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If you know that your relationship is struggling, it may need a reset. Reevaluate, review, and learn to fall in love with each other again.


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A lot of couples had to reevaluate their status when they emerged from pandemic seclusion. People changed and so did relationships. Couples spent as much time together during the pandemic as they would over a three-year period, according to clinical psychologists. As couples plunged back into regular life, they realized they needed to reset their relationships.

Now, you don’t have to be holed up in your house for a year to do a relationship reset. Resetting and redefining a relationship can be especially beneficial for empathetic and sensitive people because they can pick up on other people’s emotions more easily. Empaths have a uniquely close connection with others, so resetting a relationship may be the maintenance necessary for emotional housekeeping. 

Whether you’re an empath or not, a relationship reset can be highly beneficial for both parties. If you are in a funk as a couple, hitting the reset button can help keep the relationship on the tracks. Consider the following tips to help strengthen your relationship. 

Do A Relationship Review

For starters, have a sit-down together and assess what works and what doesn’t work about your relationship. In order to make positive changes going forward, you have to share what you’ve learned about each other during the course of your relationship. Consider using prompts to aid the flow of the conversation. What has your time together revealed about your relationship? What do you want to discard and what has surprised you about each other? Don’t just focus on annoying things your partner does because they probably did/do things that surprised you. 

Build In Time Apart

Togetherness is a beautiful thing, but every couple needs time apart. Not only does time apart help the relationship flourish, but it also gives each person more independent strength. Solo time and being with other people can shape your character from different perspectives. When you are alone, you are in more control of your actions and how you manage your time. You can also process events, set goals, and think more individually while apart. Taking time for yourself helps each person in the relationship grow independently, and that can actually strengthen it. 

Spend Less Time In Their Energy

This piggybacks on the aforementioned tip about building time apart, and it also applies to a wide variety of relationships. Create space for yourself by not answering calls, text, or emails immediately. If you live with the person, make a habit of running errands separately or spending time with other people outside of the house. Solo hobbies are also great to have because they allow you to focus on self-improvement. Cooking, gardening, writing, or martial arts classes are great solo endeavors. 

Voice Your Appreciation

Although time apart is necessary for any relationship, time together is also something to cherish. When you are together, it’s imperative to voice your appreciation, especially if you feel that that is one of your weaknesses. Just as negative feedback is conducive to the relationship, so is positivity. A nearly three-decade-long study of marriage and divorce confirmed that one of the biggest regrets among divorced participants was not giving more encouragement and positive support. You can provide this type of support in the form of words or thoughtful gestures. Neglecting simple acts like cleaning the kitchen or making dinner can slowly chip away at a person. Don’t let the little things go unnoticed and make sure to show appreciation

Take Time To Connect

Sex is a crucial component to a healthy relationship. A recent online survey of 1,559 adults found that 43% of participants reported a decline in the quality of their sex lives since the start of the pandemic. A sexual dry spell is more common than you think. Stress, career uncertainty, children, and more are all libido killers. So how do you reignite that sexual spark and intimate connection? Therapists suggest that you prioritize sex as a component of overall health and wellbeing. When you prioritize sex as health, it makes it easier to allocate time for intimacy. If that means scheduling sex once a week, so be it! Don’t worry about the schedule taking the excitement out of the act. More often than not, people look forward to sex on the calendar! Most health experts suggest aiming for sex once a week because it is a very achievable number. Plus, one study found that weekly sex was essential for maximum wellbeing. 

After a relationship reset, assess how you feel toward the other person. You may find that you love them more than ever before. It’s also possible that the other person may need to occupy less space in your life. Relationships are not easy, and they can be messy and imperfect. A good clean up and reset can often be of great service to your relationship.


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Rosemary Sage Salt Sat, 15 Apr 2023 17:47:00 +0000

Need to use up herbs that you're growing? This rosemary sage salt exhibits prominent flavor that will take your cuisine to the next level.


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If you grow herbs, be they in your windowsill or in a garden box outside, you need to use them before they go bad. Because herbs have specific flavors, they may not pair well with your average meal. How do you use them before they either wilt on the stalk or get eaten by bugs? Well, a great way to preserve herbs is to dry or dehydrate them. That way, you can use them as a seasoning, as opposed to using them in their raw form.

