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Fight the discomfort and burning sensation of acid reflux! Learn about these safe and effective home remedies that can provide some relief.


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Natural remedies for acid reflux may be a lot closer to you than you realize. Look to your kitchen to find apple cider vinegar, lavender tea, ginger, turmeric, fruits, vegetables, and more. Many of these easily accessible foods may provide relief from acid reflux symptoms, but their health benefits are enhanced when paired with healthy diet and lifestyle changes. This article aims to expose acid reflux and the natural remedies that can quell the burning sensation that occurs in the chest.

What Is Acid Reflux?

There is a valve at the entrance to the stomach and this ring of muscle is the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). In a normal, healthy body, the LES closes as soon as food passes through it. If the LES doesn’t close all the way, or it opens too often, acid that the stomach produces can enter the esophagus. That can cause an uncomfortable burning sensation in the chest, also known as heartburn. If acid reflux symptoms occur more than twice a week, you may have acid reflux disease, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

A common cause of acid reflux is a hiatal hernia, which is a stomach abnormality. This happens when the upper part of the stomach and the LES move above the diaphragm, which separates the chest from the stomach. The diaphragm helps keep acid in the stomach, but a hiatal hernia can cause acid to move into the esophagus, causing acid reflux symptoms. Read on to learn about how the following home remedies can provide relief from acid reflux symptoms

Chamomile Tea

In addition to reducing stress and calming the mind, chamomile happens to be one of the best herbs for treating digestive disorders. According to health experts, drinking chamomile tea three to four times a day between meals can help relieve inflamed mucous membranes in the digestive tract. That works to normalize digestion, which may relieve symptoms of acid reflux. 

Eat Ripe Bananas

Bananas are naturally rich in potassium, making them fairly alkaline. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, alkaline foods may help prevent the stomach acid from irritating your esophagus. Unripe bananas, however, are less alkaline and heavy on the starch, which may trigger acid reflux in certain people. Make sure that bananas are ripe if you suffer from acid reflux. Additionally, focus on eating alkaline foods, including cauliflower, fruits, fennel, and nuts, all of which may offset heartburn.

Deglycyrrhizinated (DGL) Licorice Root

Licorice is a strong demulcent that has proven to be an effective treatment for peptic ulcers. Researchers note that licorice may protect the esophagus from damage by increasing mucus production. Make sure that you purchase the DGL licorice root because glycyrrhizinated licorice can cause some dangerous side effects.

Opt For Cooked Onions Instead Of Raw Ones

Raw onions commonly trigger acid reflux and heartburn. One study in people with acid reflux found that eating a meal with raw onion significantly increased burping, acid reflux, and heartburn. Frequent burping may indicate a higher production of gas, which researchers attribute to the fermentable fiber in onions. Additionally, raw onions are harder to digest and may irritate the esophageal lining, which can worsen heartburn. 

Baking Soda

As we mentioned earlier, alkaline foods are optimal for people who frequently experience acid reflux. Baking soda is naturally alkaline and can help neutralize acid. Because baking soda contains sodium, consult your doctor if you are on a low-sodium diet. Dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water and drink it whenever you experience symptoms.

Aloe Juice For

A quick note about purchasing aloe vera juice is that you need to purchase 100% aloe vera juice. Many varieties can contain excess sugar, artificial flavors, and other processed ingredients. Those varieties will not alleviate symptoms of acid reflux. Aloe vera juice works to soothe the irritation caused by acid reflux, while simultaneously encouraging healthy digestion. If you regularly experience heartburn, drink an ounce of aloe juice before the meal to soothe the esophagus and stomach.


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The Best Teas To Help Soothe A Sore Throat Fri, 29 Apr 2022 09:08:00 +0000

Got a scratchy or sore throat? Learn about the best teas that can help soothe irritation. Slippery elm, peppermint, ginger, and more!


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It may not be cold and flu season, but it’s always beneficial to know how to get rid of a sore throat. Springtime is a popular time of year to experience allergies or general infections, and there’s nothing fun about either scenario. Both tend to result in that scratchy discomfort that you know will lead to unpleasant, sickly feelings. 

