Herbal Teas - Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products https://www.dherbs.com/tag/herbal-teas/ Buy the best herbal supplements, natural remedies, and herbal remedies from Dherbs. We're the #1 alternative medicine store online. ✓ Visit and shop now! Thu, 29 Aug 2024 16:12:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 6 Natural Flu Remedies That May Actually Work https://www.dherbs.com/articles/6-natural-flu-remedies-that-may-actually-work/ Sat, 16 Dec 2023 09:09:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=168263

Did the flu take you down? Here are six natural remedies, along with expert advice and evidence, that may help you recover faster.


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You can try your best, but you may not be able to avoid getting sick during cold and flu season. Viruses are exchanged more frequently than gifts at a white elephant party, and they don’t discriminate between healthy and unhealthy people. Plus, viruses easily spread via droplets in the air from infected persons when they sneeze, cough, or even talk. And viruses spread easily in indoor, warm environments, where people spend a lot of their time during the colder months. 

Flu season runs through fall, winter, and even into spring. Typically, infection rates are highest between December and February, so you have to put up your best defenses. Prevention is key, so taking care of yourself and monitoring symptoms, as minor as they may be, can help you reduce your risk of illness. Eat right, exercise regularly, sleep well, and make sure to reduce stress to help prevent illness. Should you come down with the flu and need assistance with quicker recovery, the following natural remedies may actually work, according to experts.

Gargle With Salt For Sore Throat

This is one of the oldest tricks in the book of natural remedies to soothe a sore throat. If your throat feels scratchy, gargling with salt water can help reduce inflammation and loosen mucus in the throat. That can help clear out irritants and other germs. Dissolve some salt in warm water until you do not see salt granules in the cup. Little by little, gargle with the salt water and then spit it out until you finish the cup. 

Clear Congestion With A Neti Pot

It is irritating and frustrating when you are stuffed up, have a runny nose, and feel like you can’t go a second without blowing your nose. When you are in this situation, or even before you reach this state of sickness, flush out your sinuses with a nasal rinse. Place a saline solution in a Neti Pot and carefully follow instructions for safe usage. There are many tutorials and videos on how to properly use a Neti Pot and how to make the saline rinse. Use properly and safely to avoid any complications. 

Consider Elderberry

More and more research continues to reveal the immune-boosting properties of elderberries. It is available in syrup, pill, powder, and extract form in most pharmacies and major retailers. Researchers theorize that elderberry can block HA glycoprotein spikes on influenza viruses, which may prevent the viruses from duplicating. Elderberry may also enhance the function of cytokines, which are immune proteins that may help fight inflammation. A 2021 research article reviewed 1,200 records of elderberry treatment on prevention of viral respiratory illness. The conclusion was that elderberry may be a safe option, but more evidence is needed to determine if it is a viable treatment option for everyone.

Drink Water And Herbal Teas

If you come down with the flu, one of your main goals is to hydrate, hydrate, and hydrate some more. The immune system requires water to do its job properly, so replenishing the body with hydrating fluids may enhance immunity. Health experts also encourage you to drink herbal teas, some of which exhibit powerful antiviral, antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Fennel, thyme, chamomile, turmeric, ginger, and pennyroyal teas are excellent to consume if you have the flu. 

Sleep Your Flu Away

Accelerate your recovery process by taking the time to sleep your flu symptoms away. Pulmonary specialists agree that sleep strengthens the immune system, which is why sleeping helps you feel better when you are sick. That also explains why you don’t want to do anything else but sleep when you are sick! Sleep as much as you can and avoid contact with others until you have been fever-free for 24-48 hours. If you have a runny nose, place an extra pillow under your head to help your sinuses drain while you rest. 

Take Some Steamy Showers

Taking a warm bath or enjoying a steamy shower can help reduce irritation in the nasal passages or throat. Additionally, doing so may help clear mucus from these areas. You can enhance the effects of steam by dropping some eucalyptus essential oil droplets in your shower or bathtub. If the flu makes you feel lightheaded when you stand up, opt to take a soothing bath instead of a steamy shower.


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Signs That Your Cold Is Getting Better https://www.dherbs.com/articles/signs-that-your-cold-is-getting-better/ Tue, 24 Oct 2023 09:14:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=164807

Did you come down with a cold? Although colds tend to last a week, there are signs that indicate that your cold is getting better.


