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No, you don’t have to attend a special class to get things moving; rather, a simple, regular exercise program may ease constipation.


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It shouldn’t come as a surprise that you have to move if you want to get things moving. A recent research review found that exercise can improve symptoms of constipation. Separate research linked regular exercise to significant relief from symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, including constipation. If you are struggling to get things moving, movement may be one of the best and easiest solutions.

As a quick note, a single exercise session isn’t the answer to your digestive problems. It may also not trigger an immediate run to the restroom. Researchers note that the digestive benefits of exercise are the greatest in the long term. How does that work, exactly? Well, regular exercise reduces the amount of time it takes for food to move through the digestive tract. The reduction in time means that the body has less opportunity to absorb water content from stool as it passes through the gastrointestinal tract. Simply put, hydrated stool passes much more easily than hard, dry stool. 

At this time, researchers do not fully understand how exercise activates gut motility. The belief is that there are mechanical and chemical routes at play. Mechanical mechanisms include physical pressure on and twisting of the intestines. Changes in blood flow are also mechanical mechanisms. Chemical ones include the increase in digestive enzymes or hormone release. Read on to learn which exercises are the best to ease constipation

Core Exercises

Think of your core like a housing unit for the body’s organs, including the gastrointestinal system. The Harvard Medical School suggests that the strength and function of core muscles play an integral role in motility. Their contractions increase the pressure throughout the abdominal cavity, which helps to push things through. The strong the muscles are, the more contractions there are to promote digestion. Bending and twisting the torso also puts more pressure on the intestines. Additionally, planks and plank variations can increase intra abdominal pressure from the muscle contractions, which can stimulate the intestines. 


Are “runner’s poops” a real thing? Gastroenterologists suggest that running can stimulate bowel movements during or immediately after hard runs. The mechanism at play, as per study findings, is a lack of blood supply to the large intestine, or ischemia. Exercise can improve blood flow to the intestines in the long term, but running can route blood away from the digestive system and to working muscles. while engaged in the workout. Running is also a high-impact exercise, which jostles the intestines, potentially stimulating contractions. Finally, the secretion of specialized hormones and digestive enzymes in the digestive tract may further enhance the movement of stool through the intestines


Yoga is a form of exercise that affects blood flow to the intestines because it involves a lot of bracing, bending, folding, and twisting. All of that core mobility taps into the parasympathetic nervous system and encourages the “rest and digest” state. By lowering your stress levels, or your fight-or-flight response, you calm the body and focus on relaxation, which helps to better prime the body for digestion. According to several studies, certain yoga postures may help relieve constipation in people with irritable bowel syndrome. 

Light Cardio

You shouldn’t have to push to eliminate, or push the body too much to promote bowel movements. Light cardio, such as walking, biking, or aqua aerobics, can help promote regularity. The main goal is to elevate the heart rate enough to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract without causing a dramatic shift in blood flow away from the digestive system. Health experts recommend 150 minutes of light aerobic activity per week, but those minutes don’t have to be structured exercise. Gardening, active commuting, household chores, and more are all beneficial for your digestive health.


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New Research Confirms The Best Exercises For Low Back Pain Wed, 17 Apr 2024 09:07:00 +0000

A recent review study found that the best exercises for low back pain are Pilates, tai chi, yoga, and sling exercises, compared to other…


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Even if you are not 85 years old, your 28-year-old back may say otherwise. The reality is that the vast majority of people are sedentary, regardless of age, which contributes to back problems. An even bigger reality is that back pain is a leading cause of work limitations, with chronic back problems affecting nearly 8% of American adults. Health care costs due to back pain exceed $12 billion per year!

When people think of back pain, the first image that comes to mind is an older adult hunched over. Perhaps they move slowly and have to sit down very carefully to avoid worsening the pain. Although the risk of lower back pain increases with age, it doesn’t sentence a person to a life without exercise. In fact, there are many types of physical activity that are beneficial for people with lower back pain, even if modifications are necessary. 

The 4 Best Exercises For Low Back Pain

A recent study found that certain workouts can alleviate lower back pain. The review study, which was published in Front Public Health, found tai chi, yoga, Pilates, and sling exercises to be the most beneficial at reducing low back pain. The review looked at 75 randomized controlled trials with more than 5,250 participants. That provided study review authors with a significant amount of data to consider. 

