coconut oil. Place 1 tablespoon of the desired oil in your mouth and swish it around for about 15-20 minutes. You can do this every morning before brushing your teeth for about a month to help remedy cavities.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a common home remedy for cavities because it can neutralize the acids in the mouth, which reduces the risk of developing gum disease or tooth decay. Because baking soda can be a bit abrasive, it is best to use it gently with a bit of olive oil. Mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda with a little bit of warm water or olive oil, gently rub it on the teeth and gums, and rinse your mouth out with warm water after a few minutes. Do this 2-3 times a week.


Guava leaves have been known to help remedy toothaches and gum disease because they have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and analgesic properties. There is also something in the leaves that can act as an anti-plaque agent. Wash a couple leaves, chew them up, and spit them out. Do this twice a day for a couple weeks.

If you use one or more of these remedies, let us know how the work out for you in the comments below.


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Doing This Every Day May Get Rid Of Plaque & Cavities Tue, 23 May 2017 12:30:56 +0000

Do you dread going to the dentist? If so, you need to start doing this right away because it may dramatically improve your oral health.


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Oil pulling is a simple and inexpensive daily habit that you can incorporate into your life. It is beneficial for your teeth and gums, and has been used as an oral health remedy for many, many years. It may seem weird to swish coconut oil around in your mouth, but it may help to keep you out of the dentist’s office.

The process of oil pulling starts with taking one tablespoon of organic unrefined coconut oil and swishing it around in your mouth for five to twenty minutes. Fifteen to twenty minutes is the optimal amount of time you should oil pull, but first time oil pullers should start with five minutes. You can gradually work your way up to twenty minutes, increasing the amount of time every day.

If you have a smaller mouth, you may want to adjust the amount oil to whatever is tolerable, possibly even down to a teaspoon or less. Once you become comfortable with oil pulling, you can increase the amount of oil you use.

How To Oil Pull

Swish the oil around the front and back of the mouth, over the tongue, and toward the back of the throat, but do not swallow the oil. To maximize oral health, it is recommended to pull the oil in and out from between the teeth and around the gums as well. This can help reduce plaque build up and lower your risk of gum disease or tooth decay.

At the end of your pulling session, spit the oil out in a cup or trashcan. A whitish color indicates that you successfully helped to rid toxins from your mouth. Gargle some warm water to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth without toothpaste in order to clean off your teeth.

Benefits of Oil Pulling

Natural Teeth Whitener

Rather than using commercial, chemical-laden teeth whiteners, oil pulling helps to cleanse toxins from your mouth. It also helps to clean the teeth and reduce plaque build up.

Freshens Breath

Bad breath, medically known as halitosis, is typically the result of having an excess amount of toxins or bacteria in the mouth. The natural properties in coconut oil help to attack the bacteria, helping to naturally freshen your breath and oral health.

Helps You Detox

Your mouth, despite what you wish to believe, is home to a variety of bacteria and toxins. If these toxins accumulate in the body, it can lead to oxidative stress or improper organ function. Start oil pulling to help with overall body detoxification.

Removes Plaque

This is probably one of primary reasons that you should start oil pulling. Oil pulling works especially well on the Streptococcus mutans bacterium, which can cause cavities, gingivitis, or other oral health issues.


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