Oxytocin - Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products https://www.dherbs.com/tag/oxytocin/ Buy the best herbal supplements, natural remedies, and herbal remedies from Dherbs. We're the #1 alternative medicine store online. ✓ Visit and shop now! Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:08:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Top 5 Health Benefits Of Sleeping Naked https://www.dherbs.com/articles/the-top-5-health-benefits-of-sleeping-naked/ Mon, 21 Aug 2023 09:19:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=162256

Sleeping in the nude may promote reproductive health and help you sleep better by keeping you cool. Learn about other health benefits here.


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When it comes to sleeping in your birthday suit, people tend to fall into two categories: for it and against it. Some people only want to sleep nude, while others prefer some protection from loose clothing items. Sleeping nude has somewhat of a taboo status, but it doesn’t always have to be about making love. Through various studies, researchers have found that sleeping nude comes with a number of health benefits.

Sleeping nude can boost several aspects of your health, physically and mentally. It seems strange that such a simple thing can improve your health in several ways. Some of the health benefits are just too good to ignore! Don’t fight the data and consider stripping down to get your snooze on after learning about the following benefits of sleeping nude.

Better Sleep Quality

One thing that everyone can agree on about sleeping nude is that it helps to keep you cool during sleep. Your body temperature plays a big role in how you fall asleep and how long you remain asleep. By cooling down your body, you can improve your overall sleep quality. That said, sleeping nude may not have the best effects if your house is very hot. Sleep experts agree that the ideal sleep environment ranges between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. In fact, a 2012 study confirmed that the temperature of the room where you sleep is one of the most integral components to quality sleep. When you are cool at night, you don’t toss and turn as much, which helps you wake up well rested.

Keeps Your Skin Healthy

Besides enhancing sleep quality, sleeping in the buff may help keep your skin healthy. A small study observed whether or not people with poor sleep experienced a reduced ability to heal from a small wound. Researchers divided the participants into three groups – one group received adequate sleep, one group was sleep deprived, and the third group was sleep deprived but received extra nutrients. The group that slept well experienced quicker recovery from the small wound. This may not have a direct correlation to sleeping nude, but it may indirectly benefit the skin by improving overall sleep quality

Promotes The Release Of Oxytocin

Oxytocin, or the love hormone, can benefit your health in several ways. According to research, oxytocin may help decrease stress levels, lower blood pressure, combat depression, and boost your mood. Sleep studies show that sleeping nude aids the release of oxytocin, and some nighttime cuddles with skin-to-skin contact only produces more oxytocin. A 2014 study observed 1,000 married couples in England. 57% of the couples who slept naked reported a happier feeling in their relationship. On the other hand, 48% of the couples who slept in pajamas reported a similar happy feeling. 15% of the couples who slept in onesies were merely “satisfied” with their partner. Lose the onesie and remove unnecessary clothing to see if that sparks a new fire in your relationship. 

May Improve Testicular Health

If you are a man and want to keep those swimmers as healthy as you can, sleep in the natural state. Some researchers from various universities discovered that wearing boxers during the day and going commando at night improved sperm quality. Researchers studied 500 men, each of whom explained the sleeping habits and attire of their choice for a year. At the end of the study period, the men who followed the “boxer-by-day/nude-by-night” example had a 25% lower rate of damaged DNA in sperm than men who wore tighter underwear all day. 

Reduces Risk Of Yeast Infections

Yeast infections are quite common and they have become easier to treat over the years. They are also avoidable, provided you take the right preventative steps. A yeast infection requires a certain environment in which to thrive, but preventing that environment can eradicate the need for treatment. Sleeping in the nude keeps your body at a cooler temperature, and yeast requires a warm, moist environment for growth. You can help reduce the risk of yeast infections, or prevent them from growing and spreading, by sleeping in your birthday suit.


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Be Thankful: Science Says Gratitude Is Good For Your Health https://www.dherbs.com/articles/be-thankful-science-say-gratitude-is-good-for-your-health/ Mon, 03 Apr 2023 09:14:47 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=157098

Gratitude helps people experience more positive emotions, deal with adversity, and improve their overall health, according to science.


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If a pill could reduce anxiety and depression, improve sleep, boost mood, and enhance immune function, everyone would take it. A quick-fix solution like that is exactly what everyone wants, but such a pill does not exist. Fortunately, you can practice gratitude, which can provide all of those aforementioned health benefits, according to several studies. 