Study authors noted yoga and tai chi to be the most effective for pain management. You and core stabilization exercises yielded better improvement in physical functions compared to standard rehabilitation methods. The theme across the four different modes of exercise is mobility and flexibility. There is no need to focus on intense muscle gains and lifting heavy weights. On the contrary, those types of workouts can increase the pain or worsen the injury, especially if form is incorrect. Tai chi, believe it or not, can improve muscle strength, balance, and endurance without putting too much pressure on the lower back. 

Sling exercises, or bungee workouts, were of particular interest to study authors. The reason for that is because they are underrated for incorporating more movement into an older person’s lifestyle. They are usually more fun than cardio- or weight-based workouts, too! Sling exercises also activate the core muscle groups, which help improve balance and the ability to control the neuromuscular system. That ultimately enhances the stability of the lumbar spine (low back), while simultaneously improving its function. 


This study was very large, considering that it is quite niche. That said, researchers believe more large-scale studies on this matter will help people make better, more educated decisions about exercising with lower back pain. Knowing which exercises are the best if you have back pain is quite useful, especially if you don’t want to worsen the pain or injury. 

The exercises you choose to do will depend on the severity of the pain and overall mobility of the spine. How did your pain start and are there other concerns you have about exercising with that pain? Depending on the severity of the pain, you may require physical rehabilitation in conjunction with the exercises mentioned in this article. It’s not always about choosing one or the other, but rather incorporating different modalities to recovery as quickly as possible. 

Back pain, much like many things in life, is unique. The best exercise plan will depend on various factors, so it may be wise to consult your physician or physical therapist before adopting a specific routine. Lastly, your muscles and joints change with age, but there are ways to support strength in the long term. These exercises are a great stepping stone to help you get to pain-free movement.


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No Equipment Required For These At-Home Cardio Moves Sat, 13 Apr 2024 09:10:00 +0000

Don’t want to buy weights or get a gym membership? No problem! You can do these cardio moves without leaving your house!


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You can go to the gym, hop on the treadmill, exercise bike, or elliptical for 45-60 minutes. There is nothing wrong with that, and many people enjoy the camaraderie of the gym. If you don’t have a gym membership, though, you can still lace up those sneakers, put on some workout attire, and get a workout in without leaving the house. 

Sometimes, there isn’t enough time in the day to make it to the gym. Not to mention, it is an extra expense, which is pointless if you don’t make use of the gym. With a little space and the ability to push yourself, you can easily exercise in your own home. The best way to get the blood flowing and sweat dripping is to engage in plyometric exercises. 

Benefits Of Plyometric Exercises

Plyometric exercises use the force and speed of various movements to build muscle power. The exercises activate fast-twitch muscle fibers that are for short bursts of energy. These are great at-home exercises because they don’t require a lot of space or gym equipment. They do, however, require max effort, which ultimately increases cardiovascular benefits. The key to reaping all of the benefits of these exercises is to fire up your core temperature. That causes the sweat to flow, which is the body’s way of cooling down. The more strenuous the workout, the more heat the body produces. 

If you go through the following exercises and do not sweat at all, you need to increase the intensity. Maybe that means you take fewer breaks between exercises. You can always find a way to either perform a low-impact variation of the exercise, or make it harder on yourself. The thing to remember with these exercises is that you want to get sweaty!

Squat Jumps

Stand straight up with your feet slightly wider than hip-distance apart. Push your hips back and down, keeping your weight in the heels and your back straight. Once you are in the squat position, engage your glutes, drive through your heels, and explode, extending your hips and springing off your toes to jump into the air. Land softly back into a squat position and continue to repeat the jumps. Complete three sets of 10 reps.

Skater Jumps

Stand straight up with your feet hip-distance apart. Steady your core and engage your left quad and glutes to jump to the right, landing on your right foot with your knee bent. Keep your chest up, hips, back, and bring your left foot behind your right, keeping it off the ground. Immediately push off your right foot to hop to the left. Continue alternating until you complete 10 reps per side. Complete two more sets, resting in between. 

Mountain Climbers

Begin in a high plank position, stacking your shoulders over your wrists. Engage your core and form a straight line from your shoulders to your heels. Maintain a flat back and tight core as you drive your right knee in toward your chest and then straighten it back quickly. Immediately drive the left knee toward your chest and continue alternating like this for a total of 30 seconds. Complete three 30-second sets, resting for one to two minutes between each set. 


Begin in a high plank position, stacking your shoulders over your wrists. Form a straight line from your shoulders to your heels. Jump your feet in as you drive your hips into the air, forming a pike shape, or reverse V-shape. You should engage your lower abdominals to help with this jump. Immediately hop your feet back into plank position and then repeat for 30 seconds. Complete three sets of 30-second reps, resting for one to two minutes between each set. 

