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Is your hair desperately trying to tell you something? Changes may indicate several health issues, nutritional deficiencies, and more.


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Most people think about their hair on a daily basis, fretting over frizz or enjoying the results of a beautiful blowout. Perhaps there’s a new style that is intriguing, but that can’t happen if hair is dull, limp, or brittle. There are subtle cues from hair, be it change in texture, look, or thickness, which may indicate underlying health issues. 

Similar to fluctuating moods, your hair experiences both good days and bad days. When you notice abnormal or constant changes to your locks, something may be awry with your body. The body has different ways of informing you that something is going on, be it through changes in urine, stool, or even hair. Everything from stress and nutrition to hormones and health conditions can impact your hair. Check out the following telltale clues that your hair can give you about your health.

Hair Thinning May Indicate A Thyroid Problem

Hypothyroidism is a common issue that indicates an under-active thyroid. When the thyroid doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones, you may notice an increase in thinning or shedding. Hypothyroidism can also cause muscle pain, puffy face, weight gain, fatigue, joint pain, and more. Some thyroid disorders may also increase the risk of alopecia areata, an autoimmune hair loss condition. Get a thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) test to see if your thyroid is the cause of thinning hair. 

Losing Hair In Patches May Indicate Alopecia Areata

A telltale sign of alopecia is when you lose hair in dime- and quarter-sized patches. It’s an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks healthy cells in the body. Major life events, including pregnancy, death, or illness, can trigger its development. It’s possible for patches to regrow, but more bald patches may also show up. Consult your doctor to determine whether alopecia is the root cause of hair loss. 

Yellow Or White Flakes May Indicate Dandruff

Many people are familiar with the “salted shoulder” look, in regards to dandruff. Small white or yellow flakes can fall on the shoulders or reside on hair strands. Although dandruff is not a serious medical issue, it can be embarrassing. There are many natural remedies (click here to learn more about them), but you can also treat the issue with prescription shampoos or over-the-counter specialty shampoos. 

Dry Hair May Indicate A Diet Issue

Often times, dry hair results from too much sun exposure, but hair that’s dry year round can indicate another issue. Many times, this issues results from an insufficient intake of healthy fats, according to registered dietitians. Healthy fats are vital to the health of your hair and scalp, giving more life to your strands. Support the health of your hair via your diet by enjoying more foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids. These foods include olive oil, avocado, nuts, seeds, wild caught salmon, and beans. 

Brittle Hair May Indicate Cushing’s Syndrome

Brittle hair doesn’t always indicate Cushing’s syndrome, but it is one of the symptoms. This health condition is quite rare and it’s caused by an overabundance of cortisol, a primary stress hormone, in the body. However, there are many more obvious symptoms of Cushing’s, including high blood pressure, fatigue, and back pain. Brittle hair may also indicate a zinc or iron deficiency. Both zinc and iron and necessary for keratin production, so low levels of these nutrients can cause changes to hair structure. 

Going Gray Early May Indicate A B12 Deficiency

Most of the time, genetics are the primary cause of white hairs sprouting all over your head. There isn’t typically another health issue at play. That being said, many nutritionists say that developing lots of grays before the age of 35 may indicate a B12 or folic acid deficiency. Researchers noticed that increasing folic acid and B12 intake, combined with more sun exposure, was able to re-pigment patches of both skin and hair that stopped producing melanin. To increase your folic acid intake, focus on leafy greens, legumes, and whole grains. For more B12, focus on nutritional yeast, tempeh, shellfish, grass-fed beef, and wild caught tuna and salmon. 


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For Lucious Locks, Eat More Of These 3 Nutrients Wed, 03 Nov 2021 09:07:00 +0000

While healthy locks may start at the scalp, caring for your hair starts with what you eat. These 3 nutrients can boost healthy hair growth.


