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The body works most efficiently when you move regularly. Learn about a few telltale signs that indicate your body is craving movement.


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Is a life without movement a life worth living? Movement makes your life and body much healthier, and failure to exercise can bring a host of unwanted symptoms. If you don’t exercise, you may expect to see the number on the scale rise, but that isn’t always a telltale sign of lack of movement. Difficulty sleeping, anxiety, mood swings, and joint pain can indicate that your body needs to move. 

Exercise doesn’t translate to having a gym membership or heading to a yoga studio. Taking a brisk walk through the neighborhood or doing an at-home workout counts towards your movement efforts. A simple 30 minutes of movement per day can keep your body happy. Even if it takes setting an alarm to stand up and move for a few minutes every hour, do it! Continue reading to learn about common signs that indicate your body is craving more movement.

Low Energy

If you feel sluggish at work or have trouble getting over the afternoon slump, your body wants more movement. Nobody has energy that they tap into at will; rather, the body needs to generate energy. Mitochondria are the organelles in the body responsible for generating energy and the best way to improve their function is by engaging in regular exercise. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts can help you accomplish this. 

Stress Or Anxiety

Tension in the shoulders, neck, legs, or even other areas can indicate that you need to move. Your body wants you to get up and go! Regular movement can help increase circulation and loosen up the muscles or prevent imbalances that result from sitting or standing too long. If you don’t regularly exercise, consider starting with gentle yoga to help reduce cortisol levels and elevate your mood. Regular physical activity also promotes relaxation, improves sleep, and helps reduce anxiety, according to a 2023 systematic review. 

You Frequently Get Sick

Now, if you have a toddler, getting sick is often par for the course. If you feel like you keep getting sick or cannot get over a lingering cough, though, you may need to move more often. A 2019 review found that moderate exercise triggered an anti-inflammatory response and regular exercise improves immune function, which decreases your risk of illness. Make sure that you don’t overdo it, though, because over-exercising may reduce immune response.

You Are Constipated

If you need to get things moving, one of the best natural remedies is to do just that: move. A 2019 review and meta-analysis found that people who engaged in 140 minutes or more of aerobic exercise per week improved symptoms of constipation. Other research supports this, presenting that people who move regularly are typically more regular. A 2022 meta-analysis found that moderate levels of activity decreased the risk of constipation. Movement stimulates your intestines to get moving!

Joint Pain And Stiffness

Most people avoid exercise because they think it will cause joint stiffness or general pain. Although you may experience some discomfort in the beginning, you will greatly appreciate the net positive effect in the long run. Physical inactivity is one of the most common causes of stiffness and joint pain. The reason for this is because being sedentary increases inflammation and reduces joint mobility. Regular physical activity, then, supports joint health by promoting the production of synovial fluid, which helps lubricate your joints. 

Brain Fog

Brain fog, although not a recognized medical condition, can be a symptom of many things. An inability to concentrate or difficulty solving problems at work may stem from inactivity. Lack of exercise can reduce blood flow and affect the brain’s ability to function properly. Not only does that affect concentration, but also memory and overall cognition. Researchers note that physical activity enhances blood flow to the brain and promotes neuron growth. That helps to enhance neural connectivity and boost brain health.


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What Is Mobility And Why Does It Matter? Tue, 05 Dec 2023 09:10:00 +0000

Mobility is a term that trainers and influencers throw around, but what is it? We aim to answer why it matters in this article.


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If you follow a lot of gym, fitness, or workout influencers, you have probably come across mobility exercises. More and more people realize that strength training and cardio is not everything, which is a great thing. Various mobility exercises work to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and enhance overall range of motion within the body, most notably within joints. 

Mobility is a necessity for the body’s daily movements. If you want to live pain-free and reduce your risk of injury, then you have to enhance your mobility. With better mobility, you can squat deeper, run faster, train harder, pick up children with ease, and do so many other daily movements. Additional benefits of mobility include:

  • Increased strength via muscle activation
  • Better posture
  • Reduced physical pain and tightness
  • Decreased risk of physical injury via strengthening the joints and enhancing body awareness
  • Better understanding of your body
  • Less tension built-up within the body

Why Is Mobility Important?

Think of mobility like the foundation for physical health and the key to unlocking easier movements. If your mobility is limited, then your joint cannot move through its full range of motion during activation. Not only can that lead to uneven distribution of pressure, but also wear and tear on other areas compensating to carry out the movement. Additionally, poor mobility can lead to general joint pain and knots in the muscles that surround the joints. 