Although you may not be able to cure your sore throat overnight, drinking certain herbal teas can accelerate your recovery. Licorice root, slippery elm, peppermint, and more teas may reduce throat swelling and mucus production. Warm teas like these help the throat open and relax, opening the door for healing to begin. While iced beverages may seem better and more refreshing, hot liquids are best for soothing a sore throat. Several studies found that iced beverages can cause throat spasms, which cause more irritation. 

There are many warm brews that will support and soothe a sore throat. We don’t have all of them detailed in this article, but we tried to round up the best ones. Keep reading to learn which teas are most effective at soothing a sore throat. 

Ginger Tea

Ginger root is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb that can help soothe indigestion and sore throat. The gingerols and shogoals in ginger exhibit pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties, which work to reduce irritation. Several scientific studies say that ginger may exhibit antimicrobial properties that fight viral infections that cause sore throats. Many of the studies on ginger, though, use ginger extract, which may have a higher dose of antiviral properties than regular ginger tea. More research is necessary to determine if ginger tea has the same effects. 

Licorice Root Tea

There is some research indicating licorice root’s ability to eliminate phlegm and mucus. It may also act as a coating agent, helping to soothe a sore throat. Researchers identified three important substances in licorice root that may relieve sore throat pain: liquilitin, liquiritigenin, and glycyrrhizin. Both liquilitin and liquiritigenin are expectorants, which work to loosen mucus so you can cough it up more easily. Glycyrrhizin acts as a demulcent, which provides the protective coating over the throat, preventing irritation when you swallow. 

Peppermint Tea

Dealing with a scratchy throat and a nasty cough? Bust out the peppermint tea because it is one of the best teas for soothing a sore throat. The menthol in peppermint exhibits antiviral and antibacterial properties. One study found that it has an antitussive effect, meaning it may have the ability to relieve a cough. More research on this is necessary, though. Other benefits of drinking peppermint tea include relieving upset stomach and cleaning out sinuses

Marshmallow Root Tea

No, this tea has nothing to do with s’mores, nor does it taste like roasted marshmallows. Marshmallow root tea is great for loosening mucus in the throat, meaning you can cough it up more easily. That may relieve a dry cough so you experience less pain in the throat. A 2018 study surveyed people who took marshmallow root syrup or lozenges to treat a cough. Within 10 minutes, most of the people reported that their throats felt much better and had a reduced urge to cough. 

Green Tea

Although many people drink green tea for the caffeine, it does have powerful antioxidants that help enhance immune function. Many of the anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties come from epigallocatechin-3-gallate. This compound works to reduce inflammatory proteins in the body, accelerating the healing process. Sore throats tend to result from an inflamed pharynx, which can make swallowing a more painful experience. In order to reap the benefits of green tea, you can either drink it or you can gargle with it. If you choose to gargle green tea, please do so for 30 seconds at a time. Make sure the tea is warm, not hot, so that you don’t burn your mouth when you gargle. 

Slippery Elm Tea

Just like licorice root, slippery elm has demulcent properties that provide a protective coating on the throat. The plant’s mucilage contains antioxidants that work to provide soothing properties to calm irritation. In addition to relieving sore throat pain, slippery elm may also soothe an upset stomach. If you experience indigestion, upset stomach, or need relief from coughing, brew a cup of slippery elm tea and drink it until symptoms subside. 


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Can Herbal Tea Be Bad For Your Health? Mon, 07 Feb 2022 09:16:00 +0000

Can herbal tea be bad for your health? It’s possible for the herbs in some teas to negatively interact with certain medications.


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A steamy cup of herbal tea is an excellent alternative to caffeinated beverages or plain water. Many herbal teas, as well as caffeinated teas, exhibit powerful health properties. From hibiscus and chamomile to Earl Grey and green tea, teas are chock full of beneficial nutrients. Before you take swig after swig, though, there are certain things to consider. 

People who take prescription or over-the-counter medications need to consider the potential interactions of certain herbs with their medications. Certain herbs may decrease the effects of medicines, while others may lead to unwanted side effects. When brewing a cup of herbal tea, though, the first thought isn’t, “How will this interact with my medication?” Tea is considered harmless, and most teas are considered to be safe in small amounts. People who take medication or live with certain health conditions, however, may need to limit or avoid consumption of some herbal teas. 

