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Need help managing stress? Take steps to keep cortisol levels in check and you’ll improve your mental and physical health.


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Cortisol, not cholesterol, is a stress hormone that the body produces naturally. It plays a role in your overall health and well-being, but chronically high cortisol levels can worsen health issues, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and mental health disorders. By taking steps to manage your cortisol levels, you will not only improve your overall health, but also keep your stress in check. 

What Is Cortisol?

The body produces cortisol in response to stress. Although it can have a negative connotation, especially when you see more than 80,000 TikTok posts under #cortisol, cortisol is integral for several bodily functions. In a healthy body, for example, one of cortisol’s tasks is to help regulate inflammation. When the body comes in contact with a virus or bacteria, cortisol helps to fight those germs to keep you from getting sick. 

The body produces cortisol to help it respond more efficiently to potential dangers or stressful situations. You need it to kick into the body’s fight-or-flight response, just in case you have to outrun a bear, for example. If your body is in a constant fight-or-flight state, though, the immune system is less sensitive and less receptive to cortisol’s anti-inflammatory abilities. That can lead to chronic inflammation, which is linked to numerous diseases, including obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. If you want to avoid these things and keep cortisol levels down, continue reading. 

Get Moving

Need to bring those stress levels down? Incorporating more physical activity, such as walking, jogging, yoga, yoga, CrossFit, or Pilates, into your day can help you lower cortisol levels. Find whatever you love to do and do it! Some people like to cycle, while others prefer the fun environment of a Zumba class. One study monitored a group of healthy young-adult men and found that higher intensity exercise mitigated cortisol reactivity, reducing stress when exposed to a physical stressor.

Get Some Sleep

After you get moving, you need to go to bed…and that’s an order! Kidding aside, sleep deprivation can elevate cortisol levels, making it difficult to perform a stressful task. Some data suggests that sleep loss is associated with elevated cortisol levels even on the second day after a poor night’s sleep. Ideally, adults should get between seven to nine hours of sleep per night for optimal recovery. 

Try Meditation

If you want to reduce cortisol levels, meditation may be an excellent technique. According to some studies, a consistent meditation habit can increase your tolerance to anxiety, uncertainty, and unexpected things. Mindfulness meditation has proven to be an effective tool for lowering cortisol levels, based on existing research. People who are highly susceptible to stress, such as people with mental disorders or somatic illnesses, benefit most from mindfulness meditation.

Tap Into Your Community

What does it mean to tap into your community? Human connection is more important than you realize, especially if you find yourself in a place where you value others and they value you. Time and again, research shows that connecting with people can help reduce cortisol. One study monitored people who had to engage in public speaking. The participants who had loved ones nearby had lower levels of cortisol prior to delivering the speech compared to those who did not have support. 

Write It Down

Most people hold their emotions inside and never let them out, which is a very unhealthy habit. Releasing those emotions can be quite cathartic, lifting a heavy, emotional weight off your shoulders. One study found that people who wrote about their past failures before experiencing a new stressor had lower cortisol levels than those who did not write their past failures down. 

Focus On Healthier Foods

High stress levels can negatively impact your food choices. If you are stressed, you probably reach for chips or something salty and ultra-processed out of pure instinct. Choosing single-ingredient, whole foods can benefit both your metabolism and your digestive system. One study looked at cortisol levels and the glycemic index of the way fast foods elevate blood sugar. The researchers noted a link between a high glycemic index diet and higher cortisol levels. Other research found that eating high-calorie foods immediately increased cortisol.


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The Top Self-Care Tips For Atopic Dermatitis https://www.dherbs.com/articles/the-top-self-care-tips-for-atopic-dermatitis/ Fri, 19 Apr 2024 09:07:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=170205

Take cooler showers, exercise more often, and moisturize twice daily—these are just a few self-care tips for atopic dermatitis.


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Self-care is a buzzword that comes up a lot in the emotional and mental health spheres. More than just a wellness term, self-care is often a key component to any activity that helps you make your body feel better. Think of self-care for atopic dermatitis like alternative remedies that help lessen your need for medication in the long run.

What Is Atopic Dermatitis?

Atopica dermatitis (eczema) is a skin condition that causes dry, inflamed, and itchy skin. It is very common in young children, but it can occur at any age. Atopic dermatitis is a chronic condition that can flare up occasionally, causing red, irritated areas on the skin. Although it is irritating, atopic dermatitis is not contagious. Moisturizing regularly and following an anti-inflammatory diet, among other things, can help reduce the risk of flare-ups and irritation. Continue reading to learn more about some science-backed self-care tips of atopic dermatitis. 