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Generally speaking, the common cold tends to resolve itself a week after you first experience symptoms. It is possible for cough, congestion, or runny nose to linger, but this is completely normal. If you have more energy and symptoms are less intense, your cold may be improving. According to experts, a cold is a minor viral infection that includes the following symptoms:

  • Cough
  • Sneezing
  • Sore throat
  • Fatigue
  • Congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Aches

These symptoms tend to last about three to five days, depending on the person’s immune system and severity of infection. In the final days of your cold, most symptoms should have faded and your energy should be somewhat back to normal. A lingering cough or mild congestion is perfectly normal, but these symptoms don’t indicate that you are contagious. Below, we’ll indicate cold symptoms that may indicate that your cold is nearing an end. 

What Symptoms Indicate That A Cold Is Almost Over?

Colds tend to last about a week or so and most people find that symptoms ease within seven to 10 days from the onset of the cold. After about a week or so, you should notice that your energy levels increase. You may also find that it is easier to complete daily tasks and work throughout the day without experiencing fatigue. Just because you have more energy and feel better, your runny nose or congestion may last for an additional week. In fact, health experts note that you can experience nasal discharge for up to 14 days. That is the immune system’s response to fighting the cold. 

The Common Stages Of A Cold

Health experts break colds down into stages. Some people experience certain mild symptoms, while others experience more severe symptoms. This ultimately comes down to the person’s immune system and the virus they contracted. Most experts agree that it is common to feel the worst in stage 2, as opposed to stages 1 or 3. More about the stages of a cold below:

  • Stage 1: Lasting one to two days, stage 1 symptoms tend to be mild. Most people report a sore throat, but fatigue, slight congestion, and mild runny nose are also common.
  • Stage 2: Symptoms will normally increase by this stage (days three to five of your cold). You will typically feel the sickest during these days and can experience congestion, runny nose, sneezing, coughing, body aches, cough, and fatigue. 
  • Stage 3: By this stage (about a week after symptoms started), your symptoms are usually much more bearable. Remaining symptoms tend to include light congestion, cough, or runny nose. 

Can You Do Anything To Ease Symptoms?

One of the best things that you can do when you have a cold is to rest, but there are other home remedies that may ease symptoms. Certain things may or may not work for you, but the following general recommendations may help relieve cold symptoms:

The symptoms of a cold will start to fade around day seven, and you should start to feel much better. Continue to care for yourself even as symptoms fade because you don’t want to plague your body with anything else. Should symptoms persist or even worsen after a week, you may choose to consult a doctor to discuss your situation.


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Is There A Connection Between Being In The Rain And Catching A Cold? https://www.dherbs.com/articles/is-there-a-connection-between-being-in-the-rain-and-catching-a-cold/ Sun, 15 Oct 2023 09:25:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=164162

Despite what your mother or ancient, wise elders may have told you when you were a child, colds result from viruses, not rain.


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A hot topic that is constantly up for debate is whether or not being in the rain causes you to catch a cold. Although being wet for long periods of time may lower immune function, colds result from viruses, not rain. You may or may not believe that, but if you are like most people, you grew up hearing that you were going to get sick if you played outside in the rain. How truthful was that piece of wisdom and does it affect how you live your life? Do you need to avoid the rain in order to avoid sickness?

According to health experts, you may have a greater risk of getting sick after spending prolonged periods in the rain. The reality is simply more complex than the old saying goes. The body gets cold after prolonged exposure to rain, which can lower the effectiveness of your immune system. When your immune system is down, you are more likely to contract a cold virus, but that doesn’t mean you’ll get a cold. 

Does Being In The Rain Make You Catch A Cold?

A 2022 study found that being cold (lowering body temperature) can negatively affect the immune system. Although the rain itself won’t give you a cold, being wet outside for a long time weakens the immune system, increasing the risk of cold if you come in contact with certain viruses. As stated in the beginning of the article, though, colds happen because of viruses, not rain.

How Do You Catch A Cold?

