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Do you feel like you need to increase your concentration? Leave distraction behind and achieve success with these meditation techniques.


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By increasing concentration, you ultimately improve mental performance. That allows for better problem solving abilities and an enhancement in the way you approach general tasks. Improving concentration can also help you make decisions more efficiently and effectively by analyzing your thoughts and ideas. It will ultimately improve productivity in and outside of the workplace. 

How do you go about improving concentration, though? One of the easiest ways to do this is by practicing a few simple meditation techniques. You, yourself, are responsible for your own success, and that isn’t just regarding your work or performance charts. We are referring to successes in your social and personal life, too! If you want to learn more about simple ways to boost concentration, continue reading.

What Is Concentration?

Concentration is the ability to focus your mind on a singular object, either within or outside the body, and maintain this attention for a steady amount of time. It is very common and completely natural for the mind to wander, especially during meditation. Don’t let that throw you off balance, because being able to concentrate takes practice. True concentration can help you succeed in your meditation practice. When your mind is steady, other aspects of your life will also start to balance out. 

You can concentrate on internal aspects as a start. Focus on your breathing, counting numbers in your mind, or even your heartbeat. If it is easier to focus on external aspects, such as a crack in a wall, a ticking clock, or a candle’s flame, then you can do that as well. You will not be able to concentrate on internal or external aspects immediately. Don’t panic; rather, just allow your thoughts or distractions to come and go and begin the process again. 

How To Do Concentration Meditation

Ideally, you want to eliminate all distractions, be they internal or external, in order to increase your concentration. Being able to concentrate during meditation will provide benefits that extend into everyday life. In order to achieve this, practice the following steps.

Focus On Your Breathing

Make sure to find a comfortable spot and allow a few minutes to clear your mind of excess thoughts. Let your mind wander and allow it to come back once your thoughts have washed in and out like waves up a beach. Once your mind is quiet, focus on your breath, inhaling and exhaling. You can count your breaths if you want. Consider inhaling for four seconds, holding for four seconds, and then exhaling for four seconds. 

Be Still

The reason that you want to start in a comfortable position is because it is very natural and common to fidget. That is especially true if you are new to meditation and don’t sit for long periods of time. To begin, close your eyes and settle yourself into a comfortable position. Calm your mind and you’ll notice that your body loosens up. Before you know it, your body will be as calm as your mind.

Use A Mantra

Once you have focused on your breathing and are in a comfortable position, begin to repeat a mantra or affirmation of your choice. A mantra can be a single syllable, word, or phrase that helps you focus. The most popular meditation word is “Om,” but this doesn’t have to be your mantra of choice. Choose something that you resonate with and progress through your meditation practice.


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5 Solo Activities To Enjoy During The Winter Sun, 21 Jan 2024 09:22:00 +0000

Are you consciously uncoupled? Great! Couples don’t get to have all the fun because you can do these solo activities during the winter.


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Winter can seem like a very romantic time because something about cozying up seems romantic. There are various activities that seem to exclude single people, and there’s no fun in seeing everyone couple up. You don’t have to let couples enjoy an entire season while you sit it out and let your emotions get the better of you.

Regardless of your relationship status, you should always date yourself. That can mean different things for different people, but the general gist is enjoying alone time and treating yourself right. You don’t need to rely on anyone else during this alone time, which can often help relieve stress. There’s nothing like the winter season to start dating yourself. Continue reading to learn where to begin.

Go Ice Skating

As a quick note: don’t go ice skating on a questionable lake by yourself in the middle of nowhere. Ice skating at a holiday rink or on a public frozen pond can seem like a winter date idea, but it isn’t just an activity for couples. Going alone can be just as fun and you don’t have to worry about your skill level, so there is less pressure to “be good.” No need to impress anyone, so bundle up and head to the skating rink, get out on the ice, get in some exercise, and enjoy a hot beverage when you’re done. 

Take Yourself To A Show

You don’t have to spend your night in the house just because it’s cold outside. You can enjoy a night indoors and leave your house, too! Take yourself to a concert, show, comedy show, or movie. You can enjoy it with a friend or date, but there are many perks to attending shows alone. You don’t have to worry about abandoning anyone or worrying whether the person is enjoying it or not.

Teach Yourself Something New

One of the best ways to occupy your time and engage your brain is to learn something new. Consider learning a new language with an app or sign up for a drawing or pottery class. You can also take the time to learn a new instrument. There are so many informational tutorials for beginners and experts alike. You can teach yourself via these online videos or courses. The great thing about learning a new skill is that you might learn something new about yourself in the process!