If you notice that your herbs start growing like they have a new zest for life, it is very satisfying. That means your gardening skills are working! It also means that you have to use them as soon as possible. That’s where this herb salt enters the equation. Not only does it taste amazing, but it also preserves the herbs, so you don’t have to worry about them going bad. Once you make this rosemary sage salt, or other herb salt based what herbs you’re growing, you’ll be obsessed.

This salt calls for rosemary, sage, and garlic, but you can use parsley, basil, and garlic, or lemon zest, lavender, and thyme if you like that combination. Plus, flavoring salt with strong herbaceous flavors actually prompts you to use less salt in your food. Herb salt gives off such prominent flavor that you can use it more as an addition or added seasoning element at the end of the cooking process. Trust us when we tell you that a little goes a long way. We hope you love it as much as we do!


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5 Reasons Why You Should Eat Local Tue, 17 Aug 2021 09:12:00 +0000

Why eat local? Taste a unique freshness, improve your nutritional intake, and support you community when you eat and buy locally.


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A neighborhood farmer’s market offers a beautiful bounty of fresh foods that smell and taste even better than they look. You can experience fresh seasonal produce, baked goods, local spreads and dips, all while supporting your local economy. When you eat and buy local, you experience a deeper connection to your food. 

An essential part of a healthy diet is the consumption of fresh produce items. Now, you can purchase fruits and vegetables at most grocery stores, but do you know much about them? Do you know how or where they were grown? Are they pesticide-free and do they contain GMOs? These are the questions you can ask local growers when you shop at a roadside stand or farmer’s market. The food is always fresher and you get to know the people who bring that food to your plate. 

Local Food Is More Nutritious

Fruits and vegetables are great sources of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other necessary nutrients. Produce items lose some of these nutrients during transportation, though. For example, vitamin C levels in produce items start to decline after harvesting. Depending on the storage of produce items, antioxidants may be higher or lower. Additionally, store bought produce may have been sprayed with chemicals to preserve appearance. Local produce arrives at the market the same day or the day after harvest. That’s why shopping locally gives you the biggest nutritional bang for your buck. The items don’t travel far and they provide you with essential nutrients. 

Money Remains In The Community

Anyone can support a big business, and it’s near impossible to avoid that. You do have the opportunity to keep money within your community by buying locally, though. Keeping your money in the local economy means that your money goes to whoever you purchase from. If you buy from a farmer, the money goes from you to him or her. Buying from an national chain means that the money leaves the community as soon as you make the purchase. 

Local Food Is Safer

How can food be considered “safer” than other food? Well, the more steps involved to get the food from the source to your grocery store or plate, the more chances there are for contamination. You may not know it, but most food ships from international growers. There may be issues with harvesting, washing, shipping, cross contamination, and distribution. These are the things that you don’t think about when you purchase an apple or cluster of tomatoes. Additionally, buying food locally helps to reduce carbon footprint, in that local food travels from a shorter distance to markets and stores. Some local foods may even come from a block away!

Local Food Is The Freshest

As mentioned previously, there is no importing or extensive transportation involved when you buy local food. Have you ever taken a bite out of a juicy strawberry from a farmer’s market? It’s transformative, right? The avocados are creamier and richer and tomatoes seem more plump and flavorful. Local produce that you find at farmer’s markets may come from the farm that very day. Because there is no importing required, the fruits or vegetables can be harvested later. They don’t need to be plucked from the plant when they aren’t ripe. 

Build Local Connections

When you buy food from the person who grows it, there’s an innately deeper connection. You can ask about the growing conditions, where the farmer learned his/her trade, or why the produce tastes so delicious. Talking to farmers helps deepen your understanding of the area in which you live. If you are an aspiring gardener, the farmers can usually offer helpful tips to yield you the best crop possible. There are stories about your community you may learn from buying locally, and this can promote more happy, healthy relationships


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8 Companion Plants That Protect Crops From Pests Mon, 02 Aug 2021 09:08:00 +0000

Harness the power of nature and use companion plants to repel pests that are harmful to your garden. Read more about them in this article.