You probably know that most people are very sedentary. Sitting behind a desk for eight hours a day, five days a week, can shorten and tighten connective tissues, or fascia. Think of fascia like plastic wrap for the internal body. It is thin, reactive, and mostly made up of collagen, encasing muscles and organs. Insufficient fascia mobility can trigger pain, leave a person feeling stiff, or even interfere with proper organ function. 

Mobility vs. Flexibility

It is not uncommon for people (and professionals) to regularly interchange mobility and flexibility. They are not synonymous, so that can be a little misleading. Flexibility is the ability to lengthen muscles, for example, melting into a stretch with ease. Mobility is the ability of a joint to actively move through its full range of motion. You need some flexibility in order to have great mobility, but mobility also requires strength and balance. Passive stretching focuses on flexibility, whereas dynamic stretching helps to improve mobility. 

Without strength, flexibility may do more harm than good. It is not the gold standard, despite what popular yoga influencers say on the Gram. Over-stretching without incorporating strength training can actually stretch ligaments and joints without preparing tissue fibers. Fascia and connective tissues may not recoil and regenerate properly if they are constantly in stretch. If you constantly pull a rubber band, it becomes loose and can snap. You don’t want that!

Mobility Is Necessary For Injury Prevention

Without full mobility in certain joints, you may not activate the right muscles or muscle groups during a specific movement. That can overwork other muscles, increasing the risk of injury and pain. Although accidents happen, you can avoid serious injury when you learn to tap into bodily cues. Mobility training can reduce the risk of injuries by conditioning your joints. That helps you keep the body supple and makes it easier to understand the body’s movements.

How To Train For Better Mobility

The great thing about mobility training is that you don’t need a gym to engage in various movements. Remember that you need not overexert yourself because the whole point of mobility training is to reduce the risk of injury. There are many online resources offering full-body mobility plans and targeted mobility workouts. A lot of people hold tightness in the hips, which can increase low back pain. Start with hip-opening mobility movements, which you can learn more about by clicking here

You have the ability to perform optimally, but you have to engage in the proper mobility training to do so. As you progress through your mobility workouts, you may notice that you feel stronger, experience less pain, and have greater range of motion. Mobility movements may unlock pain-free movement for you!


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A Beach-Friendly HIIT Workout For Summer Thu, 06 Jul 2023 08:15:03 +0000

This aerobic and muscle-building full-body workout is beach-friendly, making it perfect for your next waterside vacation or adventure.


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We are in the middle of summer, which means that a beach vacation or at least a weekend outing should be on your to-do list. It’s such a fun outing, whether you are by yourself or with the entire family. Although the beach adventure or vacation tends to be a relaxing outing, it is possible to pack some high-intensity interval training (HIIT) into the experience. The workout in this article is designed for the sand; just make sure you don’t get burnt while feeling the burn.

The sand is an excellent surface on which to workout. It actually provides resistance, meaning it makes your workout a tad bit tougher. Because the sand constantly shifts under your feet, you have to actively work to engage your muscles to stabilize yourself. These are the muscles that people typically fail to engage at the gym or on a paved surface. Additionally, the sand also provides a little extra cushion, which can be beneficial for those with joint pain. The high-impact nature of HIIT workouts can strain the joints, so doing these workouts on the sand reduces the risk of muscle and joint damage. Best of luck on the workout below!

Before you start your workout, look for firmer and level sand, or wherever it looks the most inviting. Start with a brisk walk or jog for about five or 10 minutes to elevate your heart rate. At that point, begin with Block 1 and work your way through Block 3. Continue reading to learn how to do the exercises. 

Block 1

Complete each exercise in this block for 30 seconds and then rest for 15 seconds before moving on to the next exercise in the block. Repeat the block for two sets and then move on to Block 2. Make sure to rest for 60-90 seconds before starting Block 2.

Lateral Shuffles

Stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart. Angle your upper body forward from the hips and bend the knees slightly. Hold your hands in front of you, bending your elbows as if creating the pose to catch a football. From this squatted position, step your right foot to the side, shift your weight to that foot, and then quickly follow with the left foot. Repeat four times to complete four shuffles to the right, switch sides, and then come back. Repeat for 30 seconds and then rest.

Lateral Bear Crawls

Being on your hands and knees with your hands directly under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Lift your knees about an inch or two off the sand, supporting yourself with only your hands and feet. Remain in this position and simultaneously step your right foot and right hand a few inches to the right, following suit with your left foot and left hand. Complete three more steps to the right, engaging your core throughout. Repeat four more steps to the left and then continue until 30 seconds has elapsed. 