Have A Nostalgia Night

Do you remember the days of living room forts and staying up all night watching TV or playing games? Adulthood doesn’t mean that you have to give up on those nights! Keep your memories alive and make new ones by building a cozy adult fort with pillows and blankets. Spend the night revisiting old TV shows and movies you love. If you have a record player and vinyl records, have a night where you enjoy a glass or two of wine and just listen to your favorite records from front to back. Make some snacks or go out and buy a few favorites from your youth. The possibilities on a nostalgia night are endless!

Cook A Fancy Dinner

This doesn’t just have to be a wintertime activity because you deserve a fancy dinner whenever you want one. Most fancy dinners are labor intensive, so you may not want to go through the effort all the time. That said, consider taking yourself out to dinner if you don’t have the right ingredients or culinary tools on hand. Preparing a quality meal from scratch, while it requires time, often delivers a great sense of accomplishment. Not only will you feel proud of yourself for pulling the dish off, but you’ll also make your taste buds happy.


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A Calming Self-Care Nighttime Routine Fri, 19 Jan 2024 09:24:00 +0000

Tired of ending your days with no time for yourself? Give yourself some much needed “me time” with this nighttime self-care routine.


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It’s no secret that a lot of people struggle to fall asleep, or stay asleep. According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, about 50 to 70 million Americans have sleep disorders. One in three adults do not get the recommended amount of uninterrupted sleep they need nightly to optimize their health.In 2022, only 32% of Americans reported very good or excellent sleep. 

If you have difficulty with sleep, be it falling asleep or staying asleep, you have to fix the problem. Easier said than done, right? Sleep is a fundamental part of your overall health and well-being, and insufficient sleep can negatively affect your health. That is why many sleep experts recommend establishing a healthy nighttime routine. Give yourself an hour or more to relax before you actually go to bed. Wrap up your tasks around eight o’clock at night and take time for yourself

In this post, we will detail some helpful tips that can calm the mind and body before bed. Take some quality “me time” at night because you can’t care for others if you don’t care for yourself. You don’t have to do everything on this list, but a lot of people find many portions of this routine very helpful.

Watch Your Favorite Show

There is a lot of evidence that indicates a problem with screen time before bed. Going from your computer, to the TV, and then to your phone as you get into bed is not what this tip is about. Most people have busy schedules, so allot one hour, or thereabouts, to watch an episode of whatever you are watching. That could be your favorite show or some funny YouTube videos. It is 100% acceptable to spend time on other things that work, chores, or schoolwork. You can easily get lost in your priorities, but don’t forget that your health is also a priority. Just make sure to turn off screens about an hour before bedtime

Plan Your Day

Not to add another item to your to-do list, but this can be a great thing to add to your nighttime self-care routine. Plan out your next day in order to get a better visual of what you need to do. Once you write your list, separate your hard priorities, soft priorities, and non-urgent tasks. Do you like to accomplish tasks in blocks of time? Place the priorities in your planner and choose time frames, during which you can complete them. Add your most difficult tasks to the start of your day because your brain will be fresh, so you can knock them out in a breeze. 

A Break Is Encouraged

It is perfectly acceptable to take a break. In fact, you deserve a break! You have probably been sucked into the work vortex, being pulled every which way to complete tasks with quick turn-around deadlines. When you have a moment to yourself, taking a break to rest can feel unproductive, but this relaxation time is often necessary for your overall health. After a long day of racing around town or a stressful day in the office, put yourself first in the evening. Your self-care nighttime routine is the break you deserve.

Hone Your Skin Care Routine

It’s easy to just skip your skin care routine after a long day. The energy levels are low and the effort to care for your skin just isn’t there. Don’t be that person! Your skin needs love, too! Going through your nightly skin care routine can help prevent breakouts, which can often result from stress, overeating, or lack of skin cleansing. This routine doesn’t have to be a 15-step process, just so you know. You can use a simple cleanser, moisturizer, and eye cream as your primary products. Just make sure they are high quality and as natural as can be. 

Read A Good Book

A lot of people want to read, but they can’t find the time. Reading in the morning is not feasible and you definitely don’t want to read during your lunch break. Why not incorporate reading into your nighttime self-care routine? Reading can help you unwind and may even help lull you to sleep after a solid 30-40 minutes. This is a great thing to do in place of watching TV right before bed. If reading an actual book proves difficult, consider listening to an audiobook. This is a great option, but just make sure you aren’t playing games on your phone while you listen to the book. Lie in bed and let the writing take you places. 