There are over 200 viruses that can cause colds. They are contagious viruses that easily pass through the air or through close physical contact. Colds can also spread if a person touches their mouth, eyes, or nose with their hands after coming in contact with cold germs. Once you catch a cold, it is very hard to make it disappear, but there are things you can do to lessen the symptoms. Once you feel sick, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Get enough sleep
  • Avoid unnecessary touching of the eyes and mouth
  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Focus on whole food ingredients, not processed foods and dairy products
  • Don’t share food, beverages, or household items with other people, or you may infect them

Can You Shorten A Cold?

If you catch a cold, there may be a few home remedies that can accelerate the recovery process. Some remedies work for some people, while others are more effective for other people. A lot of people resort to over-the-counter cold and flu medications, which can occasionally provide some relief. If you prefer not to take cold medications, consider the following home remedies to help kick your cold:

The Takeaway

Being out in the rain does not mean that you will contract one of the many viruses that can cause a common cold. If you are wet for a prolonged period, though, it may weaken immune function, making you more susceptible to a cold, should you encounter viruses. If you catch a cold, you don’t have to be alarmed. Most colds resolve themselves within one to two weeks, but notify your doctor if symptoms become severe or linger for more than a couple weeks.


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Sip On These 5 Teas To Help Lower Your Blood Pressure https://www.dherbs.com/articles/sip-on-these-5-teas-to-help-lower-your-blood-pressure/ Sat, 14 Oct 2023 09:18:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=164159

Some teas, such as hibiscus or green tea, may help lower blood pressure by promoting cardiovascular health and blood vessel relaxation.


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Attention tea lovers: not only is tea soothing, comforting, and delicious, but certain varieties may also help regulate blood pressure. Although high blood pressure is a serious health concern that affects millions of people worldwide, natural options may positively affect cardiovascular health. Since high blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, taking action to regulate blood pressure is key for optimal, long-term health.

Should You Drink Tea To Lower Blood Pressure?

When you drink heart-healthy teas, such as chamomile or hibiscus, that is just one step towards a more holistic approach to managing blood pressure. According to research from 2019, active components in certain teas may relax blood vessels. Not only does this help improve how arteries function, but it also works to reduce inflammation and regulate certain processes that affect blood pressure. Continue reading to learn which teas may help you manage high blood pressure. Please note that the effects may vary from person to person, and whether or not the person eats a balanced diet and exercises regularly.

Hibiscus Tea

First on the list is hibiscus tea, which some people call sour tea or roselle. One study found that consuming three cups of hibiscus tea per day reduced systolic blood pressure by an average of 7.2 mm Hg in people with mild hypertension. Researchers believe that hibiscus tea works to improve how endothelial cells lining the blood vessels function. That process may promote healthy blood flow, but the anthocyanins and polyphenols may also lead to a reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels.

Green Tea

Green tea is another favorite among tea enthusiasts, especially if people look to receive a small caffeine boost. Green tea contains specific bioactive compounds called catechins, specifically epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG has been associated with various health benefits, including blood pressure reduction. A meta-analysis of 14 randomized controlled trials revealed that drinking green tea contributed to modest but statistically significant decreases in blood pressure. Other research notes that the antioxidant-rich catechins help improve endothelial function and promote vascular relaxation.

Black Tea

If you prefer black tea to green tea for your caffeine hit, you’re in luck! Several studies indicate that drinking three cups of black tea per day may help lower blood pressure. Researchers attribute this benefit to the flavonoids in black tea, such as theaflavins and thearubigins. These compounds may help to inhibit certain enzymatic activity that causes blood vessel constriction.

Olive Leaf Tea

Made from the leaves of the olive tree, olive leaf tea has a gentle, herbal flavor. Olive leaf tea contains oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol, which are two compounds that support blood pressure regulation by relaxing the blood vessels. A small 2017 study monitored 31 participants who consumed olive leaf tea for 28 weeks. They prepare the tea by steeping five grams of dried and ground leaves in 250 milliliters of hot water. They consumed this tea twice daily over the course of the study. Within four weeks, participants experienced significant reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. 

Chamomile Tea

We cannot ignore chamomile tea, which is known for its mild, soothing, and calming properties. Many people drink chamomile tea to promote relaxation before bedtime. Researchers note that it contains compounds, such as terpenoids, flavonoids, and coumarins, that may help control blood pressure. In a randomized, controlled trial, participants drank chamomile tea for 12 weeks and experienced a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure compared to a placebo. The researchers behind the study suggest that chamomile’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties may contribute to this effect.