Clinical trials indicate that regularly practicing gratitude can have a long-lasting effects on a person’s well-being. It may help improve immune response, contribute to better sleep, and even lower blood pressure. A recent study found that people who were more grateful had better heart health, specifically less inflammation and better heart rhythms. Another study found that people who kept a gratitude journal had a reduced intake of dietary fats – as much as 25% lower than those who did not keep a gratitude journal. 

What’s The Right Amount Of Gratitude?

You should practice gratitude daily, plain and simple. If that magic pill existed, you’d take it every day, so that’s why gratitude has a place in your everyday life. In fact, starting your day by thinking of someone or something that you’re grateful for can set you on a healthier path. Send a family member or friend a funny text or thoughtful message. Ask your barista how their day is going when you get coffee. At the end of the day, consider writing three things that you appreciate about your life in a gratitude journal

Behavior Changes Biology

Your behavior changes biology, meaning that positive gestures benefit the body. The way this works is that the body releases oxytocin, a hormone that helps connect people. Oxytocin is often referred to as “the love hormone” because it aids better connections. Thanking people for their efforts or who they are also benefits them, as they feel appreciated and valued. Sharing kindness and gratitude can make both partiers happier!

Decrease Stress Levels

According to research, thinking about what you appreciate can trigger the parasympathetic nervous system, the calming part of the nervous system. Researchers note that this can have protective effects on the body, one of which is the reduction in cortisol levels. Cortisol is healthy in certain amounts, but high levels can impair sleep, increase anxiety, and cause overeating, among other things. By reducing cortisol and increasing oxytocin, you ultimately feel more love and have a drive to continue expressing gratitude. 

Increase Positive Emotions

If you want higher levels of positive emotions, including joy, pleasure, happiness, and optimism, gratitude is your ticket. Researchers concur that people who regularly practice gratitude have stronger social relationships and fewer feelings of isolation and loneliness. This may result from being more generous, compassionate, and forgiving. A recent study found that gratitude may also reduce the frequency or duration of depressive episodes. 

Improve Physical Health

In addition to the mental and social benefits, practicing gratitude can also improve physical health. Research studies show that people who practice gratitude are more likely to exercise regularly and take better care of their physical health. These results are consistent among a study of people with neuromuscular disease. Additional studies show that highly gracious people sleep better and have fewer body pains and aches

You can easily practice gratitude in everyday life. There’s no need to dwell on imperfections or negative emotions because recognizing and appreciating what’s around you is more conducive to your mental and physical health. Simple tricks to help practice gratitude every day include:

  • Keeping a gratitude journal
  • Writing thank you notes, texts, emails, or calling people on the phone
  • Starting a gratitude jar to pay it forward
  • Giving mental “thank yous” (to people you aren’t able to acknowledge in other ways)
  • Practice meditation or prayer


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Remind People You Love Them In 6 Simple Ways https://www.dherbs.com/articles/remind-people-you-love-them-in-6-simple-ways/ Fri, 11 Feb 2022 09:05:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=136134

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, which mean love is all around. Remind the people in your life that you love them in 6 simple ways.


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What do you do for Valentine’s Day? Do you go out to eat, plan a romantic evening at home, or attend a concert? Whichever way you spend the day with your significant other is the right way, but you don’t have to limit your love to just one person. Whether you are single or taken, you can show friends or family that you love them with simple actions or gestures. 

Just like relationships, friendships demand nurturing via hard work and dedication. A friendship or platonic relationship needs love too. So how do you remind the people in your life that you love them? When you show that you appreciate the people you love, you strengthen the connections you have. People go through hardships and triumphs with each other, so whether you go out on a date, grab coffee, or simply give a much needed hug, offering love can let people know you’re there for them. 

You don’t need big gestures and you don’t have to empty your bank account on a gift to remind someone you love them. There are much simpler ways that are often times more meaningful. We’ve highlighted simple ways to show your love, but let us know how you do it in the comments below. 

Send A Card

The written word can be very powerful, and it’s an underutilized (some might say forgotten) way of expressing love. You don’t need an elaborate essay that explains your history and shared love; rather, a simple reminder is all that’s necessary. Sending a card in the mail, or delivery a card in-person, is an easy way to make someone feel special. 

Make The Call

In keeping with the outdated or forgotten ways of communication, give the person you love a phone call. You don’t need a reason to call other than to hear the sound of their voice and ask how they are doing. Listening to someone, finding out about their day, or learning about the new goings-on in their life can mean the world. Pick up the phone and dial that number! If you haven’t seen them because of the pandemic, consider using FaceTime so you can see each other. 