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Back in the day of traditional farming, nobody ever thought to use pesticides on their crops. Although pests existed, farmers managed to grow what they needed, using natural solutions to stave off irritating pests. Nowadays, it’s perfectly normal to use chemical pesticides during agricultural practices. Just spray poison on the crops, which people inevitablly consume, and the pests go away. 

The Problem With Pesticides

Well, there isn’t just one single problem; rather, there are many. Pesticide sprays don’t single out the harmful insects from the beneficial ones. For example, they kill bees and butterflies and allow smaller predator populations to recover. They slowly develop a dependence on the chemical sprays, as opposed to the other natural systems. Additionally, plants may also become dependent on chemicals to grow properly. That is all to say that it’s time to get back to repelling insects the natural way, with companion plants. Repelling insects in this fashion actually increases biodiversity and enhances the ecosystems. The following plants may help to keep harmful pests away from what you are trying to grow. 


This belongs to the onion family and the flowers are beautiful purple balls that bloom from tall green spikes, which are reminiscent of scallions. Alliums have been known to repel numerous pests, including slugs, carrot flies, cabbage worms, and aphids. These pests dislike the powerful aroma of alliums. 


Borage is an edible plant, with the flowers and leaves being safe for consumption. If you eat the leaves, make sure to choose the young varieties, otherwise they get fuzzy. The flavor is similar to that of a cucumber. They help attract bees and use deep taproots to pull up nutrients from deeper soil, depositing them on the surface. It also works to repel tomato hornworms and cabbage worms. 


Mosquitos, aphids, plant lice, and even rabbits avoid marigolds because they have a potent aroma. Fruit and vegetable farmers have used these little flowering plants to repel pests for many years. They are very easy to grow, especially in flower beds or planters. Make sure that they receive ample sunlight to thrive. 


If you want to protect members of the brassica family (cruciferous vegetables), you’ll do well to plant petunias in the vicinity. The vibrant colors are signature to these wonderful flowers. Leafhoppers, tomato hornworms, aphids, and squash bugs do not like these flowers. 

Mosquito Plant

Yes, this is in fact a legitimate plant that offers a lacy green foliage and purple flowers. It’s also called citronella-scented geranium, and it is effective at repelling mosquitos. Mosquitos despise the citrusy aroma that comes from the plant’s natural oils. If you have lots of them flying around your yard, plant a couple to help repel mosquitos. 


These are great garden companions because they help repel pests. Additionally, they are quite beautiful and distract aphids and white flies away from nearby plants. Those pests don’t actually have a negative effect on sunflowers, but they will harm other crops. Plant a few and see how the surrounding crops thrive. 


Beetles, ticks, roaches, fleas, lice, mites, and ants will flee your garden when chrysanthemums are present. Several studies found that the extracts from the flowers can actually kill some of the aforementioned insects. In fact, chrysanthemum extract is a common ingredient in many residential insecticide products. This explains why pests steer clear of them.


There’s an enchanting quality to basil’s fresh aroma. Moths, mosquitos, and flies do not agree with this sentiment. In fact, they will steer clear of basil because of the potent scent. If you’re in a pinch and need to repel bugs away from your body, crush some basil leaves in your hand and rub them on your skin. You won’t have mosquito problems after that. 


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6 Medicinal Herbs You Can Grow In A Pot Mon, 08 Feb 2021 09:14:00 +0000

You won’t believe how easy it is to invite herbal healing into your life by growing these 6 medicinal herbs in pots at your home.


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A garden is a tranquil sanctuary that provides endless opportunities. You can use it to grow food or you can harness the power of herbs to benefit your health. You don’t even need a garden! Purchase pots, soil, and small herbs, give them love, sunshine, and water, and then prepare them in various ways. From tinctures and syrups to teas and seasonings, herbs have myriad uses and can help improve memory, reduce arthritis symptoms, and even fight the common cold.

Some herbs thrive outdoors, while others grow better indoors. At the end of the day, you can easily grow them in pots without the need for a plot of land. Even if you live in an apartment and only have a five-foot by seven-foot balcony, you can grow the herbs in this article. Reap the health benefits of herbs year round when you grow them at home. Continue reading to learn more about starting your medicinal, herbal garden. 