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There are many people who spend lots of time nourishing the hair and scalp with a multitude of hair care products. While a healthy scalp can help hair follicles thrive, the health of your hair starts before that. If you want to have luscious locks that are commercial worthy, you have to pay attention to what you feed the body. That’s right, there are specific nutrients that encourage healthier hair, which we’ll discuss in this article. 

There is little evidence that suggests that individual hair vitamins can make hair grow faster or thicker. However, being deficient in certain nutrients can increase the risk of hair loss or brittle hair. Researchers have carried out studies about three important nutrients that support hair growth: vitamin D, keratin, and B-complex vitamins. Continue reading to learn more about them and how they can promote healthier hair. 

B-Complex Vitamins

There are eight water-soluble vitamin substances that make up the B-complex family. There is thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), vitamin B6, biotin (B7), folate, and vitamin B12. All of these aid in cell metabolism, but several research studies have identified how both biotin and niacin support hair growth. They do this by supporting healthy energy production and fighting free radicals. The body naturally produces biotin, but people with lower levels tend to be more prone to hair loss. Increasing biotin intake works to support keratin production, which is a protein that helps maintain hair structure. 

Other B vitamins assist the body with creating red blood cells, which carry oxygen and nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles. Researchers state that increasing oxygen and blood circulation to the scalp helps to encourage hair growth. You can find a variety of B vitamins in whole grains, nuts & seeds, dark leafy greens, wild caught fish, nutritional yeast, and more.

Vitamin D

In addition to supporting immune health, vitamin D has a positive impact on hair health. A 2019 review found a link between vitamin D deficiency and alopecia areata, which involves severe hair loss. The review found that people with lower levels had more severe symptoms of the condition. Another study found that people with low vitamin D levels experienced regular hair shedding. Almost all American adults fail to consume 400 internal units (iu) of vitamin D per day, which can lead to clinical vitamin D deficiency. 

Ideally, the average adult should consume at least 600 iu of vitamin D per day. Many experts found that fat-soluble nature of vitamin D is necessary for hair follicle support. You can find vitamin D in a few different foods, including shiitake and button mushrooms, sockeye salmon, sardines, eggs, and cod liver oil. Because it isn’t readily available in food, many experts advise that people take a vitamin D supplement.


Keratin is one of the body’s essential building blocks, and it is a protein that forms the structure of epithelial cells. These cells line surfaces both inside and outside the body. In fact, they help to make up the tissues in the hair, skin, and nails. Although keratin aids with the optimal growth and repair of bodily tissues, it helps most with strengthening the cells in the hair, skin, and nails. It also works to make hair more resilient and tends to reduce damage from friction. 

Keratin works to smooth down the cells that overlap to form hair strands. The layers of these cells, called hair cuticles, absorb keratin, which can make hair look full and glossy. For people with curly hair, keratin helps to combat excess frizz, giving it a straighter appearance and making it easier to style. You can find keratin in onion, sweet potato, sunflower seeds, mango, garlic, kale, carrots, eggs, and salmon. 


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8 Myths And Facts About Hair Loss Wed, 19 May 2021 20:02:00 +0000

Is you mother to blame for you thinning hair? Does wearing a hat cause baldness? Learn about the myths and facts of hair loss.


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Hair loss is one of the most common problems in existence. According to statistics, roughly 50% of men over the age of 50 experience some form of hair loss. Additionally, 50% of women will experience some noticeable hair loss at some point in life. This makes the hair loss industry worth about $3.5 billion. Unfortunately, the reality is that many hair loss treatments or products are not effective. 

There are many old wives’ tales about hair loss or thinning hair. It’s easy to distinguish some real facts from made up nonsense, but some “theories” are engrained in popular culture, so it’s hard to know what to believe. Why does hair loss occur? Is there any one thing or person to blame? Continue reading to learn about the myths and facts of hair loss.  

Everyone Goes Bald By 50: Myth

Obviously, this is far from true and it is completely fiction. Both men and women can experience pattern baldness at any age because baldness knows no age. The American Hair Loss Association states that 66% of American men will experience some sort of baldness by age 35. About 85% of men have significantly thinning hair by age 50. On the other hand, some men have thick hair well into their 70s!