Turn On Your Listening Ears

People know when you aren’t fully listening. If you’re talking on with someone and scrolling through Instagram, you may only retain bits and pieces of what they say. Leave the phones out of it and invest yourself in the conversation. Ask questions, be they silly, deep, fun, or hypothetical. Get to know your significant other or friend on a deeper level. They may divulge information about a father who is struggling with addiction, or even a sibling that is thriving at a new job. Listen closely and they’ll appreciate you for being there. That’s love, people. 

Speak Their Love Language

What does it mean to speak someone’s love language? For one person, that could mean cuddling on the couch and talking in quiet voices. Another person’s love language may be a Sunday brunch date. You have several ways to experience, give, and receive love through quality time, words of affirmation, physical touch, gifts, and acts of service. Establish what your love languages are and engage in them together. You may just need to listen to an audiobook while completing a puzzle!

Send An “I Love You” Text

“I love you” is universal and you can share those words with anyone you love. You don’t just have to send these three words to significant others because friends deserve them too. A random “I love you” text shows affection and can make your friends feel warm and fuzzy. They may need to hear those words and all you have to do is send them out of the blue. It shows that you are thinking about them and will probably put a smile on their face.

Treat Them To A Meal

Sharing food is a beautiful way to spend time together, especially if it’s a memorable meal. Volunteer to take your partner or friend out for dinner and watch them light up. It may not seem like a big gesture, but it can mean the world to someone. If you can’t make the plan to go out for a meal, consider dropping lunch by your friend’s/partner’s office. The possibilities are endless!


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7 Health Benefits Of Having An Orgasm https://www.dherbs.com/articles/7-health-benefits-of-having-an-orgasm/ Mon, 03 Jan 2022 09:09:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=133862

Want to boost immune function, improve your mood, and strengthen relationships? Learn about the health benefits of having an orgasm.


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People know about the feel-good benefits of the big O, but the aftereffects positively affect the mind and body. Peaking, climaxing, or having an orgasm by yourself or with a partner may be your new prescription for better health. In fact, many doctors agree that having regular orgasms is one of the best practices for self-care and stress management. 

When the body releases hormones like oxytocin, it’s much easier to manage a hectic schedule. Oxytocin is a bonding hormone that helps to combat cortisol, the stress hormone, which can make you feel tired, stressed, or even old. This hormone also belongs to myriad physiological functions in the body, especially during sexual activity. Not only does it aid with social bonding and maternal behavior, but it also contributes to healthy penile erection and uterine contraction. 

How do you release more oxytocin? Well, women release oxytocin during childbirth and breastfeeding, but you don’t have to get pregnant to release oxytocin. You can have an orgasm! Continue reading to learn about seven health benefits of having the big O!

You May Live Longer

Is this the ultimate benefit to climaxing? A 10-year study in South Wales examined the relationship between orgasm frequency and mortality in middle-aged men. The organizers of the study asked the men about their physical health in addition to the frequency of orgasms. At the end of the study, participants who had two or more orgasms per week had a 50% lower mortality risk than those who climaxed less often. There are other studies that indicate female longevity as a result of climaxing regularly. 

Women May Improve Menstrual Cycles

Many studies found that women who are not as sexually active have shorter menstrual cycles. This is a potential indicator of low progesterone with estrogen dominance, creating weight loss resistance and frequent mood swings. Other studies concluded that sexually active women are more likely to have normal, healthy menstrual cycles. If irregular cycles stem from low sex drive, orgasms may not positively affect the cycle. 

Better Body Connection

When you have an orgasm, especially by yourself, it’s easy to build a healthier connection with your body. Giving yourself permission to touch your genitals is an opportunity to connect with the body. You can also spot any changes on your genitals, making you more aware of genital health. When you experience an orgasm, you establish more comfort with your body. This can help you with partners, or even when you receive a pelvic exam or physical. 

You May Improve Sleep

Many people find that regular orgasms promote better sleep, making them a great addition to bedtime routines. When your body climaxes, a series of hormones circulate in your system and induce a similar effect to progressive muscle relaxation. This is a technique that involves tightly clenching muscle groups and then releasing them, and relieving tension may be one of the best ways to improve sleep. The release of oxytocin also helps reduce stress, making it easier to catch more zzz’s. Orgasms also release vasopressin, which accompanies the release or melatonin.