Aloe Vera

Every person can benefit from inviting aloe vera into their life. The gel has soothing, cooling, antibacterial, emollient, and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s possible to use it to reduce the pain and itchiness of sunburns, or even add to smoothies to encourage healthier digestion. Apply it to the skin to help reduce acne or the symptoms of eczema and rosacea. It’s a hardy plant that grows indoors and outdoors. Bring it inside during colder months and leave it outside in the warmer months. Just make sure it doesn’t have full sun exposure, because it will wilt. 


Rosemary is a shrub that has woody stems and aromatic needles. The rosemarinic acid in the needles have powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal properties. Several studies found that the antioxidants in rosemary exhibit anti-cancer effects, while the anti-fungal properties proved effective against listeria and H. pylori. For a healthy rosemary plant, make sure the soil is properly aerated. Water only when the soil is dry. It can take a while to grow, but don’t be afraid to trim the leaves if you want to cook with them. 


Known for its antioxidant, adaptogenic, immune-boosting, antidepressant, and mucus expelling properties, tulsi is a wonderful herb to grow at home. You may be more familiar with tulsi’s other name, holy basil. It’s a traditional folk herb that is beneficial for improving cognitive abilities, making it great for the elderly. Tulsi enjoys full sun in temperate areas, but it also likes shade in warmer climates. Make sure to trim the shoots and early flowers, just like regular basil, if you want a health plant. 


Oregano is a classic culinary spice, but it boasts some powerful health benefits. Several studies examined carvacrol, the compound in oregano that may help protect against arthritis. Other studies found beneficial antioxidants in oregano that exhibited abilities to slow the growth of certain cancers. The polyphenols may even help reduce a person’s risk of other chronic diseases. It’s a perennial plant that requires natural light. It’s the perfect windowsill plant! Just leave it in the window for six hours a day and make sure the soil is completely dry before you water it. 


Lemongrass has a beautiful, refreshing aroma that is a staple herb in Indian, Caribbean, Chinese, and Brazilian folk medicine. Most modern research focuses on the benefits of lemongrass essential oil, but actual lemongrass helps reduce anxiety, stress, insomnia symptoms, and the duration of colds and flus. You can use it in stocks, soups, or you can brew it into an aromatic tea. Lemongrass thrives in pots, and should be taken indoors during the winter. It has a tendency to take over a garden, so growing it in a pot prevents this. Lemongrass prefers full sun and quick-drying soil. 


It’s common for health care workers in Europe to use thyme in many of their cold & flu products. Studies have shown that thyme has the ability to reduce symptoms of bronchitis, asthma, and even emphysema. Other studies found that thyme exhibited expectorant and antibacterial properties, making it great if you need to rid excess mucus from the body. It’s possible to propagate thyme from cuttings, but it’s easy to purchase a small new plant. Keep it in a small pot in the windowsill so that it gets ample light. You don’t even have to water it a lot because it is drought-resistant. 


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The Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions People Are Making For 2021 Thu, 24 Dec 2020 08:59:00 +0000

Diets and workouts are the list, but what else are people committing to for 2021? Find out the top 10 New Year’s resolutions.


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We’re almost positive that everyone cannot wait to leave 2020 behind. While 2021 will still have remnants of 2020, namely the aftermath of COVID-19, people look to the future for positive change. These changes come in the form of New Year’s resolutions, which are a little different for the upcoming year. 

It may surprise you to find out that weight loss isn’t the top resolution, like it is almost every year. For 2021, polling says that people want to focus more time and effort on mental health and financial stability. In fact, roughly 51% of Americans say that they will set a money resolution for 2021. How very adult of everyone! That’s a great resolution to have as you move forward through life. Taking care of yourself is of the utmost importance, and that’s a common theme for the most popular resolutions. 

#1: Getting Rid Of Debt

In light of COVID-19, many people had to take a good long look at savings and spending habits. The pandemic hit everyone hard, which is why so many people have the goal of getting rid of debt. According to a 2020 study on money resolutions, roughly 53% of people achieved them, which shows promise for 2021. In addition to erasing debt, many people have the goal of raising credit scores and increasing savings. 

#2: Cooking A New Dish Every Week

Since we all had to stay home for so long during the pandemic, many people had to learn how to cook. Some hated every second of cooking, while others embraced new flavors and techniques. Cooking a new dish every week helps expand your palate, and that’s why people want to experiment with new dishes in the coming year. 