If you take blood thinners, antidepressants, or blood pressure medication, drinking certain herbal teas may increase the risk of side effects. Below, you’ll find some herbal teas that you should limit or avoid if you live with specific health conditions. Please keep in mind that the information in this article is intended to be informative. If you have concerns or questions about specific teas or herbs and how they’ll interact with your body, consult your health care professional. They can help determine what herbal teas or supplements are safest for you.

Gingko Tea

People who take blood-thinning medications should avoid gingko tea. Blood-thinning medications include Coumadin (warfarin), aspirin, Plavix (clopidogrell), and other anticoagulants. Gingko biloba actually slows the blood clotting process, and consuming it with anticoagulants can increase the risk of bleeding. People with epilepsy or those who take antidepressants should also avoid gingko tea. It’s possible for large amounts of gingko biloba to induce seizures, and it may weaken the effects of certain antidepressants. 

St. John’s Wort

St. John’s wort is notorious for interacting with a variety of medications, including cyclosporine, antidepressants, blood thinners, birth control pills, and HIV drugs. If you take any of these medications, talk to your health care professional before taking St. John’s wort or drinking the tea. It’s possible that consuming St. John’s wort in conjunction with antidepressants may help reduce depression symptoms, but it’s wise to discuss a treatment plan first. The reason for this is because that combination may lead to dangerous levels of serotonin.


A seemingly harmless herb, chamomile is a nighttime favorite for people who wish to calm the body and mind. According to several studies, it exhibits mild tranquilizing affects. Other studies found that it may lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Infrequent consumption may have beneficial effects on glycemic control for type 2 diabetics. Drinking large amounts of chamomile tea, however, may reduce blood sugar too much. You don’t have to avoid chamomile tea as a diabetic, but be aware that drinking too much may lead to a hypoglycemic event. Carefully monitor blood sugar as you drink the tea. 

Ginseng & Licorice Teas

Similar to gingko biloba, ginseng and licorice may reduce the effectiveness of anticoagulant medications, including warfarin. If you experience blood clots or have deep vein thrombosis (DVT), it’s wise to avoid these teas. Ginseng may also reduce the effectiveness of calcium channel blockers, statin medications, certain antidepressants, and HIV agents. Keep this information in mind when consuming either of these herbs in tea or supplement form. 

Green Tea

Known for the powerful antioxidant properties, green tea is a powerhouse in the world of health and wellness. Unfortunately for some, it negatively interacts with medications that treat heart conditions. Green tea also contains vitamin K, which can increase blood clotting and interfere with some blood thinners. People who take lisinopril (medication for hypertension and heart failure), should also limit green tea consumption because it can reduce the effectiveness of the medication.


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These 5 Herbs Are Incredible For Your Lungs Fri, 25 Dec 2020 08:50:00 +0000

Learn how these 5 herbs can boost respiratory function by supporting your lungs, which keep oxygen flowing into the body.


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The lungs never stop working, keeping oxygen flowing in and expelling carbon dioxide. Breathing is the magical rhythm that keeps us alive and if the lungs aren’t functioning properly, your breathing suffers. It’s very easy to for the respiratory system to weaken, with air pollution, airborne toxins, and viruses threatening you all the time. In fact, about 91% of people worldwide live in places where air pollution exceeds healthy limits. 

From breathing exercises to holistic medicinal approaches, there are many ways to nourish the lungs and respiratory system. To keep them safe from pollutants and other threats, including wildfire smoke, smog, excess ozone, and viruses, experts recommend keeping the air around you as clean as possible. Consider investing in HEPA-certified filters in your home, portable air purifiers, or indoor plants that benefit lung function. If you don’t have the funds or desire to purchase those recommended items, consider supplementing with herbs for optimal lung health. Continue reading to discover five excellent herbs for your lungs. 

5 Herbs For Your Lungs

Licorice Root

No, this is not black licorice candy, but it does have that signature anise flavor. Have you had a cup of Throat Coat tea when you had a sore throat? Well, one of the featured ingredients in that tea blend is licorice root. Traditionally, people used it to help remedy coughs, colds, or other respiratory issues, and modern day studies found out how it’s able to do this. The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties of licorice root help protect sensitive tissues in the respiratory system from irritation or infection. A 2011 study found that glycyrrhizin, the active component in licorice root, helps sooth asthma symptoms. It also helps to strengthen the lungs by thickening membranes. 

