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Water is vital for your health, yet most people don’t drink enough of it. This 6-step guide can help you maintain optimal hydration.


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Despite how integral water is to overall health, a high percentage of people are regularly in a mild state of dehydration. Water helps regulate body temperature, prevent infections, keep joints lubricated, and maintain proper organ function. When the body is properly hydrated, you are able to sleep better and improve overall mood and cognitive function. Adults who don’t drink enough water may age faster and face a higher risk of developing chronic diseases. 

In order to stay hydrated, the clear solution is to drink more water. That is a seemingly easy solution, yet many people find it difficult to drink the right amount of water every day. In general, health experts recommend drinking about 50% of your bodyweight in ounces of water per day. If you weigh 160 pounds, aim to drink between 70-80 ounces of hydrating fluids per day. You can adjust that amount based on activity levels. 

The Importance Of Hydration

Researchers at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University found that mild dehydration can impair cognitive performance. Mild dehydration can be as little as losing one to two percent of the body’s water content. This contrasts the previous belief that a person needed to have a two percent or greater body water deficit to see these cognitive effects. In addition to the cognitive benefits of water, one can also experience decreased joint pain when optimally hydrated. Cartilage in the joints contains about 80% water, so daily hydration helps lubricate the joints, reducing friction by creating cushion between bones. 

A 2020 study from Japan found that increasing daily water intake provided several benefits, including blood pressure regulation and kidney protection. Proper hydration may also dilute blood waste material and stabilize heartbeat. Research also indicates that drinking water helps the body produce sweat when overheated during activity. That cools the body down, which is an integral mechanism that helps prevent heat stroke and other heat-related conditions. Basically, staying hydrated helps the body maintain its everyday processes, so read on to learn how you can stay properly hydrated.

Drink Enough Water

If you want to hydrate the body, then you have to start with water, although water isn’t the only factor involved with hydration. As mentioned earlier in the article, you should aim to drink 50% of your bodyweight in ounces of water or hydrating fluids each day. The amount of fluids that you intake is just as important as the amount of fluids you lose. If you exercise or go outside on a hot day, you’ll lose more fluids than if you were to just sit at your desk. In those situations, you need to drink more water. You can also look at your urine as an indicator for hydration. Dark yellow means that you are in desperate need of fluids! Ideally, your urine should be very light yellow to clear. 

Balance Your Electrolytes

In addition to drinking more water, you also have to consume magnesium, calcium, potassium, and sodium, all of which are electrolytes. You can get these nutrients via fruits and vegetables, which we’ll detail in the next point. Fruits and vegetables work to combat electrolyte imbalance, which in turn aids your hydration efforts. Nowadays, though, there are many electrolyte beverages, including sports drinks and powders. Some powders are highly beneficial and contain a balanced mix of electrolytes, while others are rich in processed ingredients and added sugars. When you add electrolytes to your water, you actually reduce the amount of fluid necessary to consume during the day. This is excellent news if you plan to exercise or be outside on a hot day.

Eat More Fruits And Vegetables

Many fruits and vegetables can aid hydration efforts because they are naturally rich in water and electrolytes. One study examined the contribution fruits and vegetables had on children. Researchers noted the dietary records and urine samples of 442 school children and found that regular intake of fruits and vegetables improved hydration status. Some of the best hydrating fruits and vegetables you can eat include:

  • Watermelon
  • Kiwi
  • Bell peppers
  • Tomatoes
  • Berries
  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Zucchini
  • Pineapple
  • Radish
  • Citrus fruit
  • Broccoli
  • Grapes
  • Carrots
  • Avocado

Consume Sea Salt

Whenever you use salt, try to use Himalayan salt or Celtic sea salt, as opposed to regular table salt. Sea salt exhibits a long list of benefits, many of which center around hydration. When you drink water, you also need to consume sodium and potassium. In fact, research shows that sodium and potassium enhance hydration efforts. Unlike table salt, sea salt helps the body balance water and potassium levels because of the sodium content. Sea salt also works to alkalize the body.

Avoid Dehydrating Beverages

Dehydrating beverages are very enticing, and many people are powerless to them. These dehydrating drinks include coffee, alcohol, sugary sodas and fruit juices, and energy drinks. They increase urination and electrolyte loss, which can quickly lead to dehydration if you don’t do your part to hydrate with the right beverages and foods. Sugary sodas or artificially sweetened juices can increase the risk of inflammation and other side effects like brain fog, headaches, and blood sugar fluctuations. 