#3: Spend Time Away From Your Phone

We’re afraid to ask how many people became more addicted to their phones during 2020. It’s safe to assume that most people resorted to scrolling, swiping, FaceTiming, posting, and more out of boredom. When 2021 rolls around, people want to spend less time on phones to help preserve mental health. If you have an addiction to your phone, try to spend an hour away from your phone every single day. It’ll help bring more awareness to your life.

#4: Finding More Me Time

This is a crazy resolution to have, considering people spent more time alone than ever in 2020. When times are stressful, though, one of the most important things to do is to practice self-care. People want to carve out more time to relax the mind, body, and soul as they move into 2021, and we couldn’t be happier about that. 

#5: Less Time In The Car

In case you didn’t notice, more people started walking around outside in 2020. Some started walking because gyms closed and others did it to preserve mental health. They realized the importance of spending time outside and it had a positive effect on mental and physical health. People are going to walk their way into 2021, which will help cut down on pollution!

#6: No Need For A Gym

Some people love the routine of going to the gym, and that will stay the same, but many others realized that working out from home is very doable. The at-home fitness life elevated during 2020, with people following programs, buying weights or resistance bands, and more. Some people were resourceful and used household items as weights, and it paid off! It’s possible that with continued gym closures well into 2021, people will successfully shape their bodies from home. We’re here for it!

#7: Creating A Cleaning Schedule

The pandemic forced everyone to become a clean freak and germaphobe. This probably helped reduce the risk of transmission within the home. A high percentage of people want to continue the regular cleaning habits they adopted in 2020. Keeping your home clean is work, but it also makes you feel good when you look at a pristine home. 

#8: Drink Less Alcohol

Some people went off the rails and coped with alcohol during 2020, while others resisted the temptation. Excessive drinking contributes to weight gain, and people realized that with the quarantine-15 being a real thing. The goal may not be to go completely sober, but reducing alcohol intake helps to improve skin, mental health, and immune health. It also helps you save money!

#9: Use The Green Thumb

There’s nothing like planting a seed and watching it grow into a beautiful flower, fruit tree, or vine. A lot of people started to garden in 2020, and anyone who dropped in the garden center of a home improvement store saw that. Handling dirt connects you with the earth’s magnetic energy, and the presence of plants in the home can actually calm the autonomic nervous system. Whether people know that or not, the resolution to own more plants is real. Plus, more plants improve the air quality in your home

#10: Be More Social

This is no easy task, given that we’re still living a limited life, but it’s not impossible. There are still plenty of ways to be social without interacting in person. People are social creatures and they’ve definitely felt the results of the pandemic on their mental health. Use technology to your advantage by getting on regular phone calls or Zoom calls. If you feel up to it and take the right precautions, consider meeting a friend or two in an outdoor setting for a socially-distanced hang. People plan to make more of an effort to engage with friends and family as they roll into 2021. 


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Get Your Hands Dirty And Start Gardening To Improve Your Mental Health Tue, 04 Aug 2020 09:05:00 +0000

Research shows that gardening is one of the best ways to improve mental health. See how tending to plants can relieve anxiety and stress.


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Too often do we overlook the simplest things that can have a positive impact on our mental health. People look to self-medicate or seek prescriptions from psychologists to manage mental health disorders. Some people require medication to function, but not everyone wants to tread that path, and they don’t have to. There are many things people can do to maintain mental wellness, and one of the best ways to do so is via gardening.

Researchers determined that spending time outside and in nature is good for the psyche. We’re almost positive that you’ve experienced this on several occasions. A wave of calm comes over you when you start hiking through the forest or when your feet sink into the sand at the beach. You forget about the stressors of life and become present in the moment. The same can be said when you immerse yourself in gardening. In fact, many psychologists often encourage their patients to work in gardens to counteract stress or anxiety.

How Does Gardening Improve Mental Health?

According to mental health professionals, gardening has short-term and long-term benefits. People with anxiety and depression report that gardening helps improve both chronic and acute symptoms. Researchers believe that gardening’s positive impact on mental health disorders is due to the element of nature, which reels us in and keeps our attention without strain. You have to focus hard to input data in a spreadsheet, right? Gardening doesn’t demand that same focus, but you remain focused on what you are doing nonetheless. It’s a form of therapy, if you will.