Moisturize Twice A Day

Dermatologists encourage people with atopic dermatitis to moisturize within three to five minutes after a bath or shower. The reason for this is because the moisturizer helps to lock in moisture when the skin is still slightly damp. That creates a protective barrier and allows your skin to heal. Not all moisturizers are beneficial, with some being better than others for eczema-prone skin. Choose a moisturizer that is dye- and fragrance-free, and consider a skin barrier cream, which contains lipids and ceramides, both of which are present in a healthy skin barrier. Moisturizers that feel “greasy” are usually the most effective at protecting the skin.

Take Shorter, Cooler Showers

You don’t have to think about conserving water just because you have atopic dermatitis. That said, dry skin (a common trigger of atopic dermatitis) is commonly caused by hot water, especially if you are in it for a long time. When you shower in cool or warm water (not hot), the water is less likely to dry out your skin. Another tip is to limit the time you spend in a bath or shower to about five to 10 minutes maximum. Too much time in the water can irritate the skin. If you have a flare-up, a lukewarm oatmeal bath will help soothe the skin.

Try An Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Inflammation is a healthy response to injury or infection, helping to heal the body. In people with atopic dermatitis, the immune system remains triggered, even when there is no infection or injury. That excess inflammation is a contributing factor to atopic dermatitis. The foods you eat can either help or harm inflammation levels, regardless of overall health. Dietary strategies, such as adopting an anti-inflammatory diet, may help relieve symptoms. It isn’t a specific diet; rather, it is an eating pattern that focuses on more foods that help reduce inflammatory markers in the body. Click here to learn more about an anti-inflammatory diet. 

Use Gentle, Fragrance-Free Cleansers

Certain hand soaps, dish soaps, and face or body washes, especially those with fragrances. Soaps can remove the natural oils on the skin, and damage it as well. Mild, fragrance-free soaps or cleansers are the best for sensitive skin, or for people with atopic dermatitis. Try experimenting with non-soap cleansers that do not contain dyes, fragrances, sulfates, or alcohol, all of which can increase the risk of flare-ups. 

Find Ways To Reduce Stress

Stress affects many aspects of your health, and is a common trigger for atopic dermatitis symptoms. Finding effective ways to manage stress can not only benefit your mental health, but also your atopic dermatitis. Mindfulness is a great technique to help manage stress, as it helps you focus on the present moment. There’s no sense in worrying about the past or future when you can only control the present. Scientific studies have proven that practicing mindfulness regularly can reduce atopic dermatitis flare-ups. Along with lowering stress, mindfulness can help reduce itch perception, which triggers the urge to scratch. Meditation, journaling, and yoga are three great ways to practice mindfulness. 

Exercise is another great way to ease stress, but it isn’t advised for everyone with atopic dermatitis. Too much heat and sweat can increase itching and inflammation. Some helpful ways to exercise with atopic dermatitis include:

  • Wearing loose, cotton clothes, which are less irritating than moisture-wicking fabrics
  • Choosing activities that elevate your heart rate without making you sweat as much, such as Pilates
  • Moisturizing your skin before and after your workout, and showering in lukewarm or cool water after a workout
  • Making sure to hydrate with plenty of water during exercise to keep the body and skin hydrated
  • Doing workouts indoors in climate-controlled environments so as not to heat up too much


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4 Habits To Help You Wake Up Feeling Motivated https://www.dherbs.com/articles/4-habits-to-help-you-wake-up-feeling-motivated/ Fri, 08 Mar 2024 09:14:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=169634

Is it even possible to pop out of bed feeling motivated? It may seem like a fantasy, but these habits can help you make it a reality.


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Before you even know about practical habits that promote motivation every morning, you have to understand willpower and motivation itself. Motivation is what fuels your actions, e.g. the reason for pursuing a goal. Willpower is essentially a mental muscle that can help you resist easy short-term gratification. By resisting a simple pleasure like grabbing takeout instead of cooking at home, you stay committed to your goals. Consider the following in regards to motivation and willpower:

  • Motivation can change: It is completely natural for motivation to ebb and flow. You may feel incredibly enthusiastic one day and low energy the next. Being able to recognize this change can help you manage expectations and maintain strategies to keep motivation alive. 
  • Willpower is finite: Like any muscle, willpower can experience fatigue over the course of a day. When you set up habits to encourage motivation, make sure that you don’t solely rely on willpower, or else you will burn out. 
  • Internal and external motivation: Internal motivation comes from personal values or passions, while external motivation can come from rewards, outside pressure, or recognition. By harnessing the power of internal motivation, you can help sustain your energy in the long-term. 

Set Clear And Achievable Goals For The Coming Day

A common reason for an unproductive day can be because you don’t have a plan in place. Without the right system to organize the tasks you need to accomplish, you may feel overwhelmed or unable to right the ship. The best thing to do is make a to-do list the night before or first thing when you wake up. By setting clear and achievable goals for the day, you can remain organized and motivated. If you already have a to-do list that is quite long, consider scaling down to one to three of your most important tasks. If you still feel overwhelmed, figure out what the first step is and create momentum to carry you through to your next task. 