Lateral Hurdle Hops

Begin by standing straight up with your feet together. Place a yoga block outside your right foot, or imagine that there is some sort of object that you must hurdle over. Bend your knees slightly and hop over the “hurdle” to your right, landing softly with your knees bent. Immediately jump back to your left and then continue alternating side to side for 20 seconds. Complete three sets of 20-second reps, resting for one minute between each set. 


Stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart and arms by your sides. Bend your knees and place both hands on the ground before you hop your feet back behind you to enter a plank position. Keep your core tight and form a straight line from your shoulders to your heels. Quickly hop your feet back to your hands and engage your glutes to drive through your heels to jump up, while simultaneously extending your arms overhead. Land softly and continue through this cycle to complete 10 burpees. Complete three sets of 10 reps.


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Older Adults Can Use These Dumbbell Exercises To Build Strength Fri, 29 Mar 2024 09:14:00 +0000

Don’t struggle in the gym and wonder which exercises are safe for building strength. If you are older, use these simple dumbbell moves.


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Cardiovascular movements are great for keeping the heart healthy and maintaining endurance. As you age, maintaining muscle strength and balance is crucial for preventing injuries, especially from falls. It can be difficult, confusing even, to figure out a great strength training routine. That is because it takes practice to perfect form and avoid injuries. We’ve taken the guesswork out of the equation and are providing five great dumbbell exercises for older adults that will help build strength safely.

The Benefits Of Weightlifting For Older Adults

Adding resistance training to your exercise regimen can improve your strength, energy, and mobility. A 2018 study found that strength and resistance training can help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Additional research from 2019 linked weight lifting to a reduced risk of certain forms of cancer, but more research is necessary on this matter. 

When you regularly engage in strength training, you work to strengthen your bones, muscles, and balance. That means that you reduce your risk of falling and even if you take a little tumble, your chances of breaking something are much less than someone who doesn’t lift weights. When it comes to selecting dumbbells, you should ideally choose a weight that you can comfortably lift 12 to 15 times. Your last couple of reps should be challenging, but not to the point where you give up. 

Dumbbell Deadlift

This is a great exercise that can help strengthen your hamstrings, lower back, core, glutes, and lats. It also teaches you how to properly bend down to pick things up, which can help you avoid injuries. To begin, stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand in front of your thighs. Brace your core as you push your hips back and soften your knees to lower the dumbbells toward the center of your shins. Make sure that you hinge at the hips and don’t round your back. To return to the starting position, push your feet into the floor, engage your glutes and hamstrings, and imagine pushing the floor away from you. Complete a total of three sets of10 reps.

Goblet Squat

The squat is a staple of everyday life. Whether you have to get up from a chair or sit down on the toilet, you need quad and glute strength. This exercise targets your major lower body muscles and helps to improve overall stability. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointed slightly outward. Hold a dumbbell by one end at chest height, holding your elbows close to your body. Keep your back straight and core tight as you squat down, sinking into a squat to the point where your things are parallel to the ground. Engage your glutes and drive through your heels to stand back up. Complete three sets of 10 reps. 

Dumbbell Row

Driving a car or typing on a computer can ruin your posture. Even scrolling on your phone can destroy your neck and shoulders! That can cause lower and upper back pain over time. Strengthening these muscles in your back can help you improve posture and spinal alignment. To begin, stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand in front of your thighs. Push your hips back and hinge at the hips to lean forward at a 45-degree angle. Bend your knees slightly and extend your arms toward the ground. Engage your lats and draw your elbows back and up so that they are close to your sides. Pause and then return the weights down with control. Complete three sets of 10 reps. 

Dumbbell Scaption

It is very common to lose shoulder strength and mobility as you age. To counter that, it is beneficial to engage in the dumbbell scaption, which doesn’t aggravate sensitive joints. Stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart and arms at your sides with a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your core strong and lift the dumbbells out in front of you at a 45-degree angle. Raise the weights until they are slightly above shoulder height and then lower the weights back down with control, completing three sets of 10 reps. 