The Effects Of Gardening On The Mind And Body

The combination of physical activity, the connection with nature, and sunlight is the perfect trifecta for improving mental health. Depending on the intensity of the gardening, it may improve cardiovascular strength. It takes a lot of work to dig, rake, mow the lawn, or trim the hedges. During the COVID-19 pandemic, inactivity is responsible for declining health and weight gain. Being outside and gardening can counteract that inactivity and help take your mind off the current state of the stressful world. Continue reading to see how gardening can further improve your health.

Remaining Mindful

People are distracted all the time, especially by their phones. They have to read the latest email or see the most up-to-date posts on social media. Gardening erases the distractions of life and forces you to be present, which improves your ability to become more mindful in life. Whether you are pruning, weeding, or digging, gardening requires you to focus on the task at hand, putting aside your worries and need to stay connected.

Reducing Stress

Whether you have a small garden bed or a terraced area with a variety of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and herbs, spending time in your garden is a great way to relieve stress. One study examined the moods of people who worked at computers and then gardened. People dramatically reduced stress levels when they gardened, proving that less time in front of a screen is beneficial for mental health. Many researchers connect gardening’s ability to reduce stress levels to the Japanese concept of forest bathing. This practice forces the person to immerse his or herself in natural landscapes. Forest bathing has improved the recovery of people with anxiety, depression, and surgery.

Improving Your Mindset

Gardening is all about trial and error, success and failure. You have to constantly adapt and learn how to optimize the growth of your plants, be that via soil improvement, watering times, sunlight exposure, and pest control. When you garden, you have the opportunity to improve your growth mindset. Things will not always work out in your garden, and you acknowledge these moments as learning opportunities, as opposed to failures. This helps you approach life’s obstacles in the same way. You have to make mistakes in order to learn other valid ways to tackle the task at hand, and the same goes for gardening.

Improving Nutrition

Many people want to garden so that they can eat what they grow. The food you grow doesn’t contain all those pesticides and genetically modified organisms that most inorganic store bought produce contains. Additionally, people who eat more fruits and vegetables are 35% less likely to experience depression, when compared to people who eat minimal amounts of fruits and vegetables. The link between a healthy diet and improved mental health is stronger than people realize. Eating unhealthy, processed foods can increase your risk of anxiety, stress, and depression. Keep growing your food and eating it to maintain optimal mental well-being.


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7 Easy DIY Projects To Keep You Busy During The Pandemic Mon, 03 Aug 2020 08:45:00 +0000

Don’t let time waste away during the pandemic. Take advantage of this free time and let your creative juices run wild with these DIY projects.


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Have you been to a hardware store or home improvement store lately? These stores are filled with people buying various materials, items, or plants to improve their homes. They need to occupy their time with projects, renovations, or other DIY projects that beautify their homes. As it turns out, there are projects you can tackle that won’t break your bank.

You don’t have to live in an extravagant house or have a woodshop to execute small projects. There are little things you can do to your studio, two-bedroom apartment, or four-bedroom house that improve the quality of your home. Don’t worry about heavy machinery; you won’t need those tools for these projects. The following projects are all about simplicity, because the last thing you need during the pandemic is more complication and stress.

Make A Wine Bottle Tiki Torch

This is an extremely easy project, and it’s especially beneficial for warding off mosquitos during these summer months. All you need is couple empty wine bottles, tiki torch fuel, ½”x3/8”copper couplings, ½” Teflon tape, and 3/8” diameter tiki torch wicks. Wrap the ½” side of the copper couplings in Teflon tape. Make sure they fit snuggly in the top of the wine bottles. Fill the wine bottles with tiki torch fuel and then drop the wicks in. Let it soak overnight before lighting the wicks. That’s it!

Grow Some Plants

There are many mental health benefits associated with gardening because it helps you focus and gets you in touch with the earth. Buy a small planter box (or make one if you have the tools) and figure out what you want to grow. Do a little research to find out the best flowers or plants to plant during summer. You may also want to figure out where you will place the planter because some plants require more sunlight than others. You’ll be harvesting your plants or seeing flowers bloom in no time!