Prepare The Night Before

If you want to be successful in the morning, prepare the night before. When you prepare for the coming day, you can help decrease decision fatigue, reduce stress, and begin your morning on a positive note. Preparing at night means you have less to do in the morning. If you can prepare any part of your daily tasks the night before, make that a habit. Consider the following ideas:

  • Prepare your meals: Have a quick breakfast, such as overnight oats or chia pudding, ready to go. Have your leftovers or meal prep in a container, even if you work from home. 
  • Plan your outfit: Choose your clothes and accessories the night before to eliminate the morning stress of figuring out what to wear. 
  • Organize your space: Tidy up your workspace and living area a little bit because a clean environment can help you remain calm and keep you focused.
  • Set up your tea or coffee: If you enjoy tea or coffee in the morning, prepare it the night before. This small habit means that you will have less to do in the morning. 

Create A Morning Routine

A routine that works for one person may be different for another person. Setting up a morning routine can be a powerful way to start your day and stick to your goals. If you can jump right into productivity, then you may not need a routine. If you need an extra boost to organize and boost productivity, consider including following ideas in your routine:

  • Exercise: Whether you walk around the block or do some squats and push-ups, physical activity in the morning can release endorphins, which boost motivation and mood. 
  • Wake up early: Waking up early usually means that you have to go to bed earlier if you want to get enough sleep. Having extra time for self-care in the morning can change the way you approach your day, though. 
  • Journal: Journaling is an easy practice to help you release your thoughts and feelings. You can express gratitude, set intentions, or just vomit words to let out some steam. 
  • Mindfulness: If you want to clear your mind and set positive intentions for the day, spend a few minutes practicing meditation or mindfulness. Five to 10 minutes is perfectly sufficient!
  • Eat a healthy breakfast: Finish your morning routine with a nutritious breakfast that contains protein, healthy fats, and fiber. Such a breakfast will help kickstart your metabolism, give you energy, and keep you full until lunch. 

Establish A Consistent Sleep Schedule

A solid foundation for morning motivation begins the night before. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, i.e. waking up and going to bed at the same time, helps regulate your body’s circadian rhythm. Sleeping for seven to eight hours a night can help you feel refreshed and ready to tackle the day. To maintain a consistent sleep schedule: 

  • Limit screen time before bed: Blue light from screens can disrupt the body’s production of melatonin. Avoid screens at least one to two hours before bedtime. 
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine: Start practicing calming activities, such as reading, meditation, or stretching, to help wind down before bed. 
  • Set a bedtime: Ideally, you go to sleep and wake up at the same time nearly every day. Make sure that your bedtime allows for seven to nine hours of sleep and stick to that schedule, even on the weekends, in order to help reinforce your body’s sleep/wake cycle.


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Useful Hacks To Make Mindfulness A Daily Habit https://www.dherbs.com/articles/useful-hacks-to-make-mindfulness-a-daily-habit/ Sat, 10 Feb 2024 09:15:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=169040

It is easy to develop habits that take you out of the present and cause stress. Learn how to change those habits and develop mindfulness.


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A 2021 study found that people who practiced mindful meditation during COVID-19 reported better mental health than those who didn’t. Those participants also felt that it was easier to be more aware of their surroundings, while simultaneously connecting with inner feelings. By practicing mindfulness, you can benefit the mind and body, and this doesn’t have to be a trivial or difficult thing. Simple breathing exercises, yoga, or other small daily habits can improve mindfulness. 

What Is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a sense of awareness of your surroundings and your internal state of being. A mindfulness practice, then, helps you acknowledge your thoughts in a healthy, productive way. In doing so, you can avoid destructive habits or behaviors that cause stress. You can use mindfulness as a tool to mediate stress and promote relaxation. Modern practices tend to focus on meditation, attention, relaxation, and observing passing thoughts. 

In recent years, many reports have stressed the importance of mindfulness and how to practice it in the workplace. Expert advice or blog posts don’t always explain how to make mindfulness a sustainable practice. The following hacks can help you make mindfulness a daily habit. The goal is that you won’t need to think about mindfulness one day in the future because it will be a natural part of your day.

Find Mindfulness Role Models

Find people in your life that are very centered or grounded. If you don’t have these in your family or friend group, consider finding inspiration online or on social media. Allow these people to inspire you and lead you down a more mindful path. Perhaps you follow an Instagram profile that gives you new daily affirmations. Mindfulness can help you realize your happiness via regular practice!