Dumbbell Bench Press

Similar to the squat, the bench press is a compound exercise that works multiple muscle groups and joints simultaneously. The dumbbell bench press works to strengthen the chest, shoulders, and triceps, and using dumbbells helps work both sides separately, while stabilizing chest and shoulders. To begin, lie flat on your back on a bench or similar flat surface, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Make sure that you hold the weights above your chest, maintaining straight arms. Plant your feet firmly on the floor and engage your lower abdomen. Imagine pulling your shoulders toward your feet and then bend your elbows to lower the weights until they are in line with your chest. Make sure that your forearms are vertical at all times. Engage your pectoral and shoulder muscles to press the weights back up to the starting position. Complete three sets of 10 reps.


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Can Over-Exercising Cause Erectile Dysfunction? Sun, 03 Mar 2024 09:05:00 +0000

Although excessive exercise doesn’t cause erectile dysfunction (ED), it may increase the risks of certain health issues that we discuss here.


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To save you the time of reading this entire article to find out the answer, no, exercise does not cause erectile dysfunction (ED). In fact, research shows the opposite to be true, stating that lack of exercise contributes to ED. A 2018 review of various studies found that physical inactivity can cause ED. A separate review from six years prior in 2012 found that inactivity is a primary cause for many chronic illnesses. 

One of the reasons that lack of exercise is linked to ED is because of ED”s link to cardiovascular health. If you don’t exercise or live a sedentary lifestyle, you may experience decreased blood flow, which increases the risk of ED. Many studies confirm that regular physical activity improves symptoms in men with ED. A review of multiple studies found that weekly moderate to intense aerobic exercise helped improve ED. 

What Causes ED?

Stress, tiredness, or drinking alcohol are some of the typical causes of occasional or temporary ED. That said, ED can also be a side effect of common medications, such as:

  • Sedatives
  • Antidepressants
  • Ulcer medications
  • Blood pressure medications
  • Appetite suppressants

If ED persists, it may be caused by one of the following conditions or procedures:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Hormone problems
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Surgery for bladder cancer
  • Injury to the penis, prostates, pelvis, or bladder
  • Multiple sclerosis 
  • Chronic kidney disease

Sports And ED

Although the research shows that exercise is beneficial for ED, some research suggests that certain sports may increase the risk of ED. A review from 2019 found a link between ED and sports with higher rates of head injuries, like American football. Additionally, football, basketball, volleyball, and other similar sports have been linked to an increased risk of varicocele. This is a condition that occurs when the veins in the scrotum become enlarged and produce low sperm/decreased sperm quality as a result. 

Bicycling And ED

A study from 2010 suggested that riding on a bicycle seat for long periods of time can compress nerves in the perineum. That reduces blood flow to the penis, which may increase the risk of ED. A more recent study from 2020 involved 3,000 cyclists. Study authors noted a positive correlation between cycling and ED after adjusting age and other coexisting/underlying conditions. Other research found that certain bicycle characteristics led to an increased risk of ED. People who used mountain bikes, for example, had a higher risk of ED than those who used road bikes. 

Should You Take Precautions For Exercising With ED?

People with ED can benefit from regular exercise, especially if you are physically active for 30 minutes per day. Walking, hiking, running, swimming, strength training, and sports are great forms of exercise. Although cycling is a great cardiovascular workout, make sure to take the following precautions if you decide to cycle:

  • Avoid tilting the seat forward
  • Select a wide seat with adequate padding
  • Check that the seat height is correct, so that your legs don’t extend completely at the bottom of each pedal stroke
  • Position the handlebars higher than the seat

Other precautions for exercising with ED:

  • Take time to warm up and cool down
  • Stay hydrated by drinking the right fluids
  • Speak with a doctor about an appropriate exercise routine for you
  • Avoid overexertion and ease up when necessary
  • Avoid exercising in hot weather

Given the research, there is some evidence that associates an increased risk of ED and certain sports, such as cycling and football. There is currently no evidence, however, that suggests excessive exercise causes ED. Physical inactivity increases the risk of ED, so many health experts encourage daily movement to avoid these issues.


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7 Surprising Health Benefits Of Zumba Mon, 19 Feb 2024 09:12:00 +0000

Dance until the beat stops! Zumba is an aerobic exercise that helps build endurance and reduce blood pressure, among other benefits.


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A Zumba class resembles the club on a Saturday night, right? That all depends on which club you go to, but the important thing to remember is to dance like nobody’s watching. The great thing about Zumba is that you don’t have the grunts, yells, or, “Let’s go, bro,” that you hear on the gym floor. Quite the contrary, actually. A Zumba class offers catchy dance music, hand clapping, and the occasional “Woo” or gasps for air. 