As a final note, these teas are not intended to treat high blood pressure. They are not medications and may not work for everyone. Additionally, maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle may enhance the benefits of these teas. Should you have questions about the teas if you take blood pressure medication, consult your healthcare professional.


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Moroccan Mint Iced Tea https://www.dherbs.com/recipes/recipe/moroccan-mint-iced-tea/ Mon, 11 Sep 2023 09:17:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?post_type=recipe&p=162429

Learn how easy it is to make Moroccan mint tea. Made with fresh mint leaves, this is the perfect end-of-summer beverage to enjoy.


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There is something special about mint tea, but Moroccan mint tea is on another level. Ask any Moroccan and they will tell you that drinking mint tea is almost like a national occupation! Mint tea is served several times throughout the day and is a foundation of Moroccan hospitality. Moroccan mint tea differs from regular mint tea that you find in Western countries. The mint leave steep alongside green tea, which is typically gunpowder tea.

Gunpowder tea comes from southeast China, in the Zheijang province. This type of tea dates back to the Tang Dynasty, which was in power from the 7th to 10th century. The English name of “gunpowder tea” is believed to come from the fact that the tightly rolled tea leaves resembled gunpowder pellets. The tea, however, is a bright golden color that has a subtle hint of smokiness and clean aftertaste. You can usually find loose leaf Moroccan mint tea that you can steep in a tea bag or infuser. Some teapots have built-in infuser nowadays, so use that if you have it!

Once you boil water, pour it over the tea and steep for three minutes. Remove the infuser or tea bag from the water after three minutes, and then add a small handful of mint, allowing it to steep for a few more minutes. Pour the tea into different mugs with a single sprig of mint in each mug. You can enjoy the tea unsweetened or sweeten it with raw agave nectar or stevia. Try it both ways and see which one you like better! Ideally, pour the tea over ice because the weather is quite hot, but if it’s cooler than enjoy the tea warm.


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Want Glowing Skin? Adopt These 7 Simple Habits https://www.dherbs.com/articles/want-glowing-skin-adopt-these-7-simple-habits/ Wed, 15 Mar 2023 09:08:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=154721

Having incredible skin can boost your confidence, but it can seem like an impossible feat. These habits may contribute to glowing skin.


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For many mortals, achieving glowing skin is like finding the fountain of youth. Some people are lucky enough to possess the good genes for ageless skin, while others have 11-step skin care rituals nightly. Although creams, oils, lotions, toners, cleansers, and more can benefit and clarify your skin, simple daily habits can provide your skin the nutrients it needs. 

Commercials that advertise overpriced miracle creams and serums are enticing, but they may not be the answer. The truth is that glowing skin begins from within. What we mean by that is that certain lifestyle habits provide your skin with nutrients internally. External skin care still has a place in your life, but a healthier inside can make your skin glow on the outside. Don’t give up exfoliating and moisturizing; rather, consider the following habits to contribute to more beautiful skin.


Daily exercise can benefit several bodily organs and systems, primarily because it gets the heart pumping, which improves circulation. All of the body’s cells and tissues need oxygen to thrive. Improving circulation as a result of exercise can provide skin cells with the nutrients they need for cell turnover and growth. Without proper circulation, the skin can appear dull because the body cannot get rid of old, dead skin cells. Optimal circulation also helps the body eliminate toxins, which can hold your skin back from looking as healthy as possible.

Get Enough Sleep

Beauty sleep is a real thing and anyone who says otherwise isn’t sleeping enough. The body requires sleep to heal and recover, and to help organs function properly. Since the skin is the largest organ in the body, it needs sleep to aid all the metabolic work it does. That’s why lack of sleep can result in puffy skin, bags, and dark circles under the eyes. Sleep deprivation causes the body to produce more cortisol, the stress hormone, which can cause inflammation on the skin that can lead to lumps and breakages. 

Wash Your Pillowcases

On the topic of sleep, we feel the need to state a fact that should be common knowledge: wash your pillowcases frequently. Pillowcases collect dirt, oil, dead skin, and more every couple days. Because pillowcases remain in contact with your face for a long period of time, the built-up gunk can irritate the skin, leading to breakages. For this reason, it’s best to change your pillowcases every few days.