DIY Temporary Stained Glass

This is a great art project for the kids, and it’s actually really awesome. Once you make it, you may consider getting a permanent stained glass window! In the meantime, conserve your funds by taping patterns onto a window or sliding glass door with painter’s tape (it peels off easily). Then have your kids color the different shapes with washable markers. They’ll love it!

Paint An Accent Wall

An accent wall makes a room pop! You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to paint a wall either. If you have raised areas from a bad paint job, sand them down before you paint because you will notice them more with color. If you have a white wall, you don’t need to prime the wall. If you have a colored wall, prime the wall with white, allow it to dry, and then paint two to three coats of the color you desire. Make sure to lay down a tarp and tape off the edges.

Hand-Paint Your Throw Pillows

Some people like boring, plain throw pillows, and we have nothing bad to say about them. If you can’t find the patterned pillow you want, paint the pillows yourself! All you need is fabric paint to make your dreams come true. Not only does this give your house and extra homey vibe, but it’s a fun and simple DIY project that’ll make your room pop!

Create A Movie Theater Stand

If you have kids, this is a must-do DIY project. Since you can’t go to a movie theater, create your own movie theater snack bar at home. Cut some paper to create tickets that have the name of the movie that you are about to watch. Go out and buy some striped popcorn tins or paper carriers, buy some movie theater candy, and don’t forget to buy popcorn. If you have a table or counter, arrange everything like a professional snack bar. Make signs that show how much each items costs and give your kids money to spend. Enter the area where you will watch a movie, sit back, relax, and enjoy the movie.

DIY Face Masks

Most public places require you to wear a facial covering for the unforeseeable future, so you need options. You can’t use the same face mask over and over again; that is completely unsanitary. Instead, simply make more masks. Wearing reusable masks is more eco-friendly than buying disposable masks, which should only be worn for a limited amount of time. When it comes to masks, there are many DIY guides for all levels of craftspeople. You don’t even need a sewing machine! Get those masks made and you’ll be grocery shopping in style.


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How To Celebrate Earth Day While Social Distancing Wed, 22 Apr 2020 08:41:21 +0000

Social distancing and coronavirus can't stop Earth Day from happening! Help the future generation by doing your part to care for the environment.


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You can postpone the 2020 Summer Olympics, cancel concerts, and close down some businesses, but you can’t cancel Earth Day, especially not on the 50th anniversary. Even in the midst of a pandemic, it is impossible to silence the importance of climate change and the steps we as the human race can take today for a healthier tomorrow.

Earth Day occurs annually on April 22nd and the theme of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day is: climate action. It is a pressing topic because climate change is one of the biggest threats to the future of humanity. It makes sense, then, that we should do all we can now to make the world a habitable, sustainable place for future generations.

A Brief History Of Earth Day

The first Earth Day took place on April 22nd, 1970. Earth Day was a unified response to oil spills, smog, and polluted rivers around the world. 20 million Americans, which was 10% of the population at the time, took to the streets, college campuses, and more to protest environmental ignorance and demand new strategies to protect the planet moving forward. These mass demonstrations worked because that initial Earth Day helped launch the modern environmental movement. As a result, the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts were established, in addition to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Earth Day 2020

Well, as a result of COVID-19, Earth Day events, festivities, and large gatherings cannot take place. That doesn’t mean that celebrating the planet and educating people about the importance of environmentalism has to cease! We can still engage in activities while practicing social distancing. How do you do that? We have some tips below:

Pick Up Trash

If you’ve visited a grocery store lately, you probably noticed that the parking lot was littered with disposable gloves and face masks. Some lots even look like the aftermath of a zombie raid on a large group of surgeons! If you head out to grocery store, take it upon yourself to walk around the parking lot and pick up all the gloves, masks, and other trash that was wrongfully tossed into the world. Obviously, use gloves to handle the trash and wash your hands when finished.

Start A Vegetable Or Herb Garden

Since most people are spending the majority of their time at home, there’s no better time than the present to start a vegetable or herb garden. There are beginner gardening guides to follow and you don’t need a lot of space either! You can set up a small planter in your windowsill, or get a raised garden bed for your backyard. The possibilities are endless! Make sure to do some research about the best crops to plant during this time for optimal yields.