Although it is not a new form of exercise, Zumba is very popular, especially with middle-aged and older adults. It features movements inspired by various styles of dance, from Latin American to Bollywood. Can Zumba help you burn calories, sculpt muscles, and tone your arms? Continue reading to learn about the surprising health benefits of this workout. 

You’ll Burn Calories

According to a small study from 2012, a 39-minute Zumba class burned an average of 9.5 calories per minute. That adds up to 369 calories throughout the class. Since the American Council on Exercise encourages people to burn 300 calories per workout to maintain a healthy weight, Zumba is a viable workout to hit that goal. Additional evidence shows that a 12-week Zumba program can significantly improve aerobic fitness. 

You’ll Build Endurance

The music that plays during a Zumba class is usually fast-paced, so it takes a little extra pep in your step to move to the beat. Doing Zumba workouts regularly helps build endurance, even after a few workouts. One study found that after a 12-week Zumba program, participants showed a decrease in systolic blood pressure and heart rate. Those results coincided with an increase in endurance. 

You’ll Improve Cardiovascular Fitness

If people want to improve cardiovascular fitness, a study in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine notes the accepted guidelines: 

  • 64 and 94 percent of their HRmax, a measure of an athlete’s maximum heart rate
  • 40 to 85 percent of VO2 max, a measure of maximum volume of oxygen an athlete can use

The same study found that participants in a Zumba session fell within these HRmax and VO2 max guidelines. In fact, participants exercised at an average of 79% of HRmax and 66% of VO2 max. That means that Zumba is an effective workout for increasing endurance and aerobic capacity, which is a measure of cardiovascular fitness. 

It Is A Social Workout

Zumba is a group workout, so you’ll likely be welcomed into any class you choose. It is also one of the more social group workouts in existence. The American College of Sports Medicine encourages group workout classes because of the following benefits:

  • A safe workout that is designed for you to follow along with and burn calories 
  • Exposure to a fun and social environment
  • An accountability factor, which can help you succeed with your fitness goals

You May Improve Blood Pressure

A 2016 study observed a group of overweight women who engaged in a 12-week Zumba fitness program. By the end of the study period, study observers noticed that participants experienced significant improvement in body weight and a reduction in blood pressure. A separate, smaller study found that blood pressure levels decreased in participants after 17 Zumba classes. 

You Can Improve Your Quality Of Life

A great Zumba workout provides a lot of physical and social health benefits. You get to work out and meet new people who motivate you to keep going. Not to mention, Zumba is a great workout for any fitness level! Many people find that Zumba classes improve their overall quality of life. Are you ready to dance, or what?

It Is A Full-Body Workout

Zumba is an aerobic workout, but it also incorporates a few bodyweight strength training movements throughout the class. As long as you continue to move your body to the beat, though, you are participating in the class. Zumba requires you to move your entire body, from your arms and shoulders to your butt and feet. You’ll get a full-body workout that doesn’t even feel like work!


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How To Dine Out When You Have High Cholesterol Thu, 15 Feb 2024 09:16:00 +0000

Believe it or not, you can dine out without sacrificing your health. Learn how to choose the right foods to keep your cholesterol in check.


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Dining out with high cholesterol can seem like an unenjoyable experience, but only if you don’t know how to tackle the menu. You can still enjoy family nights out, festive occasions, or even romantic dinners at your favorite restaurants. All you have to do is educate yourself about the best low-cholesterol choices. 

In order to understand how to manage high cholesterol, you have to know what you’re eating. Reading the menu carefully and identifying problematic ingredients is paramount. How do you know what to look for, though? While going to healthier restaurants and making your own food is the best plan of attack, it may not be sustainable for everyone. This article aims to educate you on how to dine out if you have high cholesterol. 

If Eating Chinese Cuisine, Go For Steamed Instead Of Fried

Chinese restaurants usually have a lot of fried food options, but there are many low-cholesterol options to choose from. Instead of enjoying deep fried egg rolls, opt for spring rolls that are steamed. Better yet, see if you can roll the ingredients in lettuce leaves! Steamed rice is a better choice than fried rice, but try to ask for brown rice if it is available. For your main course options, seafood can be a good choice, especially if the protein is steamed. Boiled or broiled seafood entrees are also good options. Just remember to eat shrimp in moderation and choose entrees with lots of vegetables. Resist dishes with a lot of oil if you want to care for your arteries!