Stay Hydrated

Before you slather on your hydrating creams and serums, be sure to hydrate your skin from the inside out. Drinking enough water can ensure proper waste elimination, support the metabolism, and promote glowing skin. Ideally, you should drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day to sufficiently hydrate the body. You can also obtain some of this water via hydrating foods. You can also drink herbal teas to promote hydration, but try to avoid too much sugar and caffeine, as caffeine pulls water out of the skin and sugar increases inflammation.

Exfoliate Once A Week

Exfoliation is an integral step towards glowing skin, but doing it too much can do more harm than good. When you exfoliate, you remove dead skin cells and dirt that can clog your pores and make the skin appear dull. Exfoliating too much, however, can strip the skin of beneficial oils that make it look radiant. The skin always produces new skin cells and it needs help shedding the old dead cells. Use a gentle exfoliator that also contains moisturizing ingredients. You can click here for a great DIY facial exfoliating recipe. 

Reduce Stress

As mentioned earlier in this article, the accumulation of cortisol, the stress hormone, can cause inflammation on the skin. When the body is in a constant state of stress, blood flow is directed to skeletal muscles and the heart prepares to fight or flight. That means that the skin doesn’t receive the vital nutrients and oxygen that contribute to supple, glowing skin. That’s why chronically stressed individuals look drained and older. Take the time to do yoga, practice meditation, engage in breathing exercises, or take a bubble bath to reduce stress levels. Your skin will be able to recover, receive adequate circulation, and appear bright again.

Don’t Use Products Made For The Wrong Skin Type

If you want to help your skin glow, you need to use skin care products that are made for your skin type. If you have a particular skin concern, you have to use products that cater to that issue. Using the wrong products can not only disrupt the skin’s moisture barrier, but also increase the risk of dullness and dryness. Since you don’t want the skin to look older than it should, find the products that are suitable for your skin type. When in doubt, ask for help because it’s better to invest in the right products for your skin than to use products that do more harm than good.


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5 Great Teas That May Help Reduce Anxiety https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-great-teas-that-may-help-reduce-anxiety/ Mon, 28 Feb 2022 09:13:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=137169

Chamomile and lavender are great at reducing stress. Find out about several other teas that may help reduce anxiety levels.


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The stress of modern life can take a toll on the body. It isn’t healthy to live in a constant state of panic or fear, yet many people feel this way. How do you come up for air and take that much needed deep breath? There are many breathing techniques, exercises, self-care tips, and mindfulness practices that people use to help reduce anxiety, but certain teas may have the same effect. 

Could reducing anxiety be as simple as brewing a cup of affordable tea and sipping it on the couch? Since ancient times, various civilizations have used herbal teas to boost overall health and reduce stress and anxiety. To this day, certain teas may help lower stress hormones and improve sleep. It’s all about finding the tea that works best for you, as each person may have a different response to the teas in this article. 

Some teas have the power to calm the mind and body, which is beneficial for people who live with anxiety. Other teas tend to be better for overall health or specific health conditions. Some of the primary benefits of drinking different teas, especially herbal teas, include:

  • Soothing upset stomach
  • Improving sleep 
  • Aiding with blood pressure reduction
  • Reducing severity of menstrual cramps
  • Relieving nausea

If you want to help naturally reduce stress and anxiety, consider experimenting with the following teas. 

Lemon Balm Tea

Since the 16th century, people have used lemon balm for its mild sedative effects. Even the word “balm” means “soothing” or “restorative.” Lemon balm belongs to the same family as mint, and it is quite common in European, Mediterranean, and certain Asian countries. A December 2021 review found that drinking lemon balm tea helped lower rates of depression and anxiety symptoms. Additional preliminary research supports the fact that lemon balm may be able to reduce nervousness and abdominal pain, two common symptoms of anxiety.

Lavender Tea

According to a 2020 study, lavender tea was able to reduce scores of anxiety and depression in older adults. It has the ability to calm the mind and body without a sedative effect. Even though there are more than 40 species of lavender, English and French varieties typically end up in teas. A steaming cup of lavender tea may help induce a calming effect, which may contribute to more restful sleep. For this reason, many sleep experts recommend that people with anxiety and insomnia drink lavender tea. 