Plantain Leaf

Originating in Europe and Northern and Central Asia, the plantain plant is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and flavonoids. A quick clarification: this herb has no relation to the plantain fruit. The two primary flavonoids, luteolin and apigenin, have been known to boost respiratory health and ward off seasonal allergies. The combination of vitamins A & C, zinc, and iron also aid immune function. Some health experts attribute the lung benefits to the high vitamin C content, which historically helps overall lung function.


This fragrant herb is more than a mere spice for culinary applications. There is historical evidence that documents thyme as a “notable strengthener of the lungs,” in addition to it being a remedy for shortness of breath. Scientific research deemed thyme one of the most potent lung-cleansing herbs, and herbal medicine practitioners use thyme to help rid the respiratory system of excess phlegm. According to a 2016 study, thyme demonstrated anti-inflammatory activity on human lung cells. The results of the study found that reducing inflammation in the lungs led to better breathing and a reduced risk of shortness of breath. 


In traditional medicine, mullein has a reputation of being a lung-boosting herb. It’s a weedy herb that commonly grows in Asia, Europe, and Northern Africa. It has a rich history of use, from the days of Ancient Greece to modern herbal concoctions. When you ingest mullein, it helps to reduce sore throat symptoms, including dry or scratchy throat. It also helps to soothe the respiratory tract, which researchers attribute to the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Finally, folk remedies used mullein as a remedy for tuberculosis (TB). Scientists believe that the antibacterial and antiviral properties were responsible for helping people overcome TB.


This is an excellent herb that has a similar long history of use to mullein. It is a popular herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and it contains over 100 active compounds, including flavonoids, polysaccharides, amino acids, and saponins. It has been known to boost immune function, reduce stress, improve digestion, and enhance respiratory function. Several studies found that supplementing with astragalus soothed the airways and boosted overall respiratory function. It’s also incredible for immune function, which reduces the risk of respiratory infection. 


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7 Great Caffeine-Free Teas For Morning Energy Fri, 21 Aug 2020 09:02:00 +0000

Whether you want to kick your caffeine addiction or reduce your daily intake, there are herbal teas that may increase energy levels.


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If you are like 90% of Americans, chances are that you consume caffeine in one or more ways every single day. More than 50% of American adults consume 300 milligrams of caffeine per day (considered too much by health experts), making it the most popular drug in America.

What Is Caffeine?

Caffeine is the undisputed morning drug of choice for people. It wakes you up, alters moods, and stimulates the central nervous system the same way that amphetamines do. Caffeine actually blocks adenosine, a chemical in that body that promotes sleepiness, which can interfere with a healthy sleep pattern. Found in more than 60 plants, caffeine is the most popular stimulant in the world. It is a psychostimulant that makes you more alert. Yerba mate, guarana, coffee, tea, and certain herbs are the most common forms of caffeine.

Can You Increase Energy Levels Without Caffeine?

Most people don’t understand that caffeine is the short-term solution to increasing energy levels. And consuming too much caffeine results in a hardcore crash. The reality is that most people can’t imagine a life without caffeine, but it is possible to boost energy levels without it. The combination of regular exercise, healthy eating, sufficient sleep, and stress-reducing techniques all improve your energy levels. Besides all of that, the following herbal, caffeine-free teas can give you that energy boost you’re looking for.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea helps to calm upset stomachs, but the secret benefits are that it can improve focus, memory, and energy levels. The tea has a minty flavor with hints of pine, and it tastes best when you brew it for five to ten minutes. Northrumbia University conducted a study with 180 individuals. One group took a placebo and the other drank peppermint tea. The group that drank peppermint tea experienced improved cognition and elevated mood.

Lemon Balm Tea

This isn’t high on everyone’s list of energy boosting beverages, but it may be after you read about it. Historically, lemon balm helped to regulate mood and improve cognitive function, making people more alert. People who drink lemon balm tea find that they are less irritable and have more energy without being nervous or jumpy.