Block 2

Complete each exercise in the block for 30 seconds and then rest for 15 seconds before moving on to the next exercise in the block. Repeat each exercise twice and then move on to the next block, making sure to rest for 60-90 seconds before starting Block 3. 

Broad Jump To Back Pedal

Stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart and knees slightly bent. Use your arms to propel you as you jump forward as far as you can. Run backwards to your starting position and repeat. If you need a low-impact version of this, simply step one foot at a time as far forward as you can and then shuffle back to the start. Continue for 30 seconds and then rest. 

Mountain Climber To Half-Burpee

Begin in a high plank position, keeping your hands directly below your shoulders. Engage your core to keep your body in a straight line. Complete four mountain climbers, driving your right knee to your chest while engaging your lower abdomen. Follow suit with the left knee, making sure to complete four reps per leg. Follow with a half-burpee. Jump your feet to your hands and land in a low squat. Lift your upper body up straight and then step back into the high plank. Repeat this cycle for 30 seconds and then rest. 

Block 3

Complete each exercise in the block for 30 seconds and then rest for 15 seconds before moving on to the next exercise in the block. Repeat each exercise twice to complete the workout. 

Forward Squat Jack With 180-Degree Jump Turn

Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and bend your knees. Jump forward as far as you can, using your arms to aid this effort. Land in a slightly squatted position and then jump-turn 180 degrees to face the direction from where you jumped. Repeat this cycle for 30 seconds and then rest. 

High Plank Travels With Push-Up

Begin in a high plank position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders. Keep your body in a straight line and engage your core. Just as you did in the lateral bear crawls, simultaneously step your right hand and right foot to the right about one foot and follow suit with your left hand and foot. Complete three more times and then do a push-up. Repeat to the other side to continue the pattern. Continue this cycle for 30 seconds and then rest.


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The Top 5 Health Benefits Of Pomegranates Fri, 02 Jun 2023 09:33:00 +0000

Low in calories and high in fiber and antioxidants, pomegranates boost heart health, reduce inflammation, and exhibit these health benefits.


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Pomegranates are round, red fruits that have an inner white flesh packed with crunchy, juicy edible seeds, known as arils. They are quite unique in flavor and their juice is very popular in grocery stores. Fresh pomegranates are some of the best sources of beneficial antioxidants and polyphenols. According to many studies, these antioxidant compounds may slow cancer cell growth, reduce inflammation, fight infections, and boost brain function. This article aims to highlight some of the most impressive health benefits of pomegranates.

Pomegranate arils, what people commonly refer to as the seeds, are either eaten raw or processed into pomegranate juice. Believe it or not, pomegranate juice is the source of grenadine syrup, which is famous in the non-alcoholic drink known as the Shirley Temple. You also see grenadine in various cocktails for flavor enhancement and color. 

Nutrition Facts

Pomegranate seeds exhibit a diverse nutritional profile with several important nutrients, including vitamin K, vitamin C, potassium, and folate. They are also rich in heart-healthy fiber, and a half-cup of pomegranate provides the following nutrients:

  • Calories: 72.2
  • Carbohydrates: 16.3 grams (g)
  • Protein: 1.5 g
  • Fat: 1 g
  • Vitamin K: 14.2 micrograms (mcg)
  • Folate: 33.1 mcg
  • Fiber: 3.5 g
  • Potassium: 205 milligrams (mg)
  • Vitamin C: 8.9 mg
  • Manganese: 0.1 mg
  • Copper: 0.1 mg

They Reduce Joint Pain 

Arthritis is a condition that is characterized by the inflammation of one or more joints. It can cause pain, stiffness, and typically worsens with age. Because of the flavonoid content, pomegranates provide necessary antioxidants that work as anti-inflammatory agents in the body. This process may work to relieve symptoms of joint pain and arthritis. In fact, eating pomegranates may prevent chronic inflammation, which increases the risk of inflammatory conditions like arthritis. The reason for this is because they contain punicalagins, which exhibit powerful anti-inflammatory properties in test-tube and animal studies. 

They Help Lower Blood Pressure

The juice of pomegranate arils contains several different polyphenols and antioxidants that may boost heart health and lower blood pressure. A 2013 study found that people with high blood pressure who consumed pomegranate juice successfully decreased systolic and diastolic pressure by 7% and 6%, respectively. A separate study concluded that pomegranate juice was beneficial for people with high blood pressure, as it helped lower levels after two weeks of daily consumption.

They Help Enhance Memory

Several studies found that the polyphenols in pomegranates may significantly enhance cognitive function. One study found that these polyphenols provided long-lasting protection from memory dysfunction caused by heart surgery. Another study monitored elderly participants with memory problems. They drank eight ounces of either pomegranate juice or a flavor-matched placebo drink for four weeks. At the end of the study, the participants who drank the pomegranate juice experienced improved markers of visual and verbal memory. Additionally, researchers noted that incorporating pomegranates into your diet may help slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. 