There Are No Mistakes

A lot of people think that there is a right way to practice mindfulness. In reality, there are no mistakes, and it can take 10 to 200 days to make mindfulness a habit. Everyone makes mistakes, but the great thing about mindfulness is that you will eventually start to embrace it as your daily reality. One day, you will unconsciously be in the moment, but be kind to yourself as you begin your journey. 

Record Your Intentions

It can be beneficial to create a mindfulness mantra that you use as a trigger, for example, when you need to direct your focus to the present moment. It can be helpful to maintain a journal to track why you want to make mindfulness a daily habit. In this journal, you can release your frustrations or anything you want to let out. At the same time, write about the small, beautiful moments and then see which entries bring you more joy. Documenting your mindfulness can help cultivate more of it!

Don’t Censor Yourself

It is very easy for the mind to think about nothing and anything all at once. Yogis refer to the constant whirlwind of thoughts as “the monkey mind.” When practicing mindfulness, the goal is to witness these thoughts without attachment or judgment. Turn one of your senses in another direction and aim to become more aware of the moment, even if it is mundane. There is something very beautiful about observing yourself in the present!

Focus On The Benefits

As you engage in mindfulness practices daily, focus on the benefits you may or may not notice. Do you regularly engage in old, harmful, self-sabotaging routines? Is there anything different about you or the way you behave? Humans are naturally goal-oriented, which is not always a bad thing. Mindfulness is about the journey and commitment to the practice. Instead of focusing on a specific goal, empower yourself by realizing what you’ve gained along your journey.


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5 Morning Habits That May Lower Your Blood Pressure https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-morning-habits-that-may-lower-your-blood-pressure/ Fri, 26 Jan 2024 09:19:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=168826

Small changes to your morning may contribute to more balanced blood pressure levels. Learn how simple changes make a big difference!


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One of the most dangerous aspects of high blood pressure is that there are no warning signs. The only way to know if you have high blood pressure is through a blood pressure reading. Over time, unchecked blood pressure levels can damage certain parts of the cardiovascular system and other organs, including the kidneys, brain, eyes, and more. 

There are lifestyle changes you can make to help naturally lower blood pressure levels, though. Healthy eating and regular exercise go a long way, but you already know that. There are other, smaller changes you can make to your morning routine that may benefit your blood pressure. Did you know that cardiac events, such as heart attack or stroke, are more likely to happen in the morning because of elevated morning blood pressure? That’s why tweaking your morning habits may be the best way to start lowering blood pressure levels. 

In this article, we’ll discuss a few morning habits that can be beneficial if you have a hypertension diagnosis, or if you want to maintain a healthy heart.

Eat A Balanced Breakfast

This tip seems simple enough, but so many people either eat an unhealthy breakfast or skip it altogether. A 2022 meta-analysis suggests that adults who skip breakfast have a higher risk of hypertension. When you eat matters, but what you eat matters more. A bacon, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwich is much different than a green smoothie or bowl of plain Greek yogurt with fresh fruit and nuts. Fruits and nuts, for example, are typical fixtures in the DASH and Mediterranean diets, which have been shown to benefit heart health. Kiwis, bananas, oranges, spinach, hazelnuts, almonds, and walnuts all have blood pressure-lowering capabilities

Exercise Regularly

Are you going to drop into a set of burpees immediately after rolling out of bed? Most likely, no, but a morning workout can support healthy blood pressure overall. A strenuous, high-intensity interval (HIIT) workout can temporarily raise blood pressure readings, but that’s completely normal. Experts recommend two and a half hours of moderately-intense aerobic activity per and/or 90 to 150 minutes of strength training per week. 

Morning Meditation

With work responsibilities and the ensuing commute to the office, it’s easy for stress to get the better of you in the morning. Getting your body to relax at the start of the day can have a positive effect on blood pressure levels. Harvard Health Publishing suggests that you can achieve this morning state of calm via meditation. Several studies show that a mindfulness-based practice, such as meditation, can help reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure in people with mild hypertension. The body is prompted to promote more nitric oxide during a meditation session. This helps to widen blood vessels and ultimately lower blood pressure.

Limit Caffeine Intake

Sorry to say, but a morning cup of coffee can lead to unhealthy blood pressure levels, especially if you drink several cups. Caffeine, as you know, is a stimulant, which is why you probably drink it. While it may put a little pep in your step, it can also spike blood pressure. Researchers don’t fully understand the exact reason this happens, but some experts attribute it to the fact that caffeine may block a hormone that widens arteries. Two to four cups of coffee, which amounts to 200-300 milligrams of caffeine, typically elevates blood pressure by about 8mmHg systolic (the top number) and 6mmHg diastolic (the bottom number). Fortunately, this spike doesn’t last for too long, wearing off in a matter of hours. Just be mindful of coffee consumption if you deal with high blood pressure.