Don’t Forget To Exercise

It may seem counterintuitive to exercise for hydration because that can cause the body to lose water. According to research, physical exercise increases circulation and improves electrolyte levels. Movement also delivers more nutrients to your cells. Any form of movement can support these processes, whether you engage in strength, cardiovascular, or interval training. You can even go for a walk, practice yoga, or dance to your favorite music!


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Watermelon Cucumber Basil Lemonade https://www.dherbs.com/recipes/recipe/watermelon-cucumber-basil-lemonade-2/ Sat, 31 Aug 2024 17:52:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?post_type=recipe&p=171743

This refreshing watermelon cucumber basil lemonade is arguably the perfect summer beverage. Simple ingredients and free of added sugars!


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Sometimes, you find one drink that can be the saving grace of summer. This watermelon cucumber basil lemonade is that drink. Not only is it sweet, tangy, herbaceous, and refreshing as all can be, but it also helps enhance your hydration efforts. Enjoy it whether you are hanging around the pool or doing chores around the house. It makes for a healthy alternative to sugary store bought lemonades or powders that you dissolve in water. And if you are not cleansing, you can take this up a notch by adding a little sparkling water to the glass.

Both watermelon and cucumber are over 90% water, making them great fruits to eat for better hydration. Plus, both of these fruits contain vitamin C, a necessary vitamin that can help enhance immune function and boost collagen production. You definitely need both of those things as the the kids head back to school and you continue to spend time in the sun. Give your body all the help and nutrients it can handle! If you want to add an anti-inflammatory boost and a subtle kick, put about an inch of fresh ginger root in the blender. That’ll really get the juices flowing!

Watermelon contains natural sugars, eliminating the need for agave nectar or maple syrup in this recipe. The lemon and cucumber help cut the natural sweetness of the watermelon. And just when you think the layers of flavor have stopped layering, you get that kiss of basil that takes this lemonade to a new level. It is truly so refreshing, easy to make, and undoubtedly delicious. Make a bigger batch if you plan on having guests over for a end of summer party. They’ll love it!


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Watermelon Orange Ginger Turmeric Juice https://www.dherbs.com/recipes/recipe/watermelon-orange-ginger-turmeric-juice/ Sat, 17 Aug 2024 17:31:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?post_type=recipe&p=171228

This juice is every bit as nutritious as it is refreshing! It's filled with vitamin C, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties.


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Lately, we’ve been on a seasonal produce kick. Summer offers beautiful stone fruits, but it also is the best season for fresh watermelons. The best thing about juicing watermelons, besides the addictive flavor, is that the juice helps encourage optimal hydration. Watermelons are over 90% water and contain necessary electrolytes, which work to fight against dehydration on hot summer days.

Now, not everyone owns a juicer, but most people have blenders. Juicers can be great if you use them all the time, but they do take up a lot of space. Depending on where you live, space might not be on your side. To conserve space, and to make your life easier, this recipe uses a blender and a fine mesh sieve or strainer. Ideally, you squeeze the oranges and grapefruit to get their juice and blend the watermelon with the fresh ginger root. Poor the citrus juice in a large pitcher and strain the blended watermelon mixture into that same pitcher. Mix everything up and you have yourself a refreshing glass of summer goodness.

Since fresh turmeric root is not always easy to find, this recipe calls for turmeric powder. If you want to use fresh turmeric and have it available to you, use about one to two inches of fresh turmeric root. Just make sure that you peel it. Otherwise, use the amount of turmeric powder listed in the recipe below.


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Pineapple Ginger Green Juice https://www.dherbs.com/recipes/recipe/pineapple-ginger-green-juice/ Wed, 07 Aug 2024 17:50:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?post_type=recipe&p=171165

Put a little pep in your step and an assortment of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in your body when you enjoy this green juice.


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Ladies and gentlemen, may we have your attention, please? Ready your juicer and taste buds because you are about to enjoy an invigorating glass of healthy goodness. Does that even make sense? Well, if it doesn’t, the flavor of this pineapple ginger green juice will. Not only is it full of vibrant flavor and a tropical twist, but it also contains an assortment of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant compounds. Let’s just say that this green juice is every bit as healthy as it is delicious. Cheers to your health!

Imagine the sweet, tangy essence from a ripe pineapple, which forms a harmonious marriage with the zesty kick of fresh ginger. The cool cucumber brings a cooling and hydrating element to beautifully balance the juice. It’s almost as if the cucumber, which offers a surprising amount of vitamin C, serves as an oasis for your palate. Meanwhile, the earthy notes and gorgeous color of fresh spinach helps to create a visually stunning drink.