Green Tea

It may seem odd to include a tea that contains caffeine on a list of teas that help reduce anxiety. Research suggests that green tea helps to calm the mind, protect the cardiovascular system, energize the central nervous system, and slow the aging process. The compound L-theanine, which is prominent in green tea, exhibits anti-anxiety effects. L-theanine may also increase levels of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that’s associated with pleasure. Perhaps this explains the reason why it makes people feel alert, but also stress-free. 

Ashwagandha Root Tea

If you need a tea to help reduce stress and anxiety, ashwagandha root tea may become a staple in your tea rotation. It has a long history of use in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, primarily because it’s an adaptogenic herb. Adaptogens are certain herbs or substances that help stabilize physiological processes. Several studies found that ashwagandha may effectively reduce stress, anxiety, and sleep issues. In fact, it’s one of the leading herbs for improving sleep quality. Additionally, one study found that taking ashwagandha root extract for 8 weeks helped reduce stress and anxiety levels. Ashwagandha may be able to lower cortisol, the stress hormone, by 25%. Click here to learn more about this impressive herb.

Peppermint Tea

Many people enjoy peppermint tea because of the minty taste and relaxation properties. People commonly consume peppermint tea to help soothe upset stomach and sore throat as well. Peppermint tea contains menthol, a compound in the mint plant that is a natural muscle relaxant and calming agent. You can brew fresh mint leaves in hot water or steep a bag of peppermint tea in hot water; both will yield the same benefits. Lastly, one study found that inhaling peppermint aroma effectively reduced pain and anxiety.


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Can Herbal Tea Be Bad For Your Health? https://www.dherbs.com/articles/can-herbal-tea-be-bad-for-your-health/ Mon, 07 Feb 2022 09:16:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=135853

Can herbal tea be bad for your health? It’s possible for the herbs in some teas to negatively interact with certain medications.


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A steamy cup of herbal tea is an excellent alternative to caffeinated beverages or plain water. Many herbal teas, as well as caffeinated teas, exhibit powerful health properties. From hibiscus and chamomile to Earl Grey and green tea, teas are chock full of beneficial nutrients. Before you take swig after swig, though, there are certain things to consider. 

People who take prescription or over-the-counter medications need to consider the potential interactions of certain herbs with their medications. Certain herbs may decrease the effects of medicines, while others may lead to unwanted side effects. When brewing a cup of herbal tea, though, the first thought isn’t, “How will this interact with my medication?” Tea is considered harmless, and most teas are considered to be safe in small amounts. People who take medication or live with certain health conditions, however, may need to limit or avoid consumption of some herbal teas. 

If you take blood thinners, antidepressants, or blood pressure medication, drinking certain herbal teas may increase the risk of side effects. Below, you’ll find some herbal teas that you should limit or avoid if you live with specific health conditions. Please keep in mind that the information in this article is intended to be informative. If you have concerns or questions about specific teas or herbs and how they’ll interact with your body, consult your health care professional. They can help determine what herbal teas or supplements are safest for you.

Gingko Tea

People who take blood-thinning medications should avoid gingko tea. Blood-thinning medications include Coumadin (warfarin), aspirin, Plavix (clopidogrell), and other anticoagulants. Gingko biloba actually slows the blood clotting process, and consuming it with anticoagulants can increase the risk of bleeding. People with epilepsy or those who take antidepressants should also avoid gingko tea. It’s possible for large amounts of gingko biloba to induce seizures, and it may weaken the effects of certain antidepressants. 

St. John’s Wort

St. John’s wort is notorious for interacting with a variety of medications, including cyclosporine, antidepressants, blood thinners, birth control pills, and HIV drugs. If you take any of these medications, talk to your health care professional before taking St. John’s wort or drinking the tea. It’s possible that consuming St. John’s wort in conjunction with antidepressants may help reduce depression symptoms, but it’s wise to discuss a treatment plan first. The reason for this is because that combination may lead to dangerous levels of serotonin.


A seemingly harmless herb, chamomile is a nighttime favorite for people who wish to calm the body and mind. According to several studies, it exhibits mild tranquilizing affects. Other studies found that it may lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Infrequent consumption may have beneficial effects on glycemic control for type 2 diabetics. Drinking large amounts of chamomile tea, however, may reduce blood sugar too much. You don’t have to avoid chamomile tea as a diabetic, but be aware that drinking too much may lead to a hypoglycemic event. Carefully monitor blood sugar as you drink the tea. 