Ginger Tea

You should always have ginger in your house. It’s a wonderful herbal remedy that helps reduce sore throats and stomach pain. Countless studies on ginger have examined its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to improve blood flow. Newer studies found that increased circulation can help boost energy levels. In fact, a study in Herbal Medicine found that ginger promotes adrenal catecholamine secretion. Since these chemical compounds regulate energy consumption, drinking ginger tea may help you sustain energy throughout the day on a chemical level.

Licorice Root Tea

Licorice root is an adaptogenic herb, and it helps to regulate hormonal production. It encourages the adrenal glands to increase blood flow, which in turn contributes to increased energy. Licorice root does have that signature licorice flavor, but you can mix it with other herbal teas to reduce the intensity of the flavor. You can also sweeten it with raw agave or stevia to mellow the taste.

Rooibos Tea

Native to South Africa, rooibos is a small red bush that contains potent antioxidants, similar to the ones that are in green tea. Most health experts consider rooibos tea to be the best caffeine-free tea in the world, specifically for the antiviral activity, cholesterol lowering abilities, chemopreventative activity, and blood pressure lowering ability. It can help to decrease fatigue and improve focus, but it isn’t the best tea for energy on this list.

Astragalus Tea

Astragalus is a common herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Brewed from the root of the astragalus plant, astragalus tea helps to support the adrenal glands, where we get our energy. If you suffer from adrenal fatigue, astragalus should be one of your go-to herbs. Lastly, astragalus is a natural diuretic and helps to support healthy immune function.

Ginkgo Biloba

TCM uses ginkgo biloba to help increase blood flow throughout the body, opening channels of energy that improve overall health. Many people consume this tea to help boost brain health or improve memory. If you feel fatigued or have a cloudy mind, drink a cup of ginkgo biloba tea for mental clarity and a slight pick-me-up.


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Diet To The Rescue: Healing Foods For Adrenal Fatigue Wed, 03 Jul 2019 10:33:11 +0000

If you suffer from adrenal fatigue, begin the healing process by adding these foods to your diet. And we have the foods to avoid too!


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Most people adopt the “just deal with it” attitude when it comes to coping with adrenal fatigue. Every single person can experience the condition, known as hypoadrenia, to a certain extent, especially when a series of stressful events occur. Even the little annoyances of modern day life can build up stress hormones and put unnecessary wear and tear on the adrenals. Given that health care professionals often overlook adrenal issues, how can someone identify when the adrenal glands are not functioning optimally?

The adrenals have a major influence on the body, and symptoms of adrenal fatigue can often mimic those of other disorders. While it is understood that weight gain, brain fog, insulin resistance, and extreme fatigue are common symptoms of adrenal fatigue, these symptoms don’t always confirm that someone is experiencing adrenal fatigue.

What Is Adrenal Fatigue?

Introduced as a new condition by Dr. James L. Wilson in 1998, adrenal fatigue is stimulated by chronic stress. When the adrenal glands are constantly over-stimulated, cortisol (the stress hormone) is constantly released into the blood, leading to insulin resistance, an associated symptom of the condition. People who experience adrenal fatigue typically have low levels of DHEA, the “parent hormone” that helps to create necessary hormones in the body. In a nutshell, adrenal fatigue puts the body in a constant fight or flight state, depleting adrenal stores. Hormones become imbalanced as a result and people commonly experience:

  • Slow metabolism
  • Insulin resistance
  • Fat preserving
  • Feeling unusually fatigued all the time
  • Extreme dizziness every time you stand up
  • Brain fog
  • Loss of libido
  • Hair loss (especially around the outer eyebrow)
  • Heightened cravings
  • Rapid weight gain (especially around the abdomen)

Is Adrenal Fatigue Real?

Because the symptoms can be indicative of other conditions, many people have a hard time acknowledging the validity of adrenal fatigue. Since it is a relatively new condition, not a lot of scientific research has been conducted to fully understand it as a whole. It is also hard to diagnose adrenal fatigue because high cortisol levels, which are associated with the condition, are chalked up to be “inside the normal range.” Additionally, adrenal fatigue has to be addressed and remedied via diet and lifestyle adjustments, which doctors don’t interpret as legitimate medicine. We know that food is medicine and are here to present you with the healing foods for those with adrenal fatigue.