Tidy Up Just A Little

A 10-minute tidy-up can go a long way in relaxing your mind before bed. You don’t have to worry about a cluttered room or mess if you spend a small amount of time cleaning up at night. Nobody wants to wake up to a sink full of dishes or a pile of clothes that you didn’t put away. Waking up to a task like this can bring your mood down in the morning because it makes it seem like you have more things to do than there really are. Don’t let yourself start out in a slump! Set a timer on your phone for 10 minutes and clean up as much as you can during this time. A huge mess can seem intimidating, but you’ll be surprised to see how much you can tackle in just 10 minutes!


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5 Mindfulness Practices You Can Do Every Day Fri, 05 Jan 2024 09:10:00 +0000

Sure, the holidays are stressful, but so too is everyday life. Here are easy mindfulness practices that you can do all year round.


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A lot of people think that engaging in mindfulness practices is all about achieving a state of immediate zen. There is no reason to think that way! In fact, thinking that you’ll achieve nirvana after five minutes in silence will only cause you more stress. It will also deter you from wanting to engage in mindfulness practices. The reality is that you can meditate, journal, or engage in breath work every single day. 

You don’t have to carve out an hour out of your day to practice mindfulness techniques. Mindfulness is literally the art of taking each moment as it comes. Perhaps you have a goal to be more present, slow down, or reduce stress. Fit the following mindfulness practices into your day to help feel more balanced. A calmer, more present awareness is just a few minutes away. Continue reading to learn how to do these practices.

Breath Work

Going through a stressful time? You may notice that your breathing has been compromised. Stress causes your breath to be more shallow, which creates more stress. When you are calm, your breathing involves deep belly breaths. You don’t even have to think about your breathing because of how natural it feels. Practicing diaphragmatic breathing can teach your body to cultivate relaxed breaths. You can even do it in traffic!

  • Find a comfortable area to sit up straight or lie flat on your back. Make sure you are fully supported and not fidgeting. 
  • Place both of your hands below your ribcage. As you inhale, inflate your belly so that your hands rise. Keep your chest still and in a neutral position.
  • As you exhale, engage your abdominals to get all of the air out of your belly as it collapses. 
  • Continue this breath work for three to five minutes.


Meditation is intimidating if you don’t know where to start. You cannot meditate wrong, which is the first thing you need to know. You don’t have to light candles or incense, have 120 pillows, or play tranquil music in a designated space. Meditation is truly about setting aside time to be with yourself, and the mental and physical benefits are wonderful. This practice has been proven to improve self-love and kindness towards others. 

  • Find a comfortable meditation position, be it sitting up straight or lying down. You can even sit back in your recliner chair!
  • Close your eyes if you want and direct all of your attention to the present moment. Do your best to set distractions to the side, but welcome random thoughts. Let them wash in and out like waves on the sand. 
  • For every inhale, you can say to yourself, “I am,” and finish the statement on each exhale with, “here now.” Continue this practice for five to 10 minutes. You can also practice guided meditation if that is easier. 

Positive Self-Talk

Some things are completely out of your control, but you can control the way you speak to yourself. According to studies, talking to yourself in a positive way can help reduce anxiety. Researchers proved that talking to yourself in the third person aids emotional regulation. You can be hard on yourself, but don’t talk about yourself negatively.

  • Memorize a few affirmations that can benefit you during stressful times: I am balanced and centered. I release what I cannot control. I choose to be at peace. 
  • When you find a free mental moment, repeat these affirmations to yourself. 
  • You can elevate this practice by writing the affirmations down and placing them throughout your home. 


If you overthink things, visualization is the perfect practice for you. This practice uses the power of your mind for positive change. The mind does not know the difference between what you imagine and what’s real. Through visualization, you can teach your brain how to approach future situations before they happen. 

  • Find a quiet place to sit or lie down and close your eyes. 
  • Think about an upcoming event that you’re either dreading or stressed about. 
  • Imagine the best case scenario or outcome at this event. How do you feel about it and how do you want it to unfold? Use your imagination to make it real.
  • Run into a negative situation during this visualization? Simply start over and repeat the scenario until it goes the way you want it to go.


This practice doesn’t have to result in an incredible novel or short story; rather, journaling is a practice to empty your thoughts onto the page. There are many things that easily trigger stress, but you aren’t doing yourself any favors if you continue to hold onto those feelings. Writing about events can make you emotionally stronger and less upset, so vomit those words onto the page without any direction!

  • Set aside some time to journal without any interruptions. Play music or light a candle if this helps set the scene. 
  • Let your pen do the work and don’t worry about proper grammar. Just let your pen flow!