Ginseng & Licorice Teas

Similar to gingko biloba, ginseng and licorice may reduce the effectiveness of anticoagulant medications, including warfarin. If you experience blood clots or have deep vein thrombosis (DVT), it’s wise to avoid these teas. Ginseng may also reduce the effectiveness of calcium channel blockers, statin medications, certain antidepressants, and HIV agents. Keep this information in mind when consuming either of these herbs in tea or supplement form. 

Green Tea

Known for the powerful antioxidant properties, green tea is a powerhouse in the world of health and wellness. Unfortunately for some, it negatively interacts with medications that treat heart conditions. Green tea also contains vitamin K, which can increase blood clotting and interfere with some blood thinners. People who take lisinopril (medication for hypertension and heart failure), should also limit green tea consumption because it can reduce the effectiveness of the medication.


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These Drinks Will Help You Fall Asleep https://www.dherbs.com/articles/these-drinks-will-help-you-fall-asleep/ Tue, 14 Dec 2021 09:07:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=133345

Some drinks keep people up or cause people to get up throughout the night. The drinks in this article, however, will help you fall asleep.


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Great sleep is one of the hallmarks of vibrant health, but it’s something that many people often overlook. Sleep experts suggest that adults aged 18-60 get between seven to nine hours of sleep every night. A full seven hours, though, is not always easy to come by. 

It’s quite common for people to get cozy in bed and immediately feel wide awake. This is an unfortunate reality and it can seem like there’s no antidote or magical potion that immediately puts you in a state of deep sleep. That being said, health experts have identified certain beverages that contribute to a deeper state of relaxation. When the body is in a more relaxed state, it’s much easier to fall asleep. If you want to drive off to dreamland with ease, consider drinking the following beverages before bed. 

Passionflower Tea

Researchers in Mexico conducted an animal study to determine the effects of passionflower on sleep. The results indicated that rats injected with passionflower extract experienced a significant increase in total sleep time. No other human studies have confirmed these findings yet, but many anecdotal reports claim that passionflower tea helps people fall asleep.

Golden Milk

Golden milk, or a turmeric latte, before bed may help to promote a sense of calm. Warm milk, however, may not be appetizing because it can cause digestive discomfort. If you are sensitive to dairy products, consider dairy-free golden milk. Turmeric is rich in curcumin, a compound that may reduce inflammation, relieve anxiety, and alleviate effects of sleep deprivation. You can sweeten the beverage with Manuka honey to further reduce inflammation and promote gut health, which may aid your sleep.

Tart Cherry Juice

Cherries are stone fruits that can be tart or sweet, depending on the variety. Cherries contain tryptophan, which is an amino acid that’s a precursor to melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate when you fall asleep and wake up. Tart cherries tend to contain more melatonin, which is why their juice is better than the sweet varieties. In fact, tart cherries have up to six times more melatonin than sweeter cherries. One study observed 30 participants who consumed cherry-based juice twice daily. The results indicated that the juice improved nightly sleep and reduced the number of nighttime awakenings. Another study found that people who drank eight ounces of tart cherry juice twice a day for two weeks slept an additional 84 minutes, compared to the group who consumed a placebo drink.

Valerian Tea

It’s common to find valerian in health food stores, but you can also purchase it online. The most widely used part is the root, which is popular in herbal remedies for insomnia. Valerian shows promise for its ability to relieve insomnia and improve overall sleep quality. One study found that 30% of postmenopausal women who took 530 milligrams (mg) of valerian twice daily for four weeks reported better sleep quality. Valerian root may help enhance sedation and you shouldn’t mix it with drugs or alcohol because of that reason. Additionally, pregnant or nursing women and children under the age of three should avoid valerian. 

Ashwagandha Tea

Ashwagandha is a medicinal herb popular in Ayurveda treatments. Extracts and teas often include the root, berries, and leaves of the plant, all of which may help relieve stress, anxiety, and even arthritis. In human studies, ashwagandha exhibited the potential to help the body wind down and prepare for sleep. A study on mice identified triethylene glycol, an active compound in ashwagandha, to induce sleep when consumed in large doses. You can typically find ashwagandha in powder form, but it also comes in the form of tea and supplements. 