They May Support Urinary Health

Both test-tube and human studies found that pomegranate extract may reduce the formation of kidney stones. Researchers attribute this benefit to the antioxidant activity in pomegranates. One study involved adults between the ages of 18-70 who experienced recurrent kidney stones. They received 1,000 mg of pomegranate extract for 90 days. The extract helped inhibit the mechanism by which kidney stones are formed in the body. Additional animal studies found that pomegranate extract was able to regulate oxalates, calcium, and phosphates in the blood, all three of which are components of kidney stones. 

They Are Natural Aphrodisiacs 

Many cultures associate the pomegranate with abundance and fertility because of their many seeds. Within recent years, researchers have studied pomegranates for their potential libido-boosting effects. One study, for example, found that consuming 100% pure pomegranate juice increased salivary testosterone levels in participants by 24%. This, in turn, increased sexual desire and mood. Other research in animal models notes that pomegranate juice may help increase blood flow and erectile response. More research is necessary in humans, but pomegranates may offer similar benefits for humans affected by sexual dysfunction.


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3 Signs That You Need To Replace Your Workout Shoes Tue, 30 May 2023 09:32:00 +0000

Normal wear and tear on your workout shoes is fine, but holes in the shoes and aching feet or muscles signal that you need a new pair.


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A lot of people wear the same pair of shoes for every workout, and they are either comfortable or not. Some workout shoes feel as if you are walking on clouds, providing excellent support that cushions not only your feet, but also your knee joints. Are you wearing the right shoes for your workout needs? Are you in need of a new pair of workout shoes? This article aims to detail three signs that you need to replace your workout shoes

The key is to pay close attention to the support of your shoes. Even if your shoes look new, the support can be worn out. When your support is minimal, the risk of injury is much higher. In fact, most podiatrists recommend that you replace your shoes every six months, especially if you wear them a lot. Broken down cushioning in your shoes is a major sign that you need a new pair. Keep an eye out for the other signs below. 

You Experience Aches And Pains

The more you wear your shoes, the more you notice discomfort in different parts of the body. For example, you may feel more pain in your knees after wearing the shoes for six months. You buy insoles that support your feet and reduce knee pain, but these don’t last long. Shoes can easily lose their shock absorption, and you can feel aches in your joints as a result. Pay attention to the following areas of discomfort, and get a new pair if you experience one or more of them frequently:

  • Ankles
  • Hips
  • Knees
  • Joints at the base of the toes (most commonly in the big toes)
  • Frequent blisters

You’ve Worn Them For 300-500 Miles

The vice president of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine stated that the average lifespan of a walking or running shoe is between 300-500 miles. For gym or sport sneakers (basketball shoes, pickleball shoes, or tennis shoes), the gauge is different. The general rule of thumb for those shoes is that you should replace them after 40-60 hours of playing the sport in those shoes. That means that you should replace your shoes around every nine to 12 months if you play a sport in them a couple times a month. If you only wear athletic shoes to the gym and engage in strength training, they may last longer. For runners, consider looking for a new running shoe at the 250-mile mark. Statistically, that is when shoes start to break down and lose support. You don’t want shoes to reach their limit before and then decide that you need a new pair.

Cosmetic Wear And Tear Have Taken Over

You may obsess over a great pair of workout shoes. The comfort, look, and more are all cause for obsession for several weeks, even if they start to look tired. Look at the tread on your shoes as they start to age because the last thing you want is for the tread to flatten. Your shoes are like tires: you don’t want them to bald and then get new ones. If your tread is getting flat, you need to go get a new pair of shoes. The midsole of the shoe tends to wear out first, and you can check it by squeezing the shoe to see if there are small cracks or indents along the midsole. You’ll see a lot of those lines if the shoe is worn, but you shouldn’t let your shoes get to that point. Depending on how you walk, you may also see wear on your inner or outer heel. 

General wear and tear is fine, but wearing the shoes that are compromised can increase the risk of injuries. This is especially true for runners or people who are highly active in those shoes. 

If you want to lengthen the life of your shoes, rotate through a few different pairs at once. It is very tempting to pick one comfortable shoe and stick to that. It’s actually better to lean into different styles for different workouts or sports. Just keep these things in mind when choosing your next pairs of shoes.


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10-Minute Low-Impact Workout For Morning Joint Pain Thu, 13 Apr 2023 09:17:00 +0000

Do you feel stiff when you wake up in the morning? Perform this gentle, low-impact workout routine to help reduce joint pain.