You May Improve Circulation

The majority of people sit for up to eight hours a day, especially those who are in an office setting. In addition to muscle imbalance, a sedentary lifestyle can decrease pelvic circulation. One way to increase circulation to the pelvic area is through regular orgasms, which work to distribute nutrients and hormones where the body needs them. You can also perform other exercises to help promote circulation to the pelvic area. Some of these include squats, taking standing breaks, or even hula hooping. 

Better Immune Function

According to a meta-analysis of over 300 studies over a 30-year period, chronic stress impairs immune function. Reduced immune function means that you’re more prone to bouts of colds and flu. Orgasms release feel-good hormones that help counteract stress hormones, which contributes to better immune function. 

You’ll Improve Your Mood

Well, anyone who has experienced an orgasm knows that you feel happier after. It’s nice to have scientific data to back up why this happens, though. One study monitored the mood, sexuality, and menstrual cycle of 4,000 women. The researchers found a strong connection between sexual interest and better well-being. Women with higher sense of well-being had a stronger sex drive and better quality of life. 

A friendly reminder that you do not need a partner to reap the benefits of an orgasm. That is all.


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5 Quick Tips To Beat Holiday Stress https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-quick-tips-to-beat-holiday-stress/ Thu, 02 Dec 2021 08:30:11 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=120058

Be sure to take some time for self-care during the holidays. Set boundaries, avoid conflict, and watch what you eat to beat holiday stress.


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’Tis the season of giving, and love and merriment should fill the air. If that’s the case, why do the holidays push you to your limits, stressing you out like never before? During the holidays, people often resort to bad habits like eating excess sugar, overdosing on caffeine, and being too indulgent with booze. Add all of that to the heightened emotions that surround the holidays and you get the perfect recipe for stress. 

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), roughly 50% of all adult women in the United States experience more stress during the holidays than they do the rest of the year. Additionally, roughly 41% of adult women turn to food for comfort, while 28% of women seek comfort in alcohol. Part of this stress comes from worrying about money, making sure that everything is perfect, and attempting to smooth family relations. 

The Holidays During COVID-19

For the most part, the 2021 holiday season should be less stressful. If you’ve been following health guidelines and taking care of your health, you should be fine to travel and visit with family that you may not have seen last year. With a new variant on the horizon, it may only enhance the stress that tends to accompany the holidays. You are not alone in this fight against stress, though, and we have six great tips to beat stress this holiday season

6 Tips To Beat Holiday Stress

#1: Know Your Spending Limit

You don’t want to max out your card or drain your checking or savings account during the holidays. At the same time, the holidays are notorious for money problems, which cause the most amount of stress. It’s essential to set a budget, but you have to respect it. You can’t set aside holiday spending money and exceed that limit just because you want to. It’s okay to be conservative with your funds. Consider making gifts from scratch to avoid spending a lot on miscellaneous stuff.

#2: Squeeze The Hegu Spot

Acupressure is the practice of applying pressure to specific points on the body that trigger internal responses. To aid stress reduction, you need to apply pressure to the hegu spot, which is between the thumb and index finger. Apply firm pressure in this area for 30 seconds to help reduce stress and upper body tension. Make sure to breathe deeply while squeezing this area. 

#3: Out With The Old

Because of COVID-19, your holiday season may not look the same. That’s perfectly fine! It may be frustrating to not spend time with family, but holidays don’t have to look the same this year. More often than not, it’s beneficial to welcome new ways of celebrating. Leave the traditions of old behind this year and enjoy the present. Many psychologists recommend that people start new traditions this year, which will focus your attention on positivity, instead of negativity and longing.

#4: Be Realistic

Once you accept that the perfect holiday celebration doesn’t exist, life is a dream. Don’t concern yourself with what society and commercials deem as the perfect holiday setup. Make the holidays special for your family. Once you start comparing your holiday situation to the rest of the world, you’ll see the tidal wave of stress on the horizon. Let this year be a chance to focus on love, generosity, and fun within your household and your stress will melt away.

#5: Say Yes To Sex

You didn’t think that this would be the final recommendation for reducing holiday stress, did you? As it turns out, health experts say that a good old-fashioned roll in the hay with your loved one gets rid of your stress. Additionally, it works to boost endorphin production and raise levels of oxytocin, which helps promote better sleep. Sex is also a great way to boost self-esteem. 

Don’t let the world dictate your holiday season. Make it special with your family and you will have a stress-free holiday season. Don’t forget that it’s all about love and spending time together. 


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The Power Of Pets: 4 Ways They Improve Mental Health https://www.dherbs.com/articles/the-power-of-pets-4-ways-they-improve-mental-health/ Fri, 18 Sep 2020 08:56:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=116682

So many things in life cause anxiety, stress, and depression. Recent studies found that pets may help to improve mental health.