Go For Vegetables And Skip Ghee At Indian Restaurants

There are many vegetarian dishes at Indian restaurants, which is great if you want to eat on the healthier side. Chickpeas are a common ingredient in Indian cuisine, and a heart-healthy legume to consider. Try to order dishes with plenty of vegetables, but stay away from heavy dishes with ghee, which is clarified butter made from buffalo’s or cow’s milk. Just as in the above explanation about Chinese cuisine, ask if the dishes can be made with minimal oil, provided the dishes are made to order and not in large pots. 

Skip The Sour Cream At Mexican Restaurants

Believe it or not, one of the healthier dishes (and perhaps most eye-catching) to order when eating at a Mexican restaurant is fajitas. They usually contain a lot of vegetables and don’t have fried components. Black beans tend to be a better choice, since they are rich in soluble fiber. That said, some restaurants over-salt the beans, no matter what type they are. Try to choose corn tortillas instead of white flour tortillas, because corn tortillas contain fewer calories and less sodium, sugar, and saturated fat than flour tortillas. If possible, choose grilled fish as your protein because it is a leaner protein with lower fat and sodium content. Lastly, resist ordering nachos as an appetizer and skip the sour cream and queso, opting for pico de gallo instead.

Avoid Saturated Fats And Limit Fatty Meals

There has been an interesting development in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans. It no longer includes a specific limit for dietary cholesterol, but that isn’t an excuse to eat carelessly. The USDA guidelines and other dietitians advise people to eat as little cholesterol as possible. One study followed 30,000 men and women who did not have cardiovascular disease at the beginning of the study. After a 17-year period, researchers noted that for every 300 milligrams of cholesterol that participants added to their daily diet, they increased their risk of cardiovascular disease by 17%. 

Health experts suggest that cholesterol you eat impacts your blood cholesterol levels, but that isn’t the only factor to consider. Maintaining a balanced diet is the best way to manage your cholesterol levels. Reducing your consumption of meat, especially processed meats like bacon, sausage, and deli meat, can go a long way in reducing cholesterol and your risk of heart disease. Many foods that are rich in cholesterol, including high-fat dairy, bakery items, and fatty meats, also have a higher content of saturated or trans fats, both of which elevate cholesterol. For this reason, do your best to avoid these foods when you dine out. Such foods include pizza, burgers, tacos, sandwiches, and casseroles. Additionally, watch out for cheesy foods, palm oil, cookies, snack foods, and cakes. 


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4 Surprising Health Benefits Of Jumping Rope Sun, 28 Jan 2024 09:12:00 +0000

How much fun was a game of Double Dutch?Jumping rope, although a classic childhood activity, offers surprising health benefits.


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According to the International Rope Skipping Federation (IRSF), jumping rope is deeply rooted in history. It has origins in ancient China, and a game called “hundred rope jumping” was a favorite activity during Chinese New Year celebrations. Today, jumping rope has a place in fitness training and other activities, including boxing or high-intensity interval training (HIIT). 

What Is Jumping Rope?

Yes, this simple activity calls for an explanation! Jumping rope involves an appropriate-length rope with handles on each end. Grab hold of the handles, swing the rope over your head and in front of your body, and jump over the rope as it comes down to the floor. Swing it back over you in a fluid motion and continue at varying speeds as you improve your skills. The jump rope is a popular training tool for boxers because it helps work on cardiovascular fitness and foot agility. You can also incorporate it into a HIIT session because jumping rope quickly raises your heart rate. 

How To Properly Jump Rope

Having the right technique and form makes the exercise more effective. This is true whether you are jumping rope or deadlifting. To properly jump rope:

  • Stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart. Hold one end of the jump rope in each hand with the rope behind you. 
  • Keep your elbows tucked close to your sides, swing the rope with your wrists up and over your head, and allow the rope to fall to your feet. 
  • Jump over the rope with both feet before the top hits your feet. Continue repeating this cycle in a seamlessly fluid motion. Try your best to keep your wrists at waist level and keep their movement minimal.

Finding The Right Jump Rope Length

Selecting the right jump rope size is integral for the success of this exercise. Make sure that the jump rope fits with your height in mind. A jump rope should not exceed three feet plus your total height in feet. That means that if you are five feet tall, your jump rope should not be longer than eight feet long. Another way to determine the size is if you stand in the middle of the jump rope so that the right and left sides are even in length. Pull the top up toward your armpits. If the handles come up to your mid-chest or armpit area, the rope is an appropriate length. 