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8 Fun Activities To Do When Spending Thanksgiving Alone Mon, 20 Nov 2023 09:04:00 +0000

Are you celebrating Thanksgiving by yourself this year? Don’t wonder what to do because these fun activities will make your holiday!


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First of all, we just want to explain that there is nothing wrong with celebrating Thanksgiving by yourself. Although it may be unfamiliar territory, considering that this holiday is traditionally spent with family and friends, you may find yourself alone this year or in the future. There are also those who do not enjoy the Thanksgiving meal and simply want to enjoy a night alone. Whichever way you choose to celebrate Thanksgiving is the right way, but should you be alone on this holiday, we have a few fun activities for you. 

Whether it is by choice or an unlucky circumstance, being alone on Thanksgiving can be a challenge. You may lack the funds to celebrate it, or you may live in a city with no family or friends, and travel may be difficult due to budget restrictions or weather. You can spend Thanksgiving by yourself without feeling lonely or bored. Continue reading to learn how you can do just that. 

Cook Your Favorite Food

You don’t have to cook a turkey and stuffing just because it is Thanksgiving. When you celebrate this holiday alone, you have the freedom to take the reins in the kitchen and cook what your heart desires. Make enough for yourself and yourself alone, or make a little extra if you want to have some leftovers. Throw on a record or pop in your headphones to listen to a podcast while you are doing your thing in the kitchen. When the meal is ready, you will be too, and that’s a beautiful thing. If you don’t feel like cooking, simply order takeout!

Catch Up On Your Favorite Shows

Is the movie you never got to see in theaters finally available on a streaming platform? Have you been meaning to catch up on episodes for a series that you enjoy? Entertain yourself with a good binge-watching session! You have the time on this holiday, so use it how you please. If you finish a couple episodes and want to put something else on, consider a classic or modern holiday-inspired movie that you can easily find on streaming platforms. 

Watch Some Football

If you don’t have a favorite show and are not interested in new movies, throw on the football games that happen every Thanksgiving. There is always a game airing on this holiday, and watching it by yourself means you won’t miss a moment. Nobody will be there to interrupt you and you don’t have to listen to negative comments from friends or family members who are not sports fans. You can even use social media to engage with other football fans watching the same game(s).

Give Back To Your Community

Doing something good for someone else, or a lot of people, is often one of the best things to do when celebrating Thanksgiving alone. Even though you may not be with friends or family, you can make a difference by bringing joy to the lives of others. Some people always have to spend Thanksgiving alone, so spending it with those in a worse situation than you may actually make your Thanksgiving that much more enjoyable and wholesome. 

Have A Self-Care Day

If you are alone and don’t have any obligations, spend the day pampering yourself! Self-care and relaxation should take priority on your Thanksgiving Day to-do list. Take this alone time to unwind in a soothing bath, or take an extra long facial skin care routine. You can even go so far as to put on a robe and place cucumbers over your eyelids! By the time the Thanksgiving weekend is over, you will feel recharged, well-rested, and ready to get back to your regular responsibilities. 

Do Some Shopping

If you have the financial means to do so, consider taking part in some retail therapy. Most companies offer Black Friday sales well before Thanksgiving begins, so you will definitely get some deals. Take the time to get a head start on buying holiday gifts for your loved ones, or get something that you’ve been desiring for a while. Splurge on yourself because you deserve it.

Curl Up With A Good Book

Earlier in the article, we suggested that you catch up on your favorite TV shows. If you want to do that, then do just that! If you don’t want to spend your day in front of a screen, consider starting or finishing a book. Books, much like TV or movies, can transport you to fantastical places, or provide excellent and inspiring stories. If the book you choose to read is really captivating, you may finish it in one day! 

Begin A New Tradition

No matter your reasons for spending Thanksgiving alone, you cannot be sure that you won’t spend it alone in the future. What does that mean for you? Well, come up with a new Thanksgiving tradition for yourself. Don’t wait for company in order to celebrate your way! Maybe your new tradition is to play solitaire when you get up, or to do a yoga sequence after breakfast. A great new tradition could be to make one new dish every year!


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How To Prep The Body And Brain For Bed Thu, 31 Aug 2023 09:20:00 +0000

A lot of people struggle to get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep every night, but these tips may help the brain and body get ready for bed


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About 40% of people share one flaw that cripples their emotional intelligence, creativity, and social adaptability. Can you guess what this common flaw is? It is sleep, which is necessary for optimal brain health and overall cognition. The brain operates all day long, sending signals and messages to various parts of the body.