Indulge in this delightful blend that is not only a feast for your senses, but also a nurturing embrace for your body. Pineapple contains powerful digestive enzymes and ginger offers an assortment of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds. You can enjoy this juice for breakfast if you want to boost energy levels, or consider drinking it post-workout. Some people find that it serves as a great afternoon pick-me-up. Maybe consider this green juice instead of coffee next time you need a little pep in your step!


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Watermelon, Cucumber, Mint & Lime Juice https://www.dherbs.com/recipes/recipe/watermelon-cucumber-mint-lime-juice-2/ Fri, 19 Jul 2024 17:38:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?post_type=recipe&p=171013

Perfect for summer, this watermelon juice with cucumber, mint, and lime is hydrating, refreshing, and surprisingly filling.


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The ultimate summer refresher has arrived in the form of this watermelon juice with cucumber, mint, and lime. Just imagine sipping on this cooling juice on a sweltering day while the summer breeze blows by. Think of this juice like a spa treatment for your insides, minus the elevated spa prices. This juice works to refresh your palate and cells all at once!

We’re talking about some hydrating, sweet watermelon, crunchy cucumber, and a fresh lime (rind and all). This juice is truly like a summer beach party in liquid form, with every sip being an incredibly flavorful sensation. Not only does this juice pack a zesty flavor, but it also provides a long list of health benefits. Below, you can learn about a few health benefits of drinking a juice with these ingredients:

  • Boosts Hydration: This juice has watermelon and cucumber, two water-rich ingredients that enhance your hydration efforts. By eating your water, you can help nourish your skin and contribute to a more youthful glow.
  • Alkalizes The Body: Although lime juice contains citric acid, it has an alkalizing effect inside the body. By balancing your internal pH levels, you can help protect against kidney stones, enhance brain function, and improve cardiovascular health.
  • Reduces Inflammation: Cucumber and watermelon exhibit anti-inflammatory activity, making this juice a great way to soothe achy muscles after a long day at the beach (or after a hard workout).
  • Antioxidant Powerhouse: Finally, every ingredient in this juice contains a diverse antioxidant profile. Antioxidants are like superheroes for your cells, protecting them from oxidative stress.


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Watermelon Electrolyte Drink https://www.dherbs.com/recipes/recipe/watermelon-electrolyte-drink/ Fri, 12 Jul 2024 17:49:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?post_type=recipe&p=170960

You always have to be conscious of your body's electrolyte levels in the heat. Rely on this watermelon electrolyte drink to replenish them.


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Do you want to feel unstoppable after your workouts? Do you want to maintain balanced electrolyte levels in the intense summer heat? Well, then you need this homemade watermelon electrolyte drink! Unlike store bought electrolyte drinks, this recipe does not contain an unnecessary amount of added sugars, dyes, artificial flavors, and preservatives. This is a much healthier alternative to a classic sports drink, and it puts a little pep in your step every time you drink it.

Watermelon is one of the favorite fruits of summer. Not only is it fruity, refreshing, hydrating, and delicious, but it is also a great source of electrolytes. Watermelon is mostly water, but it contains magnesium, potassium, and a small amount of sodium as well. These electrolytes can aid with muscle function, hydration, and balancing the body’s fluid levels. Additionally, watermelon contains vitamins A & C and lycopene, which is a antioxidant that benefits heart function.

Although watermelon colors this electrolyte drink a beautiful pinkish-red, it is not the only electrolyte-rich ingredient. Lemons provide lots of potassium, calcium, and magnesium, and help detox the liver, balance pH levels, and boost immune function. Finally, sea salt provide sodium, which is one of the electrolytes that you quickly lose via sweat. Ingesting salt is the easiest way to replenish what you lose. Just make sure that you go for sea salt over table salt because it is less processed.


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The Best Summer Lemonade https://www.dherbs.com/recipes/recipe/the-best-summer-lemonade/ Fri, 21 Jun 2024 17:44:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?post_type=recipe&p=170803

Get ready to sip on the very best homemade lemonade, which is free of simple syrup or pounds of sugar. It's perfect for hot summer weather!


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No need to set up a lemonade stand in front of your house because this won’t even make it out there. People will drink it before you get the chance to sell it! Fresh-squeezed lemonade is one of the best beverages to enjoy during the summer months. It brings back memories of hot afternoons playing outside with your friends. Mom would pour you a glass of tart, thirst-quenching deliciousness, and it was nothing short of magical.