It Boosts Lower Body Muscular Power

The longer you jump rope, the more you train your lower body. Your legs and feet need training if you want to improve agility and explosiveness. Jumping rope can help you train lower body muscle groups in a fairly quick amount of time. This can be very helpful if you engage in sports that require you to change speed or direction, such as basketball or soccer. 

It Enhances Cardiovascular Endurance

Incorporating the jump rope into a HIIT workout is an excellent way to improve cardiovascular endurance. Jumping rope trains the aerobic system in a short amount of time, which is great news if you don’t have time for longer workouts. Jumping rope is also a beneficial activity if you need to rehab an injury that cannot yet withstand the impact of runs, hikes, or bike rides. 

It Improves Tendon Elasticity

Jumping rope works to improve the elasticity of tendons in the legs that support different joints. For example, a couple of these tendons include the Achilles tendon in your lower leg and IT band, which runs between your knee and hip along the outside of your thigh. These tendons work like a spring, storing energy and then releasing it. They require appropriate stiffness and flexibility in order to store and release this energy. By improving tendon elasticity, you help these tendons propel you when you need them to do so. 

It Is A Good Mental Stimulus

More than a fun workout, jumping rope may help ignite fond memories from your childhood. Do you remember playing Double Dutch or jumping rope around the neighborhood with friends? Maybe you went from jumping rope, to hopscotch, to another fun activity with friends. Additionally, you may find that jumping rope helps improve your timing and coordination, both of which you need to successfully jump rope.


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The Top 6 Health Benefits Of Lotus Root Wed, 24 Jan 2024 09:14:00 +0000

Learn all about lotus root’s health benefits! It may aid weight loss, enhance immunity, lower inflammation, and improve blood circulation.


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Most people know of the lotus flower, which sits beautifully atop pond water. To this day, the lotus flower symbolizes beauty and rebirth. It’s not often that people think about the lotus roots, which stretch deep into the mud of the ponds they grown in. The lotus root is not only edible and popular in Asian cuisine, but also a great source of various health properties. 

Similar to burdock root, lotus rhizomes contain antioxidants that help fight against free radicals and protect cells in the body. Studies have shown that compounds in lotus root may aid digestion, improve cardiovascular function, support brain health, and reduce inflammation. It exhibits a crunchy texture and nutty flavor, and you can incorporate it into salads, soups, and stir-fries. The nutritional profile of lotus root is almost as distinct as its appearance. For example, one raw lotus root provides:

  • Calories: 85.1 
  • Protein: 3 gram (g)
  • Carbohydrates: 19.8 g
  • Fat: 0.1 g
  • Sodium: 46 milligrams (mg)
  • Vitamin C: 56% of the daily value (DV)
  • Vitamin B6: 18% of the DV
  • Copper: 33% of the DV
  • Riboflavin: 23% of the DV
    Thiamine: 17% of the DV
  • Phosphorus: 9% of the DV
  • Potassium: 14% of the DV
  • Magnesium: 6% of the DV
  • Manganese: 13% of the DV

Boosts Brain Function

Lotus root, along with sunflower seeds and cashews, is an excellent plant-based source of copper. Researchers note that copper strengthens bones, improves energy levels, supports metabolism, and enables the function of neural pathways. One study suggests that the polyphenolic compounds in lotus root improve neural function by boosting the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factors in glial cells. These are the most abundant type of cells in the central nervous system

Improves Cardiovascular Health

In addition to the antioxidant compounds, lotus root is rich in fiber and potassium, both of which improve cardiovascular function. People with low potassium levels have a higher risk of heart disease, especially stroke. Potassium, magnesium, calcium, and other minerals prevent the buildup of fluids in cells. That means potassium helps lower blood pressure and reduces the risk of other cardiovascular issues. Research also notes an inverse association between people who eat foods higher in insoluble fiber and cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

Reduce Risk Of Birth Defects

Lotus root is a great source of beneficial nutrients (primarily folate) for pregnant women. Women in their childbearing age should be mindful of the amount of folate they consume. The reason for that is sufficient folate intake can help prevent neural tube defects, which can occur during early pregnancy. The calcium, choline, and iron in lotus root also support a healthy pregnancy

Promotes Glowing Skin

Vitamin C benefits the skin in several different ways, and lotus root happens to be a great source of this nutrient. The skin has high concentrations of vitamin C, which promotes collagen synthesis and helps protect the skin from damaging free radicals. Vitamin C also works to reduce the signs of aging, dark patches, and skin discoloration. Preliminary studies note that lotus root may possess anti-aging and anti-wrinkling effects

Supports Energy Levels

Regular lotus root consumption may increase iron levels, and iron supports ongoing energy by helping oxygen reach cells. Iron-deficient people tend to feel tired, sluggish, and have difficult concentration. When you eat iron-rich foods, you help increase oxygen to cells and muscles. It also helps iron promote the proper absorption of nutrients and digestion of proteins. Other iron-rich foods include spinach, lentils, tempeh, beans, and Swiss chard.