Mistreating Your Hair Can Cause Hair Loss: Fact

According to research, over shampooing your hair can increase the risk of hair loss. The same thing applies if you overwork your hair. Frequent straightening, aggressive brushing or combing, and dying your hair can weaken hair strands and follicles, which can cause hair troubles later in life. Additionally, chemicals in hair care products can weaken both the outside and inside of hair fibers!

Wearing Hats Will Increase Baldness: Myth

Lots of people say that wearing a hat will cause baldness, but don’t rustle the feather in your fedora because this is not true. The only way that a hat could possibly cause hair loss is if it was so incredibly tight on your head that it was pulling out all of your hair. And the hat would have to pull out a lot of hair to cause permanent hair loss. 

We Lose Hair Every Single Day: Fact

Natural hair loss occurs every single day. There are roughly 100,000 hairs on the average human head, and it’s common to lose 50-100 hairs naturally every day. The amount of strands lost per day will vary form person to person, and it may be more prevalent in people with longer hair. The good news is that you typically produce more hair than you lose. Once you start to produce less hair than you lose, though, start taking preventive measures to preserve the hair you have.

Pluck One Gray Hair And Two Grow Back: Myth

It’s a scary reality when you start seeing those gray or white hairs in the mirror. You want to pluck them out as soon as you see them. Some people don’t pluck because they are afraid that more will grow back. This is a complete myth. The reality is that if you pluck out one gray hair, another gray hair will grow back in its place. Pigment cells are no longer producing pigment, so that shiny white hair will appear again. Hair turns gray when pigment cells die. Embrace the gray and don’t increase the risk of more hair loss by dying your hair with chemicals.

Stress Will Make Hair Fall Out: Fact

Stress is one of the primary contributing factors to hair loss. According to several studies, stress can actually push hair follicles into a “resting” phase, so they won’t produce new hair strands. Living in a constant state of stress will cause hair to fall out more easily, and you’ll notice this if you brush, comb, or even wash your hair. Experts say that many stress-related conditions are linked to hair loss conditions like alopecia areata. 

Baldness Comes From The Mother’s Side: Myth

This is a myth that is a classic old wive’s tale, so don’t blame your mother if you are experiencing hair loss. The future of your hair is generally determined by genetics from both sides of your family. Research states that the primary baldness gene is on the X chromosome, which men get from mothers, but there are other factors at play. You end up with a mix of both your parents’ hair genes, so look to see if there are balding people on both sides of the family if you want to get a glimpse at your future hair situation.

Alopecia Areata Affects Men And Women: Fact

Both men and women can experience the hair loss effects of alopecia areata. This condition primarily affects the scalp and occurs because of an autoimmune disorder. What happens is that your immune system attacks the hair follicles, and that causes hair loss. There is some good news, though. Scientists say that the damage caused to hair follicles is not always permanent and can be remedied with the right treatment plan. 


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7 Herbs For Thicker Hair Growth Sun, 02 May 2021 09:18:00 +0000

People have used herbs to stimulate hair growth for hundreds of years. Learn which ones will help you achieve thickness and more volume.


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Hair growth and hair loss are two of the most popular topics of conversation when it comes to hair care. Nobody wants to lose their hair and everyone wants thicker, luscious locks. How can you achieve moisture, optimal shine, and an overall healthier scalp? Do what people have done for hundreds of years and turn to herbs to help you achieve your hair growth goals!

People wish there was a magic solution or one-size-fits-all remedy for promoting hair growth. Unfortunately, there isn’t, but there are various herbs that have proven to encourage healthier hair. For instance, people have used rosemary to help fight hair loss for centuries, while others have turned to nettle for optimal growth. Keep reading to learn how seven herbs can take your hair growth game to the next level. 