Skip Sugar

Your favorite breakfast items, from donuts to scones to cereal, contain a lot of added sugars. Too much sugar can negatively affect blood pressure. Health experts note that eating sugar, especially high fructose corn syrup, can affect hormonal pathways in the body. The hormone pathways it affects are peptide endothelin and aldosterone, both of which regulate blood pressure. High blood sugar levels also increase the risk of atherosclerosis (plaque buildup in arteries), which can lead to stiff arteries and high blood pressure. Prevent this from happening by skipping foods or beverages that contain added sugars. Any food that has a 20% or higher daily value (DV) of sugar is a high-sugar food.


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5 Spiritual Bath Teas To Cleanse Your Energy https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-spiritual-bath-teas-to-cleanse-your-energy/ Thu, 11 Jan 2024 09:12:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=168760

Wondering what a spiritual bath is? Go beyond cleaning your body and refresh your energy with balancing ingredients in these bath teas.


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If there is anything better than a soothing, warm bath, it is an upgraded bath infused with intention and a ritualistic touch. We are, of course, referring to spiritual baths, and this article details how to draw one for yourself and how they benefit you. Plus, we provide five recipes to get you started on the right foot.

What Is A Spiritual Bath?

A spiritual bath, or ritual bath as some people call it, is the idea of coupling a hot bath with intention. By submerging the body into the water and your intent, you can get more out of your relaxing experience. This practice dates back to the days of Ancient Egypt, Greece, Israel, and India. Even modern-day baptisms use this practice that has taken place throughout human history.

The great thing about spiritual baths is that you can do them on your own. It doesn’t have to be a large demonstration; on the contrary, it can be a beautiful, solitary experience. In addition to the ingredients you add to the water, you can incorporate soul-nourishing or spiritual tools that you enjoy. Do your best to avoid any chemical products, including shampoo, conditioner, shower gels, or bubbly soaps. Instead, opt for Epsom salt, essential oils, herbs, and other natural ingredients. A saltwater soak is also a powerful way to cleanse the body’s energy.

The Purpose Of Spiritual Baths

A spiritual bath is a bath that refreshes the body and soul. It is easy to look at it like this: you feel one way before a bath and another way once you step out of it. That “cleansed” feeling goes beyond the feeling of a clean body. You often feel renewed and relaxed after a bath, so incorporating intention and a spiritual element can enhance the total experience.

What is the “purpose” of a spiritual bath, then? If anything, your intention determines the bath’s purpose. Generally speaking, the purpose is to allow yourself the time and space to be mindful and present in your body. During your bath, you can allow the internal and energetic healing that comes from that space to work with you. Cleansing is healing and inspiring, which is potentially why spiritual baths can have a grounding effect. 

How To Create A Spiritual Bath

Anybody can add ingredients to a bath and soak in it for a given amount of time. To create the perfect spiritual bath, we suggest you use the following instructions:

  • Declutter your space and clean the bathtub before you draw the bath. The energy of the tub should be pure and fresh. 
  • Fill the tub with water at your desired temperature. You can bring candles into the bathroom and light them around the tub. 
  • Add two handfuls of bath salts, either Epsom or Himalayan. You can also use homemade bath salt infusions. 
  • If you want essential oils, drop a few drops into the bath, but make sure you don’t add them freely. Too many drops can irritate the skin.
  • While you soak in the bath, aim to gather your thoughts and think positively. You can recite a mantra or intention, or repeat positive affirmations in a meditative state. A gratitude practice is also excellent during a spiritual bath. 

5 Spiritual Bath Teas

Spiritual bath teas involve ingredients that complete your intentions and affirmations. Each combination gives a different spiritual cleanse, making each bath unique. Here are some combinations to enhance your baths. 

Beauty Cleanse

Ground oats work to soothe skin, providing relief from irritation and inflammation. Their saponins can also absorb dirt and oil, which helps clean your pores. Add one or two cups of ground oats to your bath with optional orange essential oil. Massage the oats into your skin to rid yourself of dirt and negative energy. During this bath, use the affirmation, “I am beautiful in mind, body, and spirit.”

Abundance Bath

Smudge your tub with white sage and add some bay leaves, chamomile, and about one cup of Himalayan salt to the tub. Bring your citrine and place it on your tub, visualizing the things you want to attract more of into your life. During this bath, consider the affirmation, “I am a magnet for everything I desire.”

The Full Moon Bath

Wind down for the evening and make this bath the focal point of your night. Grab a pen and paper and write out a list of things you want to let go of, from beliefs to build-up stress. Take that list, rip it up, and throw it in the trash. Pour in a few drops of lavender essential oil and eucalyptus essential oil and about a cup or so of Epsom salt. Place your favorite crystals around the tub to purify the energy. You don’t need an affirmation for this bath because the goal of it should be to release everything and begin anew. 