In the same way that muscles become fatigued and reach exhaustion, so can the brain. The constant sending and receiving of signals causes a build-up of metabolites between neurons. When you sleep, however, the brain turns on the glymphatic system, a recently discovered system that clears out macroscopic waste. It utilizes various perivascular channels, formed by astroglial cells, to help eliminate soluble proteins and metabolites from the central nervous system. In simpler terms, the glymphatic system helps take out the garbage in the brain so it can function better. 

Failing to get enough high-quality sleep? Waste starts to build up over time and your cognitive function can suffer. There may be good reasoning behind why so many people struggle with sleep. 

Technology And Overstimulation

It’s safe to say that people do not know how to turn off anymore. You could be reading this right now, switch to Instagram, play Candy Crush, and then come back to reading this. Social media, technology, and incredibly low attention spans contribute to this overstimulation. Technology is a great tool, but it can also be a weapon that sabotages your life if you don’t use it intentionally.

Cultural Norms

Sometimes for the better but mostly for the worse, people operate in a hustle-and-grind culture. It’s encouraged to work yourself to the bone and grind until you can finally relax. One study from a sleep-focused journal found that too little sleep is associated with negative health outcomes. Sleep is the best productivity tool you have, so don’t be afraid to use it! 

Weak Work-Life Boundaries

There is supposed to be a healthy balance between your work and regular life, but rarely are those boundaries distinguished. If you respond to work emails well into the night when you are at home, that is not healthy. It fuels the “just a little more work” attitude and doesn’t help you wind down at night for optimal sleep. If you work a nine-to-five, be done at five. Don’t take your work responsibilities home because you won’t be able to relax and your sleep will suffer. 

What Can You Do To Change This? 

Now that we have covered the problems surrounding sleep, hopefully we can provide some solutions. That doesn’t mean that you need to do three hours of pre-bedtime meditation or two hours of restorative yoga. If you are a busy bee and want to wake up feeling more refreshed, then the following tips may be of great help to you. 

Use Light To Your Advantage

The brain relies on the eyes to discern what time of day it is. For this reason, some sleep experts recommend dimming the house lights as the sun sets. You don’t need fancy house lights that cost a fortune; rather, you need a few affordable lamps with amber-colored bulbs, which emit an orange glow. If you want to harness the power of light, you can make your screens as dim as functionally possible in the evening. Blue-light-blocking glasses may also help your brain produce more melatonin to get ready for bed. Ideally, though, you should stop looking at screens about one to two hours before bed.

Cool Things Down

The reticular activating system (RAS) controls a large part of your sleep. This system supports biological signaling, which signals the body and brain to know what time it is, coordinating hormones and neurotransmitters to help encourage sleep. The two big biological levers you can pull to support those systems are light and temperature. When you start to fall asleep, the major muscle groups settle down and the body temperature drops. In order to support the drop in temperature, turn down your bedroom thermostat or take a shower an hour before bed. Consider keeping a face roller in your freezer and rolling it on your face before bed. Believe it or not, the face contains temperature-sensitive neurons that have a strong link to circadian biology. 

Consider Supplementation

There is nothing that can magically fix your sleep, but you can consider a few sleep supplements to improve the quality of your sleep. There are millions of sleep supplements, so how do you know which one to choose? Some people recommend melatonin, but you ideally want the body to produce sufficient amounts. The last thing you want is to depend on a supplement in order to sleep. Many people benefit from magnesium supplements or powders, while others swear by GABA, which is a neurotransmitter that helps calm the brain. Before choosing a supplement, consider talking with your healthcare provider to see if they recommend something specific and support it for healthier sleep.


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6 Hacks For Healthier, More Comfortable Travel Thu, 25 May 2023 09:15:00 +0000

How do you cope with jet lag, long-haul flights, and traveler’s constipation? These hacks are great for healthier, more comfortable travel.


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According to a January 2023 U.S. Travel Association survey, 52% of Americans said they plan to travel within the next six months. Traveling is a wonderful way to open your eyes to new cultures, cuisines, spiritual practices, and unique, memorable experiences. It helps you become a more worldly person, and it can be incredibly relaxing. 

One study found that people who were able to travel more frequently reported better mental, physical, and emotional health when compared to people who remained at home. While seeing the sun greet the day from atop dormant volcano in Indonesia is an amazing experience, the journey to your destination is not always the most pleasant. From flight or train delays to travel-related upset stomach, traveling is not always easy on the body and mind. 