Replete with antibacterial properties, lavender helps to clear the scalp of bacteria or grime that inhibit optimal growth. For example, fungal growth or parasites on the scalp can make hair growth impossible. Typically used in its essential oil form, lavender has demonstrated an ability to encourage hair regrowth. In one study, 86 people with alopecia areata massaged lavender essential oil (mixed with other oils) on the scalp daily for seven months. The results indicated that all test subjects experienced significant hair regrowth. 


Fenugreek seeds are quite common in various culinary applications, but they also possess numerous healing properties. They work for people with all hair types because it offers natural proteins and vitamin C that nourish hair follicles. A 2006 research study found that fenugreek extract improved hair volume and thickness in both men and women. Fenugreek has a high mucilage content, which makes it a natural de-tangler. It also helps to reduce scalp irritation or dandruff. 

Gingko Biloba

One of the primary benefits of gingko biloba is that it helps to improve circulation. Gingko helps to encourage growth at the root level by increasing blood flow to hair follicles. The most common way to consume it is in tea form, but some cultures apply it topically in the form of a poultice. Lastly, one study found that it promotes hair regrowth by encouraging both proliferation and apoptosis of cells in hair follicles. 


Rosemary is one of the most popular herbs that encourage hair growth. It has proven to revitalize hair and enhance silkiness in various studies. Researchers attribute rosemary’s antioxidants to its ability to stimulate hair growth. Fighting free radicals, which cause thinning or graying hair, on the scalp works to stimulate healthy hair production. Combine rosemary essential oil with olive oil to aid circulation to the scalp, while simultaneously enhancing moisture. 


Nettle is naturally rich in vitamins A, C, & K, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, silica, and pantothenic acid. All of those nutrients are incredible for your hair and scalp. Traditionally, men and women incorporated nettle into hair loss remedies, especially for alopecia areata. It works to stimulate hair growth by improving circulation to the scalp. Nettle is also naturally astringent, working to reduce excess oil production in people with oily scalps and hair. It also helps to to prevent premature graying and works to fight dandruff, which can inhibit hair growth.


This is a popular herb for hair loss and premature graying of hair in Ayurveda. Indian women have used bhringraj extensively to boost hair growth and discourage hair loss. Bhringraj works to decrease itchiness or dryness on the scalp by enhancing moisture and hydration. It works to stimulate thicker and darker hair growth that has optimal shine. It’s best to make a hair mask using bhringraj powder, coconut oil or milk, amla powder, water, and brahmi powder. There are also other preparations using this herb. 


The great thing about burdock is that it contains lots of phytosterol compounds and essential fatty acids. These nutrients work to put an end to scalp irritation and can even generate new hair growth. According to research studies, the essential fatty acids in burdock are an effective treatment for psoriasis. 40 people with psoriasis supplemented with the same fatty acids in burdock and found that they worked better than prescription medication. Psoriasis can affect the scalp and get in the way of healthy hair growth. Calming this condition may not only enhance scalp health, but also improve the growth and appearance of your hair. 


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2-Ingredient Herbal Hair Mask For Faster Hair Growth Tue, 06 Oct 2020 17:26:00 +0000

Do you need to repair damaged, dull, or brittle hair? Stop using chemical hair products and start using this herbal hair mask.


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No woman wants to feel insecure about thin, frizzy, or dull-looking hair. How can they fix it without dropping their entire paycheck on hair treatments? Fortunately, the DIY hair care game is strong because more and more women understand the dangers of chemical hair products. Instead of pouring gasoline (chemical hair products) on the fire (frizzy damaged hair), women turn to natural ingredients to improve thickness and vitality. 

How Do You Know What’s Right For Your Hair?

It can be tricky to find the right natural ingredients that benefit your hair and promote healthier, faster growth. Coconut oil improves shine, rice water improves growth, and lavender essential oil nourishes the scalp…the list goes on and on. This is because so many ingredients encourage a healthier scalp and hair. It’s best to focus on simple ingredients, though, especially ones that you can easily find in your backyard. 