New Moon Cleanse

Grab your Epsom salt, lavender essential oil, and maqui berry powder for this cleansing bath. Stir the ingredients and your bathwater will turn a dark blue hue. Place your amethyst and clear quartz crystals around the tub, along with a few of your favorite candles. Enter the bath setting new intentions for the coming week. Repeat the affirmation, “I have the power to create my reality.”

Lavender Love Cleanse

This bath helps you harness self-love and energy to reinvigorate yourself. Use rose petals, lavender essential oil, and about one cup of Epsom salt for this bath. Bring rose quartz crystals and place them around the tub. During this bath, you can use the affirmation, “I love myself unconditionally.”


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5 Mindfulness Practices You Can Do Every Day https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-mindfulness-practices-you-can-do-every-day/ Fri, 05 Jan 2024 09:10:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=168726

Sure, the holidays are stressful, but so too is everyday life. Here are easy mindfulness practices that you can do all year round.


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A lot of people think that engaging in mindfulness practices is all about achieving a state of immediate zen. There is no reason to think that way! In fact, thinking that you’ll achieve nirvana after five minutes in silence will only cause you more stress. It will also deter you from wanting to engage in mindfulness practices. The reality is that you can meditate, journal, or engage in breath work every single day. 

You don’t have to carve out an hour out of your day to practice mindfulness techniques. Mindfulness is literally the art of taking each moment as it comes. Perhaps you have a goal to be more present, slow down, or reduce stress. Fit the following mindfulness practices into your day to help feel more balanced. A calmer, more present awareness is just a few minutes away. Continue reading to learn how to do these practices.

Breath Work

Going through a stressful time? You may notice that your breathing has been compromised. Stress causes your breath to be more shallow, which creates more stress. When you are calm, your breathing involves deep belly breaths. You don’t even have to think about your breathing because of how natural it feels. Practicing diaphragmatic breathing can teach your body to cultivate relaxed breaths. You can even do it in traffic!

  • Find a comfortable area to sit up straight or lie flat on your back. Make sure you are fully supported and not fidgeting. 
  • Place both of your hands below your ribcage. As you inhale, inflate your belly so that your hands rise. Keep your chest still and in a neutral position.
  • As you exhale, engage your abdominals to get all of the air out of your belly as it collapses. 
  • Continue this breath work for three to five minutes.


Meditation is intimidating if you don’t know where to start. You cannot meditate wrong, which is the first thing you need to know. You don’t have to light candles or incense, have 120 pillows, or play tranquil music in a designated space. Meditation is truly about setting aside time to be with yourself, and the mental and physical benefits are wonderful. This practice has been proven to improve self-love and kindness towards others. 

  • Find a comfortable meditation position, be it sitting up straight or lying down. You can even sit back in your recliner chair!
  • Close your eyes if you want and direct all of your attention to the present moment. Do your best to set distractions to the side, but welcome random thoughts. Let them wash in and out like waves on the sand. 
  • For every inhale, you can say to yourself, “I am,” and finish the statement on each exhale with, “here now.” Continue this practice for five to 10 minutes. You can also practice guided meditation if that is easier. 

Positive Self-Talk

Some things are completely out of your control, but you can control the way you speak to yourself. According to studies, talking to yourself in a positive way can help reduce anxiety. Researchers proved that talking to yourself in the third person aids emotional regulation. You can be hard on yourself, but don’t talk about yourself negatively.

  • Memorize a few affirmations that can benefit you during stressful times: I am balanced and centered. I release what I cannot control. I choose to be at peace. 
  • When you find a free mental moment, repeat these affirmations to yourself. 
  • You can elevate this practice by writing the affirmations down and placing them throughout your home. 


If you overthink things, visualization is the perfect practice for you. This practice uses the power of your mind for positive change. The mind does not know the difference between what you imagine and what’s real. Through visualization, you can teach your brain how to approach future situations before they happen. 

  • Find a quiet place to sit or lie down and close your eyes. 
  • Think about an upcoming event that you’re either dreading or stressed about. 
  • Imagine the best case scenario or outcome at this event. How do you feel about it and how do you want it to unfold? Use your imagination to make it real.
  • Run into a negative situation during this visualization? Simply start over and repeat the scenario until it goes the way you want it to go.


This practice doesn’t have to result in an incredible novel or short story; rather, journaling is a practice to empty your thoughts onto the page. There are many things that easily trigger stress, but you aren’t doing yourself any favors if you continue to hold onto those feelings. Writing about events can make you emotionally stronger and less upset, so vomit those words onto the page without any direction!

  • Set aside some time to journal without any interruptions. Play music or light a candle if this helps set the scene. 
  • Let your pen do the work and don’t worry about proper grammar. Just let your pen flow!