Changing time zones can disrupt your circadian rhythm and airport or plane food may not always sit well. Prolonged immobility, especially on a long transatlantic flight, can lead to aches and pains. Sitting for long periods of time increases the risk of blood clots, which can be a very serious medical problem. Then there is the stress of potentially losing your luggage or becoming dehydrated! You see, travel isn’t always glamor and glitz! That said, we have a few helpful hacks in this article to make your travel experience healthier and more comfortable. 

Consider A Pair Of Compression Socks

Long hours driving on a road trip or endless hours on a plane can be rough on the body. According to research, slipping on a pair of compression socks can help reduce leg swelling and decrease the risk of blood clots. If you don’t move for a long period of time, the risk of blood clots is much greater.

Pack Some High Fiber Snacks

It can be hard to find healthy snacks when you’re on the go, which is why travel experts encourage you to bring your own. Airport, gas station, and train station snacks can be limited to salty chips, candy, and sugary bars. When packing your clothes, shoes, and accessories before your trip, make sure to add some dried apricots, cashews, walnuts, or even some prunes. Prunes are naturally rich in fiber and don’t take up a ton of space in your bag. Plus, you may need them in case a traveler’s constipation strikes. 

Move When You Can

When you travel by plane, train, or bus, you don’t have a lot of opportunities to move. For this reason, make the most of your time between stops. On a layover between flights? Walk around the airport or consider doing some bodyweight exercises in an uncrowded portion of a gate area. Bypass moving walkways and take the stairs instead of cruising up escalators. Taking a break from your normal workout routine is very standard while traveling, but if you are inspired to engage in a quick workout in the hotel gym, we encourage it! That said, you tend to do a lot of walking while on vacation, and getting those steps in is great for your body, but be sure to stretch to avoid pain

Bring An Eye Mask And Travel Pillow

These are two essential items that you should travel with for several reasons. First off, a travel pillow during transit can help you relax more easily on planes. Additionally, it helps to prop your neck up so it doesn’t keep dropping to one side. Plus, you won’t wake up with a kink in your neck from it drooping in a weird way. An eye mask may also help you sleep on a plane, especially if the flight crew doesn’t dim the lights. It can also be beneficial to wear at your hotel, hostel, or AirBnB, especially if your room doesn’t have great curtains or shades.

Seek Out Morning Sun

There are many health experts that encourage stepping out into the sunlight every morning. This is a crucial first step for the morning after you land because staring in the sun’s general direction can help signal your brain that it is time to be awake. Within an hour of waking up, get some sunlight exposure because it helps to reset the body’s circadian rhythm. Not only does this help you feel more energized during the day, but it also signals the body to produce melatonin (the hormone necessary for sleep) about 12 hours later. 

Adjust Your Sleep Schedule

When you finally arrive at your destination, especially if the journey was long, it can be very tempting to crawl into bed and fall asleep. Travel experts warn against this if you want to establish a better circadian rhythm in your travel destination. It is best to start sleeping according to your destination’s time zone as soon as possible. This can be challenging, especially if you arrive early in the morning after a long day of traveling. You should also try to maintain your regular routines, whatever they may be. That may include reading or meditation as soon as you wake up or before you go to sleep. Try to eat your meals and snacks at the same times you do when you’re at home as well.


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4 Tips To Sleep Better When You Travel Fri, 23 Dec 2022 09:35:00 +0000

Traveling can be exhausting, but it is somehow difficult to fall asleep. Sleep experts suggest these tips to improve sleep during travel.


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If you are like most people, you can’t fall asleep when your head hits the pillow after a long day of traveling. Sleep experts say that it is very common to have difficulty sleeping when you’re away from home. The bed in your hotel or AirBnB may even be more comfortable than the one you have in your bedroom; yet, falling asleep seems near impossible. How do you get some quality shut-eye during your travels?

Why Is It Difficult To Sleep While Traveling?

According to sleep experts, there are several things that interfere with optimal shut-eye when you travel. Jet lag, as you probably know, is a primary culprit, especially if you travel to a completely different time zone. Changing time zones can affect your internal clock, making you out of sync with the local light-dark cycle. It can take a day or two to adjust to a regular sleep schedule. Additionally, the first night of your trip is usually a rough night of sleep because it is harder to sleep in a new environment. This is a known phenomenon in the rules of sleep. Sleep relies on a consistent routine, so the subtlest changes can affect your ability to fall asleep.