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We’ve all been there: waking up in the morning with that stiff feeling that makes you want to stay in bed all day. Taking just a few moments to give your body a little attention can make all the difference. You may go from having zero motivation to feeling completely alive, relieving joint pain to seize the day. 

One of the best ways to help offer joint pain relief is by strengthening your muscles. The stronger your muscles, the less pressure they put on your joints. That means you can make it through the day without experiencing frequent or constant pain. Not only is the 10-minute workout in this article easy on the joints, but it also helps to improve flexibility and strength. Try the following workout and see how your joints feel. 

The 10-Min Workout To Reduce Joint Pain

Perform each of the following exercises for 45 seconds, resting for 15 seconds before beginning the next exercise. After completing the sequence, take one minute to recover and then repeat. You don’t need any equipment for this workout routine; rather, you only need a comfortable space to move.

Chaturanga To Downward Dog

This is a mini flow that is a great way to begin your day because it engages the entire body. Chaturanga works the upper body and core, while downward dog helps stretch the calves, hamstrings, and abs. Begin in a high plank position with your shoulders directly over your wrists. Roll forward on the toes as you bend your elbows, keeping them tight to the ribcage as you lower yourself towards the ground. Hover above the ground and then flip the tops of your feet down, pressing them into the mat as you press your chest up into upward dog. Finally, tuck the toes in one motion as you press against the floor, dropping your head and pulling your hips back to enter downward dog. Return to a high plank position and continue cycling through these movements until time runs out. 

Hip Opener

This movement is similar to the Revolved Crescent Lunge in yoga, combining a lunge with a twist. If you feel unbalanced during the exercise, lower your back knee to the ground for added stability. You can even place a towel under your knee for joint comfort. Begin in a high plank position with your shoulders stacked directly over your wrists. Step your right foot outside your right hand into a lunge. Lift your right hand off the floor, twisting to open your body to the right and extend your right arm to the ceiling. Return your hand to the ground and step your right foot back. Repeat on the left side and continue alternating sides until time runs out. 

Lateral Lunge To Forward Kick

Sometimes you need a good lower body challenge, and that’s exactly what this movement does. The lateral lunges warm up your knees, while the kicks help to stretch your hips. Stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart. Take a big step out with your right foot and, while keeping your left leg straight, bend your right knee and sit your hips back, keeping your back straight. The majority of your body weight should be loaded into your right heel. As you drive through your right heel to press away from the right side, find balance on your right leg and kick your right foot out in front, aiming to reach hip-height. As you kick, twist your torso to reach your left hand out to tap your right foot at the highest point of the kick. Return to the starting position and then repeat on the other side, continuing to alternate until time runs out. 

Fire Hydrants

This position works to establish more mobility in your hips, while also strengthening the outside of your glutes. Additionally, this exercise targets your core. Begin on all fours in a tabletop position, stacking your shoulders directly over your wrists and hips over your knees. Keep your knees bent as you open up, lifting your right leg up and out to the side, aiming to get it level with your hip. Your thigh should be parallel to the ground. Lower your right leg down to return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side and continue alternating until time runs out. 

Squat To Lateral Walks

This is a compound movement that targets your quads. Maintaining quad strength can help keep your knees strong and pain-free. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your chest up and your back straight as you sit back into a squat, ensuring that your knees don’t extend beyond your toes. Once your thighs are parallel to the floor, engage your glutes and drive through your heels to return to the standing position. From that point, bend lower yourself into a half squat position. Maintain square shoulders and the half squat as you take two steps to the right. Return to the standing position before repeating in the other direction. Continue alternating until time runs out.


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A Morning Routine To Relieve Psoriatic Arthritis Joint Stiffness Wed, 01 Feb 2023 09:40:00 +0000

Make your mornings more manageable with simple adaptations to your routine that can help ease psoriatic arthritis joint stiffness.


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Psoriatic arthritis develops in people with psoriasis, an autoimmune skin condition that causes scaly, inflamed plaques on the skin. Because psoriasis is an inflammatory condition, inflammation can start to affect the body’s joints. Psoriatic arthritis involves joint pain, inflammation, and stiffness that is either symmetric or asymmetric. The pain typically affects the hands, feet, and lower back. 

Because you don’t move a lot during your sleep, you can wake up in pain or with stiff joints if you suffer from psoriatic arthritis. Inflammatory activity can also surge during the night depending on the body’s circadian rhythm. However, making a few changes to your morning routine can help you start each day with more motion, fluidity, and less pain. Include some or all of the following activities in your morning routine to improve symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. 