Mom probably wasn’t shy with the sugar, people. She probably loaded that pitcher up with a healthy amount of granulated sugar or simple syrup. This recipe takes a step in a healthier direction, replacing simple syrup with raw agave nectar. It also uses freshly squeezed lemon juice. You know, one of the best parts about getting older is that you realize how simple it is to make lemonade out of lemons. Yes, they can occasionally be pricey in the store, depending on the season, but we encourage you to befriend a neighbor or two with lemon trees. Some neighbors even leave boxes of excess lemons out because they’ll go bad if they just leave them on the tree and let them fall.

The secret to any great lemonade is establishing a little bit of sweetness that doesn’t overpower the sour punch of the lemons. Additionally, you want to evenly combine sweetener with the water and lemon juice. Make sure that you are actively stirring as you pour the agave into the pitcher. Liven up your lemonade pitcher by adding fresh lemon slices!


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Coconut Water Lemonade https://www.dherbs.com/recipes/recipe/coconut-water-lemonade/ Wed, 12 Jun 2024 17:39:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?post_type=recipe&p=170761

This is a simple 3-ingredient coconut water lemonade that is about to be your new favorite summer beverage that supports optimal hydration.


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It’s not quite summer yet, but it’ll get a whole lot sweeter (and healthier) when you start drinking this hydrating, homemade lemonade. Just imagine sipping on a cool, refreshing glass of liquid sunshine. Now imagine that it doesn’t have alcohol and that you are actually nourishing your body! This coconut water lemonade three simple ingredients: freshly squeezed lemon juice, unsweetened coconut water, and grade A maple syrup.

The only thing that doesn’t make this cleanse-approved is the store bought coconut water. If you want to live dangerously, and potentially more healthy, use fresh coconut water straight from the source. Crack open some young Thai coconuts and use the water for this recipe. Because the recipe calls for four cups of coconut water, you will need quite a few coconuts, so we don’t recommend that strategy. But you have to live your truth, and if that’s the way you go then that’s the way you go. Don’t have any fear and tackle this recipe with conviction. No matter how you make it, you’ll end up with a mouthwatering concoction, which combines the sweet electrolyte-rich coconut water with the tangy punch of freshly squeezed lemonade.

Here’s the best part: this sweet, tangy, and refreshing beverage is not only a taste sensation, but also a health superstar! Coconut water provides an unbeatable boost of hydration, electrolytes, and potassium, making it great for hot summer days. The fresh lemon juice provides an extra dose of vitamin C and antioxidants to keep your skin glowing and your immune system strong. Enjoy this beverage all summer long. We hope you love it as much as we do!


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6 Beverage Dos And Don’ts For Diabetics https://www.dherbs.com/articles/6-beverage-dos-and-donts-for-diabetics/ Thu, 09 May 2024 09:31:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=170485

Diabetics should stay hydrated and refreshed with healthy drink choices and skip the drinks that cause blood sugar levels to spike.


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If you have type 2 diabetes, monitoring what you drink is just as important as what you eat. A single drink can affect your blood sugar more than you realize. For example, think of the sugar content in a can of cola or sweetened juice. Drinks with carbohydrates (sugar) affect blood sugar more than zero-carb, zero-sugar drinks. Ultimately, any liquid with carbohydrates will digest faster than something you have to chew. 

Having type 2 diabetes doesn’t mean that you have to avoid every single beverage. Taking sugary drinks, such as regular soda, sweet tea, and some juices, off the table and replacing them for low-sugar or sugar-free options is much better. That isn’t to say that you should replace those drinks with diet beverages, as those contain copious amounts of aspartame and other unhealthy artificial sweeteners that lead to other health complications

If you enjoy bottled drinks, how do you stay hydrated if you have to avoid so many beverages? Most people have an aversion to water, despite the fact that it is the most important liquid to consume. It keeps you alive and helps your body function optimally. Besides water, consider the following drinking dos and don’ts if you have diabetes. 

Don’t Drink Sugar-Sweetened Sodas Or Teas

They are very tempting to drink, but they wreck your body in so many ways. According to one study, middle-aged adults who drank more than three sugar-sweetened beverages per day had a 46% higher risk of developing prediabetes than people who did not drink those beverages. An earlier study found that people who consumed just two sugar-sweetened sodas or juices per week increased their risk of developing type 2 diabetes. That was even truer if they gained more than six pounds over a five-year period. Get in the habit of consuming water or unsweetened teas because a typical 12-ounce can of soda contains about 38.5 grams of sugar.