Even with these obstacles, you can find a way to snooze better when you’re traveling. Continue reading to learn about sleep experts’ go-to strategies for better shut-eye

Stick To Your Nightly Routine

It’s easy to fall into a routine, especially when it comes to bedtime, and breaking that routine can impact your sleep. If you’re like most people when you travel, you don’t stick to your usual nightly routine. You eat dinner at a different time, typically a later one, and you eat heavier meals and drink more alcohol. Maybe you fall asleep with the TV on in your room instead of reading before bed. You may not be able to stick to the same exact routine you would at home, but a similar routine can help prepare your brain for bedtime

Make Your Room Dark

If your bedroom has blackout curtains and you can’t sleep when light floods the room, try to mimic that setting wherever you stay during your travels. If your room has blinds, go the extra mile and hang a sheet or blanket over them to block out sunlight. Can’t figure out how to make the room darker? Slip on your sleep mask! Check the thermostat and adjust it as needed. The ideal temperature range is between 60 and 67 degrees F for an optimal night of sleep, according to several sleep studies.

Prepare For The Morning

For the majority, traveling is a chance to unwind and release any anxiety you have by not making plans. If you fall into that category, that is perfectly acceptable, but some days might call for an earlier wake up time. Maybe you have a scuba lesson or need to head up to the mountain so that you can be the first rider on the slopes. Ideally, you want to have everything you’ll need in the morning ready to go before you go to sleep. Lay out your clothes, prepare breakfast, charge your phone, and take care of anything else to eliminate early morning stress. Organizing for your morning adventure at night can help you go to bed worry-free; plus, you’ll be less likely to forget something when you take care of it the night before. 

Set An Alarm That Forces You To Get Up

It is very common to oversleep on vacation, especially after the first night. That is especially true if you spent the entire night tossing and turning. If you need to be up earlier than your body is used to, set an alarm on your phone, turn up the volume, and place it across the room. This will force you to get out of bed and prevent overuse of the snooze button. 

On a final note, try not to worry too much about sleep. If you are traveling for pleasure, enjoy that time and walk your own path. Recognize that it’s perfectly acceptable to have a night or two of imperfect sleep. As long as you get back on track to getting about seven hours per night, you are golden!


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7 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Accomplish In 2023 Fri, 16 Dec 2022 09:11:00 +0000

The race to the end of the year is on and people are starting to think about resolutions. Here are some you can actually accomplish in 2023.


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With the end of the year on the horizon, people are making their checklists of resolutions. Be it a six-pack by June or reading two books in four months, people love to crush New Year’s goals. The sad reality is that many people go back on their resolutions by February, especially in regards to weight loss. More often than not, people set themselves up for failure by making unattainable resolutions. This article provides resolutions you can actually accomplish in the New Year. 

New Year’s resolutions date back centuries. For many people, the New Year is a clean slate, a chance to start fresh. The key to accomplishing your goals is to be smart about it. Don’t set lofty goals that put too much pressure on you because that’s how you fail. You can prevent that from happening by setting small, achievable goals, like the ones below. Stay on track and believe that you can accomplish them!

Try One New Recipe Every Week

When you are completely exhausted, it’s difficult to conjure the energy to make a meal. You order takeout or pizza and pig out, which is understandable. Life can get in the way of cooking, but try to set a resolution to cook at least one new recipe per week. And if you can make that recipe a healthy one, that’s all the better. Statistically, people who cook at home more often save more money. In your acquisition of a new recipe each week, you can build your recipe catalog and cook more often!

Do One Thing To Help The Environment

The conversation about environmental change is ongoing, and it is on us to take action to help whenever and wherever possible. Since significant environmental changes are ahead, make a difference by doing one thing in 2023 to help out. Perhaps you start composting your kitchen scraps or recycling cardboard. Maybe you pick up trash on your street or participate in a beach cleanup. Nothing is too small and doing one little thing can help encourage a healthier future for the planet. 

Unplug At A Certain Time Each Day

This is easier said than done, but putting your devices away at a certain time before bed has a long list of health benefits. First off, when you don’t look at screens an hour or two before bed, you may be able to fall asleep easier. The blue light that emits from screens makes your brain think that it’s daytime, and it can also interfere with melatonin production. Instead of looking at screens until the moment you go to bed, try reading a book, stretching, or breathing exercises to help calm the mind and relax the body. 

Change Up Your Look

Losing weight and exercising are always in the top 10 most common New Year’s resolutions. Fitness resolutions tend to be short-lived because people want immediate results. Progress typically comes after weeks, not days, of consistent training and healthy eating. You can change up your look without shaving a few inches off your waistline. You can try a new hair color, switch up your personal style, or give your hair a little trim. Embrace bolder colors and don’t be afraid to wear outfits you’ve always wanted to pull off!