Aloe Vera For Healthier Hair

Aloe vera benefits the hair, skin, gut, and more! The high concentration of mannans, vitamins, minerals, lectins, and polysaccharides help to encourage healthier hair. Not only does it deep clean your oily hair, stripping away excess sebum and residue, but it also strengthens and repairs hair strands. Aloe vera contains vitamins A, C, and E, all of which encourage cell turnover. This process promotes new hair growth and adds extra shine to your existing hair. Additionally, aloe vera increases blood circulation to the scalp, and researchers found that better blood flow increases hair growth. Improved circulation also decreases the risk of hair breakage and loss. 

Rosemary Essential Oil For Healthier Hair

Rosemary essential oil has the signature fragrance of the rosemary plant, and it contains rosmarinic acid, carnosic acid, camphor, and ursolic acid. These powerful antioxidant compounds help to increase blood flow to the scalp, which as we previously mentioned encourages hair growth. Researchers found that stress is a large contributor to hair loss, and rosemary essential oil actually counteracts cortisol (the stress hormone). That means that it encourages hair growth and helps fight hair loss at the same time. Rosemary essential oil also contains antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, which fight any dandruff-causing fungi on the scalp. This can reduce itchiness, redness, and inflammation on the scalp. Lastly, a 2015 study compared rosemary essential oil to 2% minoxidil, a conventional hair growth treatment. There were 100 patients with androgenic alopecia in the study. 50 patients used rosemary oil and 50 patients used 2% minoxidil. After six months, the group that used rosemary oil saw as much new hair growth as the other group, but minoxidil comes with a long list of side effects.

DIY Hair Mask


  • 1 stick aloe vera
  • 6-12 drops rosemary essential oil


  • Peel the aloe stick and add the gel to a blender. Add a little water to aid the blending process and blend until you achieve a juice-like consistency.
  • Pour the aloe juice into a glass measuring cup with a pour spout and stir in the rosemary essential oil. 
  • Rub this mixture into the scalp and roots of your hair. Leave it in for at least 20 minutes and then rinse out with warm water. You can use a natural shampoo as well. 


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Boost Hair Growth With These DIY Scalp Scrubs Fri, 28 Aug 2020 09:09:56 +0000

Maintaining a healthy scalp can boost hair growth and reduce the risk pattern hair loss. Try these scalp scrubs for healthy hair growth.


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Anyone with a skin care routine knows that exfoliation contributes to clearer, smoother, healthier skin. Exfoliation is also necessary when it comes to your scalp and your ability to boost hair growth. When you scrub your scalp with natural ingredients, you help to unclog hair follicles and get rid of any built-up dead skin cells or oils that get in the way of you having luscious locks.

While hair loss is much more prevalent in men, both men and women commonly experience pattern hair loss at some point in life. Women tend to experience thinning hair or hair loss in different patterns than men, and it happens much later in life for them. Experts believe that hormonal issues play a role in female hair loss. Men, on the other hand, can lose hair early on in life and about 95% of male hair loss is due to androgenetic alopecia. This is a genetic trait that causes receding hairline, thinning hair, or pattern baldness.

The Scalp’s Role In Hair Growth

If you don’t regularly scrub your scalp, you can kiss your dreams of thick hair goodbye. Just like your skin, the scalp has a dermis and an epidermis, but it also has a large concentration of terminal hair follicles. Diet, medications, illnesses, and hormones, can alter the growth cycle of these hair follicles. According to scientific research, a healthy and balanced diet plays a major role in the health of hair follicles, hair thickness, and the survival of hair.

Why Should You Scrub Your Scalp?

As we mentioned earlier, dead skin cells, oil, dirt, and grease can accumulate on the scalp, blocking pores and contributing to unhealthy hair. Exfoliating your scalp helps to remove all that build-up and naturally balance your scalp’s pH level. When you massage the scrub into your scalp it helps to increase blood flow, and several studies show that better circulation to the scalp boosts hair growth. Try the following scalp scrubs to strengthen, grow, and protect your hair.