Plant Flowers

Don’t you want to look outside one day and see that your flowers have bloomed? There’s really no better feeling than seeing all your hard gardening work come to fruition. The flowers will beautify your outdoor space and put a smile on your face.

Bring Your Love Of The Planet Into Your Home

Open the blinds and windows to allow natural light and fresh air into your home. Not only does this brighten your home (meaning you save on electricity by not turning on your lights), but it also gets rid of the stagnant air in the house.

Only Run Full Loads

Whether you are using the washer or dishwasher, you shouldn’t run small loads. When you run full loads, you help conserve water, which is a precious resource on this planet.

If you find another way to celebrate Earth Day this year, please let us know in the comments below.


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Going Stir Crazy? 10 Fun Ideas To Keep You Sane At Home Wed, 15 Apr 2020 09:01:07 +0000

While social distancing can help keep you health and safe, it can make you go crazy. Here are fun ideas to keep you sane during isolation.


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In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, people are being told to stay at home and practice social distancing all around the world. Social distancing and isolation is like a wrench being thrown into the gears of life. This is a new chapter and people are going to have to adjust moving forward, but it’s important to stay home and keep your distance from others right now.

For the most part, people think about all the things they can’t do while social distancing. While you can’t physically hang out with your friends, enjoy a lovely meal at a nice restaurant, go to the movies, or attend a concert, there are many activities you can do while social distancing. If you are feeling inspired and don’t want to sleep or binge shows and movies all day, try engaging in one or more of the following ideas to keep you sane during this time.

Start A Reading Challenge

People don’t read enough anymore. There is so much stimulation that comes from engaging with screens, but sometimes it’s nice to pick up a book and immerse yourself in literature. Since many people thrive off setting goals and meeting them, a reading challenge is a great way to increase literary intake. Many places like Goodreads can help you track reading targets and connect with like-minded readers. If reading isn’t your thing, try listening to an audiobook.

Host A Cook Off

People should theoretically be cooking more during this time. What better way to take on a culinary challenge than to do it with friends over FaceTime or Zoom. Invite friends to use four ingredients, just as they do on Chopped, and make a meal. People can judge based on presentation and creativity because they can’t taste your food. Don’t be afraid to get weird with the ingredients.

Learn A Language

This may be one of the best uses of your time while Safer at Home laws are in place. Many apps and programs, such as Duolingo, can help you learn a new language. Not only does this help you become bilingual, but it keeps the mind active and sharp.

Do An At-Home Workout

You don’t need a gym to engage in physical exercise. With countless YouTube videos and free workout apps, there is no excuse for you to avoid working out. Exercise helps to boost endorphin production, reduce stress levels, and decrease anxiety and depression symptoms. Use FaceTime or Zoom so you and a friend can sweat together!

Do A Crossword Puzzle

Some people think that crossword puzzles are only reserved for older people who still get the paper. Incorporate the crossword into your morning routine. You can sip your morning tea and eat breakfast while doing the crossword. If you need a little help, use Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom to call your friends and knock out the puzzle together.

Organize Old Photos

Feel some feels by going through old photos, provided you are old enough to still have a printed photo collection. Not only is it nostalgic, but it can be inspiring. If you don’t have old photos, consider buying a photo album, printing some of your favorite photos out, and organizing them as you please.

Get Some Cleaning Done

While it isn’t as fun as organizing photos, cleaning house is a necessary part of life. Scientific studies have shown that a cluttered home decreases cognitive function and increases rates of procrastination. Well, there’s no better time than the present to go through your closet, garage, attic, basement, pantry, or under the bed to get rid of things and clean those areas.

Have A Game Night

Whether you are living in a house with roommates or family members, gather the troops to take part in a game night. Dust off some of those old board games, play Pictionary or charades, or use online sources to plan a trivia night.

Take A Virtual Museum Tour

Thanks to Google Arts & Culture, you can tour many of the world’s most renowned museums from the comfort of your couch. See what the Louvre has to offer, visit the Taj Mahal, or browse the collection of art at the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C.

Head To The Garden

If you are lucky enough to have a yard or balcony space, you have the ability start gardening. You can plant herbs or produce items that you can eventually use in your meals. Gardening is a soothing activity and allows you to get in touch with the earth.


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