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How To Handle The Family Narcissist This Holiday Season https://www.dherbs.com/articles/how-to-handle-the-family-narcissist-this-holiday-season/ Mon, 18 Dec 2023 09:15:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=168325

Spending time with loved ones can be tricky, especially during the holiday season. Here’s how you can better handle the family narcissist.


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The dazzling lights, the snowy weather (location dependent), the caroling (if that’s your thing), and family time mean one thing: the holidays are here. Although that isn’t how everyone’s holiday season plays out, a lot of people associate those things with the holidays. On top of the general holiday and end of the year stress, dealing with family members can prove quite challenging, especially if you have a narcissist in the family. 

There is no need to let one sour grape ruin the bunch. How do you shrug off their behavior and handle the narcissist in your family? The following tips should help you deal with the narcissist because you may not be able to avoid their presence this holiday season. Here’s what to know. 

Always Prepare In Advance

Psychotherapists agree that you should have a plan of action before dealing with the narcissist at your family holiday gathering. Take the time to reflect on the types of boundaries you need to establish. Consider asking yourself how much of your time and effort you want to give to this person. What can you do to make sure that this person’s behavior doesn’t interfere with your holiday joy? Figure out what you are willing to tolerate and where you’ll draw the line in the sand. 

Take Some Time For Yourself

Dealing with a narcissist can be frustrating. It’s almost as if they are trying to bother you on purpose, draining your energy with every second you interact with them. Psychologists explain that toxic people do their best to put you down, insult you, and make jokes about something you’re sensitive about. They do this just to get a rise out of you because they thrive when you squirm. Now that you know that, you can have the wherewithal to take a break and resist the temptation to snap back in person. Be mindful of your own boundaries!

Stay True To Your Boundaries

You can have boundaries, but lacking the ability to keep them in place will only cause you pain. Some people may have a misconception about boundaries. “Please don’t ask me about politics,” is not a boundary. Your boundary should really be, “If you ask me about politics, I will not respond.” The difference between those two statements is that one sounds more like a question, while the other is a firm directive. Don’t wait for the other person to change because you have the power to change yourself. You may not need to change the narcissist’s behavior, because you can take action and adjust to the situation. “I will not participate in family gossip,” is another boundary you can set. 

The Gray Rock Method May Help You

If you have a plan in motion and set your boundaries, you may want to experiment with the gray rock method. This is a method that can help you deal with people who have dark personality types. The gray rock method involves you becoming as boring and uninteresting as a gray rock. Employ this method when you have to interact with a narcissist. Respond in a monotone voice and keep your interactions brief. Minimizing conversations and speaking without real engagement can invite fewer interactions from the narcissist. 

Have A Plan If You Need A Break

If everything you do and plan for goes down the drain, make sure to have an escape route. This is the ultimate way to plan! Check in with yourself throughout the night to ensure that your energy has not been zapped. Remove yourself from the party if necessary, even if that means taking a phone call, walking your dog, or going to the bathroom to regroup. Be sure that you recharge by talking to someone you love before you re-enter the situation.


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The Best Affordable Ways To Unwind And Relieve Stress https://www.dherbs.com/articles/the-best-affordable-ways-to-unwind-and-relieve-stress/ Mon, 04 Dec 2023 09:17:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=167690

Don’t have the funds for a relaxing massage? Therapy isn’t in your budget, either? Here are affordable ways to help relieve stress.


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Feeling stressed lately? This is completely natural, especially since the holidays are right around the corner. End of the year projects, holiday travel plans, and New Year’s commitments can cause you to burn out. That’s why self-care is extra important during this time of year. In fact, influencers and wellness brands push self-care products and tips on you, which can induce stress. 

You may not have the funds for all of these products or services, but we have a little secret: you don’t need to spend a lot (or any) money to help relieve stress. Take a bubble bath, go for a walk, drink a cup of calming tea, journal, or dance it out at home. All of these things, in addition to the following affordable tips can help you unwind. 


Meditation is a free stress-relieving activity, but it can be difficult to get into. All you need is a quiet, comfortable place and five to 10 minutes of your day to start. There are plenty of free resources to help start you on the right path. If you don’t like quiet meditation, there are many free guided meditation videos to help lead you through the practice. 

Set Phone Limits

If you want to promote mindfulness and be more present in the moment, set phone limits for yourself. Spending less time looking at your screen, especially if you scroll endlessly and mindlessly, is highly beneficial for your mental health. Taking meaningful breaks from your phone is an excellent way to practice mindfulness. You can easily set screen time limits on your smartphone, or set reminders to put down your phone. 

Make Face Masks At Home

You don’t need to go to a luxury spa to pamper yourself, or give your facial skin a little boost. Hit the grocery store or look in your pantry because you already have the ingredients you need for a DIY face mask. Simple ingredients do wonders for your skin, for example, enhancing moisture, removing bacteria, and reducing excess oil. Click here for an excellent DIY face mask. 