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We are living in uncertain times. There’s a global pandemic, a looming election, several natural disasters, police brutality, and economic recessions. Social media and technology are both a blessing and a curse because they keep us informed, but they keep us too informed. We never get a break and can develop feelings of insignificance, depression, loneliness, anxiety, and stress as a result. 

There is no magical antidote to fix all the problems of the world, and there isn’t one to immediately fix your mental health. That being said, new research found that having a pet is one of the best ways to reduce anxiety, depression, and stress. Human-animal interaction is powerful and it may counteract the psychological distress, which has increased dramatically  over the past three months.

How Do Pets Improve Mental Health

Roughly 68% of American households have have pets, but that doesn’t mean that all of those people are stress-free. The NIH found that different animals, from fish to cats and dogs to guinea pigs, help reduce cortisol levels and blood pressure. While regular human-animal interaction can boost your mood and reduce anxiety, there’s no one way that pets can improve mental health. Pets benefit people in different ways, and you can see how if you keep reading. 

Pets Help With Depression

Dogs seem to understand you on an emotional level. They know when to comfort you, but they also help to motivate you when you’re feeling down. Depression can overwhelm the body, and you may not want to step out of your home as a result. If you have a dog, though, you need to walk it! You put your dog’s needs ahead of your own and caring for it gives your day purpose and reward. Some people may even find that dogs help them get out of a depressive slump and inspire creativity. 

Pets Encourage An Active Lifestyle

To piggyback on the previous tip, dogs get you out of the house and increase your physical activity. Whether you go to the dog park, go on hikes, or walk around the neighborhood daily, having a dog keeps you active. Studies show that increased exercise or physical activity helps to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. Additionally, being out in nature with your pet helps to reduce stress levels. Dog walking is great cardiovascular exercise and can improve the function of the sympathetic nervous system, reduce blood pressure, and decrease the risk of obesity.

Pets Diversify Your Microbiome

More and more research points to a strong connection between the gut and brain. An unhealthy gut can increase your risk cognitive decline, depression, or anxiety. More recent studies found that children who grow up with pets, particularly dogs, have a lower risk of developing autoimmune disorders, including allergies and asthma. The reason for this is because pets bring in diverse microbes from the outside world into the home. One study found that dog owners had an additional 56 classes of bacterial species in their gut, when compared to non-dog owners. Another study found that increasing the diversity of bacteria in the gut has a major influence on overall health and immune function.

Pets Lower Stress And Anxiety

When you spend a lot of time with animals, you help to naturally increase the production of oxytocin, a calming endorphin that improves relaxation and trust. This happens whether you smother a cat with love or lock eyes with a dog as you pass it on the street. The constant presence of animals can actually comfort and support people with anxiety. One study found that pets provide a sense of stability and security, emotionally supporting owners with long-term mental health conditions. A 2019 study found that 10 minutes with a pet can lower your cortisol levels!


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The Benefits Of Oxytocin (The Love Hormone) https://www.dherbs.com/articles/the-benefits-of-oxytocin-the-love-hormone/ Tue, 28 Jan 2020 09:00:37 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=105507

Known as the love hormone, oxytocin is activated by positive interactions and it helps with social bonding and reducing stress levels.


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Oxytocin has been heavily studied within the past 40 years because of the way it influences psychological behavior and physical responses. It is a hormone that humans and other mammals produce, and it has been nicknamed “the love hormone.” It assists with building relationships, childbirth, social bonding, and breastfeeding.

What Is Oxytocin?

The American Psychological Association released information that oxytocin is dependent on social changes. The influence originates in the brain, specifically in the hypothalamus, and transfers to the pituitary gland, where it gets released into the bloodstream. Think of oxytocin receptors like antennas that pick up signals of positive social interactions or stressful experiences. One psychologist at the University of California, San Francisco said that it helps create feelings of calm or closeness.

It’s Not Just For Women!

Despite the theory that it was a feminine hormone, research has shown that men also produce oxytocin. This theory was based on the relationship between oxytocin and breastfeeding and labor. While it assists with male and female reproduction, men benefit from the fact that oxytocin supports motility of sperm and testosterone in the testicles.

Why Is It Called The Love Hormone?