Take Time To Stretch

Stretching is an underutilized therapy, despite how easy it is for everyone to do. You can perform simple to advanced stretches almost anywhere, anytime. Gentle stretches in the morning can help loosen up stiff joints to allow for more mobility throughout the day. Flexibility exercises and simple yoga poses, including a sun salutation, are low-impact so you don’t have to worry about straining muscles or joints. During your stretches, you should feel a gentle pull along the muscle, but pain indicates that you are overdoing it. 

Heat Therapy

Applying heat can help improve blood flow to that specific region of the body. More circulation to the area, especially to your joints, can help reduce stiffness and improve mobility. If you experience pain in larger areas of the body like the spine, you can apply a heating pad. An electric heating pad can be great for this, but you can also use one that you put in the microwave to heat up. Make sure that you place a towel between the heat source and your skin to avoid any irritation or burns. 

Take A Warm Shower

As previously mentioned, warmth helps to increase blood flow and reduce inflammation. Many people with psoriatic arthritis find that warm showers play a crucial role in their morning wellness routines. If you prefer a warm bath to a shower, consider adding sea salt, oatmeal, Epsom salt, or bath gel containing coal tar to help soothe muscles and moisturize the skin. Whether you take a shower or soak in a bath, be careful to not make temperatures too hot because that can cause dry, itchy skin.

Brush With An Electric Toothbrush

What does brushing your teeth have to do with joint stiffness? Well, a study from 2020 emphasized the importance of oral health for people with psoriatic arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis patients have a higher risk of periodontitis, a chronic inflammatory condition that may result in early tooth loss. You have an easier time prioritizing oral health if you use an electric toothbrush because there is no need for the back-and-forth movement, which can cause discomfort while brushing. You can slide a piece of foam tubing over the handle to give yourself a better grip.

Use Assistive Devices

If your goal is to reduce strain on your joints, the last thing you want to do is make life more difficult. While you get ready, you can use a shoe horn to help put on your shoes. This tool is greatly beneficial if it hurts your knees to squat down in the morning. There are devices that also help you pull up a zipper if that is difficult. A dressing stick, which has a double hook at the end, can save you from bending or overextending your arms. You can use it to help put on your shirt, pants, and shoes!

Make Smart Breakfast Choices

Is a drive through breakfast sandwich easy and quick? Yes, but it doesn’t do your body any favors, especially if you regularly battle inflammation. Focus on foods that are naturally rich in omega-3 fatty acids, phytochemicals, and antioxidants because they help fight against inflammation. For example, chia pudding, fruit and vegetable smoothies, and mushroom blends that you can add to coffee or tea are excellent. A vitamin D supplement may also be a great addition to your morning, as people with psoriatic arthritis tend to have lower levels of vitamin D.


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Expect These Side Effects From The New Omicron Booster Tue, 11 Oct 2022 09:45:00 +0000

Healthy experts suggest that common side effects from the new Omicron poster will be similar to those of previous COVID-19 vaccines.


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Thinking of getting the new Omicron COVID-19 booster shot? Health experts say that you should expect similar side effects that resulted from previous COVID-19 shots. Some common side effects include headache, muscle pain, fatigue, skin redness, and pain at the injection site. The new booster may be more effective at preventing serious illness because it addresses the current circulating variants more precisely than previous shots. 

The good news is that possible side effects from the new vaccines won’t likely differ from those associated with previous boosters and vaccines. In August 2022, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave emergency-use authorization to a pair of new booster shots. Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech developed the latest boosters, both of which aim to target the original COVID-19 strain and the newest Omicron (BA.4 and BA.5). 

Experts suggest that the immune system should be able to easily seek out the more specific spike protein in the new Omicron booster. This should help the immune system fight off serious infection from the current variants in circulation. Since the immune system should be able recognize the spike proteins in the booster, health workers hope that it may recognize new variants more easily.

New Side Effects Are Not Surprising

Clinical trials testing the BA.4 and BA.5-specific booster shots are ongoing. This is a fairly common process for vaccines that require a strain update, similar to the annual flu shot. Instead, experts rely on data from the first round of booster shots and from a similar bivalent COVID-19 vaccine, the one that targeted BA.1. The new Omicron variants only slightly differ from the original BA.1 subvariant

When experts looked at the side effects of boosters in current trials, there were no surprises. The current list of side effects is nearly identical to all of the side effects from the regular booster. Additionally, the side effects from the new booster are contingent with those of the initial vaccine. This is most likely because the vaccine ingredients are essentially the same. The only change is which proteins on the surface of the protein it encodes for. This is to help optimize immune response against current and future variants. 