Pink Salt Scalp Scrub

Himalayan pink salt helps to scrub away dead skin cells and dandruff, unclogging hair follicles in the process. By exfoliating the scalp, the pink salt helps to boost the penetration of other ingredients to your hair follicles. The peppermint essential oil also aids with exfoliation, but it works to unclog hair follicles and make your hair shinier. Finally, the coconut oil helps to nourish the scalp and strengthen your hair.


  • ½ cup Himalayan pink salt
  • 10 drops peppermint essential oil
  • melted coconut oil


  • Add the salt and peppermint oil to a bowl, and pour in enough melted coconut oil to form a spreadable paste. Stir the mixture and let it sit for 30 minutes to one hour before you use it.
  • Take a dollop of the mixture and massage it into your scalp. Let it sit for a few movements and then shampoo out. Use this once every two weeks.

Brown Sugar And Oatmeal Scalp Scrub

This scalp scrub is all about gentle exfoliation, which is perfect if you have sensitive skin. The combination of sugar, oats, and your favorite conditioner works to exfoliate without drying the scalp or adding excess oils. Many cultures use oats in hair care routines to facilitate hair growth and contribute to thicker hair.


  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons rolled oats, ground
  • 2 tablespoons hair conditioner


  • Add all of the ingredients to a bowl and mix well.
  • Get in the shower and shampoo your hair to remove any products, oil, and dead skin cells.
  • Scoop a small amount of this scrub into your hand and massage it into your scalp in a circular motion. Rinse hair thoroughly after two minutes.

Lemon Scalp Scrub

This scrub is honestly the perfect one-two punch, offering moisturizing and exfoliating properties. The citric acid in lemon is a powerful exfoliator that helps to remove built-up oils or dead skin cells. Olive oil contains vitamins A and E, two powerful antioxidants that fight free radicles, which contribute to hair loss.


  • 2 tablespoons sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil


  • Add all the ingredients to a bowl and mix well.
  • Before you use this scrub, make sure your hair is damp. Massage the scrub into your scalp in a circular motion and then rinse well with warm water.
  • Follow with regular shampoo and conditioner regimen.


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The Best Vitamins And Minerals For Optimal Hair Growth Sat, 22 Aug 2020 08:49:00 +0000

If you aren’t getting your daily dose of these vitamins and minerals, you are missing out on seriously healthy, lusciously thick hair.


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The quest for beautifully thick and commercial quality hair is never-ending. Even the people with near perfect hair are constantly on the hunt for the newest, strangest, or cutting edge hair care routine. While rinsing with rice water, combing with olive oil, or using a DIY leave-in conditioner can all encourage healthier hair, including specific vitamins and minerals in your diet is the best way to promote hair growth.

Our Hair Needs Vitamins

If you want your immune system, heart, or colon to be healthier, you have to include certain foods in your diet. The same can be said if you want your hair to go from damaged to nourished. Most hair problems often result from nutritional deficiencies. An unhealthy diet has a major influence on the overall appearance and health of your hair, skin, and internal systems and organs. There are vitamins and minerals that work to strengthen hair follicles, use protein efficiently, and increase circulation to the scalp. Be sure to include the following vitamins and minerals in your diet for optimal hair health and growth.


The body needs iron for optimal growth and development, and to carry oxygen from the lungs to all other areas of the body, including your hair follicles. Iron also helps the body use protein for hair growth more efficiently. Several studies have shown that female pattern baldness (hair loss in the center of the scalp) is partially attributed to low iron levels. Great food sources of iron include green leafy vegetables, lentils, cashews, quinoa, chia seeds, hemp seeds, dried gifs, pumpkin seeds, and chickpeas.