Magnesium Foods

High cortisol levels must be met with magnesium-rich foods in order to support adrenal health. Working to relax muscles, improve sleep, and calm nerves, magnesium is a highly beneficial nutrient for those who experience adrenal fatigue. Start consuming avocados, almonds, Brazil nuts, bananas, pumpkin seeds, bananas, and leafy greens to increase your magnesium intake.

Himalayan Salt

People with adrenal fatigue tend to be dehydrated, but they can also dilute the circulating electrolytes (sodium, potassium, and chloride) if they drink too much water. Drinking plain water can alter the balance of potassium and sodium, so it is wise to add ¼ or ½ teaspoon Himalayan salt to most glasses of water. This salt contains trace minerals that initiate chemical reactions in the body. Himalayan salt will most likely make your body feel better, especially if it is extremely fatigued. You’ll have to adjust the amount of salt you add to water based on your body’s response. Too much salt will make you nauseous, so start with ¼ teaspoon in 8-12 ounces of water and go from there.

Licorice Root

Available in extract form, licorice root helps to increase the DHEA count in the body. It is meant for people with lower cortisol levels, because it may increase cortisol levels in certain cases. Licorice root has been associated with some side effects, though, so be cautious about the quality of the licorice root you purchase. Do not take it for more than four weeks at a time, and do not take it if you are pregnant or if you have heart, kidney, or liver problems.

Cruciferous Vegetables

People with adrenal fatigue commonly have partially blocked detoxification pathways. This means that they cannot efficiently eliminate toxins, leading to more strain on the adrenal glands. In order to help open up detoxification pathways, consume cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, and Brussels sprouts.

Starchy Vegetables

Do not interpret this to mean that it is acceptable to load up your plate with pasta, breads, and French fries. The starchy vegetables we are talking about include carrots, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, beets, plantains (technically a fruit) and spaghetti squash. Working to balance blood sugar levels, starchy vegetables help to promote calmness by keeping your adrenals in tune with the body’s natural rhythms. Eat these types of foods at dinner to help improve your sleep.

Note that one should avoid certain foods to maintain healthy adrenal glands. Those with adrenal fatigue are encouraged to avoid:

  • Sugar and sweeteners
  • Caffeine
  • Hydrogenated oils (soybean, corn, and canola oils)
  • Processed meats
  • Carbohydrates or gluten
  • Soy
  • Dairy products
  • Alcohol


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Here’s Why And How To Support Your Liver Fri, 11 Jan 2019 11:10:18 +0000

You cannot have a properly working metabolism, healthy circulation, or clean blood without the liver, so help it function with these herbs.


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The human body contains an amazing network of systems and organs, each of which has a unique function. Everything in the body is linked and that’s how we stay alive, but our health can decline if organs or systems are not functioning properly. All of the body’s systems need to work efficiently to ensure the natural elimination of toxins. Given that the average person’s toxin exposure has exponentially increased, it is integral for the body’s detoxification systems to be operating at peak efficiency.

What Does The Liver Do?

According to ancient Chinese medicine, a physician who can harmonize the liver has the knowledge to treat one hundred diseases. As one of the hardest working organs in the body, the liver converts nutrients from the foods we eat for the body to use. When the body metabolizes fat, protein, and carbohydrates, the liver helps to stabilize blood glucose levels in order to avoid blood sugar imbalances or metabolic problems. It also helps to filter out toxins from the environment and the foods we eat, working to clear the blood of impurities. Additionally, it helps to store blood, regulate blood supply, and break down damaged blood cells for elimination.

This is all to say that the body’s ability to naturally detox is greatly affected if the liver isn’t functioning properly. When the body is flooded with toxins, one can experience chronic inflammation that further impairs the liver’s ability to do its job. To avoid toxic build-up in the body, it is recommended to limit your exposure to toxins (from the environment and food) and support liver health. Use the following herbs to promote a healthier liver.