Pfizer Booster Side Effects

Pain at the injection site seems to be the most common complaint from people who received Pfizer’s updated booster. About 60% of trial participants reported pain at the injection site, in addition to fatigue, headache, joint pain, muscle pain, fever, and nausea. Researchers observed all of those symptoms with Pfizer’s original COVID-19 booster shot as well. In the current trials for Pfizer’s bivalent booster, no adverse effects were reported. Experts will continue to keep an eye on the rare risk of myocarditis in both Pfizer and Moderna booster recipients. Myocarditis is a condition that involves inflammation of the heart muscle, and it has occurred mostly in teens and younger adults. 

Moderna Booster Side Effects

Similar to Pfizer booster recipients, those who received the Moderna bivalent Omicron booster reported pain at the injection site. In the trials, though, about 80% reported injection site pain, which is higher than the Pfizer trial participants. Fatigue, joint pain, muscle pain, nausea, chills, and fever were also common symptoms. The five most common side effects that people reported after a dose of Moderna’s original COVID-19 booster were injection site pain, headache, muscle pain, fatigue, and joint pain. 

Currently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends these two boosters if you choose to get them. Johnson & Johnson’s (J&J) booster hasn’t been retooled to target Omicron. Additionally, health experts don’t advise the J&J vaccine because of the rare but serious complication involving a blood clotting disorder. Not everyone experiences side effects after a COVID-19 vaccine or booster, though. For the people who do, the side effects are typically mild and go away after a day or two. If the symptoms linger, call your doctor to inquire about how to alleviate them.


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These Are The Worst Foods For Your Joints Fri, 08 Apr 2022 09:09:00 +0000

What you eat can help or hinder your joints and mobility. In this article we outline the foods that negatively impact joint health.


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It should be no surprise at this point that the foods you eat influence your overall health. Your diet affects energy levels, digestion, stress hormones, skin appearance, and joint mobility. If you have arthritis, you understand that certain foods can worsen symptoms. These foods are inflammatory and tend to be rich in saturated fats and sugars. 

Joint pain can stem from several causes, including a hard workout, physical injury, arthritis, or general inflammation. If your joints are not sore from physical activity, then your diet may be the root cause of the issue. Joint pain can easily be the result of a food sensitivity, and you can test that via a food sensitivity test or an elimination diet. You can click here to learn more about the process of an elimination diet, which can be time-consuming and frustrating at times. 

If you want to skip testing and are into the idea of eliminating certain foods from your diet, we suggest avoiding the common foods below. They tend to be very inflammatory, impairing range of motion and increasing stiffness. Avoid the following foods and you may find that you improve mobility and experience less joint pain

Salty Foods

The best of all the snacks, right? Well, too much salt has a negative affect on both blood pressure and inflammation in the joints. Additionally, it’s common for salty foods to contribute to fluid retention, which can decrease range of motion. Table salt isn’t the only salt source that limits your mobility, though. Chips, pretzels, frozen pizza, TV dinners, canned soups, and other processed foods are loaded with sodium. This is why many Americans exceed the recommended daily intake of sodium by more than 40%. Avoid prepackaged foods and opt for natural foods that are low in sodium, and you may find that joint pain decreases. 


This group of produce has one thing in common: they contain the compound solanine. According to several studies, nightshades trigger arthritic pain and experts believe that removing it from the diet may improve symptoms. Nightshades include bell peppers, potatoes, eggplant, chili peppers, and tomatoes. Nightshades may worsen symptoms of arthritis, so a great first step is to exclude them from your diet for a couple weeks. One by one, reintroduce these foods to see if you experience joint pain after consumption. It can beneficial to keep a food journal during this process. 

Refined Cooking Oils And Flours

If a sensitivity test isn’t easily accessible, take initiative and consider swapping the cooking oil that you use. Many people cook with refined oils that easily cause inflammation. Instead of using vegetable oils, opt for avocado oil, extra virgin olive oil, or coconut oil to reduce your intake of omega-6 fatty acids. Using healthier oils helps to increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, which work to reduce inflammation. Additionally, the types of flour that you cook or bake with can affect your joint health. Not all flour is created equal, though. Consider experimenting with coconut flour, almond flour, buckwheat flour, whole wheat flour, or quinoa flour. 

Foods High In Purines

People with gout tend to be the most susceptible to foods that are high in purines. A low purine diet may decrease uric acid in joints, helping to reduce stiffness and pain. The body converts purines into uric acid, which can accumulate in the bloodstream and cause a gout attack. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that alcoholic beverages, cured meats (bacon or lunch meats), red meat, organ meat, and certain seafood products are high in purines. Eliminate these foods from your diet and see if your joints feel better. If you have gout, you may notice that avoiding these foods improves the condition. 