Vitamin D

The sunshine vitamin has more influence on overall health than people realize. People with low vitamin D levels can experience anything from reduced immune function to alopecia. According to research, vitamin D helps to create new hair follicles, the tiny pores from which new hair grows. Most people in the Western world are deficient in vitamin D, which is sad when you consider that 50-90% of our vitamin D intake comes from being in the sun. All you have to do is go outside, people! If you are sensitive to the sun and take vitamin D supplements, please be careful to not ingest too much because excess vitamin D can increase the risk of kidney stone formation.


Zinc is actually a popular ingredient in over-the-counter anti-dandruff shampoos. Being an essential trace mineral, zinc is involved in many physiological processes in the body. When it comes to your hair, zinc helps to repair damaged hair and maintain sebaceous gland function on the scalp. Some research revealed that low zinc levels contributed to hair loss, but more research is necessary on this matter. Because zinc is plentiful in a variety of foods, it is easy to add more of this mineral to your daily diet. Start eating pumpkin seeds, lentils, spinach, chickpeas, quinoas, walnuts, hemp seeds, wild rice, shiitake mushrooms, and black beans to increase zinc levels.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that can help fight free radical damage, which can interfere with optimal hair growth. Limited research is available for vitamin E’s ability to slow hair loss, but other research shows that vitamin E adds a protective layer and increased shine to hair. Vitamin E oil is also beneficial for nourishing the scalp, especially if it is dry. One study found that people, who supplemented with vitamin E for eight months, experienced a 34.5% increase in hair growth. You can find vitamin E in avocados, spinach, almonds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios, red bell peppers, Brazil nuts, mangos, and kiwis.

Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

Biotin is what you call an essential vitamin, meaning the body needs it to function properly. Dietary biotin helps the body turn the food you eat into energy, but it also breaks down protein into amino acids that your hair needs for optimal growth. Scientists say that biotin actually improves the body’s keratin infrastructure, and keratin is the protein that comprises your hair, skin, and nails. If you have sun-damaged hair or brittle hair from heat styling, biotin works to enhance the volume and strength of your hair. You can find biotin in peanuts, avocados, raspberries, walnuts, sweet potatoes, spinach, cauliflower, almonds, mushrooms, and broccoli.


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The Top 5 Essential Oils To Help You Grow Strong Healthy Hair Tue, 11 Aug 2020 08:59:00 +0000

Don’t freak out if you can’t grow long luscious locks. You just haven’t incorporated the right essential oils into your hair care routine yet!


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Do you look at your hair in the mirror every day, hoping that it miraculously grew three millimeters overnight? Growing your hair to your desired length can be quite the journey, especially if you aren’t nourishing it with the right ingredients. Lucky for you, there are specific ingredients, including essential oils, that accelerate the hair growth process.

You may not know this, but almost all of your hair care products already contain essential oils. Unfortunately, these products also contain a variety of harmful chemicals that can strip your hair and scalp of beneficial nutrients. Who needs products that contain a minuscule amount of essential oils when you can go straight to the source? Are we right or are we right?

How To Use Essential Oils For Hair Growth

Get your hands on some of the essential oils in this article to help nourish your hair. To properly apply them to your hair, mix about three drops of essential oils in one tablespoon of a carrier oil, such as avocado oil, coconut oil, or olive oil. Please do a patch test on your skin to ensure that you don’t have a negative reaction to the oils. Massage the oil mixture into your scalp and roots, and then all the way to your tips. Leave it in for 15 minutes before washing normally. If you have dry or brittle hair, leave the oils in overnight!

Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary is one of the best oils to help nourish your scalp, and it improves hair growth as a result. When applied to the scalp, rosemary essential oil works to dilate blood vessels and promote cell division. In doing so, this aids the distribution of oxygen and other nutrients to hair follicles, which encourages healthier hair growth. If you have a dry scalp or regularly experience dandruff, use rosemary essential oil to hydrate your scalp.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has too many health benefits to count. We love it so much! In fact, many of our DIY beauty recipes, which we continually post, contain tea tree oil. Anyone who has used tea tree oil in their hair care routine is familiar with the tingly sensation you feel on your scalp. This happens because tea tree oil helps to balance your scalp and reduce build-up that can interfere with hair growth. You need to keep your scalp clean if you want to grow your hair.