Drink Unsweetened Coffee And Tea (In Small Amounts)

Diabetics can enjoy tea or coffee (hot or iced) in moderation. It’s best to enjoy them unsweetened, although you may use monk fruit sweetener or stevia to aid the flavor. Just don’t go overboard with these natural low-calorie sweeteners. If you add milk, cream, or creamer to your coffee or tea, make sure to look at the ingredient label. Coffee creamers are very dangerous, especially because some people use more creamer than coffee! Adding organic cream isn’t the worst thing for you, but sugary hazelnut, vanilla, or caramel creamers won’t do you any good. If you want to drink iced tea, consider adding some freshly squeezed lemon juice to add more depth of flavor. Green tea, in particular, may help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, according to research. 

Don’t Drink Energy Drinks

Energy drinks, or other canned caffeinated beverages, typically contain an ungodly amount of sugar, which is where most of the energy comes from. All of that sugar, in addition to the caffeine, can disturb your heart rhythm, increase heart rate, and lead to high blood pressure. One 8.4-ounce Red Bull energy drink contains more than 26 grams of sugar and 75 milligrams of caffeine. Even the sugar-free version has the same amount of caffeine. Don’t rely on liquid energy to keep you going! Fight that fatigue in other ways, for example, by getting quality sleep every night or engaging in regular exercise. And if you need a little energy boost, consider healthy options like unsweetened tea or coffee. 

Drink Plain Water

We shouldn’t have to tell you to drink plain water, but so many people add powders or liquid flavors to water these days. Some people just don’t like the taste of water! Water is neutral, so it doesn’t raise or lower your blood sugar. Drinking water helps you stay hydrated and helps dilute your blood, which helps to regulate blood sugar levels. If you want to add a little more flavor and pizzazz to your water, consider adding fresh fruit and herbs to make detox waters

Don’t Drink Sports Drinks

A lot of people drink nuclear-colored sports drinks on the regular because they think they are healthy. That is 100% false, unless the person is a super endurance athlete and burns calories quicker than they can consume them. A eight-ounce serving of Powerade, for example, nets about 19 grams of carbs, which doesn’t account for the entire bottle. Dietitians only recommend these sports drinks to endurance athletes, who go through strenuous workouts and need the salt and nutrient replenishment. Water will keep you hydrated if you engage in moderate-intensity exercise, and it won’t spike your blood sugar either. 

Drink Tomato Juice Instead Of Sugary Fruit Juice

Do you enjoy drinking juice? Well, it’s best to avoid sugary fruit juices if you have diabetes and opt for smaller portions of vegetable juices instead. 100% tomato juice that doesn’t contain added salt or sugar can provide impressive health benefits. If you drink 1.5 cups of pure tomato juice daily for a month, you may reduce inflammatory markers. Tomato juice has about 10 grams of carbs per cup, so just keep that in mind. It’s better to eat whole fruits and vegetables because it takes quite a lot of them to make fresh juice. Eating a whole tomato per day may reduce blood pressure and lower the risk of heart disease. 


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Beet, Orange, Banana, And Carrot Smoothie https://www.dherbs.com/recipes/recipe/beet-orange-banana-and-carrot-smoothie/ Wed, 24 Apr 2024 17:46:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?post_type=recipe&p=170314

Real talk: this smoothie might be all you need in life. Beets, oranges, carrots, bananas, and ginger create a healthy, delicious blend!


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We did it, folks. We managed to list every single ingredient in the title of this recipe, minus the ginger water. Now, there are many things that people should tell you in this life. Such instances include:

  • When your zipper is down
  • When your shirt is inside out
  • If a pocket on your purse or backpack is open
  • If you have toilet paper on your shoe
  • When you have a giant booger hanging out of your nose

These are just things that people should tell you. You know what else people should tell you? It’s that beets are incredible. Not only are they good for you, but they also taste great and go great in juices, smoothies, salads, or roasted vegetable medleys. Chances are that if you were never exposed to beets, you don’t include them in your diet. They have a reputation of tasting like dirt, but that’s only if you do not know how to prepare them.

In the case of this beet smoothie, you hardly notice the earthy flavor. That is because you blend them with other sweet and tangy ingredients, including carrots, oranges, and bananas. Carrots, oranges, and beets make for an excellent trio, but you need the banana to help make the smoothie creamy. The banana also lends another element of sweetness to this beet smoothie. Want to make an even creamier smoothie? Freeze the banana pieces overnight before blending them.


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