Funny you should ask…Well, it’s not really funny; rather, oxytocin is responsible for certain aspects of sexual pleasure and social bonding. Oxytocin is released during situations that make us feel connected, safe, or happy, and it gets released with similar hormones known as dopamine and serotonin. New research has also indicated that higher levels of oxytocin bring about feelings of security and calm, assisting with keeping people monogamous in relationships. These findings came from studies that revealed oxytocin’s ability to increase feelings of trustworthiness and joy.

Benefits Of Oxytocin

Reduces Stress

Recent studies have found that people in negative or unhealthy relationships have higher levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) and oxytocin. A controlled study administered oxytocin supplements to see if they would reduce stress-induced reactions. The findings revealed that oxytocin works to protect the nervous system from shutting down in stressful situations. It also acts as a natural buffer to help people make rational decisions when they are stressed.

Facilitates Childbirth & Breastfeeding

Oxytocin is most understood in this role, because the body releases large amounts of oxytocin during labor. This intensifies uterine contractions and allows the baby to pass through the birth canal. Doctors have been administering synthetic oxytocin to women in labor to encourage labor since the early 1900s. The body continues to stimulate uterine contractions after birth to reduce hemorrhaging. Oxytocin is also released during breastfeeding because nerves in the nipples send signals to the pituitary gland to produce more of the hormone, facilitating with the release of breast milk.

Improves Social Skills

A 2013 study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences revealed that higher oxytocin levels improved interactive and social abilities of people with autism. This study examined that people with developmental disorders or autism had reduced oxytocin levels. The difficulty to communicate effectively may be attributed to lower levels of oxytocin, which is why supplementation via an inhaler has been encouraged.

Helps Build Relationships

Higher levels of oxytocin have been proven to promote calm, positive feelings, which in turn assists with positive social behavior. Oxytocin levels also seem to rise during social contact, or even in anticipation of social contact or interaction, for example, throwing a party or getting ready for a date. This hormone makes you want to socialize and seek out positive relationships, and the benefit is that these interactions increase oxytocin production.


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Let It All Out For National Nude Day https://www.dherbs.com/articles/general-topics/let-it-all-out-for-national-nude-day/ Tue, 14 Jul 2020 08:15:03 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=83080

Don’t be ashamed of your body. You are beautiful. Strip down and embrace your nudity for National Nude Day.


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If you aren’t already naked while reading this, you’ve made mistakes one, two and three. Strip down and get comfy while you peruse this article.

Yes, there really is such a thing as National Nude Day, which occurs annually on July 14th. While being naked in public is frowned upon, according to societal norms, stripping down to your birthday suit is surprisingly beneficial for your health. People get frustrated when their children decide to take off their clothes and run around. As it turns out, children are on to something.

While 2020 has been less than an ideal year, the safer-at-home laws work in your favor for National Nude Day. If you are working from home, chilling at home, sunbathing in your backyard, or napping at home, take those clothes off and be free. Let the free love spirit of the 1960s wash over your being and celebrate your body, including all the imperfections because they make you beautiful and unique.

Nude Fact: Benjamin Franklin liked to enjoy time in his birthday suit. He supposedly took baths by his open window and air-dried to connect with the elements.

According to research, time spent in the nude is associated with an increase in self-confidence. The body likes being naked, which must be why going nude has a variety of health benefits. While you shouldn’t need a reason to let it all out, a few benefits of being nude are detailed below.

Increased Fertility For Men

A 2015 study found that men, who wore boxer shorts during the day and went to bed in the nude, had lower levels of damaged DNA in sperm compared to men who wore tight underwear all day and at night. Don’t keep your junk under wraps, gentlemen. Let it all hang out…and down.

Better Sleep

Speaking of sleeping naked, being in the nude helps to lower your body temperature, which helps you fall asleep. A slightly lower body temperature can reduce the amount of times you wake up at night, and eases you into a healthier night’s sleep. Given that it is hot during the summer, try shedding those nighttime layers and sleep naked.

Healthier Private Parts

Whether you are a man or woman, being naked allows your privates the chance breathe. Tight clothing and synthetic fabric can lead to rashes, clogged pores, or irritated skin. Sleeping with underwear on, for instance, can create a moist environment in your private area. This can lead to jock itch or yeast infections because the sweat can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Air out your downstairs by sleeping naked.

Better Bond With Your Partner

Upon entering the world, babies crave skin-to-skin contact. According to Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, newborns that have skin-to-skin contact with their mothers directly after birth have a better transition from fetal to newborn life. They have better glucose stability, they cry less, and their breathing is better. Adults can also have skin-to-skin contact to help decrease stress levels. This action also releases oxytocin, which is a chemical that helps to maintain intimate relationships.


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