Aids Digestion And Weight Management

Lotus root contains quite a bit of fiber, which aids digestion by bulking up stool. A diet rich in fiber can make you feel satiated for a longer period of time, meaning you won’t overeat or eat for no reason. According to research, fiber helps reduce hunger, in addition to relieving constipation. By reducing hunger, you reduce your total caloric intake and prevent gain. Additionally, fermented lotus root exhibits gastroprotective effects in a study with rats. The antioxidants in lotus root also aid the digestive process.


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What Is Mobility And Why Does It Matter? Tue, 05 Dec 2023 09:10:00 +0000

Mobility is a term that trainers and influencers throw around, but what is it? We aim to answer why it matters in this article.


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If you follow a lot of gym, fitness, or workout influencers, you have probably come across mobility exercises. More and more people realize that strength training and cardio is not everything, which is a great thing. Various mobility exercises work to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and enhance overall range of motion within the body, most notably within joints. 

Mobility is a necessity for the body’s daily movements. If you want to live pain-free and reduce your risk of injury, then you have to enhance your mobility. With better mobility, you can squat deeper, run faster, train harder, pick up children with ease, and do so many other daily movements. Additional benefits of mobility include:

  • Increased strength via muscle activation
  • Better posture
  • Reduced physical pain and tightness
  • Decreased risk of physical injury via strengthening the joints and enhancing body awareness
  • Better understanding of your body
  • Less tension built-up within the body

Why Is Mobility Important?

Think of mobility like the foundation for physical health and the key to unlocking easier movements. If your mobility is limited, then your joint cannot move through its full range of motion during activation. Not only can that lead to uneven distribution of pressure, but also wear and tear on other areas compensating to carry out the movement. Additionally, poor mobility can lead to general joint pain and knots in the muscles that surround the joints. 

You probably know that most people are very sedentary. Sitting behind a desk for eight hours a day, five days a week, can shorten and tighten connective tissues, or fascia. Think of fascia like plastic wrap for the internal body. It is thin, reactive, and mostly made up of collagen, encasing muscles and organs. Insufficient fascia mobility can trigger pain, leave a person feeling stiff, or even interfere with proper organ function. 

Mobility vs. Flexibility

It is not uncommon for people (and professionals) to regularly interchange mobility and flexibility. They are not synonymous, so that can be a little misleading. Flexibility is the ability to lengthen muscles, for example, melting into a stretch with ease. Mobility is the ability of a joint to actively move through its full range of motion. You need some flexibility in order to have great mobility, but mobility also requires strength and balance. Passive stretching focuses on flexibility, whereas dynamic stretching helps to improve mobility. 

Without strength, flexibility may do more harm than good. It is not the gold standard, despite what popular yoga influencers say on the Gram. Over-stretching without incorporating strength training can actually stretch ligaments and joints without preparing tissue fibers. Fascia and connective tissues may not recoil and regenerate properly if they are constantly in stretch. If you constantly pull a rubber band, it becomes loose and can snap. You don’t want that!

Mobility Is Necessary For Injury Prevention

Without full mobility in certain joints, you may not activate the right muscles or muscle groups during a specific movement. That can overwork other muscles, increasing the risk of injury and pain. Although accidents happen, you can avoid serious injury when you learn to tap into bodily cues. Mobility training can reduce the risk of injuries by conditioning your joints. That helps you keep the body supple and makes it easier to understand the body’s movements.

How To Train For Better Mobility

The great thing about mobility training is that you don’t need a gym to engage in various movements. Remember that you need not overexert yourself because the whole point of mobility training is to reduce the risk of injury. There are many online resources offering full-body mobility plans and targeted mobility workouts. A lot of people hold tightness in the hips, which can increase low back pain. Start with hip-opening mobility movements, which you can learn more about by clicking here

You have the ability to perform optimally, but you have to engage in the proper mobility training to do so. As you progress through your mobility workouts, you may notice that you feel stronger, experience less pain, and have greater range of motion. Mobility movements may unlock pain-free movement for you!


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