Licorice Root

Licorice root has been used in Eastern medicine for centuries to aid with healthy liver function. According to a small study, consuming licorice root helps to increase the body’s production of interferon, which is a protein that is released to combat viruses. Licorice root also promotes the liver’s ability to naturally eliminate toxins.

Sulfuric Vegetables

While these are not considered herbs, sulfuric vegetables like Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, and mushrooms contain glutathione. Glutathione is a potent antioxidant that helps to destroy free radicals in the body. Adding these vegetables to your diet can activate phase one and two of liver detoxification. Eat your greens like your mother told you!

Milk Thistle

Probably the most well-known herb for supporting the liver, milk thistle is rich in silymarin, which is a compound that protects liver cells from damage. Silymarin does this by repairing liver cells that have been damaged by toxin absorption. Milk thistle has also been used as a natural remedy for hepatitis and alcoholic liver disease.

Dandelion Tea

B vitamins are essential to fuel methylation, the body’s biochemical “superhighway” that is responsible its detoxing abilities. Dandelions are rich in B vitamins, so it is beneficial for the liver to drink a cup of dandelion tea. While all parts of the dandelion plant can promote liver health, it is the dandelion root that is best. Note that dandelion can be a soft diuretic, so be careful not to take too much.


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5 Herbs That Help Clear Mucus From Your Lungs Tue, 22 May 2018 18:00:10 +0000

When you come down with a cold, the body produces more mucus and phlegm. Use these powerful herbal remedies to clear mucus from your lungs.


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The mucus in your chest lines the walls of the respiratory system. Containing antiseptic enzymes and immunoglobulins, mucus works to protect the body against bronchial blockage, congestion, lung irritants, and infections. When you become sick or catch a virus, the respiratory system can become irritated, causing phlegm (chest mucus) to be produced in larger amounts.

Excess phlegm, dead immune cells, and bacteria are expelled via coughing. This can be unpleasant, but it indicates that the body is fighting off an infection. Excess mucus in the respiratory system is typically caused by viral or bacterial infections like the influenza, bronchitis, or pneumonia. To help you clear excess mucus from the lungs, try using the following herbs the next time you feel congested.

Licorice Root

Licorice root tea is said to ease congestion by helping to loosen and thin mucus in airways so that it can be expelled from the body. It may even fight the viruses that lead to an overproduction of mucus in the first place. Licorice root has anti-inflammatory properties that will help release mucus, and will make the air passages wider so that oxygen can flow more freely. It also has a soothing effect on the calm lungs.


Watercress is full of nutrients and good for a lot of medicinal purposes, one of which is to reduce the mucus caused by colds and bronchitis. Watercress has been described as an effective expectorant, meaning that it helps the body loosen mucus and get rid of phlegm whenever you cough. It keeps the throat and airways clear of unwanted substances, making it easier for you to breathe. If taken by people already suffering a cold or cough, watercress can help shorten the duration of the ailment and lower its intensity. If taken at the sign of the first symptom, it can even help prevent the development of a full-fledged infection. To help remedy a runny nose, for example, just eat about an ounce of fresh watercress. You can also make watercress tea by soaking two tablespoons of freshly chopped watercress leaves in a cup of hot water.


Eucalyptus is a common ingredient in cough lozenges and syrups and its effectiveness is due to a compound called cineole. Cineole has numerous benefits — it’s an expectorant, can ease a cough, fights congestion, and soothes irritated sinus passages. To relieve congestion, place a few drops of eucalyptus oil on a handkerchief or add 10 to 15 drops to a diffuser or some boiling water on the stove. Inhale the vapors to help cleanse the respiratory system.

Calendula Flower

The calendula flower has been used to help soothe a sore throat or mouth. It is thought that the chemicals in calendula help new tissue grow in wounds and decrease swelling in the mouth and throat.


Fenugreek is a legume and it has been used as a spice throughout the world to enhance the sensory quality of foods. Fenugreek maintains mucus conditions of the body, mostly the lungs, by helping to clear congestion. It also acts as a throat cleanser and mucus solvent that works to curb the urge to cough.

Wani, S. A., & Kumar, P. (2016). Fenugreek: A review on its nutraceutical properties and utilization in various food products. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences.