One of the worst things you can do for your health is hold in your stress. You have to let it out! Journaling can be a great daily exercise to release all of the emotions you’re holding inside. You don’t have to craft an extensive memoir; rather, journaling can help you unleash your thoughts and analyze them. It is a cathartic exercise that will help declutter your mind.

Dance It Out

When in doubt, turn up the music and cut loose. If you are worried about people seeing you, don’t because this is a freeing exercise. That said, you can close all the blinds or curtains if you want total privacy while you dance your heart out. You don’t need dance lessons or rhythms to reap the benefits of this stress-relieving practice. Bust out your best dance moves to help you shake out the stress.

Go For A Walk

Sometimes, a trip around the block or a walk amongst the trees is all you need to clear your mind. Studies say that being outside in nature is a proven way to calm the mind. Unplugging from your distractions and being in the moment on your walk can help you notice little things you may otherwise pass by. Try your best to get to a park or nature trail, or relish in some casual people watching if you live in a dense city. 

Take A Bubble Bath

When all else fails, run that hot water to fill the tub and get ready for a relaxing soak. Light a few candles, add a bath bomb or bubbly soap, drop in some essential oils, or add some Epsom salts. All of these things are readily available to you and relatively affordable, not to mention beneficial for your skin. If you don’t have a bathtub, you can drop some eucalyptus essential oil to your shower flower to create a calming, somewhat steamy, aromatherapy experience.


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5 Nightly Habits For Better Thyroid Health https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-nightly-habits-for-better-thyroid-health/ Mon, 16 Oct 2023 09:19:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=164165

The thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland, is essential to your overall health, and these nightly habits may promote better thyroid health.


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Everyone has their own bedtime routine. Some people pamper themselves by lathering on the skin care products, while others prefer to read in bed for 30 minutes. Maybe you draw a warm bath, light some candles, and enjoy a cup of herbal tea to help relax the mind and body. What you may not know is that your bedtime routine can affect your thyroid gland. 

That little butterfly-shaped endocrine gland in your neck is vital to your overall health. It works to control your metabolism and aids other bodily functions like digestion, breathing, brain development, and fertility. You thrive when your thyroid does! That said, certain habits can either benefit or inhibit optimal thyroid function. The following nightly practices can help your thyroid function at its best. 

Skip Soda

Soda is tempting because of its fizzy deliciousness, but soda and other sugary-sweetened beverages contribute to inflammation. Harvard Health Publishing explains that added sugars trigger inflammation, and chronic inflammation affects the thyroid. Additionally, sipping on these types of sugary beverages can increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other metabolic conditions. Added sugar should only contribute to 10% of your daily total calories. The problem is that sodas and other sugary beverages make up the majority of added sugar consumption in the American diet. Give your thyroid some love and skip the nighttime soda (and anytime, really). Stick to water and herbal teas. 

Go For A Walk

A post-supper stroll is a simple yet effective strategy that can both benefit your thyroid and your digestive system. Moderate exercise, such as a 20-minute walk, helps all your systems and organs function their best. Not only does walking reduce your risk of certain chronic illnesses, but it also strengthens your bones and muscles, helping you maintain a healthy weight. Walking is a great way to reduce stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, and it helps to boost endorphin production. Managing stress is essential if you want to keep your thyroid healthy.

Make Meditation A Habit

As previously stated, reducing stress can benefit your thyroid. Researchers note that a nightly meditation routine, especially mindful meditation, is a great approach to reduce the body’s response to stress. Focus on the present moment and engage in breath work to improve both anxiety and depression. You don’t have to become a full-blown monk, but taking a few minutes to meditate every night can help you clear your mind and wind down before bed. Meditation may also contribute to better quality sleep. 

Eat Plenty Of Vegetables With Dinner

The general recommendation from dietitians is to fill at least half your plate with vegetables. Eating more vegetables means that you’ll consume more antioxidants, which work to fight free radicals and inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation can potentially affect your thyroid over time, contributing to illnesses like heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and more. Research shows that there is a direct connection between eating more anti-inflammatory foods and better thyroid health. For reference, the average adult should consume at least two to three cups of vegetables per day, but a couple more cups won’t hurt you!

Prioritize Sleep

It’s safe to say that sleep qualifies as a nightly habit, but a lot of people experience sleep difficulties. If you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t function at your best. A July-September 2021 study found that people with sleep problems experienced an increase in certain hormones on thyroid function tests. This concluded that poor sleep quality may affect thyroid hormones. Researchers believe that the connection between sleep and thyroid health has something to do with stress. To experience better thyroid health, try to sleep between seven and eight hours every night.


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