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil has a wonderfully relaxing scent, and placing a few drops under your pillow can actually promote healthier sleep. That’s not why it’s on this list, though. If you are looking to protect the current length of your hair, lavender essential oil is the right oil for the job. Applying lavender essential oil to the hair and skin helps to thicken hair shafts. Finally, the antibacterial properties of lavender essential oil help to keep hair follicles and shafts free of bacteria.

Cedarwood Essential Oil

Known for the anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antiseptic properties, cedarwood essential oil is a must-have if you’re in the DIY beauty game. It works to improve hair growth by balancing oil-producing glands on your scalp. When you use cedarwood essential oil on your hair, you may also notice that your scalp is less flaky, helping your hair follicles remain undamaged and free to grow.

Thyme Oil

Thyme oil contains antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that work to reduce build-up on the scalp. Build-up clogs hair follicles, which is why people struggle to grow healthy hair. One study, involving patients with alopecia, combined thyme oil with cedarwood essential oil. The results indicated that this combination significantly improved hair growth in people with alopecia areata. Thyme oil is strong, much like tea tree oil, so it is imperative that you dilute it in a carrier oil.


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Common Signs Of Gluten Intolerance That People Ignore Wed, 20 Mar 2019 11:00:48 +0000

Being gluten-intolerant is a lot more common than people realize. You could be avoiding these symptoms by going gluten-free.


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Being intolerant to gluten is a lot more common than people realize. A person could live his or her entire life with gluten intolerance without being diagnosed, and never fix the problem. Almost 15% of Americans are allergic to gluten or have gluten sensitivity. Celiac disease, which affects about 1% of the American population, is the most severe form of gluten intolerance.

There are many signs that indicate an intolerance to gluten. The body lets you know when it doesn’t have a good reaction to something you eat. Sometimes the best way to figure this out is by eliminating foods from your diet for 21 days, and then reintroducing those foods one at a time. Upon reintroduction to those foods, you can see if your body reacts negatively. Pay attention to the following signs when you eat gluten to know whether or not you have gluten intolerance.

Abdominal Pain

This is probably the most common symptom of gluten intolerance. In fact, 83% of people who are intolerant to gluten experience abdominal pain or discomfort after consuming gluten products.


Bloating describes a swollen belly, due to gas, water retention, or eating way too much. While bloating can have a variety of causes, feeling bloated is a common complaint of gluten-intolerant people.


A lot of people with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue typically have gluten intolerance and don’t realize it. If you are diagnosed with either of these conditions, make sure to ask your health care practitioner if a gluten allergy could be the cause. Make sure to get tested.


Headaches are obviously not a unique symptom, as they can be symptoms of many conditions. Gluten-intolerant people are about 10-12% more likely to experience migraines. If you have migraines that are accompanied by daily diarrhea, low iron count, and a skin rash, you may very well be gluten-intolerant.

Joint & Muscle Pain

Sore joints and muscles may have numerous causes; however, gluten-intolerant people who consume gluten may cause inflammation or widespread pain in muscles and joints. Pay attention to how your joints or muscles feel next time you eat gluten.

Skin Problems

Dermatitis is a very common skin manifestation for those with celiac disease. This is a blistering condition that can be the result of consuming gluten. Several studies have shown that consuming a gluten-free diet has helped to improve psoriasis, alopecia, and chronic urticaria (skin condition with itchy, pink lesions).

Constipation or Diarrhea

If you are constipated or experience diarrhea once in a while, you have no reason to be concerned. Because gluten actually damages the gut lining and can lead to poor nutrient absorption, consuming gluten can result in frequent diarrhea or constipation. Over 50% of gluten-sensitive people experience diarrhea and about 25% experience constipation. People with celiac disease typically experience pale or foul-smelling feces, which stems from nutrient absorption.


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