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6 Natural Remedies For Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Thu, 07 Sep 2017 18:25:40 +0000

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome affects roughly 1 in 20 women in the United States. Learn how to naturally remedy this female health condition.


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September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, so we wanted to give you some information about women’s health and helpful tips to help women reach optimum health. While this article is not about ovarian cancer, we feel that it is imperative to inform women about polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

What Is PCOS?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that involves imbalanced estrogen and progesterone levels in women.  This imbalance can lead to ovarian cysts, which are benign masses on the ovaries.  The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that about 1 in 20 women of childbearing age has PCOS, and that the condition affects roughly five million women in America.  PCOS can also affect a woman’s menstrual cycle, cardiovascular health, and fertility.


Women with PCOS will typically experience mild symptoms at first.  Some of the common adverse side effects of PCOS include, but are not limited to, amennorhea (no menstrual period), dysmenorrheal, infertility, acne, pelvic pain, and high blood pressure.  The symptoms may vary from person to person, but common symptoms may include:

  • Deeper voice
  • Acne
  • Irregular periods
  • Hair loss
  • More hair growth on face, chest, stomach, or toes
  • Decrease in breast size
  • Weight gain
  • Pelvic pain
  • Infertility
  • Depression

What Causes PCOS?

Medical professionals are still unsure of the exact cause of PCOS, but it is thought that genetics may play a large role in the development of the condition.  It is a common belief that hormonal imbalances also play a large role as well.  The overproduction of androgen, which is a male sex hormone that women’s bodies also produce, is thought to be another contributing factor.  PCOS patients often have excess levels of androgen.  Some possible causes are listed below.

  • Diabetes
  • Genetics
  • Imbalanced hormones
  • Excess insulin
  • Low-grade inflammation
  • Excess androgen production

Natural Remedies For PCOS

It is important to note that it takes about 6-12 months of lifestyle and diet changes, in addition to the natural remedies listed below, to see positive change when living with PCOS.

  • The body thrives on foods that are nutritionally dense, so it makes sense to eat foods that will nourish your body, especially when you have a condition like PCOS.  It is best to consume plant-based foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains.  Try to avoid eating processed foods like white flour, high fructose corn syrup, meat, pasta, added sugars, artificial sweeteners, and canola oil.  You should notice a change in how your body feels when consume a plant-based diet.
  • Irregular menstrual cycles are common in women with PCOS.  It is beneficial to eat foods that have iron and magnesium because they help to build healthy blood, which is necessary for regular menstruation.  Raw cacao is a great source of both iron and magnesium.  You can also eat foods like avocados, bananas, hibiscus tea, apple cider vinegar, leafy greens, beans, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and broccoli, among others.
  • Licorice root helps the body to maintain balanced hormone levels because it promotes healthy production and release.  Additionally, licorice root can also help to support a healthy liver and healthy insulin levels, which is an integral part of naturally remedying PCOS.
  • Eat foods that are low on the glycemic index and glycemic load list.  Low glycemic index foods are carbohydrates that slowly break down in the body, meaning that you don’t have a spike or drop in your insulin levels.  If you have insulin resistant PCOS and are overweight, try not to eat more than a half-cup of low glycemic carbs a day.  Great examples of these low glycemic foods include kale, grapefruit, walnuts, almonds, apples, beans, lentils, and asparagus.
  • Stop drinking coffee because caffeine increases estrogen levels.  A recent study found that eating two cups of coffee a day boosts estradiol (a natural estrogen) levels.  If you drink 4-5 cups a day, you produce 70% more estrogen during the follicular phase of menstruation.  Since women with PCOS can have difficulty producing a viable follicle for ovulation, try to avoid coffee and caffeine in general.
  • Try drinking an apple cider vinegar tonic because apple cider vinegar helps to maintain balanced pH levels in the body, while helping to inhibit bacteria, candida, or yeast build-up.  You can make a tonic that consists of 1-2 tablespoons of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar in 8 ounces of filtered water.  Drink this first thing in the morning before consuming food.
  • A lot of people enjoy doing high-intensity exercise routines.  Rather than doing that, it may be beneficial to try stress-reducing exercises such as Pilates, yoga, Tai Chi, biking, walking, swimming, or barre class.


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