Inflammatory Fats

As you know by now, many foods can trigger inflammation in the body. There are several types of fats that increase inflammatory markers, according to the Arthritis Foundation. Should you experience inflammatory joint pain, eliminate omega-6 fatty acids, trans fats, and saturated fats from your diet. Omega-6s are in vegetable oils, including corn, sunflower, vegetable, and safflower oils. Many Americans consume omega-6s in excess, which is why many people deal with inflammation. Meat, butter, and cheese contain saturated fat, which should only account for less than 10% of a person’s total caloric intake per day. Trans fats should be avoided whenever possible. These fats can increase cholesterol and inflammation levels. Removing trans fats from your diet can help lower inflammation and improve heart health, according to research. 


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Here’s Why You Should Try Fascia Stretching Sat, 19 Mar 2022 09:11:00 +0000

Keeping your fascia healthy can help you improve both symmetry and alignment. Learn about the other health benefits it offers.


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Do enjoy foam rolling and massage therapy? If you do, then you are most likely familiar with fascia, or you’ve heard the term tossed around. If you don’t stretch or engage with foam rolling, you can’t expect the body to move with ease. In fact, tight fascia contributes to sore muscles and an inability to elongate them during stretching. That’s why fascia stretching is one of the newest forms of focused stretching. 

What Is Fascia?

Fascia is the sheath of connective tissues that separates, protects, and encases bones, organs, cardiovascular vessels, and neurological structures in the body. Because it surrounds many of the body’s important structures, it stretches as you move. One of fascia’s primary functions is to reduce friction between muscles and organs. When it becomes irritated, though, you can experience immense stiffness, tightness, and pain that restricts mobility. This can happen as a result of low hyaluronan, a substance that exists between facia layers and supports movements. Decreased levels of hyaluronan can result from overuse of a certain body part, recovering from an injury, or lack of physical activity. 

What Is Fascia Stretching?

Fascia stretching, or fascial stretch therapy (FST), is a form of stretching that helps reduce tension in the fascia. While you can engage with certain movements on your own, there are many facilities that offer the assisted form of this type of stretching. For example, a stretch therapist will target the fascia and joint capsule to achieve strength, flexibility, pain relief, and movement. Therapists perform FST on a massage table, more often than not, and tend to provide results instantaneously. 

Even though it can feel amazing to have another person stretch you, FST can be a little expensive for regular visits. Fortunately, you can easily keep the fascia limber and flexible, which ultimately enhances your overall mobility. Engage in the following fascia stretching exercises, which work to target your major muscles and accompanying fascia. You can do these moves in order or separately, depending on what you need to target. They are simply tools that help fine tune your body so it can function without pain.

Kneeling Plantar Fascia Stretch

The plantar fascia is the band of tissue that runs from the heel to the ball of the foot, providing arch support and shock absorption. If the plantar fascia is irritated, you increase your risk of developing plantar fasciitis. Stretching the plantar fascia can help prevent or manage pain. Start on your hands and knees with your toes flexed behind you. Walk your hands closer to your body as you sit your hips farther back until you eventually sit back on your heels. Feel the stretch along the soles of your feet and hold this position for 20-30 seconds. Return to the starting position.

Upper Trunk Rotation Stretch

Some of you may be more familiar with the other name of this stretch: thread the needle. It works to lengthen the rotators of the upper part of the torso, but it also helps to stretch the thoracolumbar fascia. This is a diamond-shaped area of connective tissue that covers muscle in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the back. Bring yourself into a tabletop position, keeping your palms on the ground directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. Lift the right arm up to the ceiling, and then gently twist your torso as you thread your right arm under your body, coming to rest on your right shoulder. You can also rest your right temple on the mat, directing your gaze at your right hand, and make sure to keep your left arm extended beyond your head. Hold this pose for 20-30 seconds and then repeat on the other side. 

Lower Trunk Rotation

For people with a tight lower back or general lower back pain, this is the best stretch to do. It works to elongate the rotators of the lower part of the torso, in addition to the thoracolumbar fascia. Start by lying flat on your back with both legs extended in front of you. Extend your left arm out to the side and keep it relaxed. Bend your left leg and rotate it to the right side of the body. Using your right hand, gently grab the top of the left knee and pull it down towards the floor. Keeping your shoulders flat on the ground is more important than the left knee touching the ground. Hold this stretch for 20-30 seconds and then repeat on the other side. 


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