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is a common go-to tea when you have a sore throat or runny nose. It’s comforting and helps reduce inflammation and cold symptoms. Other research noted that chamomile tea may be a helpful sleep tonic. One study, in particular, found that adults aged 60 and up who consumed 400 mg of chamomile extract for 28 consecutive days improved sleep quality. Another study monitored 80 women who experienced poor sleep. After drinking chamomile tea daily for two weeks, the subjects experienced a significant improvement in sleep. 


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Beat That Bloat: 5 Foods To Fight Bloating https://www.dherbs.com/articles/beat-that-bloat-5-foods-to-fight-bloating/ Thu, 28 Oct 2021 17:49:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=131610

There are foods that make you feel bloated, but there are ones that help you beat that bloat. Learn about them in this article.


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Is everyone ready to talk about the uncomfortable sensation that is bloating? You must be, or you wouldn’t have clicked on this article. Bloating is something that can happen in an instant. One moment you feel wonderful, and then you feel gassy, puffy, and uncomfortable the next. Belly bloat, although not life-threatening, can be cause for concern if you experience it after every meal. 

What Is Bloating?

Abdominal tightness, fullness, or stomach discomfort characterize bloating. It occurs when the gastrointestinal tract fills with air or gas. The stomach feels full and tight and may look bigger than it actually is. You may even have to pull out the old stretchy pants to fight the feeling of tight-fitting clothes. While the foods you eat are often the culprit, it’s possible to experience bloating from stress, fluid retention, medications, hormonal imbalances, or inflammatory bowel diseases. 

Many foods can ferment easily in the gut and cause gas build-up. The more gas that builds up, the easier it is to experience bloating. Refined carbohydrates, processed foods, high-fat foods, dairy products, certain legumes, and some cruciferous vegetables can cause bloating. Although legumes and cruciferous vegetables are healthy foods, they can be quite gassy for people with sensitive digestive systems. Legumes often cause bloating if you eat a lot at once, due to the drastic increase in fiber intake. Most cruciferous vegetables contain raffinose, which can cause gas, but these vegetables do contain essential nutrients that support overall health.

5 Foods That May Reduce Belly Bloat

If you feel like your gut is about to bust, there are foods that may help with the deflation process. The great thing is that there is very little harm in trying out natural remedies that help with bloating. Consider the following anti-bloating foods if you feel abdominal discomfort in the future. 

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is made with dried leaves from the Mentha piperita plant, which grows in many temperate climates. Much like any peppermint preparation, peppermint tea contains menthol oil, which works to relieve spasms in muscle tissue. Peppermint tea helps the body relax muscles in order to release pent up gas. It can be more beneficial to steep actual mint leaves, as some of the anti-bloat oils can get lost during the tea manufacturing process. 

Fennel Seeds

Historically, people chewed on fennel seeds to combat bad breath, but they have a long tradition of relieving digestive woes in the Mediterranean. Fennel seeds contain compounds that work to calm gastrointestinal spasms. In fact, some Indian restaurants offer fennel seeds after a meal to help reduce the risk of bloating or abdominal discomfort. For this to work, you can either chew on the seeds, or brew fennel tea and drink it. 


Pineapple contains bromelain, which is an enzyme that aids protein digestion. For hundreds of years, people in both Central and South America have eaten pineapple to soothe indigestion and inflammation. Snacking on a bowl of fresh pineapple when you feel bloated may be an excellent way to combat symptoms. Unfortunately, there is little research on bromelain’s effects on digestive disorders. Claims surrounding the effects on bloating are more anecdotal.


The veggie that makes your pee smell happens to assist the body in eliminating excess fluid. If you’ve ever eaten asparagus, you know that you pee more regularly after you eat it. Asparagus exhibits diuretic properties that help flush excess salt and water out of the body. According to Mayo Clinic, eliminating fluid can help decrease bloating. 


Ginger may be one of the oldest home remedies for both abdominal discomfort and sore throat. Working to stimulate motility in the gastrointestinal tract, it may help relieve abdominal distention, according to a May 2018 study. There are compounds in ginger root that work to promote digestion, relieving indigestion and bloating in the process. It also has antiemetic properties, meaning it may prevent vomiting and nausea. Add a few slices of fresh ginger root to a cup, pour boiling water over it, add a little lemon juice and sweetener of choice, and then enjoy.


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