Get More Sleep

This sounds much easier than it actually is, but getting more sleep every night can benefit your overall health. Studies confirm that sleeping eight hours every night can increase productivity, boost immune function, improve mood, and potentially prevent weight gain. If you take the steps to improve sleep by going to bed earlier, reducing screen time, and meditating more often and still don’t see results, your mattress may be ruining your sleep. A new mattress may be the key to unlocking better sleep!

Accomplish One Small Thing Every Week

Resolutions don’t have to be life-changing events. Sometimes, it’s the little things that make you feel like you get more done in life. Clean out the change in the center console of your car or wash your car. Make a list of things that you need to accomplish and cross them off, in no particular order, when you do them. A small but impactful list can set you up for success, not failure. Just don’t make your list too long, or else it can be very overwhelming. Dust the blinds in the bedroom, clean under the couch, or re-pot your plants. 

Save A Small Percentage Of Your Paycheck

When you live from paycheck to paycheck, the temptation to splurge is strong when you see your bank account replenish. Impulsive purchases add up, though, no matter how affordable they seem at the time. Consider saving a portion of each paycheck in the New Year. Open up a Roth IRA account or a savings account and deposit $50 to $100 every month. Another way to save money is by making coffee at home instead of going out to get it everyday. This adds up and saves you money over time.


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The Worst Types Of Alcohol For Your Waistline Thu, 10 Nov 2022 09:26:00 +0000

A lot of people like to imbibe alcohol, which can interfere with weight loss goals. These types of alcohol are terrible for your waistline.


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Some people like to latch on to tidbits of information that may or may not be true and use it in times of need. For example, a glass of red wine at dinner is healthy for the heart, and eating dark chocolate is beneficial. According to a 2018 meta-analysis, the few positive effects of alcohol were canceled out by the fact that alcohol increases the risk of cancer, accidents, and communicable disease. A separate study in 2022 found that alcohol increased the risk of hypertension and heart disease. That means the answer on whether or not alcohol is healthy for you, even in moderation, may vary depending on whom you ask. 

Increasing the risk of certain diseases aside, imbibing is not conducive to your weight loss efforts. Alcohol consumption impacts your metabolism and can make weight loss more challenging. Additionally, drinking alcohol can impair your decision to make healthy food choices. You typically go for greasy, fatty, and carbohydrate-rich foods when you are intoxicated or buzzed. One study found that the more alcohol you consume, the more likely you are to make poor food choices. 

Alcohol is also a source of empty calories, providing zero nutrients for your body. Not only does alcohol increase the amount of calories you consume, but it also causes you to accumulate water weight. You definitely do not want this if you are watching your waistline or trying to lose weight. It’s best to increase awareness about your drinking and bring to light the worst types of drinks and alcohol, if you are on the weight loss path. Continue reading to learn more about them.

Sugary Cocktails

Piña coladas, daiquiris, margaritas, or alcoholic slushies may go down easy, but they contain a lot of calories. More often than not, an eight-ounce serving of your average sugary cocktail contains about 500 calories. A typical frozen margarita comes near the 600 calorie mark per serving! That’s more calories than a double cheeseburger from McDonalds, according to the Cleveland Health Clinic. Chances are that if it tastes sweet then you are piling on the calories and may experience blood sugar spikes. 

Craft Beer

Now, some beer only contains 96 or 100 calories per 12 ounces, but this isn’t always the case. Craft beer, specifically, tends to have a higher alcohol content and more calories than most name brand popular beers. A 12-ounce serving of craft beer tends to amount to 170 calories, or somewhere in that neighborhood. Craft beers tend to have extra ingredients and carbohydrates, which is why they tend to have more flavor. Plus, the higher the alcohol content, the more calories you consume. 

Alcohol Mixed With Energy Drinks

Some people say that alcohol and energy drinks are the only way to go. The alcohol brings you down while the energy drink keeps you going. This is because alcohol is a depressant and an energy drink is a stimulant. Several studies found that it is a lot more dangerous to drink alcohol with an energy drink than it is to drink alcohol by itself. Even organic, natural energy drinks can be a problem.

Whiskey Cokes

You don’t have to drink a frozen, fruity, beach cocktail to interfere with your weight loss goals. Mixing a simple liquor with your favorite soda can increase your caloric intake dramatically. Clear liquor tends to contain 70 calories per ounce, but mixing in lemonade, sugary sodas, and other sweetened beverages can rack up some serious calories. If you want to cut back on some calories, try to mix your favorite liquor with soda water or a splash of freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice. 


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